public HttpResponseMessage Post( int entityTypeId, int ownerId, Guid entityGuid, string name, string entityQualifier, string entityQualifierValue )
            var user = CurrentUser();
            if ( user != null )
                using ( new Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope() )
                    var tagService = new TagService();
                    var taggedItemService = new TaggedItemService();

                    var tag = tagService.Get( entityTypeId, entityQualifier, entityQualifierValue, ownerId, name );
                    if ( tag == null )
                        tag = new Tag();
                        tag.EntityTypeId = entityTypeId;
                        tag.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = entityQualifier;
                        tag.EntityTypeQualifierValue = entityQualifierValue;
                        tag.OwnerId = ownerId;
                        tag.Name = name;
                        tagService.Add( tag, user.PersonId );
                        tagService.Save( tag, user.PersonId );

                    var taggedItem = taggedItemService.Get( tag.Id, entityGuid );
                    if ( taggedItem == null )
                        taggedItem = new TaggedItem();
                        taggedItem.TagId = tag.Id;
                        taggedItem.EntityGuid = entityGuid;
                        taggedItemService.Add( taggedItem, user.PersonId );
                        taggedItemService.Save( taggedItem, user.PersonId );

                return ControllerContext.Request.CreateResponse( HttpStatusCode.Created );

            throw new HttpResponseException( HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized );
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityType">Type of the entity.</param>
        /// <param name="serviceInstance">The service instance.</param>
        /// <param name="parameterExpression">The parameter expression.</param>
        /// <param name="selection">The selection.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override Expression GetExpression( Type entityType, IService serviceInstance, ParameterExpression parameterExpression, string selection )
            string[] selectionValues = selection.Split( '|' );
            if ( selectionValues.Length >= 2 )
                Guid tagGuid = selectionValues[1].AsGuid();
                var tagItemQry = new TaggedItemService( (RockContext)serviceInstance.Context ).Queryable()
                    .Where( x => x.Tag.Guid == tagGuid );

                var qry = new PersonService( (RockContext)serviceInstance.Context ).Queryable()
                    .Where( p => tagItemQry.Any( x => x.EntityGuid == p.Guid ) );

                return FilterExpressionExtractor.Extract<Rock.Model.Person>( qry, parameterExpression, "p" );

            return null;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Delete event of the gReport control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RowEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void gReport_Delete( object sender, RowEventArgs e )
            int id = int.MinValue;
            if ( TagId.HasValue && int.TryParse( e.RowKeyValue.ToString(), out id ) )
                object obj = InvokeServiceMethod( "Get", new Type[] { typeof( int ) }, new object[] { id } );
                if ( obj != null )
                    Rock.Data.IEntity entity = obj as Rock.Data.IEntity;
                    if ( entity != null )
                        var rockContext = new RockContext();
                        var service = new TaggedItemService( rockContext );
                        var taggedItem = service.Get( TagId.Value, entity.Guid );
                        if ( taggedItem != null )
                            string errorMessage;
                            if ( !service.CanDelete( taggedItem, out errorMessage ) )
                                mdGridWarning.Show( errorMessage, ModalAlertType.Information );

                            service.Delete( taggedItem );

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            var guids = new TaggedItemService( new RockContext() ).Queryable().Where( t => t.TagId == TagId.Value ).Select( t => t.EntityGuid ).ToList();

            gReport.DataSource = InvokeServiceMethod( "GetByGuids", new Type[] { typeof( List<Guid> ) }, new object[] { guids } );
Пример #5
        protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
            string entityQualifierColumn = AttributeValue( "EntityQualifierColumn" );
            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( entityQualifierColumn ) )
                entityQualifierColumn = PageParameter( "EntityQualifierColumn" );

            string entityQualifierValue = AttributeValue( "EntityQualifierValue" );
            if ( string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( entityQualifierValue ) )
                entityQualifierValue = PageParameter( "EntityQualifierValue" );

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            // Get the context entity
            int? contextTypeId = null;
            Rock.Data.IEntity contextEntity = null;
            foreach ( KeyValuePair<string, Rock.Data.IEntity> entry in ContextEntities )
                contextTypeId = entry.Value.TypeId;
                contextEntity = entry.Value;
                // Should only be one.

            if ( contextTypeId.HasValue && contextEntity != null )
                var service = new TaggedItemService();
                foreach ( dynamic item in service.Get(
                    contextTypeId.Value, entityQualifierColumn, entityQualifierValue, CurrentPersonId, contextEntity.Id )
                    .Select( i => new {
                        OwnerId = i.Tag.OwnerId,
                        Name = i.Tag.Name
                    if ( sb.Length > 0 )
                        sb.Append( ',' );
                    sb.Append( item.Name );
                    if ( CurrentPersonId.HasValue && item.OwnerId == CurrentPersonId.Value )
                        sb.Append( "^personal" );

                phTags.Controls.Add( new LiteralControl( string.Format(
                    "<input name=\"person-tags\" id=\"person-tags\" value=\"{0}\" />", sb.ToString() ) ) );

                string script = string.Format( @"
            $(document).ready(function () {{
            $('ul.ui-autocomplete').css('width', '300px');
            'autocomplete_url': function( request, response ) {{
                    url: rock.baseUrl + 'api/tags/availablenames/{0}/{1}/{2}{3}{4}',
                    dataType: 'json',
                    success: function(data, status, xhr){{
                        response($.map(data, function (item) {{
                            return {{
                                value: item.Name,
                                class: item.OwnerId == null || item.OwnerId == '' ? 'system' : 'personal'
                    error: function(xhr, status, error) {{
                        alert(status + ' [' + error + ']: ' + xhr.reponseText);
            autoCompleteAppendTo: 'div.tag-wrap',
            'height': 'auto',
            'width': '100%',
            'interactive': true,
            'defaultText': 'add tag',
            'removeWithBackspace': false,
            'onAddTag': verifyTag,
            'onRemoveTag': RemoveTag,
            'enableDelete': true

