/// <summary>
        /// Creates a new test case under the specified automation provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestCase by which to create automation provider test case.</param>
        /// <returns>The ID of the newly created entity.</returns>
        public override string CreateTestCase(RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // shortcuts
            var onProject = Configuration.ConnectorConfiguration.Project;

            testCase.Context[ContextEntry.Configuration] = Configuration;
            var testType = $"{testCase.GetCapability(AtlassianCapabilities.TestType, "Test")}";

            // setup context
            testCase.Context["issuetype-id"]                   = $"{jiraClient.GetIssueTypeFields(idOrKey: testType, path: "id")}";
            testCase.Context["project-key"]                    = onProject;
            testCase.Context["test-sets-custom-field"]         = jiraClient.GetCustomField(schema: TestSetSchema);
            testCase.Context["manual-test-steps-custom-field"] = jiraClient.GetCustomField(schema: ManualTestStepSchema);
            testCase.Context["test-plan-custom-field"]         = jiraClient.GetCustomField(schema: AssociatedPlanSchema);

            // setup request body
            var requestBody = testCase.ToJiraXrayIssue();
            var issue       = jiraClient.Create(requestBody);

            // comment
            var comment = Utilities.GetActionSignature(action: "created");

            jiraClient.AddComment(idOrKey: $"{issue.SelectToken("key")}", comment);

            // success
            Logger?.InfoFormat($"Create-Test -Project [{onProject}] -Set [{string.Join(",", testCase?.TestSuites)}] = true");

            // results
Пример #2
        private static object GetUpdateBugPayload(RhinoTestCase testCase, JToken onBug, JiraClient jiraClient)
            // setup
            var comment =
                $"{RhinoUtilities.GetActionSignature("updated")} " +
                $"Bug status on execution [{testCase.TestRunKey}] is *{onBug.SelectToken("fields.status.name")}*.";

            // verify if bug is already open
            var template    = testCase.BugMarkdown(jiraClient);
            var description = $"{JToken.Parse(template).SelectToken("fields.description")}";

            // setup
                Update = new
                    Comment = new[]
                            Add = new
                                Body = comment
                Fields = new
                    Description = description
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an automation provider test run entity. Use this method to implement the automation
        /// provider test run creation and to modify the loaded Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestRun.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testRun">Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestRun object to modify before creating.</param>
        /// <returns>Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestRun based on provided test cases.</returns>
        public override RhinoTestRun OnCreateTestRun(RhinoTestRun testRun)
            // setup: request body
            var customField = jiraClient.GetCustomField(TestExecutionSchema);
            var testCases   = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(testRun.TestCases.Select(i => i.Key));

            // load JSON body
            var comment     = Utilities.GetActionSignature("created");
            var requestBody = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().ReadEmbeddedResource("create_test_execution_xray.txt")
                              .Replace("[project-key]", Configuration.ConnectorConfiguration.Project)
                              .Replace("[run-title]", TestRun.Title)
                              .Replace("[custom-1]", customField)
                              .Replace("[tests-repository]", testCases)
                              .Replace("[type-name]", $"{capabilities[AtlassianCapabilities.ExecutionType]}")
                              .Replace("[assignee]", Configuration.ConnectorConfiguration.UserName);
            var responseBody = jiraClient.Create(requestBody, comment);

            // setup
            testRun.Key  = $"{responseBody["key"]}";
            testRun.Link = $"{responseBody["self"]}";
            testRun.Context["runtimeid"] = $"{responseBody["id"]}";
            testRun.Context[ContextEntry.Configuration] = Configuration;

            // test steps handler
            foreach (var testCase in TestRun.TestCases)
        /// <summary>
        /// Completes automation provider test run results, if any were missed or bypassed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testRun">Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestRun results object to complete by.</param>
        public override void CompleteTestRun(RhinoTestRun testRun)
            // exit conditions
            if (Configuration.IsDryRun())

            // setup: failed to update
            var inStatus = new[] { "TODO", "EXECUTING" };

            // get all test keys to re-assign outcome
            var testResults = testRun
                              .Where(i => inStatus.Contains($"{i["status"]}"))
                              .Select(i => $"{i["key"]}");

            // iterate: pass/fail
            foreach (var testCase in testRun.TestCases.Where(i => testResults.Contains(i.Key) && !i.Inconclusive))
                DoUpdateTestResult(testCase, inline: false);
            // iterate: align all runs
            var dataTests = testRun.TestCases.Where(i => i.Iteration > 0).Select(i => i.Key).Distinct();
            var options   = new ParallelOptions {
                MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1

            Parallel.ForEach(dataTests, options, testCase =>
                var outcome = testRun.TestCases.Any(i => i.Key.Equals(testCase) && !i.Actual) ? "FAIL" : "PASS";
                if (outcome == "FAIL")
                    testRun.TestCases.FirstOrDefault(i => !i.Actual && i.Key.Equals(testCase))?.SetOutcomeByRun(outcome);
                testRun.TestCases.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Actual && i.Key.Equals(testCase))?.SetOutcomeByRun(outcome);
            // iterate: inconclusive
            foreach (var testCase in testRun.TestCases.Where(i => i.Inconclusive))
                DoUpdateTestResult(testCase, inline: true);

            // test plan

            // close
            var comment = Utilities.GetActionSignature("closed");

            jiraClient.CreateTransition(idOrKey: testRun.Key, transition: "Closed", resolution: "Done", comment);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new test case under the specified automation provider.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">Rhino.Api.Contracts.AutomationProvider.RhinoTestCase by which to create automation provider test case.</param>
        /// <returns>The ID of the newly created entity.</returns>
        public override string CreateTestCase(RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // constants: logging
            const string M = "Create-Test -Project [{0}] -Set [{1}] = true";

            // create jira issue
            var issue = CreateTestOnJira(testCase);

            // apply to context
            testCase.Key = $"{issue["key"]}";
            testCase.Context["jira-issue-id"] = issue == default ? string.Empty : $"{issue["id"]}";

            // create test steps

            // create & apply preconditions
            var precondition = CreatePrecondition(testCase.Key, testCase.DataSource);

            if (precondition != null)
                xpandClient.AddPrecondition($"{precondition.SelectToken("id")}", testCase.Key);

            // add to test sets
            var testSets = jiraClient
                           .Get(idsOrKeys: testCase.TestSuites)
                           .Select(i => (id: $"{i.SelectToken("id")}", key: $"{i.SelectToken("key")}"));

            Parallel.ForEach(testSets, options, testSet
                             => xpandClient.AddTestsToSet(idAndKey: testSet, new[] { $"{issue.SelectToken("id")}" }));

            // comment
            var comment = Utilities.GetActionSignature(action: "created");

            jiraClient.AddComment(idOrKey: issue["key"].ToString(), comment);

            // success
            Logger?.InfoFormat(M, Configuration.ConnectorConfiguration.Project, string.Join(", ", testCase?.TestSuites));

            // results
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes a routie of post bug creation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testCase">RhinoTestCase to execute routine on.</param>
        public override void PostCreateBug(RhinoTestCase testCase)
            // exit conditions
            if (!testCase.Context.ContainsKey("lastBugKey"))

            // setup
            var format = $"{Utilities.GetActionSignature("{0}")} On execution [{testCase.TestRunKey}]";
            var key    = $"{testCase.Context["lastBugKey"]}";
            var id     = GetExecution(testCase);

            // put
            testCase.CreateInwardLink(jiraClient, key, linkType: "Blocks", string.Format(format, "created"));

            // post
            var command = RavenCommandsRepository.AddDefectToExecution(keyBug: key, idExecution: id);
