public AllowedLengthAngleChecker(
            VertexConstraints constraint1,
            VertexConstraints constraint2,
            GeneralizedDistanceTransform2D checkingTransform,
            double lengthRatio,
            double meanAngle)
            this.lengthAngleStatus = new Image2D <byte>(checkingTransform.GridSize.Width, checkingTransform.GridSize.Height);
            LengthAngleSpaceSeparatorSet separator = new LengthAngleSpaceSeparatorSet(constraint1, constraint2);

            this.checkingTransform = checkingTransform;

            // Initial fill
            for (int i = 0; i < checkingTransform.GridSize.Width; ++i)
                double scaledLength = checkingTransform.GridIndexToCoordX(i);
                double length       = scaledLength / lengthRatio;

                for (int j = 0; j < checkingTransform.GridSize.Height; ++j)
                    double shiftedAngle = checkingTransform.GridIndexToCoordY(j);
                    double angle        = shiftedAngle + meanAngle;

                    if (separator.IsInside(length, angle))
                        this.lengthAngleStatus[i, j] = 2;
                    else if (i == 0 || j == 0 || this.lengthAngleStatus[i - 1, j] == 1 || this.lengthAngleStatus[i, j - 1] == 1)
                        this.lengthAngleStatus[i, j] = 1;

            // Fill holes
            for (int i = 0; i < checkingTransform.GridSize.Width; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < checkingTransform.GridSize.Height; ++j)
                    if (lengthAngleStatus[i, j] == 0)
                        lengthAngleStatus[i, j] = 2;
        public AllowedLengthAngleChecker(
            VertexConstraints constraint1,
            VertexConstraints constraint2,
            GeneralizedDistanceTransform2D checkingTransform,
            double lengthRatio,
            double meanAngle)
            this.lengthAngleStatus = new Image2D<byte>(checkingTransform.GridSize.Width, checkingTransform.GridSize.Height);
            LengthAngleSpaceSeparatorSet separator = new LengthAngleSpaceSeparatorSet(constraint1, constraint2);

            this.checkingTransform = checkingTransform;
            // Initial fill
            for (int i = 0; i < checkingTransform.GridSize.Width; ++i)
                double scaledLength = checkingTransform.GridIndexToCoordX(i);
                double length = scaledLength / lengthRatio;

                for (int j = 0; j < checkingTransform.GridSize.Height; ++j)
                    double shiftedAngle = checkingTransform.GridIndexToCoordY(j);
                    double angle = shiftedAngle + meanAngle;

                    if (separator.IsInside(length, angle))
                        this.lengthAngleStatus[i, j] = 2;
                    else if (i == 0 || j == 0 || this.lengthAngleStatus[i - 1, j] == 1 || this.lengthAngleStatus[i, j - 1] == 1)
                        this.lengthAngleStatus[i, j] = 1;

            // Fill holes
            for (int i = 0; i < checkingTransform.GridSize.Width; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < checkingTransform.GridSize.Height; ++j)
                    if (lengthAngleStatus[i, j] == 0)
                        lengthAngleStatus[i, j] = 2;
Пример #3
        public double CalculateLowerBound(Size imageSize, ShapeModel model, ShapeConstraints shapeConstraints)
            if (model == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("model");
            if (shapeConstraints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("shapeConstraints");
            if (model.Structure != shapeConstraints.ShapeStructure)
                throw new ArgumentException("Shape model and shape constraints correspond to different shape structures.");

            List <ILengthAngleConstraints> lengthAngleConstraints = CalculateLengthAngleConstraints(shapeConstraints);

            if (model.ConstrainedEdgePairs.Count == 0)
                double lowerBound = CalculateSingleEdgeLowerBound(model, shapeConstraints, lengthAngleConstraints);
                Debug.Assert(lowerBound >= 0);

            // Determine max (scaled) length possible
            double maxRatio1 = (from edgePair in model.ConstrainedEdgePairs
                                select model.GetEdgePairParams(edgePair.Item1, edgePair.Item2).MeanLengthRatio).Max();
            double maxRatio2 = (from edgePair in model.ConstrainedEdgePairs
                                select 1.0 / model.GetEdgePairParams(edgePair.Item1, edgePair.Item2).MeanLengthRatio).Max();
            double maxRatio        = Math.Max(maxRatio1, maxRatio2);
            double maxEdgeLength   = (new Vector(imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height)).Length;
            double maxScaledLength = maxEdgeLength * maxRatio;

            if (maxScaledLength != this.currentMaxScaledLength)
                this.currentMaxScaledLength = maxScaledLength;


            // Calculate distance transforms for all the child edges
            List <GeneralizedDistanceTransform2D> childTransforms = new List <GeneralizedDistanceTransform2D>();

            foreach (int edgeIndex in model.IterateNeighboringEdgeIndices(model.RootEdgeIndex))
                childTransforms.Add(CalculateMinEnergiesForAllParentEdges(model, shapeConstraints, model.RootEdgeIndex, edgeIndex, lengthAngleConstraints));

            // Find best overall solution
            double minEnergySum = Double.PositiveInfinity;
            GeneralizedDistanceTransform2D transform = childTransforms[0];

            foreach (int lengthGridIndex in transform.EnumerateInterestGridIndicesX())
                double length            = transform.GridIndexToCoordX(lengthGridIndex);
                double minPairwiseEnergy = Double.PositiveInfinity;

                foreach (int angleGridIndex in transform.EnumerateInterestGridIndicesY())
                    double       angle = transform.GridIndexToCoordY(angleGridIndex);
                    const double eps   = 1e-8;
                    if (angle > Math.PI + eps || angle < -Math.PI - eps)
                        continue;   // Consider only natural angle representations here
                    minPairwiseEnergy = Math.Min(minPairwiseEnergy, CalculateMinPairwiseEdgeEnergy(length, angle, childTransforms));

                double unaryEdgeEnergy = CalculateMinUnaryEdgeEnergy(model.RootEdgeIndex, model, shapeConstraints, length);
                double rootEdgeEnergy  = model.CalculateRootEdgeEnergyTerm(length);
                minEnergySum = Math.Min(minEnergySum, minPairwiseEnergy + unaryEdgeEnergy + rootEdgeEnergy);

            Debug.Assert(minEnergySum >= 0);