Наследование: RockBoundField
Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            _hfExpanded = new HiddenFieldWithClass();
            _hfExpanded.ID       = this.ID + "_hfExpanded";
            _hfExpanded.CssClass = "filter-expanded";
            _hfExpanded.Value    = "False";

            _hfActivityTypeGuid = new HiddenField();
            _hfActivityTypeGuid.ID = this.ID + "_hfActivityTypeGuid";

            _lblActivityTypeName = new Label();
            _lblActivityTypeName.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblActivityTypeName.ID           = this.ID + "_lblActivityTypeName";

            _lblActivityTypeDescription = new Label();
            _lblActivityTypeDescription.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblActivityTypeDescription.ID           = this.ID + "_lblActivityTypeDescription";

            _lblInactive = new Label();
            _lblInactive.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblInactive.ID           = this.ID + "_lblInactive";
            _lblInactive.CssClass     = "pull-right";
            _lblInactive.Text         = "<span class='label label-danger'>Inactive</span>";

            _lbDeleteActivityType = new LinkButton();
            _lbDeleteActivityType.CausesValidation = false;
            _lbDeleteActivityType.ID       = this.ID + "_lbDeleteActivityType";
            _lbDeleteActivityType.CssClass = "btn btn-xs btn-square btn-danger js-activity-delete";
            _lbDeleteActivityType.Click   += lbDeleteActivityType_Click;
            _lbDeleteActivityType.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl {
                Text = "<i class='fa fa-times'></i>"

            _sbSecurity = new SecurityButton();
            _sbSecurity.ID = this.ID + "_sbSecurity";
            _sbSecurity.Attributes["class"] = "btn btn-security btn-xs security pull-right";
            _sbSecurity.EntityTypeId        = EntityTypeCache.Get(typeof(Rock.Model.WorkflowActivityType)).Id;

            _cbActivityTypeIsActive = new RockCheckBox {
                Text = "Active"
            _cbActivityTypeIsActive.ID = this.ID + "_cbActivityTypeIsActive";
            string checkboxScriptFormat = @"
    if ($(this).is(':checked')) {{ 
    else {{ 

            _cbActivityTypeIsActive.InputAttributes.Add("onclick", string.Format(checkboxScriptFormat, _lblInactive.ID, this.ID + "_section"));

            _tbActivityTypeName = new RockTextBox();
            _tbActivityTypeName.ID                   = this.ID + "_tbActivityTypeName";
            _tbActivityTypeName.Label                = "Name";
            _tbActivityTypeName.Required             = true;
            _tbActivityTypeName.Attributes["onblur"] = string.Format("javascript: $('#{0}').text($(this).val());", _lblActivityTypeName.ID);

            _tbActivityTypeDescription = new RockTextBox();
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.ID                   = this.ID + "_tbActivityTypeDescription";
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.Label                = "Description";
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.TextMode             = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.Rows                 = 2;
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.Attributes["onblur"] = string.Format("javascript: $('#{0}').text($(this).val());", _lblActivityTypeDescription.ID);

            _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow = new RockCheckBox {
                Text = "Activated with Workflow"
            _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow.ID = this.ID + "_cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow";
            checkboxScriptFormat = @"
    if ($(this).is(':checked')) {{ 
    else {{ 
            _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow.InputAttributes.Add("onclick", string.Format(checkboxScriptFormat, this.ID + "_section"));

            _lbAddActionType = new LinkButton();
            _lbAddActionType.ID               = this.ID + "_lbAddAction";
            _lbAddActionType.CssClass         = "btn btn-xs btn-action add-action";
            _lbAddActionType.Click           += lbAddActionType_Click;
            _lbAddActionType.CausesValidation = false;
            _lbAddActionType.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl {
                Text = "<i class='fa fa-plus'></i> Add Action"

            _pwAttributes = new PanelWidget();
            _pwAttributes.ID       = this.ID + "_pwAttributes";
            _pwAttributes.Title    = "Activity Attributes";
            _pwAttributes.CssClass = "attribute-panel";

            _gAttributes = new Grid();
            _gAttributes.ID          = this.ID + "_gAttributes";
            _gAttributes.AllowPaging = false;
            _gAttributes.DisplayType = GridDisplayType.Light;
            _gAttributes.RowItemText = "Activity Attribute";
            _gAttributes.DataKeyNames        = new string[] { "Guid" };
            _gAttributes.Actions.ShowAdd     = true;
            _gAttributes.Actions.AddClick   += gAttributes_Add;
            _gAttributes.GridRebind         += gAttributes_Rebind;
            _gAttributes.GridReorder        += gAttributes_Reorder;
            _gAttributes.ShowActionsInHeader = false;

            var reorderField = new ReorderField();


            var nameField = new BoundField();

            nameField.DataField  = "Name";
            nameField.HeaderText = "Attribute";

            var descField = new BoundField();

            descField.DataField  = "Description";
            descField.HeaderText = "Description";

            var fieldTypeField = new BoundField();

            fieldTypeField.DataField  = "FieldType";
            fieldTypeField.HeaderText = "Field Type";

            var reqField = new BoolField();

            reqField.DataField  = "IsRequired";
            reqField.HeaderText = "Required";

            var editField = new EditField();

            editField.Click += gAttributes_Edit;

            var delField = new DeleteField();

            delField.Click += gAttributes_Delete;
Пример #2
        private void AddGridColumns(DataTable dataTable)
            int rowsToEval = 10;
            if ( dataTable.Rows.Count < 10 )
                rowsToEval = dataTable.Rows.Count;

            foreach(DataColumn dtColumn in dataTable.Columns)
                BoundField bf = new BoundField();

                if ( dtColumn.DataType == typeof( Boolean ) )
                    bf = new BoolField();

                if ( dtColumn.DataType == typeof( DateTime ) )
                    bf = new DateField();

                    for ( int i = 0; i < rowsToEval; i++ )
                        object dateObj = dataTable.Rows[i][dtColumn];
                        if ( dateObj is DateTime )
                            DateTime dateTime = (DateTime)dateObj;
                            if ( dateTime.TimeOfDay.Seconds != 0 )
                                bf = new DateTimeField();

                bf.DataField = dtColumn.ColumnName;
                bf.SortExpression = dtColumn.ColumnName;
                bf.HeaderText = dtColumn.ColumnName.SplitCase();
                gReport.Columns.Add( bf );
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            _hfExpanded = new HiddenFieldWithClass();
            Controls.Add( _hfExpanded );
            _hfExpanded.ID = this.ID + "_hfExpanded";
            _hfExpanded.CssClass = "filter-expanded";
            _hfExpanded.Value = "False";

            _hfFormGuid = new HiddenField();
            Controls.Add( _hfFormGuid );
            _hfFormGuid.ID = this.ID + "_hfFormGuid";

            _hfFormId = new HiddenField();
            Controls.Add( _hfFormId );
            _hfFormId.ID = this.ID + "_hfFormId";

            _lblFormName = new Label();
            Controls.Add( _lblFormName );
            _lblFormName.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblFormName.ID = this.ID + "_lblFormName";

            _lbDeleteForm = new LinkButton();
            Controls.Add( _lbDeleteForm );
            _lbDeleteForm.CausesValidation = false;
            _lbDeleteForm.ID = this.ID + "_lbDeleteForm";
            _lbDeleteForm.CssClass = "btn btn-xs btn-danger js-activity-delete";
            _lbDeleteForm.Click += lbDeleteForm_Click;
            _lbDeleteForm.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl { Text = "<i class='fa fa-times'></i>" } );