            function verifyTag(tagName) {{
            type: 'GET',
            url: rock.baseUrl + 'api/tags/{0}/{1}/' + tagName + '{3}{4}',
            statusCode: {{
                404: function () {{
                        var r = confirm(""A tag called '"" + tagName + ""' does not exist. Do you want to create a new personal tag?"");
                        if (r == true) {{
                        else {{
                            // remove tag
                200: function (data, status, xhr) {{

            function AddTag(tagName) {{
            type: 'POST',
            url: rock.baseUrl + 'api/taggeditems/{0}/{1}/{2}/' + tagName + '{3}{4}',
            error: function (xhr, status, error) {{
                alert(status + ' [' + error + ']: ' + xhr.responseText);

            function RemoveTag(tagName) {{
            type: 'DELETE',
            url: rock.baseUrl + 'api/taggeditems/{0}/{1}/{2}/' + tagName + '{3}{4}',
            error: function (xhr, status, error) {{
                alert(status + ' [' + error + ']: ' + xhr.responseText);

            contextTypeId.Value, CurrentPersonId, contextEntity.Id,
            string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( entityQualifierColumn ) ? "" : "/" + entityQualifierColumn,
            string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( entityQualifierValue ) ? "" : "/" + entityQualifierValue );
                this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript( this.GetType(), "tags-" + this.CurrentBlock.Id.ToString(), script, true );
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the specified workflow.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rockContext">The rock context.</param>
        /// <param name="action">The action.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param>
        /// <param name="errorMessages">The error messages.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override bool Execute( RockContext rockContext, WorkflowAction action, Object entity, out List<string> errorMessages )
            errorMessages = new List<string>();

            // get the tag
            string tagName = GetAttributeValue( action, "OrganizationTag" ).ResolveMergeFields( GetMergeFields( action ) ); ;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagName)) {

                // get person entity type
                var personEntityType = Rock.Web.Cache.EntityTypeCache.Read("Rock.Model.Person");

                // get tag
                TagService tagService = new TagService( rockContext );
                Tag orgTag = tagService.Queryable().Where( t => t.Name == tagName && t.EntityTypeId == personEntityType.Id && t.OwnerPersonAlias == null ).FirstOrDefault();

                if ( orgTag != null )
                    // get person
                    string value = GetAttributeValue( action, "Person" );
                    Guid guidPersonAttribute = value.AsGuid();
                    if ( !guidPersonAttribute.IsEmpty() )
                        var attributePerson = AttributeCache.Read( guidPersonAttribute, rockContext );
                        if ( attributePerson != null )
                            string attributePersonValue = action.GetWorklowAttributeValue( guidPersonAttribute );
                            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( attributePersonValue ) )
                                if ( attributePerson.FieldType.Class == "Rock.Field.Types.PersonFieldType" )
                                    Guid personAliasGuid = attributePersonValue.AsGuid();
                                    if ( !personAliasGuid.IsEmpty() )
                                        var person = new PersonAliasService( rockContext ).Queryable()
                                            .Where( a => a.Guid.Equals( personAliasGuid ) )
                                            .Select( a => a.Person )
                                        if ( person != null )
                                            var personAliasGuids = person.Aliases.Select( a => a.AliasPersonGuid ).ToList();
                                            TaggedItemService tiService = new TaggedItemService( rockContext );
                                            TaggedItem personTag = tiService.Queryable().Where( t => t.TagId == orgTag.Id && personAliasGuids.Contains( t.EntityGuid ) ).FirstOrDefault();
                                            if ( personTag != null )
                                                tiService.Delete( personTag );
                                                action.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "{0} was not in the {1} tag.", person.FullName, orgTag.Name ) );
                                            errorMessages.Add( string.Format( "Person could not be found for selected value ('{0}')!", guidPersonAttribute.ToString() ) );
                    action.AddLogEntry( string.Format( "{0} organization tag does not exist.", orgTag.Name ) );
            } else {
                errorMessages.Add("No organization tag was provided");

            errorMessages.ForEach( m => action.AddLogEntry( m, true ) );

            return true;
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event of the lbMerge control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void lbMerge_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            if ( MergeData.People.Count < 2 )
                nbPeople.Visible = true;

            bool reconfirmRequired = ( MergeData.People.Select( p => p.Email ).Distinct().Count() > 1 && MergeData.People.Where( p => p.HasLogins ).Any() );


            int? primaryPersonId = null;

            var oldPhotos = new List<int>();

            var rockContext = new RockContext();

            rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                var personService = new PersonService( rockContext );
                var userLoginService = new UserLoginService( rockContext );
                var groupService = new GroupService( rockContext );
                var groupMemberService = new GroupMemberService( rockContext );
                var binaryFileService = new BinaryFileService( rockContext );
                var phoneNumberService = new PhoneNumberService( rockContext );
                var taggedItemService = new TaggedItemService( rockContext );

                Person primaryPerson = personService.Get( MergeData.PrimaryPersonId ?? 0 );
                if ( primaryPerson != null )
                    primaryPersonId = primaryPerson.Id;

                    var changes = new List<string>();

                    foreach ( var p in MergeData.People.Where( p => p.Id != primaryPerson.Id ) )
                        changes.Add( string.Format( "Merged <span class='field-value'>{0} [ID: {1}]</span> with this record.", p.FullName, p.Id ) );

