public static bool IsValidStorageFor(this IntVec3 c, Map map, Thing storable) { if (!StoreUtility.NoStorageBlockersIn(c, map, storable)) { return(false); } SlotGroup slotGroup = c.GetSlotGroup(map); return(slotGroup != null && slotGroup.parent.Accepts(storable)); }
public void Notify_SlotGroupChanged(SlotGroup sg) { if (sg.CellsList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < sg.CellsList.Count; i++) { RecalcAllInCell(sg.CellsList[i]); } } }
public static bool IsInAnyStorage(this Thing t) { if (!t.Spawned) { return(false); } SlotGroup slotGroup = t.Map.slotGroupManager.SlotGroupAt(t.Position); return(slotGroup != null); }
public static bool IsInValidStorage(this Thing t) { if (!t.Spawned) { return(false); } SlotGroup slotGroup = t.GetSlotGroup(); return(slotGroup != null && slotGroup.Settings.AllowedToAccept(t)); }
public override Job JobOnThing(Pawn pawn, Thing t, bool forced = false) { if (t.stackCount == t.def.stackLimit) { return(null); } if (!HaulAIUtility.PawnCanAutomaticallyHaul(pawn, t, forced)) { return(null); } SlotGroup slotGroup = t.GetSlotGroup(); if (slotGroup == null) { return(null); } LocalTargetInfo target = t.Position; if (!pawn.CanReserve(target, 1, -1, null, forced)) { return(null); } foreach (Thing current in slotGroup.HeldThings) { if (current != t) { if (current.def == t.def) { if (forced || current.stackCount >= t.stackCount) { if (current.stackCount < current.def.stackLimit) { target = current.Position; if (pawn.CanReserve(target, 1, -1, null, forced)) { if (pawn.CanReserve(current, 1, -1, null, false)) { if (current.Position.IsValidStorageFor(current.Map, t)) { return(new Job(JobDefOf.HaulToCell, t, current.Position) { count = Mathf.Min(current.def.stackLimit - current.stackCount, t.stackCount), haulMode = HaulMode.ToCellStorage }); } } } } } } } } JobFailReason.Is("NoMergeTarget".Translate(), null); return(null); }
public static bool IsInValidBestStorage(this Thing t) { if (!t.Spawned) { return(false); } SlotGroup slotGroup = t.GetSlotGroup(); IntVec3 intVec; return(slotGroup != null && slotGroup.Settings.AllowedToAccept(t) && !StoreUtility.TryFindBestBetterStoreCellFor(t, null, t.Map, slotGroup.Settings.Priority, Faction.OfPlayer, out intVec, false)); }
public static float CellBeauty(IntVec3 c, Map map, List <Thing> countedThings = null) { float num = 0f; float num2 = 0f; bool flag = false; List <Thing> list = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(c); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Thing thing = list[i]; if (BeautyUtility.BeautyRelevant(thing.def.category)) { if (countedThings != null) { if (countedThings.Contains(thing)) { goto IL_EE; } countedThings.Add(thing); } SlotGroup slotGroup = thing.GetSlotGroup(); if (slotGroup == null || !slotGroup.parent.IgnoreStoredThingsBeauty) { float num3 = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Beauty, true); if (thing is Filth && !map.roofGrid.Roofed(c)) { num3 *= 0.3f; } if (thing.def.Fillage == FillCategory.Full) { flag = true; num2 += num3; } else { num += num3; } } } IL_EE :; } float result; if (flag) { result = num2; } else { num += map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(c).GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.Beauty, null); result = num; } return(result); }
public override void ExposeData() { base.ExposeData(); Scribe_Deep.Look <StorageSettings>(ref this.settings, "settings", new object[1] { this }); if (Scribe.mode == LoadSaveMode.PostLoadInit) { this.slotGroup = new SlotGroup(this); } }
public void Notify_SlotGroupChanged(SlotGroup sg) { List <IntVec3> cellsList = sg.CellsList; if (cellsList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < cellsList.Count; i++) { RecalcAllInCell(cellsList[i]); } } }