            _tbFormName = new RockTextBox();
            Controls.Add( _tbFormName );
            _tbFormName.ID = this.ID + "_tbFormName";
            _tbFormName.Label = "Form Name";
            _tbFormName.Required = true;
            _tbFormName.Attributes["onblur"] = string.Format( "javascript: $('#{0}').text($(this).val());", _lblFormName.ID );

            _gFields = new Grid();
            Controls.Add( _gFields );
            _gFields.ID = this.ID + "_gFields";
            _gFields.AllowPaging = false;
            _gFields.DisplayType = GridDisplayType.Light;
            _gFields.RowItemText = "Field";
            _gFields.AddCssClass( "field-grid" );
            _gFields.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Guid" };
            _gFields.Actions.ShowAdd = true;
            _gFields.Actions.AddClick += gFields_Add;
            _gFields.GridRebind += gFields_Rebind;
            _gFields.GridReorder += gFields_Reorder;

            var reorderField = new ReorderField();
            _gFields.Columns.Add( reorderField );

            var nameField = new BoundField();
            nameField.DataField = "Name";
            nameField.HeaderText = "Field";
            _gFields.Columns.Add( nameField );

            var sourceField = new EnumField();
            sourceField.DataField = "FieldSource";
            sourceField.HeaderText = "Source";
            _gFields.Columns.Add( sourceField );

            var typeField = new FieldTypeField();
            typeField.DataField = "FieldType";
            typeField.HeaderText = "Type";
            _gFields.Columns.Add( typeField );

            var isInternalField = new BoolField();
            isInternalField.DataField = "IsInternal";
            isInternalField.HeaderText = "Internal";
            _gFields.Columns.Add( isInternalField );

            var isSharedValueField = new BoolField();
            isSharedValueField.DataField = "IsSharedValue";
            isSharedValueField.HeaderText = "Common";
            _gFields.Columns.Add( isSharedValueField );

            var showCurrentValueField = new BoolField();
            showCurrentValueField.DataField = "ShowCurrentValue";
            showCurrentValueField.HeaderText = "Use Current Value";
            _gFields.Columns.Add( showCurrentValueField );

            var isRequiredField = new BoolField();
            isRequiredField.DataField = "IsRequired";
            isRequiredField.HeaderText = "Required";
            _gFields.Columns.Add( isRequiredField );

            var isGridField = new BoolField();
            isGridField.DataField = "IsGridField";
            isGridField.HeaderText = "Show on Grid";
            _gFields.Columns.Add( isGridField );

            var editField = new EditField();
            editField.Click += gFields_Edit;
            _gFields.Columns.Add( editField );

            var delField = new DeleteField();
            delField.Click += gFields_Delete;
            _gFields.Columns.Add( delField );
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the grid columns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable">The data table.</param>
        private void AddGridColumns( Grid grid, DataTable dataTable )
            bool showColumns = GetAttributeValue( "ShowColumns" ).AsBoolean();
            var columnList = GetAttributeValue( "Columns" ).SplitDelimitedValues().ToList();

            int rowsToEval = 10;
            if ( dataTable.Rows.Count < 10 )
                rowsToEval = dataTable.Rows.Count;


            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( grid.PersonIdField ) )
                grid.Columns.Add( new SelectField() );

            GridFilterColumnLookup = new Dictionary<Control, string>();

            foreach ( DataColumn dataTableColumn in dataTable.Columns )
                if ( columnList.Count > 0 &&
                    ( ( showColumns && !columnList.Contains( dataTableColumn.ColumnName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ||
                        ( !showColumns && columnList.Contains( dataTableColumn.ColumnName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ) )

                BoundField bf = new BoundField();
                var splitCaseName = dataTableColumn.ColumnName.SplitCase();

                if ( dataTableColumn.DataType == typeof( bool ) )
                    bf = new BoolField();

                    if ( GridFilter != null )
                        var id = "ddl" + dataTableColumn.ColumnName.RemoveSpecialCharacters();

                        var filterControl = new RockDropDownList()
                            Label = splitCaseName,
                            ID = id

                        GridFilterColumnLookup.Add( filterControl, dataTableColumn.ColumnName );

                        filterControl.Items.Add( BoolToString( null ) );
                        filterControl.Items.Add( BoolToString( true ) );
                        filterControl.Items.Add( BoolToString( false ) );
                        GridFilter.Controls.Add( filterControl );

                        var value = GridFilter.GetUserPreference( id );

                        if ( value != null )
                            filterControl.SetValue( value );
                else if ( dataTableColumn.DataType == typeof( DateTime ) )
                    bf = new DateField();

                    for ( int i = 0; i < rowsToEval; i++ )
                        object dateObj = dataTable.Rows[i][dataTableColumn];
                        if ( dateObj is DateTime )
                            DateTime dateTime = ( DateTime ) dateObj;
                            if ( dateTime.TimeOfDay.Seconds != 0 )
                                bf = new DateTimeField();

                    if ( GridFilter != null )
                        var id = "drp" + dataTableColumn.ColumnName.RemoveSpecialCharacters();

                        var filterControl = new DateRangePicker()
                            Label = splitCaseName,
                            ID = id,

                        GridFilterColumnLookup.Add( filterControl, dataTableColumn.ColumnName );

                        GridFilter.Controls.Add( filterControl );

                        var value = GridFilter.GetUserPreference( id );

                        if ( value != null )
                            DateTime upper;
                            DateTime lower;

                            if ( DateRangePicker.TryParse( value, out lower, out upper ) )
                                filterControl.LowerValue = lower;
                                filterControl.UpperValue = upper;
                    bf.HtmlEncode = false;

                    if ( GridFilter != null )
                        var id = "tb" + dataTableColumn.ColumnName.RemoveSpecialCharacters();
                        var filterControl = new RockTextBox()
                            Label = splitCaseName,
                            ID = id

                        GridFilterColumnLookup.Add( filterControl, dataTableColumn.ColumnName );

                        GridFilter.Controls.Add( filterControl );
                        var key = filterControl.ID;
                        var value = GridFilter.GetUserPreference( key );

                        if ( value != null )
                            filterControl.Text = value;

                bf.DataField = dataTableColumn.ColumnName;
                bf.SortExpression = dataTableColumn.ColumnName;
                bf.HeaderText = splitCaseName;
                grid.Columns.Add( bf );
        protected void AddDynamicControls( ContentChannel channel)
            // Remove all columns

            if ( channel != null )
                // Add Title column
                var titleField = new BoundField();
                titleField.DataField = "Title";
                titleField.HeaderText = "Title";
                titleField.SortExpression = "Title";
                gContentChannelItems.Columns.Add( titleField );

                // Add Attribute columns
                int entityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.ContentChannelItem ) ).Id;
                string channelId = channel.Id.ToString();
                string channelTypeId = channel.ContentChannelTypeId.ToString();
                foreach ( var attribute in AvailableAttributes )
                    var control = attribute.FieldType.Field.FilterControl( attribute.QualifierValues, "filter_" + attribute.Id.ToString(), false, Rock.Reporting.FilterMode.SimpleFilter );
                    if ( control != null )
                        if ( control is IRockControl )
                            var rockControl = (IRockControl)control;
                            rockControl.Label = attribute.Name;
                            rockControl.Help = attribute.Description;
                            phAttributeFilters.Controls.Add( control );
                            var wrapper = new RockControlWrapper();
                            wrapper.ID = control.ID + "_wrapper";
                            wrapper.Label = attribute.Name;
                            wrapper.Controls.Add( control );
                            phAttributeFilters.Controls.Add( wrapper );