                    // Photo Id
                    int? newPhotoId = MergeData.GetSelectedValue( MergeData.GetProperty( "Photo" ) ).Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
                    if ( !primaryPerson.PhotoId.Equals( newPhotoId ) )
                        changes.Add( "Modified the photo." );
                        primaryPerson.PhotoId = newPhotoId;

                    primaryPerson.TitleValueId = GetNewIntValue( "Title", changes );
                    primaryPerson.FirstName = GetNewStringValue( "FirstName", changes );
                    primaryPerson.NickName = GetNewStringValue( "NickName", changes );
                    primaryPerson.MiddleName = GetNewStringValue( "MiddleName", changes );
                    primaryPerson.LastName = GetNewStringValue( "LastName", changes );
                    primaryPerson.SuffixValueId = GetNewIntValue( "Suffix", changes );
                    primaryPerson.RecordTypeValueId = GetNewIntValue( "RecordType", changes );
                    primaryPerson.RecordStatusValueId = GetNewIntValue( "RecordStatus", changes );
                    primaryPerson.RecordStatusReasonValueId = GetNewIntValue( "RecordStatusReason", changes );
                    primaryPerson.ConnectionStatusValueId = GetNewIntValue( "ConnectionStatus", changes );
                    primaryPerson.IsDeceased = GetNewBoolValue( "Deceased", changes ) ?? false;
                    primaryPerson.Gender = (Gender)GetNewEnumValue( "Gender", typeof( Gender ), changes );
                    primaryPerson.MaritalStatusValueId = GetNewIntValue( "MaritalStatus", changes );
                    primaryPerson.SetBirthDate( GetNewDateTimeValue( "BirthDate", changes ) );
                    primaryPerson.AnniversaryDate = GetNewDateTimeValue( "AnniversaryDate", changes );
                    primaryPerson.GraduationYear = GetNewIntValue( "GraduationYear", changes );
                    primaryPerson.Email = GetNewStringValue( "Email", changes );
                    primaryPerson.IsEmailActive = GetNewBoolValue( "EmailActive", changes ) ?? true;
                    primaryPerson.EmailNote = GetNewStringValue( "EmailNote", changes );
                    primaryPerson.EmailPreference = (EmailPreference)GetNewEnumValue( "EmailPreference", typeof( EmailPreference ), changes );
                    primaryPerson.SystemNote = GetNewStringValue( "InactiveReasonNote", changes );
                    primaryPerson.SystemNote = GetNewStringValue( "SystemNote", changes );

                    // Update phone numbers
                    var phoneTypes = DefinedTypeCache.Read( Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedType.PERSON_PHONE_TYPE.AsGuid() ).DefinedValues;
                    foreach ( var phoneType in phoneTypes )
                        var phoneNumber = primaryPerson.PhoneNumbers.Where( p => p.NumberTypeValueId == phoneType.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                        string oldValue = phoneNumber != null ? phoneNumber.Number : string.Empty;

                        string key = "phone_" + phoneType.Id.ToString();
                        string newValue = GetNewStringValue( key, changes );
                        bool phoneNumberDeleted = false;

                        if ( !oldValue.Equals( newValue, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                            // New phone doesn't match old

                            if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( newValue ) )
                                // New value exists
                                if ( phoneNumber == null )
                                    // Old value didn't exist... create new phone record
                                    phoneNumber = new PhoneNumber { NumberTypeValueId = phoneType.Id };
                                    primaryPerson.PhoneNumbers.Add( phoneNumber );

                                // Update phone number
                                phoneNumber.Number = newValue;
                                // New value doesn't exist
                                if ( phoneNumber != null )
                                    // old value existed.. delete it
                                    primaryPerson.PhoneNumbers.Remove( phoneNumber );
                                    phoneNumberService.Delete( phoneNumber );
                                    phoneNumberDeleted = true;

                        // check to see if IsMessagingEnabled is true for any of the merged people for this number/numbertype
                        if ( phoneNumber != null && !phoneNumberDeleted && !phoneNumber.IsMessagingEnabled )
                            var personIds = MergeData.People.Select( a => a.Id ).ToList();
                            var isMessagingEnabled = phoneNumberService.Queryable().Where( a => personIds.Contains( a.PersonId ) && a.Number == phoneNumber.Number && a.NumberTypeValueId == phoneNumber.NumberTypeValueId ).Any( a => a.IsMessagingEnabled );
                            if ( isMessagingEnabled )
                                phoneNumber.IsMessagingEnabled = true;

                    // Save the new record

                    // Update the attributes
                    primaryPerson.LoadAttributes( rockContext );
                    foreach ( var property in MergeData.Properties.Where( p => p.Key.StartsWith( "attr_" ) ) )
                        string attributeKey = property.Key.Substring( 5 );
                        string oldValue = primaryPerson.GetAttributeValue( attributeKey ) ?? string.Empty;
                        string newValue = GetNewStringValue( property.Key, changes ) ?? string.Empty;

                        if ( !oldValue.Equals( newValue ) )
                            var attribute = primaryPerson.Attributes[attributeKey];
                            Rock.Attribute.Helper.SaveAttributeValue( primaryPerson, attribute, newValue, rockContext );

                    HistoryService.SaveChanges( rockContext, typeof( Person ), Rock.SystemGuid.Category.HISTORY_PERSON_DEMOGRAPHIC_CHANGES.AsGuid(),
                        primaryPerson.Id, changes );

                    // Delete the unselected photos
                    string photoKeeper = primaryPerson.PhotoId.HasValue ? primaryPerson.PhotoId.Value.ToString() : string.Empty;
                    foreach ( var photoValue in MergeData.Properties
                        .Where( p => p.Key == "Photo" )
                        .SelectMany( p => p.Values )
                        .Where( v => v.Value != "" && v.Value != photoKeeper )
                        .Select( v => v.Value ) )
                        int photoId = 0;
                        if ( int.TryParse( photoValue, out photoId ) )
                            var photo = binaryFileService.Get( photoId );
                            if ( photo != null )
                                string errorMessages;
                                if ( binaryFileService.CanDelete( photo, out errorMessages ) )
                                    binaryFileService.Delete( photo );

                    // Delete merged person's family records and any families that would be empty after merge
                    foreach ( var p in MergeData.People.Where( p => p.Id != primaryPersonId.Value ) )
                        // Delete the merged person's phone numbers (we've already updated the primary persons values)
                        foreach ( var phoneNumber in phoneNumberService.GetByPersonId( p.Id ) )
                            phoneNumberService.Delete( phoneNumber );

                        // If there was more than one email address and user has logins, then set any of the local
                        // logins ( database & AD ) to require a reconfirmation
                        if ( reconfirmRequired )
                            foreach ( var login in userLoginService.GetByPersonId( p.Id ) )
                                var component = Rock.Security.AuthenticationContainer.GetComponent( login.EntityType.Name );
                                if ( component != null && !component.RequiresRemoteAuthentication )
                                    login.IsConfirmed = false;


                        // Delete the merged person's other family member records and the family if they were the only one in the family
                        Guid familyGuid = Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_FAMILY.AsGuid();
                        foreach ( var familyMember in groupMemberService.Queryable().Where( m => m.PersonId == p.Id && m.Group.GroupType.Guid == familyGuid ) )
                            groupMemberService.Delete( familyMember );


                            // Get the family
                            var family = groupService.Queryable( "Members" ).Where( f => f.Id == familyMember.GroupId ).FirstOrDefault();
                            if ( !family.Members.Any() )
                                // If there are not any other family members, delete the family record.

