private RiverMaker GenerateRiver(Map map) { Tile tile = Find.WorldGrid[map.Tile]; List <Tile.RiverLink> rivers = tile.Rivers; if (rivers == null || rivers.Count == 0) { return(null); } float angle = Find.WorldGrid.GetHeadingFromTo(map.Tile, (from rl in rivers orderby - rl.river.degradeThreshold select rl).First <Tile.RiverLink>().neighbor); Rot4 a = Find.World.CoastDirectionAt(map.Tile); if (a != Rot4.Invalid) { angle = a.AsAngle + (float)Rand.RangeInclusive(-30, 30); } Vector3 center = new Vector3(Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.7f) * (float)map.Size.x, 0f, Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.7f) * (float)map.Size.z); RiverMaker riverMaker = new RiverMaker(center, angle, (from rl in rivers orderby - rl.river.degradeThreshold select rl).FirstOrDefault <Tile.RiverLink>().river); this.GenerateRiverLookupTexture(map, riverMaker); return(riverMaker); }
public override void Generate(Map map, GenStepParams parms) { BeachMaker.Init(map); RiverMaker riverMaker = GenerateRiver(map); List <IntVec3> list = new List <IntVec3>(); MapGenFloatGrid elevation = MapGenerator.Elevation; MapGenFloatGrid fertility = MapGenerator.Fertility; MapGenFloatGrid caves = MapGenerator.Caves; TerrainGrid terrainGrid = map.terrainGrid; foreach (IntVec3 allCell in map.AllCells) { Building edifice = allCell.GetEdifice(map); TerrainDef terrainDef = null; terrainDef = (((edifice == null || edifice.def.Fillage != FillCategory.Full) && !(caves[allCell] > 0f)) ? TerrainFrom(allCell, map, elevation[allCell], fertility[allCell], riverMaker, preferSolid: false) : TerrainFrom(allCell, map, elevation[allCell], fertility[allCell], riverMaker, preferSolid: true)); if (terrainDef.IsRiver && edifice != null) { list.Add(edifice.Position); edifice.Destroy(); } terrainGrid.SetTerrain(allCell, terrainDef); } riverMaker?.ValidatePassage(map); RemoveIslands(map); RoofCollapseCellsFinder.RemoveBulkCollapsingRoofs(list, map); BeachMaker.Cleanup(); foreach (TerrainPatchMaker terrainPatchMaker in map.Biome.terrainPatchMakers) { terrainPatchMaker.Cleanup(); } }
private RiverMaker GenerateRiver(Map map) { Tile tile = Find.WorldGrid[map.Tile]; List <Tile.RiverLink> visibleRivers = tile.VisibleRivers; if (visibleRivers != null && visibleRivers.Count != 0) { WorldGrid worldGrid = Find.WorldGrid; int tile2 = map.Tile; Tile.RiverLink riverLink = (from rl in visibleRivers orderby - rl.river.degradeThreshold select rl).First(); float headingFromTo = worldGrid.GetHeadingFromTo(tile2, riverLink.neighbor); float num = Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.7f); IntVec3 size = map.Size; float x = num * (float)size.x; float num2 = Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.7f); IntVec3 size2 = map.Size; Vector3 vector = new Vector3(x, 0f, num2 * (float)size2.z); Vector3 center = vector; float angle = headingFromTo; Tile.RiverLink riverLink2 = (from rl in visibleRivers orderby - rl.river.degradeThreshold select rl).FirstOrDefault(); RiverMaker riverMaker = new RiverMaker(center, angle, riverLink2.river); this.GenerateRiverLookupTexture(map, riverMaker); return(riverMaker); } return(null); }
