Пример #1
        public void VisitPointer(Pointer ptr)
            switch (ptr.Size)
            case 2:
                fmt.Write(string.Format("0x{0:X4}", rdr.ReadByte()));

            case 4:
                fmt.Write(string.Format("0x{0:X8}", rdr.ReadUInt32()));

            case 8:
                fmt.Write(string.Format("0x{0:X16}", rdr.ReadUInt32()));
Пример #2
 public List<ProgramResource> ReadLanguageDirectory(ImageReader rdr, uint resourceType, string resourceId)
     const uint DIR_MASK = 0x80000000;
     var flags = rdr.ReadUInt32();
     var date = rdr.ReadUInt32();
     var version = rdr.ReadUInt32();
     var cNameEntries = rdr.ReadUInt16();
     var cIdEntries = rdr.ReadUInt16();
     var entries = new List<ProgramResource>();
     for (int i = 0; i < cNameEntries; ++i)
         var rvaName = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         var rvaEntry = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         var subRdr = new LeImageReader(imgLoaded, rvaResources + (rvaEntry & ~DIR_MASK));
         if ((rvaEntry & DIR_MASK) != 0)
             throw new BadImageFormatException();
         entries.Add(ReadResourceEntry(subRdr, resourceId, ReadResourceString(rvaName), resourceType));
     for (int i = 0; i < cIdEntries; ++i)
         var id = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         var rvaEntry = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         var subRdr = new LeImageReader(imgLoaded, rvaResources + (rvaEntry & ~DIR_MASK));
         if ((rvaEntry & DIR_MASK) != 0)
             throw new BadImageFormatException();
         entries.Add(ReadResourceEntry(subRdr, resourceId, id.ToString(), resourceType));
     return entries;
Пример #3
 public static Elf32_Sym Load(ImageReader rdr)
     var sym = new Elf32_Sym();
     sym.st_name = rdr.ReadUInt32();
     sym.st_value = rdr.ReadUInt32();
     sym.st_size = rdr.ReadUInt32();
     sym.st_info = rdr.ReadByte();
     sym.st_other = rdr.ReadByte();
     sym.st_shndx = rdr.ReadUInt16();
     return sym;
Пример #4
 public static Elf32_Rela Read(ImageReader rdr)
     var o = rdr.ReadUInt32();
     var i = rdr.ReadUInt32();
     var a = rdr.ReadInt32();
     return new Elf32_Rela
         r_offset = o,
         r_info = i,
         r_addend = a
Пример #5
 public static Elf64_PHdr Load(ImageReader rdr)
     var hdr = new Elf64_PHdr
         p_type = (ProgramHeaderType)rdr.ReadUInt32(),
         p_flags = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
         p_offset = rdr.ReadUInt64(),
         p_vaddr = rdr.ReadUInt64(),
         p_paddr = rdr.ReadUInt64(),
         p_filesz = rdr.ReadUInt64(),
         p_pmemsz = rdr.ReadUInt64(),
         p_align = rdr.ReadUInt64(),
     return hdr;
Пример #6
        public static object ReadPointer(Type pointerType, int size, ImageReader rdr, ReaderContext ctx)
            Debug.Print("Reading pointer at offset {0}, size {1}", rdr.Offset, size);
            uint newOffset;

            switch (size)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Field size must be > 0.");

            case 1: newOffset = rdr.ReadByte(); break;

            case 2: newOffset = rdr.ReadUInt16(); break;

            case 4: newOffset = rdr.ReadUInt32(); break;
            Debug.Print("Structure of type {0} must start at offset {1:X}", pointerType.Name, newOffset);
            rdr        = rdr.Clone();
            rdr.Offset = newOffset;

            var dst = Activator.CreateInstance(pointerType);
            var sr  = new StructureReader(dst);