                                // If theres any people that have this group as a giving group, set it to null (the person being merged should be the only one)
                                foreach ( Person gp in personService.Queryable().Where( g => g.GivingGroupId == family.Id ) )
                                    gp.GivingGroupId = null;

                                // save to the database prior to doing groupService.Delete since .Delete quietly might not delete if thinks the Family is used for a GivingGroupId

                                // Delete the family
                                string errorMessage;
                                if ( groupService.CanDelete( family, out errorMessage ) )
                                    var oldFamilyChanges = new List<string>();
                                    History.EvaluateChange( oldFamilyChanges, "Family", family.Name, string.Empty );
                                    HistoryService.SaveChanges( rockContext, typeof( Person ), Rock.SystemGuid.Category.HISTORY_PERSON_FAMILY_CHANGES.AsGuid(),
                                        primaryPersonId.Value, oldFamilyChanges, family.Name, typeof( Group ), family.Id );

                                    groupService.Delete( family );

                    // Flush any security roles that the merged person's other records were a part of
                    foreach ( var p in MergeData.People.Where( p => p.Id != primaryPersonId.Value ) )
                        foreach ( var groupMember in groupMemberService.Queryable().Where( m => m.PersonId == p.Id ) )
                            Group group = new GroupService( rockContext ).Get( groupMember.GroupId );
                            if ( group.IsSecurityRole || group.GroupType.Guid.Equals( Rock.SystemGuid.GroupType.GROUPTYPE_SECURITY_ROLE.AsGuid() ) )
                                Rock.Security.Role.Flush( group.Id );

                    // now that the Merge is complete, the EntitySet can be marked to be deleted by the RockCleanup job
                    var entitySetService = new EntitySetService( rockContext );
                    var entitySet = entitySetService.Get( MergeData.EntitySetId );
                    if ( entitySet != null )
                        entitySet.ExpireDateTime = RockDateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-1);
                        entitySet.EntitySetPurposeValueId = null;

            } );

            foreach ( var p in MergeData.People.Where( p => p.Id != primaryPersonId.Value ) )
                // Run merge proc to merge all associated data
                var parms = new Dictionary<string, object>();
                parms.Add( "OldId", p.Id );
                parms.Add( "NewId", primaryPersonId.Value );
                DbService.ExecuteCommand( "spCrm_PersonMerge", CommandType.StoredProcedure, parms );

            NavigateToLinkedPage( "PersonDetailPage", "PersonId", primaryPersonId.Value );
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindGrid()
            var guids = new TaggedItemService( new RockContext() ).Queryable().Where( t => t.TagId == TagId.Value )
                .Select( t => new { t.EntityGuid, t.CreatedDateTime } )
                .ToDictionary( o => o.EntityGuid, o => o.CreatedDateTime );

            var enumerable = InvokeServiceMethod( "GetListByGuids", new Type[] { typeof( List<Guid> ) }, new object[] { guids.Keys.ToList() } ) as System.Collections.IEnumerable;

            // Since we don't really know what is in the "obj" that was returned, we check if it's
            // enumerable then reuse the CreatedDateTime property of the DataSource if it has one.
            // In the future, perhaps consider creating a merged data source so the CreatedDateTime
            // property/column doesn't have to be hijacked.
            if ( enumerable != null )
                if ( enumerable is IEnumerable<Person> )
                    enumerable = ( enumerable as IEnumerable<Person> ).AsQueryable().Sort( gReport.SortProperty ?? new SortProperty { Property = "Id" } ).ToList();
                    gReport.AllowSorting = true;
                    gReport.AllowSorting = false;

                foreach ( var entity in enumerable )
                    var property = entity.GetType().GetProperty( "CreatedDateTime" );
                    var guid = entity.GetType().GetProperty( "Guid" );
                    // Now re-set the CreatedDateTime with the tag's CreatedDateTime (if that property is in the entity)
                    if ( property != null && guid != null )
                        var val = (Guid)guid.GetValue( entity, null );
                        property.SetValue( entity, guids[val], null );

            gReport.DataSource = enumerable;

Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the tag values that user entered for the entity (
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="personAlias">The person alias.</param>
        public void SaveTagValues(PersonAlias personAlias)
            int? currentPersonId = null;
            if (personAlias != null)
                currentPersonId = personAlias.PersonId;

            if ( EntityGuid != Guid.Empty )
                var rockContext = new RockContext();
                var tagService = new TagService( rockContext );
                var taggedItemService = new TaggedItemService( rockContext );

                // Get the existing tags for this entity type
                var existingTags = tagService.Get( EntityTypeId, EntityQualifierColumn, EntityQualifierValue, currentPersonId ).ToList();

                // Get the existing tagged items for this entity
                var existingTaggedItems = taggedItemService.Get( EntityTypeId, EntityQualifierColumn, EntityQualifierValue, currentPersonId, EntityGuid );

                // Get tag values after user edit
                var currentTags = new List<Tag>();
                foreach ( var value in this.Text.Split( new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries ) )
                    string tagName = value;
                    if ( tagName.Contains( '^' ) )
                        tagName = tagName.Split( new char[] { '^' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries )[0];

