Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the registrations grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindRegistrationsGrid()
            int? instanceId = hfRegistrationInstanceId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( instanceId.HasValue )
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    var registrationEntityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.Registration ) );

                    var instance = new RegistrationInstanceService( rockContext ).Get( instanceId.Value );
                    _instanceHasCost = instance != null && instance.RegistrationTemplate.Cost > 0.0m;

                    var qry = new RegistrationService( rockContext )
                        .Queryable( "PersonAlias.Person,Registrants.PersonAlias.Person,Registrants.Fees.RegistrationTemplateFee" )
                        .Where( r => r.RegistrationInstanceId == instanceId.Value );

                    if ( drpRegistrationDateRange.LowerValue.HasValue )
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.CreatedDateTime.HasValue &&
                            r.CreatedDateTime.Value >= drpRegistrationDateRange.LowerValue.Value );
                    if ( drpRegistrationDateRange.UpperValue.HasValue )
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.CreatedDateTime.HasValue &&
                            r.CreatedDateTime.Value <= drpRegistrationDateRange.UpperValue.Value );

                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbRegistrationRegisteredByFirstName.Text ) )
                        string pfname = tbRegistrationRegisteredByFirstName.Text;
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.FirstName.StartsWith( pfname ) ||
                            r.PersonAlias.Person.NickName.StartsWith( pfname ) ||
                            r.PersonAlias.Person.FirstName.StartsWith( pfname ) );

                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbRegistrationRegisteredByLastName.Text ) )
                        string plname = tbRegistrationRegisteredByLastName.Text;
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.LastName.StartsWith( plname ) ||
                            r.PersonAlias.Person.LastName.StartsWith( plname ) );

                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbRegistrationRegistrantFirstName.Text ) )
                        string rfname = tbRegistrationRegistrantFirstName.Text;
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.Registrants.Any( p =>
                                p.PersonAlias.Person.NickName.StartsWith( rfname ) ||
                                p.PersonAlias.Person.FirstName.StartsWith( rfname ) ) );

                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbRegistrationRegistrantLastName.Text ) )
                        string rlname = tbRegistrationRegistrantLastName.Text;
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.Registrants.Any( p =>
                                p.PersonAlias.Person.LastName.StartsWith( rlname ) ) );

                    // If filtering on payment status, need to do some sub-querying...
                    if ( ddlRegistrationPaymentStatus.SelectedValue != "" && registrationEntityType != null )
                        // Get all the registrant costs
                        var rCosts = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();
                            .Select( r => new
                                RegistrationId = r.Id,
                                Costs = r.Registrants.Sum( p => p.Cost ),
                                Fees = r.Registrants.SelectMany( p => p.Fees ).Sum( f => f.Cost )
                            } ).ToList()
                            .ForEach( c =>
                                rCosts.AddOrReplace( c.RegistrationId, c.Costs + c.Fees ) );

                        var rPayments = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();
                        new FinancialTransactionDetailService( rockContext )
                            .Where( d =>
                                d.EntityTypeId.HasValue &&
                                d.EntityId.HasValue &&
                                d.EntityTypeId.Value == registrationEntityType.Id &&
                                rCosts.Keys.Contains( d.EntityId.Value ) )
                            .Select( d => new
                                RegistrationId = d.EntityId.Value,
                                Payment = d.Amount
                            } )
                            .GroupBy( d => d.RegistrationId )
                            .Select( d => new
                                RegistrationId = d.Key,
                                Payments = d.Sum( p => p.Payment )
                            } )
                            .ForEach( p =>
                                rPayments.AddOrReplace( p.RegistrationId, p.Payments ) );

                        var rPmtSummary = rCosts
                            .Join( rPayments, c => c.Key, p => p.Key, ( c, p ) => new
                                RegistrationId = c.Key,
                                Costs = c.Value,
                                Payments = p.Value
                            } )

                        var ids = new List<int>();

                        if ( ddlRegistrationPaymentStatus.SelectedValue == "Paid in Full" )
                            ids = rPmtSummary
                                .Where( r => r.Costs <= r.Payments )
                                .Select( r => r.RegistrationId )
                            ids = rPmtSummary
                                .Where( r => r.Costs > r.Payments )
                                .Select( r => r.RegistrationId )

