Пример #1
        public bool SetupLibCheck(IServiceProvider services, string fpath, byte[] bytes)
            var diag = services.RequireService<IDiagnosticsService>();
            var rdr = new LeImageReader(bytes);
            ushort w, len;
            int i;


            /* Read the parameters */
            uint fileSig;
            if (!rdr.TryReadLeUInt32(out fileSig) || fileSig != 0x73636364) // "dccs"
                diag.Warn(string.Format("{0} is not a DCC signature file.", fpath));
                return false;

            numKeys = rdr.ReadLeUInt16();
            numVert = rdr.ReadLeUInt16();
            PatLen = rdr.ReadLeUInt16();
            SymLen = rdr.ReadLeUInt16();
            if ((PatLen != PATLEN) || (SymLen != SYMLEN))
                diag.Warn(string.Format("Can't use signature file with sym and pattern lengths of {0} and {1}.", SymLen, PatLen));
                return false;

            // Initialise the perfhlib stuff. Also allocates T1, T2, g, etc
            // Set the parameters for the hash table
                            numKeys,                // The number of symbols
                            PatLen,                 // The length of the pattern to be hashed
                            256,                    // The character set of the pattern (0-FF)
                            (char)0,                // Minimum pattern character value
                            numVert);               // Specifies c, the sparseness of the graph. See Czech, Havas and Majewski for details
            T1base = g_pattern_hasher.readT1();
            T2base = g_pattern_hasher.readT2();
            g = g_pattern_hasher.readG();

            /* Read T1 and T2 tables */
            ushort ww;
            if (!rdr.TryReadLeUInt16(out ww) || ww != 0x3154)    // "T1"
                Debug.Print("Expected 'T1'");
                diag.Warn(string.Format("{0} is not a valid DCCS file.", fpath));
                return false;
            len = (ushort) (PatLen * 256u * 2);        // 2 = sizeof ushort
            w = rdr.ReadLeUInt16();
            if (w != len)
                Debug.Print("Problem with size of T1: file {0}, calc {1}", w, len);
                diag.Warn(string.Format("{0} is not a valid DCCS file.", fpath));
                return false;
            readFileSection(T1base, len, rdr);

            if (!rdr.TryReadLeUInt16(out ww) || ww != 0x3254)    // "T2"
                Debug.Print("Expected 'T2'");
                return false;
            w = rdr.ReadLeUInt16();
            if (w != len)
                Debug.Print("Problem with size of T2: file %d, calc %d\n", w, len);
                diag.Warn(string.Format("{0} is not a valid DCCS file.", fpath));
                return false;
            readFileSection(T2base, len, rdr);

            /* Now read the function g[] */
            if (!rdr.TryReadLeUInt16(out ww) || ww != 0x6767)    // "gg"
                Debug.Print("Expected 'gg'");
                diag.Warn(string.Format("{0} is not a valid DCCS file.", fpath));
                return false;
            len = (ushort) (numVert * 2); //  sizeof(uint16_t));
            w = rdr.ReadLeUInt16();
            if (w != len)
                Debug.Print("Problem with size of g[]: file {0}, calc {1}", w, len);
                diag.Warn(string.Format("{0} is not a valid DCCS file.", fpath));
                return false;
            readFileSection(g, len, rdr);

            /* This is now the hash table */
            /* First allocate space for the table */
            ht = new HT[numKeys];
            if (!rdr.TryReadLeUInt16(out ww) || ww != 0x7468)    // "ht"
                Debug.Print("Expected 'ht'");
                diag.Warn(string.Format("{0} is not a valid DCCS file.", fpath));
                return false;
            w = rdr.ReadLeUInt16();
            if (w != numKeys * (SymLen + PatLen + 2)) // sizeof(uint16_t)))
                Debug.Print("Problem with size of hash table: file {0}, calc {1}", w, len);
                diag.Warn(string.Format("{0} is not a valid DCCS file.", fpath));
                return false;

            ht = new HT[numKeys];
            for (i = 0; i < numKeys; i++)
                var aSym = rdr.ReadBytes(SymLen)
                    .TakeWhile(b => b != 0).ToArray();

                ht[i] = new HT
                    htSym = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(aSym),
                    htPat = rdr.ReadBytes(PatLen)
            return true;