                    // If this is a new tag, create it
                    Tag tag = existingTags.FirstOrDefault( t => t.Name.Equals( tagName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) );
                    if ( tag == null && currentPersonId != null )
                        tag = new Tag();
                        tag.EntityTypeId = EntityTypeId;
                        tag.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = EntityQualifierColumn;
                        tag.EntityTypeQualifierValue = EntityQualifierValue;
                        tag.OwnerPersonAliasId = personAlias != null ? personAlias.Id : (int?)null;
                        tag.Name = tagName;

                    if ( tag != null )
                        currentTags.Add( tag );


                // Delete any tagged items that user removed
                var names = currentTags.Select( t => t.Name ).ToList();
                foreach ( var taggedItem in existingTaggedItems)
                    if ( !names.Contains( taggedItem.Tag.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                        taggedItemService.Delete( taggedItem );


                // Add any tagged items that user added
                names = existingTaggedItems.Select( t => t.Tag.Name ).ToList();
                foreach ( var tag in currentTags)
                    if ( !names.Contains( tag.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
                        var taggedItem = new TaggedItem();
                        taggedItem.TagId = tag.Id;
                        taggedItem.EntityGuid = EntityGuid;
                        taggedItemService.Add( taggedItem );

Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the control with the current tags that exist for the current entity
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentPersonId">The current person identifier.</param>
        public void GetTagValues(int? currentPersonId)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                var service = new TaggedItemService( rockContext );
                foreach ( dynamic item in service.Get(
                    EntityTypeId, EntityQualifierColumn, EntityQualifierValue, currentPersonId, EntityGuid )
                    .Select( i => new
                        OwnerId = ( i.Tag.OwnerPersonAlias != null ? i.Tag.OwnerPersonAlias.PersonId : (int?)null ),
                        Name = i.Tag.Name
                    } ) )
                    if ( sb.Length > 0 )
                        sb.Append( ',' );
                    sb.Append( item.Name );
                    if ( currentPersonId.HasValue && item.OwnerId == currentPersonId.Value )
                        sb.Append( "^personal" );

            this.Text = sb.ToString();
Пример #11
        //Just mapping Connect Groups and not People Lists (Wonder if People lists could be Tags?)
        /// <summary>
        /// Maps the Connect Groups.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableData">The table data.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private void MapGroups( IQueryable<Row> tableData )
            var lookupContext = new RockContext();
            int completedMembers = 0;
            int completedGroups = 0;
            int completedLifeStages = 0;
            int completedTags = 0;
            int completedIndividualTags = 0;
            int totalRows = tableData.Count();
            int percentage = ( totalRows - 1 ) / 100 + 1;
            ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Verifying group import ({0:N0} found. Total may vary based on Group Type Name).", totalRows ) );

            foreach ( var row in tableData )
                var rockContext = new RockContext();
                var lifeStageContext = new RockContext();
                var connectGroupContext = new RockContext();
                var connectGroupMemberContext = new RockContext();

                string groupTypeName = row["Group_Type_Name"] as string;
                if ( groupTypeName.Trim() == "Connect Groups" )            //Moves Connect Groups into Rock Groups

                    var groupTypeIdSection = new GroupTypeService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( gt => gt.Name == "Event/Serving/Small Group Section" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    var connectGroupsId = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == "Connect Groups" && g.GroupTypeId == groupTypeIdSection ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    var groupTypeIdSmallGroup = new GroupTypeService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( gt => gt.Name == "Small Group" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                    string groupName = row["Group_Name"] as string;
                    int? groupId = row["Group_ID"] as int?;
                    int? individualId = row["Individual_ID"] as int?;
                    int? personId = GetPersonAliasId( individualId );
                    DateTime? createdDateTime = row["Created_Date"] as DateTime?;

                    //Check to see if Head of Connect Group Tree exists

                    //If it doesn't exist
                    if ( connectGroupsId == 0 )
                        //Create one.
                        var connectGroupTree = new Group();
                        connectGroupTree.IsSystem = false;
                        connectGroupTree.GroupTypeId = groupTypeIdSection;
                        connectGroupTree.CampusId = 1;
                        connectGroupTree.Name = "Connect Groups";
                        connectGroupTree.Description = "Crossroads Connect Group Ministry";
                        connectGroupTree.IsActive = true;
                        //connectGroupTree.Order = 0;
                        connectGroupTree.CreatedByPersonAliasId = 1;
                        connectGroupTree.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                        //save group
                        rockContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                            rockContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                            rockContext.Groups.Add( connectGroupTree );
                            rockContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                        } );

                    //check to see if life stage exists
                    //getting the life stage name
                    string lifeStage = groupName;
                    int index = lifeStage.IndexOf( "-" );
                    if ( index > 0 )
                        lifeStage = lifeStage.Substring( 0, index ).Trim();

                    //checks to see if it exists
                    int existingLifeStage = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == lifeStage ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    if ( existingLifeStage == 0 )
                        //Create one.
                        var connectGroupsLifeStage = new Group();
                        connectGroupsLifeStage.IsSystem = false;
                        connectGroupsLifeStage.ParentGroupId = connectGroupsId;
                        connectGroupsLifeStage.GroupTypeId = groupTypeIdSection;
                        connectGroupsLifeStage.CampusId = 1;
                        connectGroupsLifeStage.Name = lifeStage;
                        connectGroupsLifeStage.Description = "";
                        connectGroupsLifeStage.IsActive = true;
                        //connectGroupsLifeStage.Order = 0;
                        connectGroupsLifeStage.CreatedByPersonAliasId = 1;
                        connectGroupsLifeStage.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                        //save Life Stage

