/// Reads from file, given in constructor and returns ReadResults.
 public ReadResults Read()
     using (var file = new System.IO.StreamReader(this.filename))
         var line = file.ReadLine().Split(' ');
         ulong vertexNumber = Convert.ToUInt64(line[0]);
         ulong edgeNumber = Convert.ToUInt64(line[1]);
         ulong robotsNumber = Convert.ToUInt64(line[2]);
         Graph graph = new Graph(vertexNumber);
         bool[] isRobotThere = new bool[vertexNumber];
         for (ulong i = 0; i < edgeNumber; ++i)
             line = file.ReadLine().Split(' ');
             if (line.Length != 2)
                 throw new WrongArgument("Cannot add edge, wrogh args number.");
             ulong vertex1 = Convert.ToUInt64(line[0]);
             ulong vertex2 = Convert.ToUInt64(line[1]);
             if (vertex1 == vertex2)
                 throw new WrongArgument("Cannot add loop.");
             graph.AddEdge(vertex1, vertex2);
         if (robotsNumber != 0)
             line = file.ReadLine().Split(' ');
             if (Convert.ToUInt64(line.Length) != robotsNumber)
             // Yes, Length is for some reason int. And it cannot be compared to ulong.
             // God knows why it is not uint.
                 throw new WrongArgument("Wrong robots number given.");
             for (ulong i = 0; i < robotsNumber; ++i)
                 if (Convert.ToUInt64(line[i]) > vertexNumber || Convert.ToInt64(line[i]) < 1)
                     throw new WrongArgument("Wrong vertex number. Given value is outside array range.");
                 if (isRobotThere[Convert.ToUInt64(line[i]) - 1])
                     throw new WrongArgument("Cannot add two robots to one vertex.");
                 isRobotThere[Convert.ToUInt64(line[i]) - 1] = true;
         return new ReadResults(graph, isRobotThere);
 /// Colors connected graph in two colors.
 public static Color[] ColorGraph(Graph graph)
     Color[] colors = new Color[graph.Vertexes.Length];
     Dfs(graph.Vertexes[0], Color.firstColor, colors);
     return colors;