public static IEnumerable <IntVec3> EmptyCells(this RimWorld.SlotGroup slotGroup) { List <IntVec3> cellsList = slotGroup.CellsList; for (int i = 0; i < cellsList.Count; i++) { List <Thing> thingsList = slotGroup.parent.Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAtFast(cellsList[i]); if (thingsList.Count == 0 || (thingsList.Count == 1 && thingsList[0] == slotGroup.parent)) //If thingsList is null, don't return true ... { yield return(cellsList[i]); } } }
public static bool IsValidStorageFor(this IntVec3 c, Map map, Thing storable) { if (!StoreUtility.NoStorageBlockersIn(c, map, storable)) { return(false); } SlotGroup slotGroup = c.GetSlotGroup(map); if (slotGroup != null && slotGroup.Settings.AllowedToAccept(storable)) { return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool IsValidStorageFor(this IntVec3 c, Map map, Thing storable) { if (!NoStorageBlockersIn(c, map, storable)) { return(false); } SlotGroup slotGroup = c.GetSlotGroup(map); if (slotGroup == null || !slotGroup.parent.Accepts(storable)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public static float CellBeauty(IntVec3 c, Map map, List <Thing> countedThings = null) { float num = 0f; float num2 = 0f; bool flag = false; List <Thing> list = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(c); int i = 0; while (i < list.Count) { Thing thing = list[i]; if (countedThings == null) { goto IL_4D; } if (!countedThings.Contains(thing)) { countedThings.Add(thing); goto IL_4D; } IL_CC: i++; continue; IL_4D: SlotGroup slotGroup = thing.GetSlotGroup(); if (slotGroup != null && slotGroup.parent.IgnoreStoredThingsBeauty) { goto IL_CC; } float num3 = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Beauty, true); if (thing is Filth && !map.roofGrid.Roofed(c)) { num3 *= 0.3f; } if (thing.def.Fillage == FillCategory.Full) { flag = true; num2 += num3; goto IL_CC; } num += num3; goto IL_CC; } if (flag) { return(num2); } return(num + map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(c).GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.Beauty, null)); }
private IEnumerable <Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <Zone_Stockpile> > GenerateStockpileInclusion() { yield return(new Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <Zone_Stockpile> { option = new FloatMenuOption("IncludeFromAll".Translate(), delegate() { this.bill.includeFromZone = null; }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null), payload = null }); List <SlotGroup> groupList = this.bill.billStack.billGiver.Map.haulDestinationManager.AllGroupsListInPriorityOrder; int groupCount = groupList.Count; for (int i = 0; i < groupCount; i++) { SlotGroup group = groupList[i]; Zone_Stockpile stockpile = group.parent as Zone_Stockpile; if (stockpile != null) { if (!this.bill.recipe.WorkerCounter.CanPossiblyStoreInStockpile(this.bill, stockpile)) { yield return(new Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <Zone_Stockpile> { option = new FloatMenuOption(string.Format("{0} ({1})", "IncludeSpecific".Translate(new object[] { group.parent.SlotYielderLabel() }), "IncompatibleLower".Translate()), null, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null), payload = stockpile }); } else { yield return(new Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <Zone_Stockpile> { option = new FloatMenuOption("IncludeSpecific".Translate(new object[] { group.parent.SlotYielderLabel() }), delegate() { this.bill.includeFromZone = stockpile; }, MenuOptionPriority.Default, null, null, 0f, null, null), payload = stockpile }); } } } yield break; }