                        lifeStageContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                            lifeStageContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                            lifeStageContext.Groups.Add( connectGroupsLifeStage );
                            lifeStageContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                        } );

                    int existingConnectGroup = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == groupName ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    existingLifeStage = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == lifeStage ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    //check to see if Connect Group exists.
                    if ( existingConnectGroup == 0 )
                        //Create one.
                        var connectGroups = new Group();
                        connectGroups.IsSystem = false;
                        connectGroups.GroupTypeId = groupTypeIdSmallGroup;
                        connectGroups.ParentGroupId = existingLifeStage;
                        connectGroups.CampusId = 1;
                        connectGroups.Name = groupName;
                        connectGroups.Description = "";
                        connectGroups.IsActive = true;
                        //connectGroups.Order = 0;
                        connectGroups.CreatedByPersonAliasId = 1;
                        connectGroups.CreatedDateTime = createdDateTime;
                        connectGroups.ForeignId = groupId.ToString(); //Will use this for GroupsAttendance

                        //Save Group
                        connectGroupContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                            connectGroupContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                            connectGroupContext.Groups.Add( connectGroups );
                            connectGroupContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                        } );

                    existingConnectGroup = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == groupName ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                    //Adds Group Member(s)
                    //makes sure Connect Group Exists
                    if ( existingConnectGroup != 0 )
                        int memberGroupTypeRoleId = new GroupTypeRoleService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.GroupTypeId == groupTypeIdSmallGroup && g.Name == "Member" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                        int groupMemberExists = new GroupMemberService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.GroupId == existingConnectGroup && g.PersonId == personId && g.GroupRoleId == memberGroupTypeRoleId ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                        if ( groupMemberExists == 0 )
                            //adds member
                            var connectGroupMember = new GroupMember();
                            connectGroupMember.IsSystem = false;
                            connectGroupMember.GroupId = existingConnectGroup;
                            connectGroupMember.PersonId = (int)personId;
                            connectGroupMember.GroupRoleId = memberGroupTypeRoleId; //will add them as a member
                           // ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "GroupId: {0}, GroupName: {3}, PersonID: {1}, GroupRoleId: {2}", connectGroupMember.GroupId, connectGroupMember.PersonId, connectGroupMember.GroupRoleId, groupName ) );

                            //Save Member
                            connectGroupMemberContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                                connectGroupMemberContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                                connectGroupMemberContext.GroupMembers.Add( connectGroupMember );
                                connectGroupMemberContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                            } );

                    if ( completedMembers % percentage < 1 )
                        int percentComplete = completedMembers / percentage;
                        //ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "Life Stages Imported: {0}, Groups Imported: {1}, Members Imported: {2} ({3}% complete). ", completedLifeStages, completedGroups, completedMembers, percentComplete ) );
                    else if ( completedMembers % ReportingNumber < 1 )


                if ( groupTypeName.Trim() == "Care Ministries" )            //Moves Care Ministries into Rock Groups

                    var groupTypeIdSection = new GroupTypeService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( gt => gt.Name == "Event/Serving/Small Group Section" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    var careMinistriesId = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == "Care Ministries" && g.GroupTypeId == groupTypeIdSection ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    var groupTypeIdSmallGroup = new GroupTypeService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( gt => gt.Name == "Small Group" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                    string groupName = row["Group_Name"] as string;
                    int? groupId = row["Group_ID"] as int?;
                    int? individualId = row["Individual_ID"] as int?;
                    int? personId = GetPersonAliasId( individualId );
                    DateTime? createdDateTime = row["Created_Date"] as DateTime?;

                    //Check to see if Head of Care Ministries Tree exists

                    //If it doesn't exist
                    if ( careMinistriesId == 0 )
                        //Create one.
                        var connectGroupTree = new Group();
                        connectGroupTree.IsSystem = false;
                        connectGroupTree.GroupTypeId = groupTypeIdSection;
                        connectGroupTree.CampusId = 1;
                        connectGroupTree.Name = "Care Ministries";
                        connectGroupTree.Description = "Crossroads Care Ministries";
                        connectGroupTree.IsActive = true;
                        //connectGroupTree.Order = 0;
                        connectGroupTree.CreatedByPersonAliasId = 1;
                        connectGroupTree.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                        //save group
                        var careMinistryContext = new RockContext();
                        careMinistryContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                            careMinistryContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                            careMinistryContext.Groups.Add( connectGroupTree );
                            careMinistryContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                        } );

                    int existingConnectGroup = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == groupName ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    int existingCareMinistries = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == "Care Ministries" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                    //check to see if Connect Group exists.
                    if ( existingConnectGroup == 0 )
                        //Create one.
                        var careGroup = new Group();
                        careGroup.IsSystem = false;
                        careGroup.GroupTypeId = groupTypeIdSmallGroup;
                        careGroup.ParentGroupId = existingCareMinistries;
                        careGroup.CampusId = 1;
                        careGroup.Name = groupName;
                        careGroup.Description = "";
                        careGroup.IsActive = true;
                        //connectGroups.Order = 0;
                        careGroup.CreatedByPersonAliasId = 1;
                        careGroup.CreatedDateTime = createdDateTime;
                        careGroup.ForeignId = groupId.ToString(); //will use this later for GroupsAttendance

                        //Save Group
                        var careMinistryGroupContext = new RockContext();
                        careMinistryGroupContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                            careMinistryGroupContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                            careMinistryGroupContext.Groups.Add( careGroup );
                            careMinistryGroupContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                        } );

                    existingConnectGroup = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == groupName ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                    //Adds Group Member(s)
                    //makes sure Connect Group Exists
                    if ( existingConnectGroup != 0 )
                        int memberGroupTypeRoleId = new GroupTypeRoleService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.GroupTypeId == groupTypeIdSmallGroup && g.Name == "Member" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                        int groupMemberExists = new GroupMemberService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.GroupId == existingConnectGroup && g.PersonId == personId && g.GroupRoleId == memberGroupTypeRoleId ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                        if ( groupMemberExists == 0 )
                            //adds member
                            var connectGroupMember = new GroupMember();
                            connectGroupMember.IsSystem = false;
                            connectGroupMember.GroupId = existingConnectGroup;
                            connectGroupMember.PersonId = (int)personId;
                            connectGroupMember.GroupRoleId = memberGroupTypeRoleId; //will add them as a member
                            //ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "GroupId: {0}, GroupName: {3}, PersonID: {1}, GroupRoleId: {2}", connectGroupMember.GroupId, connectGroupMember.PersonId, connectGroupMember.GroupRoleId, groupName ) );