Пример #7
 public static Elf64_SHdr Load(ImageReader rdr)
     return new Elf64_SHdr
         sh_name = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
         sh_type = (SectionHeaderType)rdr.ReadUInt32(),
         sh_flags = rdr.ReadUInt64(),
         sh_addr = rdr.ReadUInt64(),        // Address
         sh_offset = rdr.ReadUInt64(),
         sh_size = rdr.ReadUInt64(),
         sh_link = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
         sh_info = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
         sh_addralign = rdr.ReadUInt64(),
         sh_entsize = rdr.ReadUInt64(),
Пример #8
        public ushort e_shstrndx;       // section name string table index

        public static Elf32_EHdr Load(ImageReader rdr)
            return new Elf32_EHdr
                e_type = rdr.ReadUInt16(),
                e_machine = rdr.ReadUInt16(),
                e_version = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
                e_entry = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
                e_phoff = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
                e_shoff = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
                e_flags = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
                e_ehsize = rdr.ReadUInt16(),
                e_phentsize = rdr.ReadUInt16(),
                e_phnum = rdr.ReadUInt16(),
                e_shentsize = rdr.ReadUInt16(),
                e_shnum = rdr.ReadUInt16(),
                e_shstrndx = rdr.ReadUInt16(),
Пример #9
 public List<ProgramResource> ReadResourceDirectory(ImageReader rdr)
     const uint DIR_MASK = 0x80000000;
     var flags = rdr.ReadUInt32();
     var date = rdr.ReadUInt32();
     var version = rdr.ReadUInt32();
     var cNameEntries = rdr.ReadUInt16();
     var cIdEntries = rdr.ReadUInt16();
     var entries = new List<ProgramResource>();
     for (int i = 0; i < cNameEntries; ++i)
         var rvaName = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         var rvaEntry = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         var subRdr = new LeImageReader(imgLoaded, rvaResources + (rvaEntry & ~DIR_MASK));
         if ((rvaEntry & DIR_MASK) == 0)
             throw new BadImageFormatException();
         if ((rvaName & DIR_MASK) != 0)
             var e = new ProgramResourceGroup
                 //Name = ReadResourceString(rvaName),
                 Name = ReadResourceUtf16leString(rvaResources + (rvaName & ~DIR_MASK)),
             e.Resources.AddRange(ReadNameDirectory(subRdr, 0));
     for (int i = 0; i < cIdEntries; ++i)
         var id = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         var rvaEntry = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         var subRdr = new LeImageReader(imgLoaded, rvaResources + (rvaEntry & ~DIR_MASK));
         if ((rvaEntry & DIR_MASK) == 0)
             throw new BadImageFormatException();
         var e = new ProgramResourceGroup
             Name = GenerateResourceName(id),
         e.Resources.AddRange(ReadNameDirectory(subRdr, id));
     return entries;
Пример #10
 public static Elf32_SHdr Load(ImageReader rdr)
         return new Elf32_SHdr
             sh_name = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
             sh_type = (SectionHeaderType)rdr.ReadUInt32(),
             sh_flags = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
             sh_addr = rdr.ReadUInt32(),        // Address
             sh_offset = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
             sh_size = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
             sh_link = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
             sh_info = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
             sh_addralign = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
             sh_entsize = rdr.ReadUInt32(),
     } catch
         //$TODO: report error?
         return null;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the ELF header.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Elf32_Ehdr ReadElfHeaderStart()
            var rdr = new ImageReader(RawImage, 0);
            var h = new Elf32_Ehdr();

            h.e_ident = rdr.ReadBeUInt32();
            h.e_class = rdr.ReadByte();
            h.endianness = rdr.ReadByte();
            h.version = rdr.ReadByte();
            h.osAbi = rdr.ReadByte();

            rdr.Seek(8);             // 8 bytes of padding.

            // Now that we know the endianness, read the remaining fields in endian mode.
            rdr = CreateImageReader(h.endianness, rdr.Offset);
            h.e_type = rdr.ReadInt16();
            h.e_machine = rdr.ReadInt16();
            h.e_version = rdr.ReadInt32();
            h.e_entry = rdr.ReadUInt32();
            h.e_phoff = rdr.ReadUInt32();
            h.e_shoff = rdr.ReadUInt32();
            h.e_flags = rdr.ReadInt32();
            h.e_ehsize = rdr.ReadInt16();
            h.e_phentsize = rdr.ReadInt16();
            h.e_phnum = rdr.ReadInt16();
            h.e_shentsize = rdr.ReadInt16();
            h.e_shnum = rdr.ReadInt16();
            h.e_shstrndx = rdr.ReadInt16();

