public RTTrackViz(RedTween.Track track, GameObject parent, int count, float setLength) { Track = track; Panel = new GameObject("Track", typeof(RectTransform)); mTrackSize = (Track.Length / setLength) * mMaxTrackSize; RedTweenVisualizer.SetRect(Panel, parent, 2, -12 * count - 12, mTrackSize, 10, 0, 1, 0, 1); RedTweenVisualizer.SetImage(Panel, Color.white, 0.25f); float lastPercent = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Track.Clips.Count; i++) { RTClipViz clip = new RTClipViz(Track.Clips[i], Panel, Track.Length, lastPercent); Clips.Add(clip); lastPercent = clip.EndPercent; } GameObject markerObj = new GameObject("Track", typeof(RectTransform)); RedTweenVisualizer.SetRect(markerObj, Panel, 0, 0, 1, 12, 0, 0.5f, 0, 0.5f); RedTweenVisualizer.SetImage(markerObj, Color.white, 1f); Marker = markerObj.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); AddText(); }
// Wait Tween Clip will not do anything for a given period of time. // It can be used as a spacer in a Track. Or just to wait some amount of time before running an action. public WaitTweenClip(RedTween.Track track, float time, System.Action end) { mTrack = track; mType = RedTweenType.Wait; mEndAction = end; mTime = time; mInitialized = true; }
public UIMoveToTweenClip(RedTween.Track track, RectTransform rect, Vector3 target, float time, EaseType ease, System.Action end) { mType = RedTweenType.MoveBy; mRect = rect; mTarget = target; mTime = time; mEndAction = end; mFunction = Easing.EaseFunction(ease); mTrack = track; if (mFunction != null) { mInitialized = true; } }
public FunctionClip(RedTween.Track track, TweenFunction function, float time, EaseType ease, System.Action end) { if (function == null) { return; } mTrack = track; mTime = time; mFunctionTween = function; mEndAction = end; mType = RedTweenType.Function; mFunction = Easing.EaseFunction(ease); if (mFunction != null) { mInitialized = true; } }
public RotateToTweenClip(RedTween.Track track, GameObject obj, Vector3 angle, float time, EaseType ease, System.Action end) { if (obj == null) { return; } mTrans = obj.transform; mTrack = track; mTargetAngle = angle; mTime = time; mType = RedTweenType.RotateTo; mFunction = Easing.EaseFunction(ease); if (mFunction != null) { mInitialized = true; } }
public Track Track(int index, bool createIfNotFound = true) { // This will return the track at the specified index. // If the index is not found and create is true, a new track will be created and returned. // If create is false this function can be used to check if a track exists. if (mTracks.ContainsKey(index)) { return(mTracks[index]); } if (createIfNotFound) { RedTween.Track t = new RedTween.Track(this, index); mTracks.Add(index, t); return(t); } return(null); }
public MoveToTweenClip(RedTween.Track track, GameObject obj, Vector3 target, float time, EaseType ease, System.Action end, bool local) { if (obj == null) { // Object is null there is nothing to move. return; } mTrack = track; mType = (local)? RedTweenType.LocalMoveTo : RedTweenType.MoveTo; mTrans = obj.transform; mTarget = target; mTime = time; mEndAction = end; mFunction = Easing.EaseFunction(ease); mLocal = local; if (mFunction != null) { mInitialized = true; } }
public MoveByTweenClip(RedTween.Track track, GameObject obj, Vector3 amount, float time, EaseType ease, System.Action end, MoveByTweenClip previousClip, bool moveToMod, bool local) { if (obj == null) { // Object is null there is nothing to move. return; } mType = (local)? RedTweenType.LocalMoveBy : ((previousClip == null)? RedTweenType.MoveBy : RedTweenType.MoveToModifier); mLocal = local; mTrans = obj.transform; mAmount = amount; mTime = time; mEndAction = end; mFunction = Easing.EaseFunction(ease); mPreviousClip = previousClip; mMoveToModefier = moveToMod; mTrack = track; if (mFunction != null) { mInitialized = true; } }