                            //Save Member
                            var careGroupMemberContext = new RockContext();
                            careGroupMemberContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                                careGroupMemberContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                                careGroupMemberContext.GroupMembers.Add( connectGroupMember );
                                careGroupMemberContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                            } );

                    if ( completedMembers % percentage < 1 )
                        int percentComplete = completedMembers / percentage;
                       // ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "Life Stages Imported: {0}, Groups Imported: {1}, Members Imported: {2} ({3}% complete). ", completedLifeStages, completedGroups, completedMembers, percentComplete ) );
                    else if ( completedMembers % ReportingNumber < 1 )


                if ( groupTypeName.Trim() == "Intro Connect Groups" )            //Moves Intro Connect Groups into Rock Groups

                    var groupTypeIdSection = new GroupTypeService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( gt => gt.Name == "Event/Serving/Small Group Section" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    var introConnectGroupsId = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == "Intro Connect Groups" && g.GroupTypeId == groupTypeIdSection ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    var groupTypeIdSmallGroup = new GroupTypeService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( gt => gt.Name == "Small Group" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                    string groupName = row["Group_Name"] as string;
                    int? groupId = row["Group_ID"] as int?;
                    int? individualId = row["Individual_ID"] as int?;
                    int? personId = GetPersonAliasId( individualId );
                    DateTime? createdDateTime = row["Created_Date"] as DateTime?;

                    //Check to see if Head of Care Ministries Tree exists

                    //If it doesn't exist
                    if ( introConnectGroupsId == 0 )
                        //Create one.
                        var connectGroupTree = new Group();
                        connectGroupTree.IsSystem = false;
                        connectGroupTree.GroupTypeId = groupTypeIdSection;
                        connectGroupTree.CampusId = 1;
                        connectGroupTree.Name = "Intro Connect Groups";
                        connectGroupTree.Description = "Crossroads Intro Connect Groups";
                        connectGroupTree.IsActive = true;
                        //connectGroupTree.Order = 0;
                        connectGroupTree.CreatedByPersonAliasId = 1;
                        connectGroupTree.CreatedDateTime = DateTime.Now;

                        //save group
                        var introConnectGroupTreeContext = new RockContext();
                         introConnectGroupTreeContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                            introConnectGroupTreeContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                            introConnectGroupTreeContext.Groups.Add( connectGroupTree );
                            introConnectGroupTreeContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                        } );

                    int existingConnectGroup = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == groupName ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    int existingIntroConnectGroup = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == "Intro Connect Groups" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                    //check to see if Connect Group exists.
                    if ( existingConnectGroup == 0 )
                        //Create one.
                        var introConnectGroup = new Group();
                        introConnectGroup.IsSystem = false;
                        introConnectGroup.GroupTypeId = groupTypeIdSmallGroup;
                        introConnectGroup.ParentGroupId = existingIntroConnectGroup;
                        introConnectGroup.CampusId = 1;
                        introConnectGroup.Name = groupName;
                        introConnectGroup.Description = "";
                        introConnectGroup.IsActive = true;
                        //connectGroups.Order = 0;
                        introConnectGroup.CreatedByPersonAliasId = 1;
                        introConnectGroup.CreatedDateTime = createdDateTime;
                        introConnectGroup.ForeignId = groupId.ToString(); //will use this later for GroupsAttendance

                        //Save Group
                        var introConnectGroupConext = new RockContext();
                        introConnectGroupConext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                            introConnectGroupConext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                            introConnectGroupConext.Groups.Add( introConnectGroup );
                            introConnectGroupConext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                        } );

                    existingConnectGroup = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == groupName ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                    //Adds Group Member(s)
                    //makes sure Connect Group Exists
                    if ( existingConnectGroup != 0 )
                        int memberGroupTypeRoleId = new GroupTypeRoleService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.GroupTypeId == groupTypeIdSmallGroup && g.Name == "Member" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                        int groupMemberExists = new GroupMemberService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.GroupId == existingConnectGroup && g.PersonId == personId && g.GroupRoleId == memberGroupTypeRoleId ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                        if ( groupMemberExists == 0 )
                            //adds member
                            var connectGroupMember = new GroupMember();
                            connectGroupMember.IsSystem = false;
                            connectGroupMember.GroupId = existingConnectGroup;
                            connectGroupMember.PersonId = (int)personId;
                            connectGroupMember.GroupRoleId = memberGroupTypeRoleId; //will add them as a member
                            //ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "GroupId: {0}, GroupName: {3}, PersonID: {1}, GroupRoleId: {2}", connectGroupMember.GroupId, connectGroupMember.PersonId, connectGroupMember.GroupRoleId, groupName ) );

                            //Save Member
                            var introConnectGroupMemberConext = new RockContext();
                            introConnectGroupMemberConext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                                introConnectGroupMemberConext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                                introConnectGroupMemberConext.GroupMembers.Add( connectGroupMember );
                                introConnectGroupMemberConext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                            } );

                    if ( completedMembers % percentage < 1 )
                        int percentComplete = completedMembers / percentage;
                       // ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "Life Stages Imported: {0}, Groups Imported: {1}, Members Imported: {2} ({3}% complete). ", completedLifeStages, completedGroups, completedMembers, percentComplete ) );
                    else if ( completedMembers % ReportingNumber < 1 )


                if ( groupTypeName.Trim() == "People List" )    //Places People Lists in tags

                    var tagService = new TagService( lookupContext );
                    var entityTypeService = new EntityTypeService( lookupContext );
                    var taggedItemService = new TaggedItemService( lookupContext );
                    var personService = new PersonService( lookupContext );

