Пример #1
        private Tweet NewTweet(Android.Database.ICursor cursor)
            var j = JsonValue.Parse (cursor.GetString (1));
            Tweet twt = new Tweet (j);

            return (twt);
Пример #2
        public long AddTweet(Tweet tweet)
            var values = new ContentValues ();
            values.Put ("Source", tweet.SourceString);

            return twtHelp.WritableDatabase.Insert ("Tweet", null, values);
Пример #3
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            base.OnCreate (bundle);
            SetContentView (Resource.Layout.list);
            sourceString = Intent.GetStringExtra(SOURCE) ?? "error";
            listView = FindViewById<ListView> (Resource.Id.list);
            Console.WriteLine (sourceString);
            if (sourceString != null && !sourceString.Equals ("error")) {
                try {

                    var result = JsonValue.Parse (sourceString);
                    List<Tweet> tweets = new List<Tweet> ();
                    //TODO count issue continued
                    /* result.Count is not always 5?
                    Console.WriteLine (result.Count.ToString ());

                    for (int i = 0; i<result.Count; i++) {

                        Tweet tweet = new Tweet (result [i]);
                        tweets.Add (tweet);
                    if (tweets.Count > 0) {
                        listAdapter = new MyListAdapter (this, tweets);
                        //TODO Header issue
                        // not really had time to look at this, but currently your content is only a list view...
                        // ping me if it is not solved, another meeting awaits...
                        /* I wanted to make a static header, so I only have to load the profileimage and name once
                         * But i can't get it to show anything and it scrolls with rest of the list.
                        Bitmap bm = listAdapter.GetHeaderInfo ();
                        ViewGroup vg = FindViewById<LinearLayout> (Resource.Id.mainll);
                        View v = this.LayoutInflater.Inflate (Resource.Layout.list_header, vg, false)as LinearLayout;
                        ImageView image = v.FindViewById (Resource.Id.imageView1) as ImageView;
                        image.SetImageBitmap (bm);
                        listView.AddHeaderView (v);
                        listView.Adapter = listAdapter;

                        listView.ItemClick += ListClick;

                } catch (WebException we) {
                    Console.Error.WriteLine ("WebException : " + we.Message);
                } catch (System.Exception sysExc) {
                    Console.Error.WriteLine ("System.Exception : " + sysExc.Message + "\n" + sysExc.StackTrace);
            } else {
                Toast.MakeText(this, "Something went wrong", ToastLength.Short).Show();
                StartActivity(typeof (Activity1));
                Finish ();