                        qry = qry.Where( r => ids.Contains( r.Id ) );

                    IOrderedQueryable<Registration> orderedQry = null;
                    SortProperty sortProperty = gRegistrations.SortProperty;
                    if ( sortProperty != null )
                        orderedQry = qry.Sort( sortProperty );
                        orderedQry = qry.OrderByDescending( r => r.CreatedDateTime );

                    gRegistrations.SetLinqDataSource( orderedQry );

                    // Get all the payments for any registrations being displayed on the current page.
                    // This is used in the RowDataBound event but queried now so that each row does
                    // not have to query for the data.
                    var currentPageRegistrations = gRegistrations.DataSource as List<Registration>;
                    if ( currentPageRegistrations != null && registrationEntityType != null )
                        var registrationIds = currentPageRegistrations
                            .Select( r => r.Id )

                        RegistrationPayments = new FinancialTransactionDetailService( rockContext )
                            .Where( d =>
                                d.EntityTypeId.HasValue &&
                                d.EntityId.HasValue &&
                                d.EntityTypeId.Value == registrationEntityType.Id &&
                                registrationIds.Contains( d.EntityId.Value ) )

        /// <summary>
        /// Binds the registrations grid.
        /// </summary>
        private void BindRegistrationsGrid()
            int? instanceId = hfRegistrationInstanceId.Value.AsIntegerOrNull();
            if ( instanceId.HasValue )
                using ( var rockContext = new RockContext() )
                    var registrationEntityType = EntityTypeCache.Read( typeof( Rock.Model.Registration ) );

                    var instance = new RegistrationInstanceService( rockContext ).Get( instanceId.Value );
                    decimal cost = instance.RegistrationTemplate.Cost;
                    if ( instance.RegistrationTemplate.SetCostOnInstance ?? false )
                        cost = instance.Cost ?? 0.0m;
                    _instanceHasCost = cost > 0.0m;

                    var qry = new RegistrationService( rockContext )
                        .Queryable( "PersonAlias.Person,Registrants.PersonAlias.Person,Registrants.Fees.RegistrationTemplateFee" )
                        .Where( r =>
                            r.RegistrationInstanceId == instanceId.Value &&
                            !r.IsTemporary );

                    if ( drpRegistrationDateRange.LowerValue.HasValue )
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.CreatedDateTime.HasValue &&
                            r.CreatedDateTime.Value >= drpRegistrationDateRange.LowerValue.Value );
                    if ( drpRegistrationDateRange.UpperValue.HasValue )
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.CreatedDateTime.HasValue &&
                            r.CreatedDateTime.Value <= drpRegistrationDateRange.UpperValue.Value );

                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbRegistrationRegisteredByFirstName.Text ) )
                        string pfname = tbRegistrationRegisteredByFirstName.Text;
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.FirstName.StartsWith( pfname ) ||
                            r.PersonAlias.Person.NickName.StartsWith( pfname ) ||
                            r.PersonAlias.Person.FirstName.StartsWith( pfname ) );

                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbRegistrationRegisteredByLastName.Text ) )
                        string plname = tbRegistrationRegisteredByLastName.Text;
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.LastName.StartsWith( plname ) ||
                            r.PersonAlias.Person.LastName.StartsWith( plname ) );

                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbRegistrationRegistrantFirstName.Text ) )
                        string rfname = tbRegistrationRegistrantFirstName.Text;
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.Registrants.Any( p =>
                                p.PersonAlias.Person.NickName.StartsWith( rfname ) ||
                                p.PersonAlias.Person.FirstName.StartsWith( rfname ) ) );

                    if ( !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace( tbRegistrationRegistrantLastName.Text ) )
                        string rlname = tbRegistrationRegistrantLastName.Text;
                        qry = qry.Where( r =>
                            r.Registrants.Any( p =>
                                p.PersonAlias.Person.LastName.StartsWith( rlname ) ) );

