// an A* shortest path algorithm
        public APath shortestPath(int startIpos, int startJpos, int destIpos, int destJpos,
                                 MapCell[] Visited, int VisitedLength, ref Boolean PathFound)
            int i;
            int newVisitedLength = VisitedLength + 1;
            MapCell[] newVisited = new MapCell[newVisitedLength];
            APath shortestpath = null;
            // first checking whether we are in /out of map bounds
            if ((startIpos < 0) || (startIpos >= mappingFSM.MapDim) || (startJpos < 0) || (startJpos >= mappingFSM.MapDim))
                PathFound = false;
                if (mappingFSM.Map[startIpos][startJpos] == MappingFSM.cellBLOCK)
                    PathFound = false;
                    if (inPath(startIpos, startJpos, Visited, VisitedLength))
                        PathFound = false;
                    else if ((mappingFSM.ipos == startIpos) && (mappingFSM.jpos == startJpos))
                        PathFound = false;

                        // copying map of visited cells
                        for (i = 0; i < VisitedLength; i++)
                            newVisited[i] = Visited[i];
                        // visited cells list copied
                        // now adding current position
                        newVisited[newVisitedLength - 1].ipos = startIpos;
                        newVisited[newVisitedLength - 1].jpos = startJpos;
                        // checking northern cell
                        if ((startIpos - 1 == destIpos) && (startJpos == destJpos))
                            PathFound = true;
                            shortestpath = new APath(1);
                            shortestpath.amoves[0] = APath.instGO_NORTH;
                        } // checking eastern cell
                        else if ((startIpos == destIpos) && (startJpos + 1 == destJpos))
                            PathFound = true;
                            shortestpath = new APath(1);
                            shortestpath.amoves[0] = APath.instGO_EAST;
                        } // checking southern cell
                        else if ((startIpos + 1 == destIpos) && (startJpos == destJpos))
                            PathFound = true;
                            shortestpath = new APath(1);
                            shortestpath.amoves[0] = APath.instGO_SOUTH;
                        }// checking western cell
                        else if ((startIpos == destIpos) && (startJpos - 1 == destJpos))
                            PathFound = true;
                            shortestpath = new APath(1);
                            shortestpath.amoves[0] = APath.instGO_WEST;
                        }// recursively checking paths now...
                            // sorting out euclidean distances of neighboring cells
                            double[] distances = new double[4]; // 0-north, 1-east, 2-south, 3-west
                            for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                distances[i] = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((double)(startIpos - destIpos), 2) + Math.Pow((double)(startJpos - destJpos), 2));
                            // now repeating until we find a valid path
                            Boolean pfound = false;
                            PathFound = false;
                            int counter = 0;
                            double mindistance = 100000;
                            int mindistanceindex = 0;
                            APath newpath;
                            while ((!pfound) && (counter < 4))
                                mindistance = 100000; // large enough value for minimum euclidean distance
                                for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                                    if ((distances[i] < mindistance) && (distances[i] >= 0))
                                        mindistance = distances[i];
                                        mindistanceindex = i;
                                if (mindistance < 100000)
                                    distances[mindistanceindex] = -1;

                                    switch (mindistanceindex)
                                        case 0: // North
                                            newpath = shortestPath(startIpos - 1, startJpos, destIpos, destJpos,
                                                newVisited, newVisitedLength, ref pfound);
                                            if (pfound)
                                                PathFound = true;
                                                shortestpath = new APath(1);
                                                shortestpath.amoves[0] = APath.instGO_NORTH;
                                        case 1: // East
                                            newpath = shortestPath(startIpos, startJpos + 1, destIpos, destJpos,
                                                newVisited, newVisitedLength, ref pfound);
                                            if (pfound)
                                                PathFound = true;
                                                shortestpath = new APath(1);
                                                shortestpath.amoves[0] = APath.instGO_EAST;
                                        case 2: // South
                                            newpath = shortestPath(startIpos + 1, startJpos, destIpos, destJpos,
                                                newVisited, newVisitedLength, ref pfound);
                                            if (pfound)
                                                PathFound = true;
                                                shortestpath = new APath(1);
                                                shortestpath.amoves[0] = APath.instGO_SOUTH;
                                        case 3: // South
                                            newpath = shortestPath(startIpos, startJpos - 1, destIpos, destJpos,
                                                newVisited, newVisitedLength, ref pfound);
                                            if (pfound)
                                                PathFound = true;
                                                shortestpath = new APath(1);
                                                shortestpath.amoves[0] = APath.instGO_WEST;

                        } // recursion else ends
                    } // big else ends

            return shortestpath;
 public Boolean inPath(int ipos, int jpos, MapCell[] path, int pathlen)
     int i;
     Boolean found = false;
     i = 0;
     while ((i < pathlen) && (!found))
         found = (path[i].ipos == ipos) && (path[i].jpos == jpos) ? true : found;
     return found;