public override void Generate(Map map) { BeachMaker.Init(map); RiverMaker riverMaker = this.GenerateRiver(map); List <IntVec3> list = new List <IntVec3>(); MapGenFloatGrid elevation = MapGenerator.Elevation; MapGenFloatGrid fertility = MapGenerator.Fertility; MapGenFloatGrid caves = MapGenerator.Caves; TerrainGrid terrainGrid = map.terrainGrid; foreach (IntVec3 allCell in map.AllCells) { Building edifice = allCell.GetEdifice(map); TerrainDef terrainDef = null; if (edifice != null && edifice.def.Fillage == FillCategory.Full) { goto IL_0083; } if (caves[allCell] > 0.0) { goto IL_0083; } terrainDef = this.TerrainFrom(allCell, map, elevation[allCell], fertility[allCell], riverMaker, false); goto IL_00c2; IL_0083: terrainDef = this.TerrainFrom(allCell, map, elevation[allCell], fertility[allCell], riverMaker, true); goto IL_00c2; IL_00c2: if ((terrainDef == TerrainDefOf.WaterMovingShallow || terrainDef == TerrainDefOf.WaterMovingDeep) && edifice != null) { list.Add(edifice.Position); edifice.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } terrainGrid.SetTerrain(allCell, terrainDef); } if (riverMaker != null) { riverMaker.ValidatePassage(map); } RoofCollapseCellsFinder.RemoveBulkCollapsingRoofs(list, map); BeachMaker.Cleanup(); foreach (TerrainPatchMaker terrainPatchMaker in map.Biome.terrainPatchMakers) { terrainPatchMaker.Cleanup(); } }
public override void Generate(Map map, GenStepParams parms) { BeachMaker.Init(map); RiverMaker riverMaker = this.GenerateRiver(map); List <IntVec3> list = new List <IntVec3>(); MapGenFloatGrid elevation = MapGenerator.Elevation; MapGenFloatGrid fertility = MapGenerator.Fertility; MapGenFloatGrid caves = MapGenerator.Caves; TerrainGrid terrainGrid = map.terrainGrid; foreach (IntVec3 c in map.AllCells) { Building edifice = c.GetEdifice(map); TerrainDef terrainDef; if ((edifice != null && edifice.def.Fillage == FillCategory.Full) || caves[c] > 0f) { terrainDef = this.TerrainFrom(c, map, elevation[c], fertility[c], riverMaker, true); } else { terrainDef = this.TerrainFrom(c, map, elevation[c], fertility[c], riverMaker, false); } if (terrainDef.IsRiver) { if (edifice != null) { list.Add(edifice.Position); edifice.Destroy(DestroyMode.Vanish); } } terrainGrid.SetTerrain(c, terrainDef); } if (riverMaker != null) { riverMaker.ValidatePassage(map); } RoofCollapseCellsFinder.RemoveBulkCollapsingRoofs(list, map); BeachMaker.Cleanup(); foreach (TerrainPatchMaker terrainPatchMaker in map.Biome.terrainPatchMakers) { terrainPatchMaker.Cleanup(); } }
private RiverMaker GenerateRiver(Map map) { List <Tile.RiverLink> rivers = Find.WorldGrid[map.Tile].Rivers; if (rivers == null || rivers.Count == 0) { return(null); } float angle = Find.WorldGrid.GetHeadingFromTo(map.Tile, rivers.OrderBy((Tile.RiverLink rl) => - rl.river.degradeThreshold).First().neighbor); Rot4 a = Find.World.CoastDirectionAt(map.Tile); if (a != Rot4.Invalid) { angle = a.AsAngle + (float)Rand.RangeInclusive(-30, 30); } RiverMaker riverMaker = new RiverMaker(new Vector3(Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.7f) * (float)map.Size.x, 0f, Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.7f) * (float)map.Size.z), angle, rivers.OrderBy((Tile.RiverLink rl) => - rl.river.degradeThreshold).FirstOrDefault().river); GenerateRiverLookupTexture(map, riverMaker); return(riverMaker); }
private RiverMaker GenerateRiver(Map map) { Tile tile = Find.WorldGrid[map.Tile]; List <Tile.RiverLink> visibleRivers = tile.VisibleRivers; if (visibleRivers == null || visibleRivers.Count == 0) { return(null); } float headingFromTo = Find.WorldGrid.GetHeadingFromTo(map.Tile, (from rl in visibleRivers orderby - rl.river.degradeThreshold select rl).First <Tile.RiverLink>().neighbor); Vector3 center = new Vector3(Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.7f) * (float)map.Size.x, 0f, Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.7f) * (float)map.Size.z); RiverMaker riverMaker = new RiverMaker(center, headingFromTo, (from rl in visibleRivers orderby - rl.river.degradeThreshold select rl).FirstOrDefault <Tile.RiverLink>().river); this.GenerateRiverLookupTexture(map, riverMaker); return(riverMaker); }
