public static void HandleMainMenuInput(System.ConsoleKey inputKey) { switch (inputKey) { case System.ConsoleKey.D1: InputOutput.ShowCreateNewShelf(); break; case System.ConsoleKey.D2: Shelf.ListShelfs(); break; case System.ConsoleKey.D3: Shelf.PlaceItem(); break; case System.ConsoleKey.D4: Shelf.RecoverItem(); break; case System.ConsoleKey.D5: Environment.Exit(1); break; } }
public static Shelf[] MustNotUseListUseThis(ref Shelf[] shelf) { if (Engine.shelfCounter > shelf.Length - 2) { Shelf[] tempShelf = new Shelf[shelf.Length + 10]; if (shelf.Length > 0) { shelf.CopyTo(tempShelf, 0); return(tempShelf); } return(tempShelf); } return(shelf); }
public static void ShowCreateNewShelf() { Console.Clear(); Console.Write(String.Format("{3} \n{0} \n {1} \n {2} ", nameString, rowString, colString, idString)); Console.SetCursorPosition(idString.Length + 2, 0); int shelfId = InputOutput.TakeInputNumber(); if (shelfId == -1) { return; } Console.SetCursorPosition(nameString.Length + 2, 1); string shelfName = Console.ReadLine(); Console.SetCursorPosition(rowString.Length + 2, 2); int shelfRow = InputOutput.TakeInputNumber(); if (shelfRow == -1) { return; } Console.SetCursorPosition(colString.Length + 2, 3); int shelfCol = InputOutput.TakeInputNumber(); if (shelfCol == -1) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < Engine.shelfHolder.GetLength(0); i++) { if (Engine.shelfHolder[i] == null) { continue; } if (Engine.shelfHolder[i].id == shelfId) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("A shelf already exists with that ID"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } } /*if (shelfRow == -1 || shelfCol == -1) * { * Console.WriteLine("Please Try Again"); * Console.ReadKey(); * * } * * else * {*/ Shelf newShelf = new Shelf(shelfName, shelfCol, shelfRow, shelfId); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Shelf successfully created"); Console.ReadKey(); //} }