static void Main(string[] args) { Subnet mainNet = new Subnet("Main Net"); bool running = true; Console.WriteLine("Enter a valid command. Enter 'help' for more info.\n"); while (running) { string[] opt = Console.ReadLine().Split(' '); switch (opt[0]) { case "quit": running = false; break; case "help": Console.WriteLine("Command list:"); Console.WriteLine("help -> Print a command list."); Console.WriteLine("print -> Print the entire petri net."); Console.WriteLine("create place [label] -> Creates a new place with desired label."); Console.WriteLine("create transition [label] -> Creates a new transition with desired label."); Console.WriteLine("add tokens [place id] [tokenAmount] -> Add [tokenAmount] tokens to a place."); Console.WriteLine("create arc [weight] [origin id] [target id] -> Creates a new arc with desired origin and target."); Console.WriteLine("create inhibitor [weight] [origin id] [target id] -> Creates a new inhibitor with desired origin and target."); Console.WriteLine("create reset [origin id] [target id] -> Creates a new reset arc with desired origin and target."); Console.WriteLine("execute [iterations] -> Execute the petri net for [iterations] times."); break; case "create": if (opt.Length == 3) //Place or Transition { if (opt[1] == "place") { Console.WriteLine($"Place created! ID: {mainNet.CreatePlace(opt[2]).id}"); } else if (opt[1] == "transition") { Console.WriteLine($"Transition created! ID: {mainNet.CreateTransition(opt[2]).id}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid command!"); } } else if (opt.Length == 4) { if (opt[1] == "reset") { string origin = opt[2]; string target = opt[3]; Arc arc = mainNet.CreateReset(origin, target); if (arc != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Arc Created!\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to create arc!\n"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid command!\n"); } } else if (opt.Length == 5) //Arc { string origin = opt[3]; string target = opt[4]; int weight; if (int.TryParse(opt[2], out weight)) { Arc arc = opt[1] == "inhibitor"? mainNet.CreateInhibitor(weight, origin, target) : mainNet.CreateArc(weight, origin, target); if (arc != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Arc Created!\n"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed to create arc!\n"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Origin and Target IDs must be an integer."); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid command!"); } break; case "add": if (opt.Length == 4) { string placeId = opt[2]; int amount; if (int.TryParse(opt[3], out amount)) { Place placeToAdd = mainNet.FindPlace(placeId); if (placeToAdd != null && !placeToAdd.isTransition) { placeToAdd.AddTokens(amount); Console.WriteLine($"Added {amount} to Place {}"); } else { Console.WriteLine("Place not found!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid command!"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid command!"); } break; case "execute": if (opt.Length == 2) { int aux; if (int.TryParse(opt[1], out aux)) { mainNet.Execute(aux); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid command!"); } break; case "print": Console.WriteLine(mainNet.Info()); break; case "cls": Console.Clear(); break; default: break; } } }