                        string savedValue = gfFilter.GetUserPreference( MakeKeyUniqueToChannel( channel.Id, attribute.Key ) );
                        if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( savedValue ) )
                                var values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<string>>( savedValue );
                                attribute.FieldType.Field.SetFilterValues( control, attribute.QualifierValues, values );
                                // intentionally ignore

                    string dataFieldExpression = attribute.Key;
                    bool columnExists = gContentChannelItems.Columns.OfType<AttributeField>().FirstOrDefault( a => a.DataField.Equals( dataFieldExpression ) ) != null;
                    if ( !columnExists )
                        AttributeField boundField = new AttributeField();
                        boundField.DataField = dataFieldExpression;
                        boundField.HeaderText = attribute.Name;
                        boundField.SortExpression = string.Empty;
                        boundField.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = attribute.FieldType.Field.AlignValue;
                        gContentChannelItems.Columns.Add( boundField );

                if ( channel.ContentChannelType.IncludeTime )
                    // Add Start column
                    var startField = new DateTimeField();
                    startField.DataField = "StartDateTime";
                    startField.HeaderText = channel.ContentChannelType.DateRangeType == ContentChannelDateType.DateRange ? "Start" : "Date";
                    startField.SortExpression = "StartDateTime";
                    gContentChannelItems.Columns.Add( startField );

                    // Expire column
                    if ( channel.ContentChannelType.DateRangeType == ContentChannelDateType.DateRange )
                        var expireField = new DateTimeField();
                        expireField.DataField = "ExpireDateTime";
                        expireField.HeaderText = "Expire";
                        expireField.SortExpression = "ExpireDateTime";
                        gContentChannelItems.Columns.Add( expireField );
                    // Add Start column
                    var startField = new DateField();
                    startField.DataField = "StartDateTime";
                    startField.HeaderText = channel.ContentChannelType.DateRangeType == ContentChannelDateType.DateRange ? "Start" : "Date";
                    startField.SortExpression = "StartDateTime";
                    gContentChannelItems.Columns.Add( startField );

                    // Expire column
                    if ( channel.ContentChannelType.DateRangeType == ContentChannelDateType.DateRange )
                        var expireField = new DateField();
                        expireField.DataField = "ExpireDateTime";
                        expireField.HeaderText = "Expire";
                        expireField.SortExpression = "ExpireDateTime";
                        gContentChannelItems.Columns.Add( expireField );

                // Priority column
                var priorityField = new BoundField();
                priorityField.DataField = "Priority";
                priorityField.HeaderText = "Priority";
                priorityField.SortExpression = "Priority";
                priorityField.DataFormatString = "{0:N0}";
                priorityField.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
                gContentChannelItems.Columns.Add( priorityField );

                // Status column
                if ( channel.RequiresApproval )
                    var statusField = new BoundField();
                    gContentChannelItems.Columns.Add( statusField );
                    statusField.DataField = "Status";
                    statusField.HeaderText = "Status";
                    statusField.SortExpression = "Status";
                    statusField.HtmlEncode = false;

                // Add occurrences Count column
                var occurrencesField = new BoolField();
                occurrencesField.DataField = "Occurrences";
                occurrencesField.HeaderText = "Event Occurrences";
                gContentChannelItems.Columns.Add( occurrencesField );

                bool canEditChannel = channel.IsAuthorized( Rock.Security.Authorization.EDIT, CurrentPerson );
                gContentChannelItems.Actions.ShowAdd = canEditChannel;
                gContentChannelItems.IsDeleteEnabled = canEditChannel;
                if ( canEditChannel )

                    var deleteField = new DeleteField();
                    gContentChannelItems.Columns.Add( deleteField );
                    deleteField.Click += gContentChannelItems_Delete;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            _hfExpanded = new HiddenFieldWithClass();
            _hfExpanded.ID       = this.ID + "_hfExpanded";
            _hfExpanded.CssClass = "filter-expanded";
            _hfExpanded.Value    = "False";

            _hfFormGuid = new HiddenField();
            _hfFormGuid.ID = this.ID + "_hfFormGuid";

            _hfFormId = new HiddenField();
            _hfFormId.ID = this.ID + "_hfFormId";

            _lblFormName = new Label();
            _lblFormName.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblFormName.ID           = this.ID + "_lblFormName";

            _lbDeleteForm = new LinkButton();
            _lbDeleteForm.CausesValidation = false;
            _lbDeleteForm.ID       = this.ID + "_lbDeleteForm";
            _lbDeleteForm.CssClass = "btn btn-xs btn-danger js-activity-delete";
            _lbDeleteForm.Click   += lbDeleteForm_Click;
            _lbDeleteForm.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl {
                Text = "<i class='fa fa-times'></i>"

            _tbFormName = new RockTextBox();
            _tbFormName.ID                   = this.ID + "_tbFormName";
            _tbFormName.Label                = "Form Name";
            _tbFormName.Required             = true;
            _tbFormName.Attributes["onblur"] = string.Format("javascript: $('#{0}').text($(this).val());", _lblFormName.ID);

            _gFields = new Grid();
            _gFields.ID          = this.ID + "_gFields";
            _gFields.AllowPaging = false;
            _gFields.DisplayType = GridDisplayType.Light;
            _gFields.RowItemText = "Field";
            _gFields.DataKeyNames      = new string[] { "Guid" };
            _gFields.Actions.ShowAdd   = true;
            _gFields.Actions.AddClick += gFields_Add;
            _gFields.GridRebind       += gFields_Rebind;
            _gFields.GridReorder      += gFields_Reorder;

            var reorderField = new ReorderField();


            var nameField = new BoundField();

            nameField.DataField  = "Name";
            nameField.HeaderText = "Field";

            var sourceField = new EnumField();

            sourceField.DataField  = "FieldSource";
            sourceField.HeaderText = "Source";

            var typeField = new FieldTypeField();

            typeField.DataField  = "FieldType";
            typeField.HeaderText = "Type";

            var isInternalField = new BoolField();

            isInternalField.DataField  = "IsInternal";
            isInternalField.HeaderText = "Internal";

            var isSharedValueField = new BoolField();

            isSharedValueField.DataField  = "IsSharedValue";
            isSharedValueField.HeaderText = "Common";

            var showCurrentValueField = new BoolField();

            showCurrentValueField.DataField  = "ShowCurrentValue";
            showCurrentValueField.HeaderText = "Use Current Value";

            var isRequiredField = new BoolField();

            isRequiredField.DataField  = "IsRequired";
            isRequiredField.HeaderText = "Required";

            var isGridField = new BoolField();

            isGridField.DataField  = "IsGridField";
            isGridField.HeaderText = "Show on Grid";

            var showOnWaitListField = new BoolField();

            showOnWaitListField.DataField  = "ShowOnWaitlist";
            showOnWaitListField.HeaderText = "Show on Wait List";

            var editField = new EditField();