                    // If filtering on payment status, need to do some sub-querying...
                    if ( ddlRegistrationPaymentStatus.SelectedValue != "" && registrationEntityType != null )
                        // Get all the registrant costs
                        var rCosts = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();
                            .Select( r => new
                                RegistrationId = r.Id,
                                DiscountCosts = r.Registrants.Sum( p => (decimal?)( p.DiscountedCost( r.DiscountPercentage, r.DiscountAmount) ) ) ?? 0.0m,
                            } ).ToList()
                            .ForEach( c =>
                                rCosts.AddOrReplace( c.RegistrationId, c.DiscountCosts ) );

                        var rPayments = new Dictionary<int, decimal>();
                        new FinancialTransactionDetailService( rockContext )
                            .Where( d =>
                                d.EntityTypeId.HasValue &&
                                d.EntityId.HasValue &&
                                d.EntityTypeId.Value == registrationEntityType.Id &&
                                rCosts.Keys.Contains( d.EntityId.Value ) )
                            .Select( d => new
                                RegistrationId = d.EntityId.Value,
                                Payment = d.Amount
                            } )
                            .GroupBy( d => d.RegistrationId )
                            .Select( d => new
                                RegistrationId = d.Key,
                                Payments = d.Sum( p => p.Payment )
                            } )
                            .ForEach( p =>
                                rPayments.AddOrReplace( p.RegistrationId, p.Payments ) );

                        var rPmtSummary = rCosts
                            .Join( rPayments, c => c.Key, p => p.Key, ( c, p ) => new
                                RegistrationId = c.Key,
                                Costs = c.Value,
                                Payments = p.Value
                            } )

                        var ids = new List<int>();

                        if ( ddlRegistrationPaymentStatus.SelectedValue == "Paid in Full" )
                            ids = rPmtSummary
                                .Where( r => r.Costs <= r.Payments )
                                .Select( r => r.RegistrationId )
                            ids = rPmtSummary
                                .Where( r => r.Costs > r.Payments )
                                .Select( r => r.RegistrationId )

                        qry = qry.Where( r => ids.Contains( r.Id ) );

                    SortProperty sortProperty = gRegistrations.SortProperty;
                    if ( sortProperty != null )
                        // If sorting by Total Cost or Balance Due, the database query needs to be run first without ordering,
                        // and then ordering needs to be done in memory since TotalCost and BalanceDue are not databae fields.
                        if ( sortProperty.Property == "TotalCost" )
                            if ( sortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending )
                                gRegistrations.SetLinqDataSource( qry.ToList().OrderBy( r => r.TotalCost ).AsQueryable() );
                                gRegistrations.SetLinqDataSource( qry.ToList().OrderByDescending( r => r.TotalCost ).AsQueryable() );
                        else if ( sortProperty.Property == "BalanceDue" )
                            if ( sortProperty.Direction == SortDirection.Ascending )
                                gRegistrations.SetLinqDataSource( qry.ToList().OrderBy( r => r.BalanceDue ).AsQueryable() );
                                gRegistrations.SetLinqDataSource( qry.ToList().OrderByDescending( r => r.BalanceDue ).AsQueryable() );
                            gRegistrations.SetLinqDataSource( qry.Sort( sortProperty ) );
                        gRegistrations.SetLinqDataSource( qry.OrderByDescending( r => r.CreatedDateTime ) );

                    // Get all the payments for any registrations being displayed on the current page.
                    // This is used in the RowDataBound event but queried now so that each row does
                    // not have to query for the data.
                    var currentPageRegistrations = gRegistrations.DataSource as List<Registration>;
                    if ( currentPageRegistrations != null && registrationEntityType != null )
                        var registrationIds = currentPageRegistrations
                            .Select( r => r.Id )

                        RegistrationPayments = new FinancialTransactionDetailService( rockContext )
                            .Where( d =>
                                d.EntityTypeId.HasValue &&
                                d.EntityId.HasValue &&
                                d.EntityTypeId.Value == registrationEntityType.Id &&
                                registrationIds.Contains( d.EntityId.Value ) )

                    var discountCodeHeader = gRegistrations.Columns.GetColumnByHeaderText( "Discount Code" );
                    if ( discountCodeHeader != null )
                        discountCodeHeader.Visible = GetAttributeValue( "DisplayDiscountCodes" ).AsBoolean();