public void SetCellFor(IntVec3 c, SlotGroup group) { if (this.SlotGroupAt(c) != null) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { group, " overwriting slot group square ", c, " of ", this.SlotGroupAt(c) }), false); } this.groupGrid[c.x, c.y, c.z] = group; }
public void ClearCellFor(IntVec3 c, SlotGroup group) { if (this.SlotGroupAt(c) != group) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { group, " clearing group grid square ", c, " containing ", this.SlotGroupAt(c) }), false); } this.groupGrid[c.x, c.y, c.z] = null; }
private IEnumerable <Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <Zone_Stockpile> > GenerateStockpileInclusion() { Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <Zone_Stockpile> dropdownMenuElement = new Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <Zone_Stockpile> { option = new FloatMenuOption("IncludeFromAll".Translate(), delegate { bill.includeFromZone = null; }), payload = null }; yield return(dropdownMenuElement); List <SlotGroup> groupList = bill.billStack.billGiver.Map.haulDestinationManager.AllGroupsListInPriorityOrder; int groupCount = groupList.Count; int i = 0; while (i < groupCount) { SlotGroup slotGroup = groupList[i]; Zone_Stockpile stockpile = slotGroup.parent as Zone_Stockpile; if (stockpile != null) { if (!bill.recipe.WorkerCounter.CanPossiblyStoreInStockpile(bill, stockpile)) { dropdownMenuElement = new Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <Zone_Stockpile> { option = new FloatMenuOption(string.Format("{0} ({1})", "IncludeSpecific".Translate(slotGroup.parent.SlotYielderLabel()), "IncompatibleLower".Translate()), null), payload = stockpile }; yield return(dropdownMenuElement); } else { dropdownMenuElement = new Widgets.DropdownMenuElement <Zone_Stockpile> { option = new FloatMenuOption("IncludeSpecific".Translate(slotGroup.parent.SlotYielderLabel()), delegate { bill.includeFromZone = stockpile; }), payload = stockpile }; yield return(dropdownMenuElement); } } int num = i + 1; i = num; } }
public void RemoveGroup(SlotGroup oldGroup) { if (!this.allGroups.Contains(oldGroup)) { Log.Error("Removing SlotGroup that isn't registered."); return; } this.allGroups.Remove(oldGroup); List <IntVec3> cellsList = oldGroup.CellsList; for (int i = 0; i < cellsList.Count; i++) { IntVec3 intVec = cellsList[i]; this.groupGrid[intVec.x, intVec.y, intVec.z] = null; }; }
public void ListerHaulablesTick() { ListerHaulables.groupCycleIndex++; if (ListerHaulables.groupCycleIndex >= 2147473647) { ListerHaulables.groupCycleIndex = 0; } List <SlotGroup> allGroupsListForReading =; if (allGroupsListForReading.Count == 0) { return; } int num = ListerHaulables.groupCycleIndex % allGroupsListForReading.Count; SlotGroup slotGroup = allGroupsListForReading[ListerHaulables.groupCycleIndex % allGroupsListForReading.Count]; if (slotGroup.CellsList.Count != 0) { while (this.cellCycleIndices.Count <= num) { this.cellCycleIndices.Add(0); } if (this.cellCycleIndices[num] >= 2147473647) { this.cellCycleIndices[num] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { List <int> list; int index; (list = this.cellCycleIndices)[index = num] = list[index] + 1; IntVec3 c = slotGroup.CellsList[this.cellCycleIndices[num] % slotGroup.CellsList.Count]; List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(; for (int j = 0; j < thingList.Count; j++) { if (thingList[j].def.EverHaulable) { this.Check(thingList[j]); break; } } } } }