            editField.Click += gFields_Edit;

            var delField = new DeleteField();

            delField.Click += gFields_Delete;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the grid field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyType">Type of the property.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BoundField GetGridField( Type propertyType )
            BoundField bf = new BoundField();
            Type baseType = propertyType;

            if ( baseType == typeof( Boolean ) || baseType == typeof( Boolean? ) )
                bf = new BoolField();
            else if ( baseType == typeof( DateTime ) || baseType == typeof( DateTime? ) )
                bf = new DateField();
            else if ( baseType.IsEnum )
                bf = new EnumField();
            else if ( baseType == typeof( decimal ) || baseType == typeof( decimal? ) ||
                baseType == typeof( int ) || baseType == typeof( int? ) )
                bf = new BoundField();
                bf.HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
                bf.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
            else if ( baseType == typeof( IEnumerable<object> ) )
                bf = new ListDelimitedField();

            return bf;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the preview.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityTypeId">The entity type id.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The filter.</param>
        private void BindGrid( Report report )
            if ( report != null )
                var errors = new List<string>();

                if ( !report.EntityTypeId.HasValue )

                string authorizationMessage;
                if ( !this.IsAuthorizedForAllReportComponents( Authorization.VIEW, report, out authorizationMessage ) )
                    nbEditModeMessage.Text = authorizationMessage;

                Type entityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( report.EntityTypeId.Value ).GetEntityType();

                bool isPersonDataSet = report.EntityTypeId == EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.Person ) ).Id;

                if ( isPersonDataSet )
                    gReport.PersonIdField = "Id";
                    gReport.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "id" };
                    gReport.PersonIdField = null;

                if ( report.EntityTypeId.HasValue )
                    gReport.RowItemText = EntityTypeCache.Read( report.EntityTypeId.Value ).FriendlyName;

                List<EntityField> entityFields = Rock.Reporting.EntityHelper.GetEntityFields( entityType );

                var selectedEntityFields = new Dictionary<int, EntityField>();
                var selectedAttributes = new Dictionary<int, AttributeCache>();
                var selectedComponents = new Dictionary<int, ReportField>();

                int columnIndex = 0;

                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( gReport.PersonIdField ) )
                    gReport.Columns.Add( new SelectField() );

                foreach ( var reportField in report.ReportFields.OrderBy( a => a.Order ) )
                    if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.Property )
                        var entityField = entityFields.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name == reportField.Selection );
                        if ( entityField != null )
                            selectedEntityFields.Add( columnIndex, entityField );

                            BoundField boundField;
                            if ( entityField.DefinedTypeGuid.HasValue )
                                boundField = new DefinedValueField();
                                boundField = Grid.GetGridField( entityField.PropertyType );

                            boundField.DataField = string.Format( "Entity_{0}_{1}", entityField.Name, columnIndex );
                            boundField.HeaderText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? entityField.Title : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
                            boundField.SortExpression = entityField.Name;
                            boundField.Visible = reportField.ShowInGrid;
                            gReport.Columns.Add( boundField );
                    else if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.Attribute )
                        Guid? attributeGuid = reportField.Selection.AsGuidOrNull();
                        if ( attributeGuid.HasValue )
                            var attribute = AttributeCache.Read( attributeGuid.Value );
                            selectedAttributes.Add( columnIndex, attribute );

                            BoundField boundField;

                            if ( attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.BOOLEAN.AsGuid() ) )
                                boundField = new BoolField();
                                boundField = new BoundField();

                            boundField.DataField = string.Format( "Attribute_{0}_{1}", attribute.Id, columnIndex );
                            boundField.HeaderText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? attribute.Name : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
                            boundField.SortExpression = null;

                            if ( attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.INTEGER.AsGuid() ) ||
                                attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.DATE.AsGuid() ) )
                                boundField.HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
                                boundField.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;

                            boundField.Visible = reportField.ShowInGrid;
                            // NOTE:  Additional formatting for attributes is done in the gReport_RowDataBound event
                            gReport.Columns.Add( boundField );
                    else if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.DataSelectComponent )
                        selectedComponents.Add( columnIndex, reportField );

                        DataSelectComponent selectComponent = DataSelectContainer.GetComponent( reportField.DataSelectComponentEntityType.Name );
                        if ( selectComponent != null )
                            DataControlField columnField = selectComponent.GetGridField( entityType, reportField.Selection );

                            if ( columnField is BoundField )
                                ( columnField as BoundField ).DataField = string.Format( "Data_{0}_{1}", selectComponent.ColumnPropertyName, columnIndex );

                            columnField.HeaderText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? selectComponent.ColumnHeaderText : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
                            columnField.SortExpression = null;
                            columnField.Visible = reportField.ShowInGrid;
                            gReport.Columns.Add( columnField );

                // if no fields are specified, show the default fields (Previewable/All) for the EntityType
                var dataColumns = gReport.Columns.OfType<object>().Where(a => a.GetType() != typeof(SelectField));
                if (dataColumns.Count() == 0)
                    // show either the Previewable Columns or all (if there are no previewable columns)
                    bool showAllColumns = !entityFields.Any( a => a.FieldKind == FieldKind.Property && a.IsPreviewable );
                    foreach ( var entityField in entityFields.Where(a => a.FieldKind == FieldKind.Property) )
                        selectedEntityFields.Add( columnIndex, entityField );

                        BoundField boundField;
                        if ( entityField.DefinedTypeGuid.HasValue )
                            boundField = new DefinedValueField();
                            boundField = Grid.GetGridField( entityField.PropertyType );

                        boundField.DataField = string.Format( "Entity_{0}_{1}", entityField.Name, columnIndex );
                        boundField.HeaderText = entityField.Name;
                        boundField.SortExpression = entityField.Name;
                        boundField.Visible = showAllColumns || entityField.IsPreviewable;
                        gReport.Columns.Add( boundField );

                    gReport.ExportFilename = report.Name;
                    gReport.DataSource = report.GetDataSource( new RockContext(), entityType, selectedEntityFields, selectedAttributes, selectedComponents, gReport.SortProperty, out errors );
                catch ( Exception ex )
                    errors.Add( ex.Message );

                if ( errors.Any() )
                    nbEditModeMessage.Text = "INFO: There was a problem with one or more of the report's data components...<br/><br/> " + errors.AsDelimited( "<br/>" );
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the grid columns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable">The data table.</param>
        private void AddGridColumns( DataTable dataTable )
            bool showColumns = bool.Parse( GetAttributeValue( "ShowColumns" ) );
            var columnList = GetAttributeValue( "Columns" ).SplitDelimitedValues().ToList();

            int rowsToEval = 10;
            if ( dataTable.Rows.Count < 10 )
                rowsToEval = dataTable.Rows.Count;


            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( gReport.PersonIdField ) )
                gReport.Columns.Add( new SelectField() );

            foreach ( DataColumn dataTableColumn in dataTable.Columns )
                if ( columnList.Count > 0 &&
                    ( ( showColumns && !columnList.Contains( dataTableColumn.ColumnName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ||
                        ( !showColumns && columnList.Contains( dataTableColumn.ColumnName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) ) ) )

