Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the prayer request.
        /// </summary>
        private void SaveRequest()
            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            PrayerRequest prayerRequest;
            PrayerRequestService prayerRequestService = new PrayerRequestService( rockContext );

            int prayerRequestId = int.Parse( hfPrayerRequestId.Value );

            // Fetch the prayer request or create a new one if needed
            if ( prayerRequestId == 0 )
                prayerRequest = new PrayerRequest();
                prayerRequestService.Add( prayerRequest );
                prayerRequest.EnteredDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                prayerRequest = prayerRequestService.Get( prayerRequestId );

            // If changing from NOT-approved to approved, record who and when
            if ( !( prayerRequest.IsApproved ?? false ) && cbApproved.Checked )
                prayerRequest.ApprovedByPersonId = CurrentPerson.Id;
                prayerRequest.ApprovedOnDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;

                // reset the flag count only to zero ONLY if it had a value previously.
                if ( prayerRequest.FlagCount.HasValue && prayerRequest.FlagCount > 0 )
                    prayerRequest.FlagCount = 0;

            // If no expiration date was manually set, then use the default setting.
            if ( !dpExpirationDate.SelectedDate.HasValue )
                var expireDays = Convert.ToDouble( GetAttributeValue( "ExpireDays" ) );
                prayerRequest.ExpirationDate = RockDateTime.Now.AddDays( expireDays );
                prayerRequest.ExpirationDate = dpExpirationDate.SelectedDate;

            // If no category was selected, then use the default category if there is one.
            int? categoryId = catpCategory.SelectedValueAsInt();
            Guid defaultCategoryGuid = GetAttributeValue( "DefaultCategory" ).AsGuid();
            if ( categoryId == null && !defaultCategoryGuid.IsEmpty() )
                var category = new CategoryService( rockContext ).Get( defaultCategoryGuid );
                categoryId = category.Id;

            prayerRequest.CategoryId = categoryId;

            // Now record all the bits...
            prayerRequest.IsApproved = cbApproved.Checked;
            prayerRequest.IsActive = cbIsActive.Checked;
            prayerRequest.IsUrgent = cbIsUrgent.Checked;
            prayerRequest.AllowComments = cbAllowComments.Checked;
            prayerRequest.IsPublic = cbIsPublic.Checked;
            prayerRequest.FirstName = dtbFirstName.Text;
            prayerRequest.LastName = dtbLastName.Text;
            prayerRequest.Text = dtbText.Text.Trim();
            prayerRequest.Answer = dtbAnswer.Text.Trim();

            if ( !Page.IsValid )

            if ( !prayerRequest.IsValid )
                // field controls render error messages


        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event to save the prayer request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            if ( ! IsValid() )

            bool isAutoApproved = GetAttributeValue( "EnableAutoApprove" ).AsBoolean();
            bool defaultAllowComments = GetAttributeValue( "DefaultAllowCommentsSetting" ).AsBoolean();

            PrayerRequest prayerRequest = new PrayerRequest { Id = 0, IsActive = true, IsApproved = isAutoApproved, AllowComments = defaultAllowComments };

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            PrayerRequestService prayerRequestService = new PrayerRequestService( rockContext );
            prayerRequestService.Add( prayerRequest );
            prayerRequest.EnteredDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;

            if ( isAutoApproved )
                prayerRequest.ApprovedByPersonAliasId = CurrentPersonAliasId;
                prayerRequest.ApprovedOnDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                var expireDays = Convert.ToDouble( GetAttributeValue( "ExpireDays" ) );
                prayerRequest.ExpirationDate = RockDateTime.Now.AddDays( expireDays );

            // Now record all the bits...
            int? categoryId = bddlCategory.SelectedValueAsInt();
            Guid defaultCategoryGuid = GetAttributeValue( "DefaultCategory" ).AsGuid();
            if ( categoryId == null && !defaultCategoryGuid.IsEmpty() )
                var category = new CategoryService( rockContext ).Get( defaultCategoryGuid );
                categoryId = category.Id;

            prayerRequest.CategoryId = categoryId;
            prayerRequest.RequestedByPersonAliasId = CurrentPersonAliasId;
            prayerRequest.FirstName = dtbFirstName.Text;
            prayerRequest.LastName = dtbLastName.Text;
            prayerRequest.Email = dtbEmail.Text;
            prayerRequest.Text = dtbRequest.Text;