private RiverMaker GenerateRiver(Map map) { Tile tile = Find.WorldGrid[map.Tile]; List <Tile.RiverLink> rivers = tile.Rivers; if (rivers == null || rivers.Count == 0) { return(null); } WorldGrid worldGrid = Find.WorldGrid; int tile2 = map.Tile; Tile.RiverLink riverLink = (from rl in rivers orderby - rl.river.degradeThreshold select rl).First(); float num = worldGrid.GetHeadingFromTo(tile2, riverLink.neighbor); Rot4 a = Find.World.CoastDirectionAt(map.Tile); if (a != Rot4.Invalid) { num = a.AsAngle + (float)Rand.RangeInclusive(-30, 30); } float num2 = Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.7f); IntVec3 size = map.Size; float x = num2 * (float)size.x; float num3 = Rand.Range(0.3f, 0.7f); IntVec3 size2 = map.Size; Vector3 vector = new Vector3(x, 0f, num3 * (float)size2.z); Vector3 center = vector; float angle = num; Tile.RiverLink riverLink2 = (from rl in rivers orderby - rl.river.degradeThreshold select rl).FirstOrDefault(); RiverMaker riverMaker = new RiverMaker(center, angle, riverLink2.river); GenerateRiverLookupTexture(map, riverMaker); return(riverMaker); }
private TerrainDef TerrainFrom(IntVec3 c, Map map, float elevation, float fertility, RiverMaker river, bool preferSolid) { TerrainDef terrainDef = null; if (river != null) { terrainDef = river.TerrainAt(c, recordForValidation: true); } if (terrainDef == null && preferSolid) { return(GenStep_RocksFromGrid.RockDefAt(c).building.naturalTerrain); } TerrainDef terrainDef2 = BeachMaker.BeachTerrainAt(c, map.Biome); if (terrainDef2 == TerrainDefOf.WaterOceanDeep) { return(terrainDef2); } if (terrainDef != null && terrainDef.IsRiver) { return(terrainDef); } if (terrainDef2 != null) { return(terrainDef2); } if (terrainDef != null) { return(terrainDef); } for (int i = 0; i < map.Biome.terrainPatchMakers.Count; i++) { terrainDef2 = map.Biome.terrainPatchMakers[i].TerrainAt(c, map, fertility); if (terrainDef2 != null) { return(terrainDef2); } } if (elevation > 0.55f && elevation < 0.61f) { return(TerrainDefOf.Gravel); } if (elevation >= 0.61f) { return(GenStep_RocksFromGrid.RockDefAt(c).building.naturalTerrain); } terrainDef2 = TerrainThreshold.TerrainAtValue(map.Biome.terrainsByFertility, fertility); if (terrainDef2 != null) { return(terrainDef2); } if (!debug_WarnedMissingTerrain) { Log.Error("No terrain found in biome " + map.Biome.defName + " for elevation=" + elevation + ", fertility=" + fertility); debug_WarnedMissingTerrain = true; } return(TerrainDefOf.Sand); }
private void GenerateRiverLookupTexture(Map map, RiverMaker riverMaker) { int num = Mathf.CeilToInt(DefDatabase <RiverDef> .AllDefs.Select((RiverDef rd) => rd.widthOnMap / 2f + 8f).Max()); int num2 = Mathf.Max(4, num) * 2; Dictionary <int, GRLT_Entry> dictionary = new Dictionary <int, GRLT_Entry>(); Dictionary <int, GRLT_Entry> dictionary2 = new Dictionary <int, GRLT_Entry>(); Dictionary <int, GRLT_Entry> dictionary3 = new Dictionary <int, GRLT_Entry>(); for (int i = -num2; i < map.Size.z + num2; i++) { for (int j = -num2; j < map.Size.x + num2; j++) { IntVec3 intVec = new IntVec3(j, 0, i); Vector3 vector = riverMaker.WaterCoordinateAt(intVec); int entryId = Mathf.FloorToInt(vector.z / 4f); UpdateRiverAnchorEntry(dictionary, intVec, entryId, (vector.z + Mathf.Abs(vector.x)) / 4f); UpdateRiverAnchorEntry(dictionary2, intVec, entryId, (vector.z + Mathf.Abs(vector.x - (float)num)) / 4f); UpdateRiverAnchorEntry(dictionary3, intVec, entryId, (vector.z + Mathf.Abs(vector.x + (float)num)) / 4f); } } int num3 = Mathf.Max(dictionary.Keys.Min(), dictionary2.Keys.Min(), dictionary3.Keys.Min()); int num4 = Mathf.Min(dictionary.Keys.Max(), dictionary2.Keys.Max(), dictionary3.Keys.Max()); for (int k = num3; k < num4; k++) { WaterInfo waterInfo = map.waterInfo; if (dictionary2.ContainsKey(k) && dictionary2.ContainsKey(k + 1)) { waterInfo.riverDebugData.Add(dictionary2[k].bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); waterInfo.riverDebugData.Add(dictionary2[k + 1].bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(k) && dictionary.ContainsKey(k + 1)) { waterInfo.riverDebugData.Add(dictionary[k].bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); waterInfo.riverDebugData.Add(dictionary[k + 1].bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); } if (dictionary3.ContainsKey(k) && dictionary3.ContainsKey(k + 1)) { waterInfo.riverDebugData.Add(dictionary3[k].bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); waterInfo.riverDebugData.Add(dictionary3[k + 1].bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); } if (dictionary2.ContainsKey(k) && dictionary.ContainsKey(k)) { waterInfo.riverDebugData.Add(dictionary2[k].bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); waterInfo.riverDebugData.Add(dictionary[k].bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(k) && dictionary3.ContainsKey(k)) { waterInfo.riverDebugData.Add(dictionary[k].bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); waterInfo.riverDebugData.Add(dictionary3[k].bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); } } CellRect cellRect = new CellRect(-2, -2, map.Size.x + 4, map.Size.z + 4); float[] array = new float[cellRect.Area * 2]; int num5 = 0; for (int l = cellRect.minZ; l <= cellRect.maxZ; l++) { for (int m = cellRect.minX; m <= cellRect.maxX; m++) { IntVec3 a = new IntVec3(m, 0, l); bool flag = true; for (int n = 0; n < GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside.Length; n++) { if (riverMaker.TerrainAt(a + GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[n]) != null) { flag = false; break; } } if (!flag) { Vector2 p = a.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); int num6 = int.MinValue; Vector2 vector2 =; for (int num7 = num3; num7 < num4; num7++) { if (dictionary2.ContainsKey(num7) && dictionary2.ContainsKey(num7 + 1) && dictionary.ContainsKey(num7) && dictionary.ContainsKey(num7 + 1) && dictionary3.ContainsKey(num7) && dictionary3.ContainsKey(num7 + 1)) { Vector2 p2 = dictionary2[num7].bestNode.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); Vector2 p3 = dictionary2[num7 + 1].bestNode.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); Vector2 p4 = dictionary[num7].bestNode.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); Vector2 p5 = dictionary[num7 + 1].bestNode.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); Vector2 p6 = dictionary3[num7].bestNode.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); Vector2 p7 = dictionary3[num7 + 1].bestNode.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); Vector2 vector3 = GenGeo.InverseQuadBilinear(p, p4, p2, p5, p3); if (vector3.x >= -0.0001f && vector3.x <= 1.0001f && vector3.y >= -0.0001f && vector3.y <= 1.0001f) { vector2 = new Vector2((0f - vector3.x) * (float)num, (vector3.y + (float)num7) * 4f); num6 = num7; break; } Vector2 vector4 = GenGeo.InverseQuadBilinear(p, p4, p6, p5, p7); if (vector4.x >= -0.0001f && vector4.x <= 1.0001f && vector4.y >= -0.0001f && vector4.y <= 1.0001f) { vector2 = new Vector2(vector4.x * (float)num, (vector4.y + (float)num7) * 4f); num6 = num7; break; } } } if (num6 == int.MinValue) { Log.ErrorOnce("Failed to find all necessary river flow data", 5273133); } array[num5] = vector2.x; array[num5 + 1] = vector2.y; } num5 += 2; } } float[] array2 = new float[cellRect.Area * 2]; float[] array3 = new float[9] { 0.123317f, 0.123317f, 0.123317f, 0.123317f, 0.077847f, 0.077847f, 0.077847f, 0.077847f, 0.195346f }; int num8 = 0; for (int num9 = cellRect.minZ; num9 <= cellRect.maxZ; num9++) { for (int num10 = cellRect.minX; num10 <= cellRect.maxX; num10++) { IntVec3 a2 = new IntVec3(num10, 0, num9); float num11 = 0f; float num12 = 0f; float num13 = 0f; for (int num14 = 0; num14 < GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside.Length; num14++) { IntVec3 c = a2 + GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[num14]; if (cellRect.Contains(c)) { int num15 = num8 + (GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[num14].x + GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[num14].z * cellRect.Width) * 2; if (array[num15] != 0f || array[num15 + 1] != 0f) { num11 += array[num15] * array3[num14]; num12 += array[num15 + 1] * array3[num14]; num13 += array3[num14]; } } } if (num13 > 0f) { array2[num8] = num11 / num13; array2[num8 + 1] = num12 / num13; } num8 += 2; } } array = array2; for (int num16 = 0; num16 < array.Length; num16 += 2) { if (array[num16] != 0f || array[num16 + 1] != 0f) { Vector2 vector5 = Rand.InsideUnitCircle * 0.4f; array[num16] += vector5.x; array[num16 + 1] += vector5.y; } } byte[] array4 = new byte[array.Length * 4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(array, 0, array4, 0, array.Length * 4); map.waterInfo.riverOffsetMap = array4; map.waterInfo.GenerateRiverFlowMap(); }
private void GenerateRiverLookupTexture(Map map, RiverMaker riverMaker) { int num = Mathf.CeilToInt((from rd in DefDatabase <RiverDef> .AllDefs select(float)(rd.widthOnMap / 2.0 + 5.0)).Max()); int num2 = Mathf.Max(4, num) * 2; Dictionary <int, GRLT_Entry> dictionary = new Dictionary <int, GRLT_Entry>(); Dictionary <int, GRLT_Entry> dictionary2 = new Dictionary <int, GRLT_Entry>(); Dictionary <int, GRLT_Entry> dictionary3 = new Dictionary <int, GRLT_Entry>(); int num3 = -num2; while (true) { int num4 = num3; IntVec3 size = map.Size; if (num4 < size.z + num2) { int num5 = -num2; while (true) { int num6 = num5; IntVec3 size2 = map.Size; if (num6 < size2.x + num2) { IntVec3 intVec = new IntVec3(num5, 0, num3); Vector3 vector = riverMaker.WaterCoordinateAt(intVec); int entryId = Mathf.FloorToInt((float)(vector.z / 4.0)); this.UpdateRiverAnchorEntry(dictionary, intVec, entryId, (float)((vector.z + Mathf.Abs(vector.x)) / 4.0)); this.UpdateRiverAnchorEntry(dictionary2, intVec, entryId, (float)((vector.z + Mathf.Abs(vector.x - (float)num)) / 4.0)); this.UpdateRiverAnchorEntry(dictionary3, intVec, entryId, (float)((vector.z + Mathf.Abs(vector.x + (float)num)) / 4.0)); num5++; continue; } break; } num3++; continue; } break; } int num7 = Mathf.Max(dictionary.Keys.Min(), dictionary2.Keys.Min(), dictionary3.Keys.Min()); int num8 = Mathf.Min(dictionary.Keys.Max(), dictionary2.Keys.Max(), dictionary3.Keys.Max()); for (int i = num7; i < num8; i++) { WaterInfo waterInfo = map.waterInfo; if (dictionary2.ContainsKey(i) && dictionary2.ContainsKey(i + 1)) { List <Vector3> riverDebugData = waterInfo.riverDebugData; GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry = dictionary2[i]; riverDebugData.Add(gRLT_Entry.bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); List <Vector3> riverDebugData2 = waterInfo.riverDebugData; GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry2 = dictionary2[i + 1]; riverDebugData2.Add(gRLT_Entry2.bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(i) && dictionary.ContainsKey(i + 1)) { List <Vector3> riverDebugData3 = waterInfo.riverDebugData; GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry3 = dictionary[i]; riverDebugData3.Add(gRLT_Entry3.bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); List <Vector3> riverDebugData4 = waterInfo.riverDebugData; GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry4 = dictionary[i + 1]; riverDebugData4.Add(gRLT_Entry4.bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); } if (dictionary3.ContainsKey(i) && dictionary3.ContainsKey(i + 1)) { List <Vector3> riverDebugData5 = waterInfo.riverDebugData; GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry5 = dictionary3[i]; riverDebugData5.Add(gRLT_Entry5.bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); List <Vector3> riverDebugData6 = waterInfo.riverDebugData; GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry6 = dictionary3[i + 1]; riverDebugData6.Add(gRLT_Entry6.bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); } if (dictionary2.ContainsKey(i) && dictionary.ContainsKey(i)) { List <Vector3> riverDebugData7 = waterInfo.riverDebugData; GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry7 = dictionary2[i]; riverDebugData7.Add(gRLT_Entry7.bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); List <Vector3> riverDebugData8 = waterInfo.riverDebugData; GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry8 = dictionary[i]; riverDebugData8.Add(gRLT_Entry8.bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); } if (dictionary.ContainsKey(i) && dictionary3.ContainsKey(i)) { List <Vector3> riverDebugData9 = waterInfo.riverDebugData; GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry9 = dictionary[i]; riverDebugData9.Add(gRLT_Entry9.bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); List <Vector3> riverDebugData10 = waterInfo.riverDebugData; GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry10 = dictionary3[i]; riverDebugData10.Add(gRLT_Entry10.bestNode.ToVector3Shifted()); } } IntVec3 size3 = map.Size; int width = size3.x + 4; IntVec3 size4 = map.Size; CellRect cellRect = new CellRect(-2, -2, width, size4.z + 4); float[] array = new float[cellRect.Area * 2]; int num9 = 0; for (int j = cellRect.minZ; j <= cellRect.maxZ; j++) { for (int k = cellRect.minX; k <= cellRect.maxX; k++) { IntVec3 a = new IntVec3(k, 0, j); bool flag = true; int num10 = 0; while (num10 < GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside.Length) { if (riverMaker.TerrainAt(a + GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[num10], false) == null) { num10++; continue; } flag = false; break; } if (!flag) { Vector2 p = a.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); int num11 = -2147483648; Vector2 vector2 =; for (int l = num7; l < num8; l++) { GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry11 = dictionary2[l]; Vector2 p2 = gRLT_Entry11.bestNode.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry12 = dictionary2[l + 1]; Vector2 p3 = gRLT_Entry12.bestNode.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry13 = dictionary[l]; Vector2 p4 = gRLT_Entry13.bestNode.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry14 = dictionary[l + 1]; Vector2 p5 = gRLT_Entry14.bestNode.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry15 = dictionary3[l]; Vector2 p6 = gRLT_Entry15.bestNode.