                BoundField bf = new BoundField();

                if ( dataTableColumn.DataType == typeof( bool ) )
                    bf = new BoolField();

                if ( dataTableColumn.DataType == typeof( DateTime ) )
                    bf = new DateField();

                    for ( int i = 0; i < rowsToEval; i++ )
                        object dateObj = dataTable.Rows[i][dataTableColumn];
                        if ( dateObj is DateTime )
                            DateTime dateTime = (DateTime)dateObj;
                            if ( dateTime.TimeOfDay.Seconds != 0 )
                                bf = new DateTimeField();

                bf.DataField = dataTableColumn.ColumnName;
                bf.SortExpression = dataTableColumn.ColumnName;
                bf.HeaderText = dataTableColumn.ColumnName.SplitCase();
                gReport.Columns.Add( bf );
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the ASP.NET page framework to notify server controls that use composition-based implementation to create any child controls they contain in preparation for posting back or rendering.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void CreateChildControls()

            _hfExpanded = new HiddenFieldWithClass();
            Controls.Add( _hfExpanded );
            _hfExpanded.ID = this.ID + "_hfExpanded";
            _hfExpanded.CssClass = "filter-expanded";
            _hfExpanded.Value = "False";

            _hfActivityTypeGuid = new HiddenField();
            Controls.Add( _hfActivityTypeGuid );
            _hfActivityTypeGuid.ID = this.ID + "_hfActivityTypeGuid";

            _lblActivityTypeName = new Label();
            Controls.Add( _lblActivityTypeName );
            _lblActivityTypeName.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblActivityTypeName.ID = this.ID + "_lblActivityTypeName";

            _lblActivityTypeDescription = new Label();
            Controls.Add( _lblActivityTypeDescription );
            _lblActivityTypeDescription.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblActivityTypeDescription.ID = this.ID + "_lblActivityTypeDescription";

            _lblInactive = new Label();
            Controls.Add( _lblInactive );
            _lblInactive.ClientIDMode = ClientIDMode.Static;
            _lblInactive.ID = this.ID + "_lblInactive";
            _lblInactive.CssClass = "pull-right";
            _lblInactive.Text = "<span class='label label-danger'>Inactive</span>";

            _lbDeleteActivityType = new LinkButton();
            Controls.Add( _lbDeleteActivityType );
            _lbDeleteActivityType.CausesValidation = false;
            _lbDeleteActivityType.ID = this.ID + "_lbDeleteActivityType";
            _lbDeleteActivityType.CssClass = "btn btn-xs btn-danger js-activity-delete";
            _lbDeleteActivityType.Click += lbDeleteActivityType_Click;
            _lbDeleteActivityType.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl { Text = "<i class='fa fa-times'></i>" } );

            _sbSecurity = new SecurityButton();
            Controls.Add( _sbSecurity );
            _sbSecurity.ID = this.ID + "_sbSecurity";
            _sbSecurity.Attributes["class"] = "btn btn-security btn-xs security pull-right";
            _sbSecurity.EntityTypeId = EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.WorkflowActivityType ) ).Id;

            _cbActivityTypeIsActive = new RockCheckBox { Text = "Active" };
            Controls.Add( _cbActivityTypeIsActive );
            _cbActivityTypeIsActive.ID = this.ID + "_cbActivityTypeIsActive";
            string checkboxScriptFormat = @"
            if ($(this).is(':checked')) {{
            else {{

            _cbActivityTypeIsActive.InputAttributes.Add( "onclick", string.Format( checkboxScriptFormat, _lblInactive.ID, this.ID + "_section" ) );

            _tbActivityTypeName = new RockTextBox();
            Controls.Add( _tbActivityTypeName );
            _tbActivityTypeName.ID = this.ID + "_tbActivityTypeName";
            _tbActivityTypeName.Label = "Name";
            _tbActivityTypeName.Required = true;
            _tbActivityTypeName.Attributes["onblur"] = string.Format( "javascript: $('#{0}').text($(this).val());", _lblActivityTypeName.ID );

            _tbActivityTypeDescription = new RockTextBox();
            Controls.Add( _tbActivityTypeDescription );
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.ID = this.ID + "_tbActivityTypeDescription";
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.Label = "Description";
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.Rows = 2;
            _tbActivityTypeDescription.Attributes["onblur"] = string.Format( "javascript: $('#{0}').text($(this).val());", _lblActivityTypeDescription.ID );

            _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow = new RockCheckBox { Text = "Activated with Workflow" };
            Controls.Add( _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow );
            _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow.ID = this.ID + "_cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow";
            checkboxScriptFormat = @"
            if ($(this).is(':checked')) {{
            else {{
            _cbActivityTypeIsActivatedWithWorkflow.InputAttributes.Add( "onclick", string.Format( checkboxScriptFormat, this.ID + "_section" ) );

            _lbAddActionType = new LinkButton();
            Controls.Add( _lbAddActionType );
            _lbAddActionType.ID = this.ID + "_lbAddAction";
            _lbAddActionType.CssClass = "btn btn-xs btn-action";
            _lbAddActionType.Click += lbAddActionType_Click;
            _lbAddActionType.CausesValidation = false;
            _lbAddActionType.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl { Text = "<i class='fa fa-plus'></i> Add Action" } );

            _pwAttributes = new PanelWidget();
            Controls.Add( _pwAttributes );
            _pwAttributes.ID = this.ID + "_pwAttributes";
            _pwAttributes.Title = "Activity Attributes";
            _pwAttributes.CssClass = "attribute-panel";

            _gAttributes = new Grid();
            _pwAttributes.Controls.Add( _gAttributes );
            _gAttributes.ID = this.ID + "_gAttributes";
            _gAttributes.AllowPaging = false;
            _gAttributes.DisplayType = GridDisplayType.Light;
            _gAttributes.RowItemText = "Activity Attribute";
            _gAttributes.AddCssClass( "attribute-grid" );
            _gAttributes.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Guid" };
            _gAttributes.Actions.ShowAdd = true;
            _gAttributes.Actions.AddClick += gAttributes_Add;
            _gAttributes.GridRebind += gAttributes_Rebind;
            _gAttributes.GridReorder += gAttributes_Reorder;

            var reorderField = new ReorderField();
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( reorderField );

            var nameField = new BoundField();
            nameField.DataField = "Name";
            nameField.HeaderText = "Attribute";
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( nameField );

            var descField = new BoundField();
            descField.DataField = "Description";
            descField.HeaderText = "Description";
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( descField );

            var fieldTypeField = new BoundField();
            fieldTypeField.DataField = "FieldType";
            fieldTypeField.HeaderText = "Field Type";
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( fieldTypeField );

            var reqField = new BoolField();
            reqField.DataField = "IsRequired";
            reqField.HeaderText = "Required";
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( reqField );

            var editField = new EditField();
            editField.Click += gAttributes_Edit;
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( editField );

            var delField = new DeleteField();
            delField.Click += gAttributes_Delete;
            _gAttributes.Columns.Add( delField );
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the grid columns.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable">The data table.</param>
        private void AddGridColumns( object item )
            Type oType = item.GetType();


            foreach ( var prop in oType.GetProperties() )
                BoundField bf = new BoundField();

                if ( prop.PropertyType == typeof( bool ) ||
                    prop.PropertyType == typeof( bool? ) )
                    bf = new BoolField();

                if ( prop.PropertyType == typeof( DateTime ) ||
                    prop.PropertyType == typeof( DateTime? ) )
                    bf = new DateTimeField();

                bf.DataField = prop.Name;
                bf.SortExpression = prop.Name;
                bf.HeaderText = prop.Name.SplitCase();
                gReport.Columns.Add( bf );
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the preview.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityTypeId">The entity type id.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The filter.</param>
        private void BindGrid( Report report )
            if ( report != null && report.DataView != null )
                var errors = new List<string>();

                if ( !report.EntityTypeId.HasValue )