            Dump("e_type: {0}", h.e_type);
            Dump("e_machine: {0}", (MachineType) h.e_machine);
            Dump("e_version: {0}", h.e_version);
            Dump("e_entry: {0:X}", h.e_entry);
            Dump("e_phoff: {0:X}", h.e_phoff);
            Dump("e_shoff: {0:X}", h.e_shoff);
            Dump("e_flags: {0:X}", h.e_flags);
            Dump("e_ehsize: {0}", h.e_ehsize);
            Dump("e_phentsize: {0}", h.e_phentsize);
            Dump("e_phnum: {0}", h.e_phnum);
            Dump("e_shentsize: {0}", h.e_shentsize);
            Dump("e_shnum: {0}", h.e_shnum);
            Dump("e_shstrndx: {0}", h.e_shstrndx);
            return h;
Пример #12
        public override ProcedureBase GetTrampolineDestination(ImageReader rdr, IRewriterHost host)
            var dasm = new PowerPcDisassembler(
                (PowerPcArchitecture64) Architecture,
            PowerPcInstruction instr;
            ImmediateOperand immOp;
            MemoryOperand memOp;

            //addi r12,r0,0000
            instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
            if (instr.Opcode != Opcode.addi)
                return null;

            //oris r12,r12,0006
            instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
            if (instr.Opcode != Opcode.oris)
                return null;
            immOp = (ImmediateOperand) instr.op3;
            uint aFuncDesc = immOp.Value.ToUInt32() << 16;

            //lwz r12,nnnn(r12)
            instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
            if (instr.Opcode != Opcode.lwz)
                return null;
            memOp = (MemoryOperand)instr.op2;
            int offset = memOp.Offset.ToInt32();
            aFuncDesc = (uint)(aFuncDesc + offset);

            //std r2,40(r1)
            instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
            if (instr.Opcode != Opcode.std)
                return null;

            //lwz r0,0(r12)
            // Have a pointer to a trampoline
            instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
            if (instr.Opcode != Opcode.lwz)
                return null;

            //lwz r2,4(r12)
            instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
            if (instr.Opcode != Opcode.lwz)
                return null;

            // mtctr r0
            instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
            if (instr.Opcode != Opcode.mtctr)
                return null;

            // bcctr 14,00
            instr = dasm.DisassembleInstruction();
            if (instr.Opcode != Opcode.bcctr)
                return null;

            // Read the function pointer from the function descriptor.

            offset = (int)aFuncDesc - (int)rdr.Address.ToUInt32();
            rdr.Offset = rdr.Offset + offset;
            var aFn = rdr.ReadUInt32();
            return null;
Пример #13
 void parseFunctionStarts(ImageReader rdr)
     uint dataoff;
     uint datasize;
     if (!rdr.TryReadUInt32(out dataoff) ||
         !rdr.TryReadUInt32(out datasize))
         throw new BadImageFormatException("Couldn't read LC_FUNCTIONSTARTS command");
     Debug.Print(" LC_FUNCTIONSTARTS {0:X8} {1:X8}", dataoff, datasize);
     rdr.Offset = dataoff;
     var endoff = dataoff + datasize;
     while (rdr.Offset < endoff)
         uint fn = rdr.ReadUInt32();
         Debug.Print("  fn: {0:X}", fn);
Пример #14
        public ProgramResourceInstance ReadResourceEntry(ImageReader rdr, string resourceId, string langId, uint resourceType)
            var rvaData = rdr.ReadUInt32();
            var size = rdr.ReadUInt32();
            var codepage = rdr.ReadUInt32();
            var padding = rdr.ReadUInt32();
            var abResource = new byte[size];
            Array.Copy(imgLoaded.Bytes, (int)rvaData, abResource, 0, abResource.Length);

            if (resourceType == RT_BITMAP)
                abResource = PostProcessBitmap(abResource);
            return new ProgramResourceInstance
                Name = string.Format("{0}:{1}", resourceId, langId),
                Type = GetResourceType(resourceType),
                Bytes = abResource,
Пример #15
        public static object ReadPointer(Type pointerType, int size, ImageReader rdr, ReaderContext ctx)
            Debug.Print("Reading pointer at offset {0}, size {1}", rdr.Offset, size);
            uint newOffset;
            switch (size)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Field size must be > 0.");
            case 1: newOffset = rdr.ReadByte(); break;
            case 2: newOffset = rdr.ReadUInt16(); break;
            case 4: newOffset = rdr.ReadUInt32(); break;
            Debug.Print("Structure of type {0} must start at offset {1:X}", pointerType.Name, newOffset);
            rdr = rdr.Clone();
            rdr.Offset = newOffset;

            var dst = Activator.CreateInstance(pointerType);
            var sr = new StructureReader(dst);
            return dst;