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); GRLT_Entry gRLT_Entry16 = dictionary3[l + 1]; Vector2 p7 = gRLT_Entry16.bestNode.ToIntVec2.ToVector2(); Vector2 vector3 = GenGeo.InverseQuadBilinear(p, p4, p2, p5, p3); if (vector3.x >= -9.9999997473787516E-05 && vector3.x <= 1.0001000165939331 && vector3.y >= -9.9999997473787516E-05 && vector3.y <= 1.0001000165939331) { vector2 = new Vector2((float)((0.0 - vector3.x) * (float)num), (float)((vector3.y + (float)l) * 4.0)); num11 = l; break; } Vector2 vector4 = GenGeo.InverseQuadBilinear(p, p4, p6, p5, p7); if (vector4.x >= -9.9999997473787516E-05 && vector4.x <= 1.0001000165939331 && vector4.y >= -9.9999997473787516E-05 && vector4.y <= 1.0001000165939331) { vector2 = new Vector2(vector4.x * (float)num, (float)((vector4.y + (float)l) * 4.0)); num11 = l; break; } } if (num11 == -2147483648) { Log.ErrorOnce("Failed to find all necessary river flow data", 5273133); } array[num9] = vector2.x; array[num9 + 1] = vector2.y; } num9 += 2; } } float[] array2 = new float[cellRect.Area * 2]; float[] array3 = new float[9] { 0.123317f, 0.123317f, 0.123317f, 0.123317f, 0.077847f, 0.077847f, 0.077847f, 0.077847f, 0.195346f }; int num12 = 0; for (int m = cellRect.minZ; m <= cellRect.maxZ; m++) { for (int n = cellRect.minX; n <= cellRect.maxX; n++) { IntVec3 a2 = new IntVec3(n, 0, m); float num13 = 0f; float num14 = 0f; float num15 = 0f; for (int num16 = 0; num16 < GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside.Length; num16++) { IntVec3 c = a2 + GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[num16]; if (cellRect.Contains(c)) { int num17 = num12 + (GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[num16].x + GenAdj.AdjacentCellsAndInside[num16].z * cellRect.Width) * 2; if (array.Length <= num17 + 1 || num17 < 0) { Log.Message("you wut"); } if (array[num17] != 0.0 || array[num17 + 1] != 0.0) { num13 += array[num17] * array3[num16]; num14 += array[num17 + 1] * array3[num16]; num15 += array3[num16]; } } } if (num15 > 0.0) { array2[num12] = num13 / num15; array2[num12 + 1] = num14 / num15; } num12 += 2; } } array = array2; for (int num18 = 0; num18 < array.Length; num18 += 2) { if (array[num18] != 0.0 || array[num18 + 1] != 0.0) { Vector3 vector5 = Rand.PointOnDisc * 0.4f; array[num18] += vector5.x; array[num18 + 1] += vector5.z; } } byte[] array4 = new byte[array.Length * 4]; Buffer.BlockCopy(array, 0, array4, 0, array.Length * 4); map.waterInfo.riverOffsetMap = array4; map.waterInfo.GenerateRiverFlowMap(); }
private TerrainDef TerrainFrom(IntVec3 c, Map map, float elevation, float fertility, RiverMaker river, bool preferSolid) { TerrainDef terrainDef = null; if (river != null) { terrainDef = river.TerrainAt(c, true); } TerrainDef result; if (terrainDef == null && preferSolid) { result = GenStep_RocksFromGrid.RockDefAt(c).building.naturalTerrain; } else { TerrainDef terrainDef2 = BeachMaker.BeachTerrainAt(c, map.Biome); if (terrainDef2 == TerrainDefOf.WaterOceanDeep) { result = terrainDef2; } else if (terrainDef != null && terrainDef.IsRiver) { result = terrainDef; } else if (terrainDef2 != null) { result = terrainDef2; } else if (terrainDef != null) { result = terrainDef; } else { for (int i = 0; i < map.Biome.terrainPatchMakers.Count; i++) { terrainDef2 = map.Biome.terrainPatchMakers[i].TerrainAt(c, map, fertility); if (terrainDef2 != null) { return(terrainDef2); } } if (elevation > 0.55f && elevation < 0.61f) { result = TerrainDefOf.Gravel; } else if (elevation >= 0.61f) { result = GenStep_RocksFromGrid.RockDefAt(c).building.naturalTerrain; } else { terrainDef2 = TerrainThreshold.TerrainAtValue(map.Biome.terrainsByFertility, fertility); if (terrainDef2 != null) { result = terrainDef2; } else { if (!GenStep_Terrain.debug_WarnedMissingTerrain) { Log.Error(string.Concat(new object[] { "No terrain found in biome ", map.Biome.defName, " for elevation=", elevation, ", fertility=", fertility }), false); GenStep_Terrain.debug_WarnedMissingTerrain = true; } result = TerrainDefOf.Sand; } } } } return(result); }