                Type entityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( report.EntityTypeId.Value ).GetEntityType();
                List<EntityField> entityFields = Rock.Reporting.EntityHelper.GetEntityFields( entityType );

                var selectedEntityFields = new Dictionary<int,EntityField>();
                var selectedAttributes = new Dictionary<int, AttributeCache>();
                var selectedComponents = new Dictionary<int, ReportField>();

                int columnIndex = 0;
                foreach ( var reportField in report.ReportFields.OrderBy( a => a.Order ) )
                    if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.Property )
                        var entityField = entityFields.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name == reportField.Selection );
                        if ( entityField != null )
                            selectedEntityFields.Add( columnIndex, entityField );

                            if ( reportField.ShowInGrid )
                                BoundField boundField;
                                if ( entityField.DefinedTypeId.HasValue )
                                    boundField = new DefinedValueField();
                                    boundField = Grid.GetGridField( entityField.PropertyType );

                                boundField.DataField = string.Format( "Entity_{0}_{1}", entityField.Name, columnIndex );
                                boundField.HeaderText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? entityField.Title : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
                                boundField.SortExpression = entityField.Name;
                                gReport.Columns.Add( boundField );
                    else if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.Attribute )
                        int? attributeId = reportField.Selection.AsInteger( false );
                        if ( attributeId.HasValue )
                            var attribute = AttributeCache.Read( attributeId.Value );
                            selectedAttributes.Add( columnIndex, attribute );

                            if ( reportField.ShowInGrid )
                                BoundField boundField;

                                if ( attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.BOOLEAN.AsGuid() ) )
                                    boundField = new BoolField();
                                    boundField = new BoundField();

                                boundField.DataField = string.Format( "Attribute_{0}_{1}", attribute.Id, columnIndex );
                                boundField.HeaderText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? attribute.Name : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
                                boundField.SortExpression = null;

                                if ( attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.INTEGER.AsGuid() ) ||
                                    attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.DATE.AsGuid() ) )
                                    boundField.HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
                                    boundField.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;

                                // NOTE:  Additional formatting for attributes is done in the gReport_RowDataBound event
                                gReport.Columns.Add( boundField );
                    else if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.DataSelectComponent )
                        selectedComponents.Add( columnIndex, reportField );
                        if ( reportField.ShowInGrid )
                            DataSelectComponent selectComponent = DataSelectContainer.GetComponent( reportField.DataSelectComponentEntityType.Name );
                            if ( selectComponent != null )
                                var boundField = Grid.GetGridField( selectComponent.ColumnFieldType );
                                boundField.DataField = string.Format( "Data_{0}_{1}", selectComponent.ColumnPropertyName, columnIndex );
                                boundField.HeaderText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? selectComponent.ColumnHeaderText : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
                                boundField.SortExpression = null;
                                gReport.Columns.Add( boundField );

                gReport.DataSource = report.GetDataSource( new RockContext(), entityType, selectedEntityFields, selectedAttributes, selectedComponents, gReport.SortProperty, out errors );

                if ( errors.Any() )
                    nbEditModeMessage.Text = "INFO: There was a problem with one or more of the report's data components...<br/><br/> " + errors.AsDelimited( "<br/>" );

Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the grid field.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyType">Type of the property.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BoundField GetGridField( Type propertyType )
            BoundField bf = new BoundField();
            Type baseType = propertyType;

            if (propertyType.IsGenericType)
                baseType = propertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0];

            if ( baseType == typeof( Boolean ) || baseType == typeof( Boolean? ) )
                bf = new BoolField();
            else if ( baseType == typeof( DateTime ) || baseType == typeof( DateTime? ) )
                bf = new DateField();
            else if ( baseType.IsEnum )
                bf = new EnumField();
            else if ( baseType == typeof( decimal ) || baseType == typeof( decimal? ) ||
                baseType == typeof( int ) || baseType == typeof( int? ) )
                bf = new BoundField();
                bf.HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
                bf.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;

            return bf;
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the preview.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityTypeId">The entity type id.</param>
        /// <param name="filter">The filter.</param>
        private void BindGrid( Report report )
            if ( report != null )
                var errors = new List<string>();

                if ( !report.EntityTypeId.HasValue )
                    gReport.Visible = false;

                var rockContext = new RockContext();

                if ( !report.IsAuthorized( Authorization.VIEW, this.CurrentPerson ) )
                    gReport.Visible = false;

                Type entityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( report.EntityTypeId.Value, rockContext ).GetEntityType();

                bool isPersonDataSet = report.EntityTypeId == EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.Person ), true, rockContext ).Id;

                if ( isPersonDataSet )
                    gReport.PersonIdField = "Id";
                    gReport.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Id" };
                    gReport.PersonIdField = null;

                if ( report.EntityTypeId.HasValue )
                    gReport.RowItemText = EntityTypeCache.Read( report.EntityTypeId.Value, rockContext ).FriendlyName;

                List<EntityField> entityFields = Rock.Reporting.EntityHelper.GetEntityFields( entityType );

                var selectedEntityFields = new Dictionary<int, EntityField>();
                var selectedAttributes = new Dictionary<int, AttributeCache>();
                var selectedComponents = new Dictionary<int, ReportField>();

                // if there is a selectField, keep it to preserve which items are checked
                var selectField = gReport.Columns.OfType<SelectField>().FirstOrDefault();
                int columnIndex = 0;

                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( gReport.PersonIdField ) )
                    // if we already had a selectField, use it (to preserve checkbox state)
                    gReport.Columns.Add( selectField ?? new SelectField() );

                var reportFieldSortExpressions = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();

                foreach ( var reportField in report.ReportFields.OrderBy( a => a.ColumnOrder ) )
                    if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.Property )
                        var entityField = entityFields.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name == reportField.Selection );
                        if ( entityField != null )
                            selectedEntityFields.Add( columnIndex, entityField );

                            BoundField boundField;
                            if ( entityField.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.DEFINED_VALUE.AsGuid() ) )
                                boundField = new DefinedValueField();
                                boundField = Grid.GetGridField( entityField.PropertyType );

                            boundField.DataField = string.Format( "Entity_{0}_{1}", entityField.Name, columnIndex );
                            boundField.HeaderText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? entityField.Title : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
                            boundField.SortExpression = boundField.DataField;
                            reportFieldSortExpressions.AddOrReplace( reportField.Guid, boundField.SortExpression );
                            boundField.Visible = reportField.ShowInGrid;
                            gReport.Columns.Add( boundField );
                    else if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.Attribute )
                        Guid? attributeGuid = reportField.Selection.AsGuidOrNull();
                        if ( attributeGuid.HasValue )
                            var attribute = AttributeCache.Read( attributeGuid.Value, rockContext );
                            if ( attribute != null )
                                selectedAttributes.Add( columnIndex, attribute );

                                BoundField boundField;

                                if ( attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.BOOLEAN.AsGuid() ) )
                                    boundField = new BoolField();
                                    boundField = new BoundField();