                    //var groupTypeIdSection = new GroupTypeService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( gt => gt.Name == "Event/Serving/Small Group Section" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    //var connectGroupsId = new GroupService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( g => g.Name == "Connect Groups" && g.GroupTypeId == groupTypeIdSection ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();
                    //var groupTypeIdSmallGroup = new GroupTypeService( lookupContext ).Queryable().Where( gt => gt.Name == "Small Group" ).Select( a => a.Id ).FirstOrDefault();

                    string peopleListName = row["Group_Name"] as string;
                    int? groupId = row["Group_ID"] as int?;
                    int? individualId = row["Individual_ID"] as int?;
                    int? personId = GetPersonAliasId( individualId );
                    DateTime? createdDateTime = row["Created_Date"] as DateTime?;

                    if ( personId != null )
                        //check if tag exists
                        if ( tagService.Queryable().Where( t => t.Name == peopleListName ).FirstOrDefault() == null )
                            //create if it doesn't
                            var newTag = new Tag();
                            newTag.IsSystem = false;
                            newTag.Name = peopleListName;
                            newTag.EntityTypeQualifierColumn = string.Empty;
                            newTag.EntityTypeQualifierValue = string.Empty;
                            newTag.EntityTypeId = entityTypeService.Queryable().Where( e => e.Name == "Rock.Model.Person" ).FirstOrDefault().Id;

                            //Save tag
                            var tagContext = new RockContext();
                            tagContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                                tagContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                                tagContext.Tags.Add( newTag );
                                tagContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                            } );


                        var personAlias = new PersonAlias();
                        personAlias = null;

                        if ( tagService.Queryable().Where( t => t.Name == peopleListName ).FirstOrDefault() != null ) //Makes sure tag exists
                            //selects the ID of the current people list / tag
                            int tagId = tagService.Queryable().Where( t => t.Name == peopleListName ).FirstOrDefault().Id;

                            //gets the person instance in order to use person's GUID later.
                            var personTagged = personService.Queryable().Where( p => p.Id == personId ).FirstOrDefault();
                            if ( personTagged == null )
                                var personAliasService = new PersonAliasService(lookupContext);
                                personAlias = personAliasService.Queryable().Where( p => p.PersonId == (int)personId ).FirstOrDefault();
                                //ReportProgress( 0, string.Format( "Not able to tag person Id: {0} Tag Name: {1} F1 groupId: {2} Tag Id: {3}. ", personId, peopleListName, groupId, tagId ) );


                            //check if person already has this tag
                            if ( personTagged != null && taggedItemService.Queryable().Where( t => t.EntityGuid == personTagged.Guid && t.TagId == tagId ).FirstOrDefault() == null )

                                //add tag if one doesn't exist for person.
                                var taggedItem = new TaggedItem();
                                taggedItem.IsSystem = false;
                                taggedItem.TagId = tagId;
                                taggedItem.EntityGuid = personTagged.Guid;
                                taggedItem.CreatedDateTime = createdDateTime;

                                //save tag
                                var tagContext = new RockContext();
                                tagContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                                    tagContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                                    tagContext.TaggedItems.Add( taggedItem );
                                    tagContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                                } );

                            if ( personAlias != null && taggedItemService.Queryable().Where( t => t.EntityGuid == personAlias.AliasPersonGuid && t.TagId == tagId ).FirstOrDefault() == null )

                                //add tag if one doesn't exist for person.
                                var taggedItem = new TaggedItem();
                                taggedItem.IsSystem = false;
                                taggedItem.TagId = tagId;
                                taggedItem.EntityGuid = personAlias.AliasPersonGuid;
                                taggedItem.CreatedDateTime = createdDateTime;

                                //save tag
                                var tagContext = new RockContext();
                                tagContext.WrapTransaction( () =>
                                    tagContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;
                                    tagContext.TaggedItems.Add( taggedItem );
                                    tagContext.SaveChanges( DisableAudit );
                                } );

                        //report Progress
                        if ( completedIndividualTags != 0 )
                            if ( completedIndividualTags % percentage < 1 )
                                int percentComplete = completedIndividualTags / percentage;
                               // ReportProgress( percentComplete, string.Format( "People Lists / Tags Imported: {0:N0}, Tagged Individuals: {1:N0} ({2:N0}% complete). ", completedTags, completedIndividualTags, percentComplete ) );
                            else if ( completedMembers % ReportingNumber < 1 )
Пример #12
        public void Delete( int entityTypeId, int ownerId, Guid entityGuid, string name, string entityQualifier, string entityQualifierValue )
            var user = CurrentUser();
            if ( user != null )
                using ( new Rock.Data.UnitOfWorkScope() )
                    var tagService = new TagService();
                    var taggedItemService = new TaggedItemService();

                    if ( name.Contains( '^' ) )
                        name = name.Split( '^' )[0];

                    var tag = tagService.Get( entityTypeId, entityQualifier, entityQualifierValue, ownerId, name );
                    if ( tag == null )
                        throw new HttpResponseException( HttpStatusCode.NotFound );

                    var taggedItem = taggedItemService.Get( tag.Id, entityGuid );
                    if ( taggedItem == null )
                        throw new HttpResponseException( HttpStatusCode.NotFound );

                    taggedItemService.Delete( taggedItem, user.PersonId );
                    taggedItemService.Save( taggedItem, user.PersonId );
                throw new HttpResponseException( HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized );
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Delete event of the gReport control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="RowEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void gReport_Delete( object sender, RowEventArgs e )
            Guid guid = Guid.Empty;
            if ( TagId.HasValue && Guid.TryParse( e.RowKeyValue.ToString(), out guid ) )
                var service = new TaggedItemService();
                var taggedItem = service.Get( TagId.Value, guid );
                if ( taggedItem != null )
                    string errorMessage;
                    if ( !service.CanDelete( taggedItem, out errorMessage ) )
                        mdGridWarning.Show( errorMessage, ModalAlertType.Information );

                    service.Delete( taggedItem, CurrentPersonId );
                    service.Save( taggedItem, CurrentPersonId );