public void AddHaulDestination(IHaulDestination haulDestination) { if (this.allHaulDestinationsInOrder.Contains(haulDestination)) { Log.Error("Double-added haul destination " + haulDestination.ToStringSafe <IHaulDestination>(), false); } else { this.allHaulDestinationsInOrder.Add(haulDestination); IList <IHaulDestination> list = this.allHaulDestinationsInOrder; if (HaulDestinationManager.< > f__mg$cache0 == null) { HaulDestinationManager.< > f__mg$cache0 = new Comparison <IHaulDestination>(HaulDestinationManager.CompareHaulDestinationPrioritiesDescending); } list.InsertionSort(HaulDestinationManager.< > f__mg$cache0); ISlotGroupParent slotGroupParent = haulDestination as ISlotGroupParent; if (slotGroupParent != null) { SlotGroup slotGroup = slotGroupParent.GetSlotGroup(); if (slotGroup == null) { Log.Error("ISlotGroupParent gave null slot group: " + slotGroupParent.ToStringSafe <ISlotGroupParent>(), false); } else { this.allGroupsInOrder.Add(slotGroup); IList <SlotGroup> list2 = this.allGroupsInOrder; if (HaulDestinationManager.< > f__mg$cache1 == null) { HaulDestinationManager.< > f__mg$cache1 = new Comparison <SlotGroup>(HaulDestinationManager.CompareSlotGroupPrioritiesDescending); } list2.InsertionSort(HaulDestinationManager.< > f__mg$cache1); List <IntVec3> cellsList = slotGroup.CellsList; for (int i = 0; i < cellsList.Count; i++) { this.SetCellFor(cellsList[i], slotGroup); };; } } } }
public static float CellBeauty(IntVec3 c, Map map, List <Thing> countedThings = null) { float num = 0f; float num2 = 0f; bool flag = false; List <Thing> list = map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(c); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Thing thing = list[i]; if (countedThings != null) { if (countedThings.Contains(thing)) { continue; } countedThings.Add(thing); } SlotGroup slotGroup = thing.GetSlotGroup(); if (slotGroup == null || !slotGroup.parent.IgnoreStoredThingsBeauty) { float num3 = thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Beauty, true); if (thing is Filth && !map.roofGrid.Roofed(c)) { num3 = (float)(num3 * 0.30000001192092896); } if (thing.def.Fillage == FillCategory.Full) { flag = true; num2 += num3; } else { num += num3; } } } if (flag) { return(num2); } return(num + map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(c).GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.Beauty, null)); }
public void UpdateResourceCounts() { this.ResetResourceCounts(); List <SlotGroup> allGroupsListForReading =; for (int i = 0; i < allGroupsListForReading.Count; i++) { SlotGroup slotGroup = allGroupsListForReading[i]; foreach (Thing heldThing in slotGroup.HeldThings) { if (heldThing.def.CountAsResource && this.ShouldCount(heldThing)) { Dictionary <ThingDef, int> dictionary; ThingDef def; (dictionary = this.countedAmounts)[def = heldThing.def] = dictionary[def] + heldThing.stackCount; } } } }
public static Building StoringBuilding(this Thing t) { if (!t.Spawned) { return(null); } SlotGroup slotGroup = t.GetSlotGroup(); if (slotGroup != null) { Building building = slotGroup.parent as Building; if (building != null) { return(building); } return(null); } return(null); }
public void ListerHaulablesTick() { ListerHaulables.groupCycleIndex++; if (ListerHaulables.groupCycleIndex >= 2147473647) { ListerHaulables.groupCycleIndex = 0; } List <SlotGroup> allGroupsListForReading =; if (allGroupsListForReading.Count != 0) { int num = ListerHaulables.groupCycleIndex % allGroupsListForReading.Count; SlotGroup slotGroup = allGroupsListForReading[ListerHaulables.groupCycleIndex % allGroupsListForReading.Count]; while (this.cellCycleIndices.Count <= num) { this.cellCycleIndices.Add(0); } if (this.cellCycleIndices[num] >= 2147473647) { this.cellCycleIndices[num] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { List <int> list; int index; (list = this.cellCycleIndices)[index = num] = list[index] + 1; IntVec3 c = slotGroup.CellsList[this.cellCycleIndices[num] % slotGroup.CellsList.Count]; List <Thing> thingList = c.GetThingList(; int num2 = 0; while (num2 < thingList.Count) { if (!thingList[num2].def.EverHaulable) { num2++; continue; } this.Check(thingList[num2]); break; } } } }