                                boundField.DataField = string.Format( "Attribute_{0}_{1}", attribute.Id, columnIndex );
                                boundField.HeaderText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? attribute.Name : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
                                boundField.SortExpression = boundField.DataField;
                                reportFieldSortExpressions.AddOrReplace( reportField.Guid, boundField.SortExpression );

                                if ( attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.INTEGER.AsGuid() ) ||
                                    attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.DATE.AsGuid() ) ||
                                    attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.FILTER_DATE.AsGuid() ) )
                                    boundField.HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
                                    boundField.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;

                                boundField.Visible = reportField.ShowInGrid;

                                // NOTE:  Additional formatting for attributes is done in the gReport_RowDataBound event
                                gReport.Columns.Add( boundField );
                    else if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.DataSelectComponent )
                        selectedComponents.Add( columnIndex, reportField );

                        DataSelectComponent selectComponent = DataSelectContainer.GetComponent( reportField.DataSelectComponentEntityType.Name );
                        if ( selectComponent != null )
                            DataControlField columnField = selectComponent.GetGridField( entityType, reportField.Selection );

                            if ( columnField is BoundField )
                                ( columnField as BoundField ).DataField = string.Format( "Data_{0}_{1}", selectComponent.ColumnPropertyName, columnIndex );
                                columnField.SortExpression = ( columnField as BoundField ).DataField;

                            columnField.HeaderText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? selectComponent.ColumnHeaderText : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
                            if ( columnField.SortExpression != null )
                                reportFieldSortExpressions.AddOrReplace( reportField.Guid, columnField.SortExpression );

                            columnField.Visible = reportField.ShowInGrid;
                            gReport.Columns.Add( columnField );

                // if no fields are specified, show the default fields (Previewable/All) for the EntityType
                var dataColumns = gReport.Columns.OfType<object>().Where( a => a.GetType() != typeof( SelectField ) );
                if ( dataColumns.Count() == 0 )
                    // show either the Previewable Columns or all (if there are no previewable columns)
                    bool showAllColumns = !entityFields.Any( a => a.FieldKind == FieldKind.Property && a.IsPreviewable );
                    foreach ( var entityField in entityFields.Where( a => a.FieldKind == FieldKind.Property ) )
                        selectedEntityFields.Add( columnIndex, entityField );

                        BoundField boundField;
                        if ( entityField.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.DEFINED_VALUE.AsGuid() ) )
                            boundField = new DefinedValueField();
                            boundField = Grid.GetGridField( entityField.PropertyType );

                        boundField.DataField = string.Format( "Entity_{0}_{1}", entityField.Name, columnIndex );
                        boundField.HeaderText = entityField.Name;
                        boundField.SortExpression = boundField.DataField;
                        boundField.Visible = showAllColumns || entityField.IsPreviewable;
                        gReport.Columns.Add( boundField );

                    gReport.Visible = true;
                    gReport.ExportFilename = report.Name;
                    SortProperty sortProperty = gReport.SortProperty;
                    if ( sortProperty == null )
                        var reportSort = new SortProperty();
                        var sortColumns = new Dictionary<string, SortDirection>();
                        foreach ( var reportField in report.ReportFields.Where( a => a.SortOrder.HasValue ).OrderBy( a => a.SortOrder.Value ) )
                            if ( reportFieldSortExpressions.ContainsKey( reportField.Guid ) )
                                var sortField = reportFieldSortExpressions[reportField.Guid];
                                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( sortField ) )
                                    sortColumns.Add( sortField, reportField.SortDirection );

                        if ( sortColumns.Any() )
                            reportSort.Property = sortColumns.Select( a => a.Key + ( a.Value == SortDirection.Descending ? " desc" : string.Empty ) ).ToList().AsDelimited( "," );
                            sortProperty = reportSort;

                    gReport.DataSource = report.GetDataSource( entityType, selectedEntityFields, selectedAttributes, selectedComponents, sortProperty, GetAttributeValue( "DatabaseTimeout" ).AsIntegerOrNull() ?? 180, out errors );
                catch ( Exception ex )
                    Exception exception = ex;
                    this.LogException( ex );
                    while ( exception != null )
                        if ( exception is System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException )
                            // if there was a SQL Server Timeout, have the warning be a friendly message about that.
                            if ( ( exception as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ).Number == -2 )
                                nbEditModeMessage.NotificationBoxType = NotificationBoxType.Warning;
                                nbEditModeMessage.Text = "This report did not complete in a timely manner. You can try again or adjust the timeout setting of this block.";
                                errors.Add( exception.Message );
                                exception = exception.InnerException;
                            errors.Add( exception.Message );
                            exception = exception.InnerException;

                if ( errors.Any() )
                    nbEditModeMessage.NotificationBoxType = NotificationBoxType.Warning;
                    nbEditModeMessage.Text = "INFO: There was a problem with one or more of the report's data components...<br/><br/> " + errors.AsDelimited( "<br/>" );
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the preview.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="report">The report.</param>
        /// <param name="gReport">The g report.</param>
        /// <param name="currentPerson">The current person.</param>
        /// <param name="databaseTimeoutSeconds">The database timeout seconds.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessage">The error message.</param>
        public static void BindGrid( Report report, Grid gReport, Person currentPerson, int? databaseTimeoutSeconds, out string errorMessage )
            errorMessage = null;
            if ( report != null )
                var errors = new List<string>();

                if ( !report.EntityTypeId.HasValue )
                    gReport.Visible = false;

                var rockContext = new RockContext();

                if ( !report.IsAuthorized( Authorization.VIEW, currentPerson ) )
                    gReport.Visible = false;

                Type entityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( report.EntityTypeId.Value, rockContext ).GetEntityType();
                if ( entityType == null )
                    errorMessage = string.Format( "Unable to determine entityType for {0}", report.EntityType );

                gReport.EntityTypeId = report.EntityTypeId;

                bool isPersonDataSet = report.EntityTypeId == EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.Person ), true, rockContext ).Id;

                if ( isPersonDataSet )
                    gReport.PersonIdField = "Id";
                    gReport.DataKeyNames = new string[] { "Id" };
                    gReport.PersonIdField = null;

                if ( report.EntityTypeId.HasValue )
                    gReport.RowItemText = EntityTypeCache.Read( report.EntityTypeId.Value, rockContext ).FriendlyName;

                List<EntityField> entityFields = Rock.Reporting.EntityHelper.GetEntityFields( entityType, true, false );

                var selectedEntityFields = new Dictionary<int, EntityField>();
                var selectedAttributes = new Dictionary<int, AttributeCache>();
                var selectedComponents = new Dictionary<int, ReportField>();

                // if there is a selectField, keep it to preserve which items are checked
                var selectField = gReport.Columns.OfType<SelectField>().FirstOrDefault();
                int columnIndex = 0;

                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( gReport.PersonIdField ) )
                    // if we already had a selectField, use it (to preserve checkbox state)
                    gReport.Columns.Add( selectField ?? new SelectField() );

                var reportFieldSortExpressions = new Dictionary<Guid, string>();

                foreach ( var reportField in report.ReportFields.OrderBy( a => a.ColumnOrder ) )
                    if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.Property )
                        var entityField = entityFields.FirstOrDefault( a => a.Name == reportField.Selection );
                        if ( entityField != null )
                            selectedEntityFields.Add( columnIndex, entityField );