            if ( this.EnableUrgentFlag )
                prayerRequest.IsUrgent = cbIsUrgent.Checked;
                prayerRequest.IsUrgent = false;

            if ( this.EnableCommentsFlag )
                prayerRequest.AllowComments = cbAllowComments.Checked;

            if ( this.EnablePublicDisplayFlag )
                prayerRequest.IsPublic = cbAllowPublicDisplay.Checked;
                prayerRequest.IsPublic = false;

            if ( !Page.IsValid )

            if ( !prayerRequest.IsValid )
                // field controls render error messages


            bool isNavigateToParent = GetAttributeValue( "NavigateToParentOnSave" ).AsBoolean();

            if ( isNavigateToParent )
                pnlForm.Visible = false;
                pnlReceipt.Visible = true;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the Click event to save the prayer request.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected void btnSave_Click( object sender, EventArgs e )
            if ( ! IsValid() )

            bool isAutoApproved = GetAttributeValue( "EnableAutoApprove" ).AsBoolean();
            bool defaultAllowComments = GetAttributeValue( "DefaultAllowCommentsSetting" ).AsBoolean();

            PrayerRequest prayerRequest = new PrayerRequest { Id = 0, IsActive = true, IsApproved = isAutoApproved, AllowComments = defaultAllowComments };

            var rockContext = new RockContext();
            PrayerRequestService prayerRequestService = new PrayerRequestService( rockContext );
            prayerRequestService.Add( prayerRequest );
            prayerRequest.EnteredDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;

            if ( isAutoApproved )
                prayerRequest.ApprovedByPersonAliasId = CurrentPersonAliasId;
                prayerRequest.ApprovedOnDateTime = RockDateTime.Now;
                var expireDays = Convert.ToDouble( GetAttributeValue( "ExpireDays" ) );
                prayerRequest.ExpirationDate = RockDateTime.Now.AddDays( expireDays );

            // Now record all the bits...
            // Make sure the Category is hydrated so it's included for any Lava processing
            Category category;
            int? categoryId = bddlCategory.SelectedValueAsInt();
            Guid defaultCategoryGuid = GetAttributeValue( "DefaultCategory" ).AsGuid();
            if ( categoryId == null && !defaultCategoryGuid.IsEmpty() )
                category = new CategoryService( rockContext ).Get( defaultCategoryGuid );
                categoryId = category.Id;
                category = new CategoryService( rockContext ).Get( categoryId.Value );

            prayerRequest.CategoryId = categoryId;
            prayerRequest.Category = category;
            prayerRequest.RequestedByPersonAliasId = CurrentPersonAliasId;
            prayerRequest.FirstName = tbFirstName.Text;
            prayerRequest.LastName = tbLastName.Text;
            prayerRequest.Email = tbEmail.Text;
            prayerRequest.Text = dtbRequest.Text;

            if ( this.EnableUrgentFlag )
                prayerRequest.IsUrgent = cbIsUrgent.Checked;
                prayerRequest.IsUrgent = false;

            if ( this.EnableCommentsFlag )
                prayerRequest.AllowComments = cbAllowComments.Checked;

            if ( this.EnablePublicDisplayFlag )
                prayerRequest.IsPublic = cbAllowPublicDisplay.Checked;
                prayerRequest.IsPublic = false;

            if ( !Page.IsValid )

            if ( !prayerRequest.IsValid )
                // field controls render error messages


            StartWorkflow( prayerRequest, rockContext );

            bool isNavigateToParent = GetAttributeValue( "NavigateToParentOnSave" ).AsBoolean();

            if ( isNavigateToParent )
                pnlForm.Visible = false;
                pnlReceipt.Visible = true;

                // Build success text that is Lava capable
                var mergeFields = Rock.Lava.LavaHelper.GetCommonMergeFields( this.RockPage, this.CurrentPerson );
                mergeFields.Add( "PrayerRequest", prayerRequest );
                nbMessage.Text = GetAttributeValue( "SaveSuccessText" ).ResolveMergeFields( mergeFields );

                // Resolve any dynamic url references
                string appRoot = ResolveRockUrl( "~/" );
                string themeRoot = ResolveRockUrl( "~~/" );
                nbMessage.Text = nbMessage.Text.Replace( "~~/", themeRoot ).Replace( "~/", appRoot );

                // show liquid help for debug
                if ( GetAttributeValue( "EnableDebug" ).AsBoolean() && IsUserAuthorized( Authorization.EDIT ) )
                    nbMessage.Text += mergeFields.lavaDebugInfo();