public void ListerHaulablesTick() { groupCycleIndex++; if (groupCycleIndex >= 2147473647) { groupCycleIndex = 0; } List <SlotGroup> allGroupsListForReading = map.haulDestinationManager.AllGroupsListForReading; if (allGroupsListForReading.Count == 0) { return; } int num = groupCycleIndex % allGroupsListForReading.Count; SlotGroup slotGroup = allGroupsListForReading[groupCycleIndex % allGroupsListForReading.Count]; if (slotGroup.CellsList.Count == 0) { return; } while (cellCycleIndices.Count <= num) { cellCycleIndices.Add(0); } if (cellCycleIndices[num] >= 2147473647) { cellCycleIndices[num] = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { cellCycleIndices[num]++; List <Thing> thingList = slotGroup.CellsList[cellCycleIndices[num] % slotGroup.CellsList.Count].GetThingList(map); for (int j = 0; j < thingList.Count; j++) { if (thingList[j].def.EverHaulable) { Check(thingList[j]); break; } } } }
public void UpdateResourceCounts() { ResetResourceCounts(); List <SlotGroup> allGroupsListForReading = map.haulDestinationManager.AllGroupsListForReading; for (int i = 0; i < allGroupsListForReading.Count; i++) { SlotGroup slotGroup = allGroupsListForReading[i]; foreach (Thing heldThing in slotGroup.HeldThings) { Thing innerIfMinified = heldThing.GetInnerIfMinified(); if (innerIfMinified.def.CountAsResource && ShouldCount(innerIfMinified)) { Dictionary <ThingDef, int> dictionary; ThingDef def; (dictionary = countedAmounts)[def = innerIfMinified.def] = dictionary[def] + innerIfMinified.stackCount; } } } }
public override Job JobOnThing(Pawn pawn, Thing t, bool forced = false) { if (t.stackCount == t.def.stackLimit) { return(null); } if (!HaulAIUtility.PawnCanAutomaticallyHaul(pawn, t, forced)) { return(null); } SlotGroup slotGroup = t.GetSlotGroup(); if (slotGroup == null) { return(null); } LocalTargetInfo target = t.Position; bool ignoreOtherReservations = forced; if (!pawn.CanReserve(target, 1, -1, null, ignoreOtherReservations)) { return(null); } foreach (Thing heldThing in slotGroup.HeldThings) { if (heldThing != t && heldThing.def == t.def && (forced || heldThing.stackCount >= t.stackCount) && heldThing.stackCount < heldThing.def.stackLimit) { target = heldThing.Position; ignoreOtherReservations = forced; if (pawn.CanReserve(target, 1, -1, null, ignoreOtherReservations) && pawn.CanReserve(heldThing) && heldThing.Position.IsValidStorageFor(heldThing.Map, t)) { Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.HaulToCell, t, heldThing.Position); job.count = Mathf.Min(heldThing.def.stackLimit - heldThing.stackCount, t.stackCount); job.haulMode = HaulMode.ToCellStorage; return(job); } } } JobFailReason.Is("NoMergeTarget".Translate()); return(null); }
public static bool TryFindBestBetterStoreCellFor(Thing t, Pawn carrier, Map map, StoragePriority currentPriority, Faction faction, out IntVec3 foundCell, bool needAccurateResult = true) { List <SlotGroup> allGroupsListInPriorityOrder = map.haulDestinationManager.AllGroupsListInPriorityOrder; bool result; if (allGroupsListInPriorityOrder.Count == 0) { foundCell = IntVec3.Invalid; result = false; } else { StoragePriority storagePriority = currentPriority; float num = 2.14748365E+09f; IntVec3 invalid = IntVec3.Invalid; int count = allGroupsListInPriorityOrder.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { SlotGroup slotGroup = allGroupsListInPriorityOrder[i]; StoragePriority priority = slotGroup.Settings.Priority; if (priority < storagePriority || priority <= currentPriority) { break; } StoreUtility.TryFindBestBetterStoreCellForWorker(t, carrier, map, faction, slotGroup, needAccurateResult, ref invalid, ref num, ref storagePriority); } if (!invalid.IsValid) { foundCell = IntVec3.Invalid; result = false; } else { foundCell = invalid; result = true; } } return(result); }
