/// <summary>
        /// Recursively tries to get a collections page from the MP API.
        /// </summary>
        public static SearchPage <Collection> GetCollectionsPage(Int32 offset, Int32 limit, OAuthResponse authorization, DateTime dateFrom, DateTime dateTo, int retryNumber = 0)
            PaymentsHelper ph = new PaymentsHelper();

            // Set access token
            ph.AccessToken = GetAccessToken(authorization);

            // Prepare API call arguments
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > args = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

            if (authorization.IsAdmin)
                args.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("collector_id", authorization.UserId.ToString()));
            // Try optimize the query by site id, taking advantage of the search sharding
            if (authorization.SiteId != null)
                args.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("site_id", authorization.SiteId));
            args.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("sort", "date_created"));
            args.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("criteria", "desc"));
            args.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("offset", offset.ToString()));
            args.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("limit", limit.ToString()));
            args.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("range", "date_created"));
            args.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("begin_date", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(dateFrom.GetDateTimeFormats('s')[0].ToString() + ".000Z")));
            args.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>("end_date", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(dateTo.GetDateTimeFormats('s')[0].ToString() + ".000Z")));

            SearchPage <Collection> searchPage = null;

                // Search the API
                searchPage = ph.SearchCollections(args);
            catch (RESTAPIException raex)
                // Retries the same call until max is reached
                if (retryNumber <= MAX_RETRIES)
                    LogHelper.WriteLine("SearchCollections breaks. Retry num: " + retryNumber.ToString());
                    BackendHelper.GetCollectionsPage(offset, limit, authorization, dateFrom, dateTo, retryNumber + 1);
                    // then breaks
                    throw raex;

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate button working thread.
        /// </summary>
        private void DoWork()
            int apiQueryPageSize = 0;
            List <Collection>       collections     = null;
            SearchPage <Collection> collectionsPage = null;
            string exceptionMessage = String.Empty;

            System.IO.StreamWriter file         = null;
            string                fileExtension = "";
            List <Movement>       movements     = null;
            SearchPage <Movement> movementsPage = null;
            int           offset = 0;
            ReportFormats reportFormat;
            ReportTypes   reportType;

            // Define file extension and report format
            if (excelRadioButton.Checked)
                reportFormat  = ReportFormats.ExcelReport;
                fileExtension = ".xml";
                reportFormat  = ReportFormats.CSVReport;
                fileExtension = ".csv";

            // Set API query page size
            if (_authorization.IsAdmin)
                apiQueryPageSize = ADMIN_API_QUERY_PAGE_SIZE;
                apiQueryPageSize = USER_API_QUERY_PAGE_SIZE;

            // TODO: Simplify this, same logic twice!

                // Do the first API search
                progressBar.Invoke(new DoLoadingCallback(this.DoLoading), null);
                if (collectionsRadioButton.Checked)
                    reportType      = ReportTypes.CollectionsReport;
                    collectionsPage = BackendHelper.GetCollectionsPage(offset, apiQueryPageSize, _authorization, reportFromPicker.Value, reportToPicker.Value);
                    collections     = collectionsPage.Results;
                    progressBar.Invoke(new UpdateProgressBarMaximumCallback(this.UpdateProgressBarMaximum), new object[] { collectionsPage.Total.Value });
                    reportType    = ReportTypes.MovementsReport;
                    movementsPage = BackendHelper.GetMovementsPage(offset, apiQueryPageSize, _authorization, reportFromPicker.Value, reportToPicker.Value);
                    movements     = movementsPage.Results;
                    progressBar.Invoke(new UpdateProgressBarMaximumCallback(this.UpdateProgressBarMaximum), new object[] { movementsPage.Total.Value });
                offset += apiQueryPageSize;
                progressBar.Invoke(new StopLoadingCallback(this.StopLoading), null);

                // Check for Excel limitation
                if ((reportFormat == ReportFormats.ExcelReport) && (progressBar.Maximum > 60000))
                    MessageBox.Show("The number of rows exceeds Excel report size. Choose CSV instead.");
                    progressBar.Invoke(new EnableGenerateControlsCallback(this.EnableGenerateControls), null);

                // Set file name
                string fileName = folderTextBox.Text;
                if (fileName.Substring(fileName.Length - 1) != "\\")
                    fileName += "\\";
                fileName += fileNameTextBox.Text + fileExtension;

                // Open file
                file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fileName);

                // Set Report Writter
                ReportWritter reportWritter = ReportWritterFactory.GetReportWritter(file, reportFormat);
                reportWritter.ProgressBar  = progressBar;
                reportWritter.ProgressText = progressLabel;

                // Write report header
                reportWritter.WriteHeader(reportType, progressBar.Maximum);

                if (collectionsRadioButton.Checked)
                    // Write first page

                    // loop for more collections pages
                    while (collectionsPage.Total.Value > offset && _continue)
                        // api call
                        progressBar.Invoke(new DoLoadingCallback(this.DoLoading), null);
                        collectionsPage = BackendHelper.GetCollectionsPage(offset, apiQueryPageSize, _authorization, reportFromPicker.Value, reportToPicker.Value);
                        collections     = collectionsPage.Results;
                        progressBar.Invoke(new StopLoadingCallback(this.StopLoading), null);
                        if (collectionsPage.Total.Value != progressBar.Maximum)  // validate total rows consistency
                            throw new RESTAPIException(500, "Internal Server Error", "Max rows violation", "Max rows violation: current-" + collectionsPage.Total.Value.ToString() + ", previous-" + progressBar.Maximum.ToString());

                        // write to file

                        offset += apiQueryPageSize;
                    // Write first page

                    // loop for more movements pages
                    while (movementsPage.Total.Value > offset && _continue)
                        // api call
                        progressBar.Invoke(new DoLoadingCallback(this.DoLoading), null);
                        movementsPage = BackendHelper.GetMovementsPage(offset, apiQueryPageSize, _authorization, reportFromPicker.Value, reportToPicker.Value);
                        movements     = movementsPage.Results;
                        progressBar.Invoke(new StopLoadingCallback(this.StopLoading), null);
                        if (movementsPage.Total.Value != progressBar.Maximum)  // validate total rows consistency
                            throw new RESTAPIException(500, "Internal Server Error", "Max rows violation", "Max rows violation: current-" + movementsPage.Total.Value.ToString() + ", previous-" + progressBar.Maximum.ToString());

                        // write to file

                        offset += apiQueryPageSize;

                // Write report footer and close the file
            catch (RESTAPIException raex)
                exceptionMessage = "MP API Exception: " + raex.Cause;
            catch (IOException ex)
                exceptionMessage = "File exception: " + ex.Message;
            catch (Exception e)
                exceptionMessage = "Internal Exception: " + e.Message;
                // if error
                if (exceptionMessage != String.Empty)
                    // try closing the file
                    { }

                    // Stop loading cursor
                    progressBar.Invoke(new StopLoadingCallback(this.StopLoading), null);

                    // Show error message

                    // Enable generate buttons
                    progressBar.Invoke(new EnableGenerateControlsCallback(this.EnableGenerateControls), null);

            // Finish
            progressBar.Invoke(new UpdateProgressBarFinishedCallback(this.UpdateProgressBarFinished), null);