                            BoundField boundField = entityField.GetBoundFieldType();
                            boundField.DataField = string.Format( "Entity_{0}_{1}", entityField.Name, columnIndex );
                            boundField.HeaderText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? entityField.Title : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
                            boundField.SortExpression = boundField.DataField;
                            reportFieldSortExpressions.AddOrReplace( reportField.Guid, boundField.SortExpression );
                            boundField.Visible = reportField.ShowInGrid;
                            gReport.Columns.Add( boundField );
                    else if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.Attribute )
                        Guid? attributeGuid = reportField.Selection.AsGuidOrNull();
                        if ( attributeGuid.HasValue )
                            var attribute = AttributeCache.Read( attributeGuid.Value, rockContext );
                            if ( attribute != null )
                                selectedAttributes.Add( columnIndex, attribute );

                                BoundField boundField;

                                if ( attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.BOOLEAN.AsGuid() ) )
                                    boundField = new BoolField();
                                else if ( attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.DEFINED_VALUE.AsGuid() ) )
                                    boundField = new DefinedValueField();
                                    boundField = new CallbackField();
                                    boundField.HtmlEncode = false;
                                    ( boundField as CallbackField ).OnFormatDataValue += (sender, e) => {
                                        string resultHtml = null;
                                        if (e.DataValue != null)
                                            bool condensed = true;
                                            resultHtml = attribute.FieldType.Field.FormatValueAsHtml( gReport, e.DataValue.ToString(), attribute.QualifierValues, condensed );


                                        e.FormattedValue = resultHtml ?? string.Empty;

                                boundField.DataField = string.Format( "Attribute_{0}_{1}", attribute.Id, columnIndex );
                                boundField.HeaderText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? attribute.Name : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
                                boundField.SortExpression = boundField.DataField;
                                reportFieldSortExpressions.AddOrReplace( reportField.Guid, boundField.SortExpression );

                                if ( attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.INTEGER.AsGuid() ) ||
                                    attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.DATE.AsGuid() ) ||
                                    attribute.FieldType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.FieldType.FILTER_DATE.AsGuid() ) )
                                    boundField.HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
                                    boundField.ItemStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;

                                boundField.Visible = reportField.ShowInGrid;

                                gReport.Columns.Add( boundField );
                    else if ( reportField.ReportFieldType == ReportFieldType.DataSelectComponent )
                        selectedComponents.Add( columnIndex, reportField );

                        DataSelectComponent selectComponent = DataSelectContainer.GetComponent( reportField.DataSelectComponentEntityType.Name );
                        if ( selectComponent != null )
                                DataControlField columnField = selectComponent.GetGridField( entityType, reportField.Selection ?? string.Empty );

                                if ( columnField is BoundField )
                                    ( columnField as BoundField ).DataField = string.Format( "Data_{0}_{1}", selectComponent.ColumnPropertyName, columnIndex );
                                    var customSortProperties = selectComponent.SortProperties( reportField.Selection ?? string.Empty );
                                    bool sortReversed = selectComponent.SortReversed( reportField.Selection ?? string.Empty );
                                    if ( customSortProperties != null )
                                        if ( customSortProperties == string.Empty )
                                            // disable sorting if customSortExpression set to string.empty
                                            columnField.SortExpression = string.Empty;
                                            columnField.SortExpression = customSortProperties.Split( ',' ).Select( a => string.Format( "Sort_{0}_{1}", a, columnIndex ) ).ToList().AsDelimited( "," );
                                        // use default sorting if customSortExpression was null
                                        columnField.SortExpression = ( columnField as BoundField ).DataField;

                                    if ( sortReversed == true && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( columnField.SortExpression ) )
                                        columnField.SortExpression = columnField.SortExpression + " DESC";

                                columnField.HeaderText = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( reportField.ColumnHeaderText ) ? selectComponent.ColumnHeaderText : reportField.ColumnHeaderText;
                                if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( columnField.SortExpression ) )
                                    reportFieldSortExpressions.AddOrReplace( reportField.Guid, columnField.SortExpression );

                                columnField.Visible = reportField.ShowInGrid;
                                gReport.Columns.Add( columnField );
                            catch ( Exception ex )
                                ExceptionLogService.LogException( ex, HttpContext.Current );
                                errors.Add( string.Format( "{0} - {1}", selectComponent, ex.Message ) );

                // if no fields are specified, show the default fields (Previewable/All) for the EntityType
                var dataColumns = gReport.Columns.OfType<object>().Where( a => a.GetType() != typeof( SelectField ) );
                if ( dataColumns.Count() == 0 )
                    // show either the Previewable Columns or all (if there are no previewable columns)
                    bool showAllColumns = !entityFields.Any( a => a.FieldKind == FieldKind.Property && a.IsPreviewable );
                    foreach ( var entityField in entityFields.Where( a => a.FieldKind == FieldKind.Property ) )
                        selectedEntityFields.Add( columnIndex, entityField );

                        BoundField boundField = entityField.GetBoundFieldType();

                        boundField.DataField = string.Format( "Entity_{0}_{1}", entityField.Name, columnIndex );
                        boundField.HeaderText = entityField.Name;
                        boundField.SortExpression = boundField.DataField;
                        boundField.Visible = showAllColumns || entityField.IsPreviewable;
                        gReport.Columns.Add( boundField );

                    gReport.Visible = true;
                    gReport.ExportFilename = report.Name;
                    SortProperty sortProperty = gReport.SortProperty;
                    if ( sortProperty == null )
                        var reportSort = new SortProperty();
                        var sortColumns = new Dictionary<string, SortDirection>();
                        foreach ( var reportField in report.ReportFields.Where( a => a.SortOrder.HasValue ).OrderBy( a => a.SortOrder.Value ) )
                            if ( reportFieldSortExpressions.ContainsKey( reportField.Guid ) )
                                var sortField = reportFieldSortExpressions[reportField.Guid];
                                if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( sortField ) )
                                    sortColumns.Add( sortField, reportField.SortDirection );

                        if ( sortColumns.Any() )
                            reportSort.Property = sortColumns.Select( a => a.Key + ( a.Value == SortDirection.Descending ? " desc" : string.Empty ) ).ToList().AsDelimited( "," );
                            sortProperty = reportSort;

                    var qryErrors = new List<string>();
                    dynamic qry = report.GetQueryable( entityType, selectedEntityFields, selectedAttributes, selectedComponents, sortProperty, databaseTimeoutSeconds ?? 180, out qryErrors );
                    errors.AddRange( qryErrors );
                    gReport.SetLinqDataSource( qry );
                catch ( Exception ex )
                    Exception exception = ex;
                    ExceptionLogService.LogException( ex, HttpContext.Current );
                    while ( exception != null )
                        if ( exception is System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException )
                            // if there was a SQL Server Timeout, have the warning be a friendly message about that.
                            if ( ( exception as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException ).Number == -2 )
                                errorMessage = "This report did not complete in a timely manner. You can try again or adjust the timeout setting of this block.";
                                errors.Add( exception.Message );
                                exception = exception.InnerException;
                            errors.Add( exception.Message );
                            exception = exception.InnerException;

                if ( errors.Any() )
                    errorMessage = "WARNING: There was a problem with one or more of the report's data components...<br/><br/> " + errors.AsDelimited( "<br/>" );