public void AddGroup(SlotGroup newGroup) { if (this.allGroups.Contains(newGroup)) { Log.Error("Double-added slot group. SlotGroup parent is " + newGroup.parent); } else if ((from g in this.allGroups where g.parent == newGroup.parent select g).Any()) { Log.Error("Added SlotGroup with a parent matching an existing one. Parent is " + newGroup.parent); } else { this.allGroups.Add(newGroup); this.allGroups.InsertionSort(SlotGroupManager.CompareSlotGroupPrioritiesDescending); List <IntVec3> cellsList = newGroup.CellsList; for (int i = 0; i < cellsList.Count; i++) { this.SetCellFor(cellsList[i], newGroup); }; } }
protected override Job TryGiveJob(Pawn pawn) { if (pawn.outfits == null) { Log.ErrorOnce(pawn + " tried to run JobGiver_OptimizeApparel without an OutfitTracker", 5643897); return(null); } if (pawn.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer) { Log.ErrorOnce("Non-colonist " + pawn + " tried to optimize apparel.", 764323); return(null); } if (!DebugViewSettings.debugApparelOptimize) { if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame < pawn.mindState.nextApparelOptimizeTick) { return(null); } } else { JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.debugSb = new StringBuilder(); JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.debugSb.AppendLine("Scanning for " + pawn + " at " + pawn.Position); } Outfit currentOutfit = pawn.outfits.CurrentOutfit; List <Apparel> wornApparel = pawn.apparel.WornApparel; for (int num = wornApparel.Count - 1; num >= 0; num--) { if (!currentOutfit.filter.Allows(wornApparel[num]) && pawn.outfits.forcedHandler.AllowedToAutomaticallyDrop(wornApparel[num])) { Job job = new Job(JobDefOf.RemoveApparel, wornApparel[num]); job.haulDroppedApparel = true; return(job); } } Thing thing = null; float num2 = 0f; List <Thing> list = pawn.Map.listerThings.ThingsInGroup(ThingRequestGroup.Apparel); if (list.Count == 0) { this.SetNextOptimizeTick(pawn); return(null); } JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.neededWarmth = PawnApparelGenerator.CalculateNeededWarmth(pawn, pawn.Map.Tile, GenLocalDate.Twelfth(pawn)); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Apparel apparel = (Apparel)list[i]; if (currentOutfit.filter.Allows(apparel)) { SlotGroup slotGroup = apparel.Map.slotGroupManager.SlotGroupAt(apparel.Position); if (slotGroup != null && !apparel.IsForbidden(pawn)) { float num3 = JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.ApparelScoreGain(pawn, apparel); if (DebugViewSettings.debugApparelOptimize) { JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.debugSb.AppendLine(apparel.LabelCap + ": " + num3.ToString("F2")); } if (!(num3 < 0.05000000074505806) && !(num3 < num2) && ApparelUtility.HasPartsToWear(pawn, apparel.def) && pawn.CanReserveAndReach(apparel, PathEndMode.OnCell, pawn.NormalMaxDanger(), 1, -1, null, false)) { thing = apparel; num2 = num3; } } } } if (DebugViewSettings.debugApparelOptimize) { JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.debugSb.AppendLine("BEST: " + thing); Log.Message(JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.debugSb.ToString()); JobGiver_OptimizeApparel.debugSb = null; } if (thing == null) { this.SetNextOptimizeTick(pawn); return(null); } return(new Job(JobDefOf.Wear, thing)); }