Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Overloaded + operator allows for more natural addition of integers to Fractions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fractionAddend">RecipeFraction addend</param>
        /// <param name="integerAddend">Integer addend</param>
        /// <returns>Sum of addends</returns>
        public static RecipeFraction operator +(RecipeFraction fractionAddend, int integerAddend)
            RecipeFraction fracCopy = fractionAddend.Copy();

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Overloaded / operator allows for more natural division of a RecipeFraction by an integer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dividend">RecipeFraction dividend</param>
        /// <param name="divisor">Integer divisor</param>
        /// <returns>RecipeFraction quotient</returns>
        public static RecipeFraction operator /(RecipeFraction dividend, int divisor)
            RecipeFraction fracCopy = dividend.Copy();

Пример #3
        //Overloaded operators required in class definition because cannot use overloaded operators from parent class as returns type of parent class

        /// <summary>
        /// Overloaded + operator allows for more natural addition of a Fraction to a RecipeFraction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="addend1">RecipeFraction addend</param>
        /// <param name="addend2">Fraction addend</param>
        /// <returns>Sum of addends</returns>
        public static RecipeFraction operator +(RecipeFraction addend1, Fraction addend2)
            RecipeFraction fracCopy = addend1.Copy();

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Overloaded * operator allows for more natural multiplication of a RecipeFraction by a Fraction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factor1">RecipeFraction factor</param>
        /// <param name="factor2">Fraction factor</param>
        /// <returns>Product of factors</returns>
        public static RecipeFraction operator *(RecipeFraction factor1, Fraction factor2)
            RecipeFraction fracCopy = factor1.Copy();

 /// <summary>
 /// 2-arg constructor
 /// Even though Unit must be other, 2-arg constructor is provided to provide a constructor similar to that
 /// of other Measurements
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fraction"></param>
 /// <param name="unit"></param>
 public OtherMeasurement(RecipeFraction fraction, Unit unit) : base(fraction, unit)
     if (unit != Unit.OTHER)
         throw new UnsupportedUnitException("OtherMeasurement can only be constructed with Unit of type OTHER");
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Overloaded * operator allows for more natural multiplication of a RecipeFraction by an integer
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fractionFactor">RecipeFraction factor</param>
        /// <param name="integerFactor">Integer factor</param>
        /// <returns>Product of factors</returns>
        public static RecipeFraction operator *(RecipeFraction fractionFactor, int integerFactor)
            RecipeFraction fracCopy = fractionFactor.Copy();

 /// <summary>
 /// The AddTeaspoonsToCollection adds measurement of teaspoons to a Collection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="teaspoons">Number of teaspoons to add to Collection</param>
 /// <param name="measurements">Collection to which to add teaspoons Measurement</param>
 private static void AddTeaspoonsToCollection(ref RecipeFraction teaspoons, ICollection <Measurement> measurements)
     if (teaspoons.CompareTo(0) > 0)
         measurements.Add(new USCookingVolumeMeasurement(teaspoons, Unit.TEASPOON));
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Overloaded - operator allows for more natural subtraction of an integer from a RecipeFraction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="minuend">RecipeFraction minuend</param>
        /// <param name="subtrahend">Integer subtrahend</param>
        /// <returns>RecipeFraction difference</returns>
        public static RecipeFraction operator -(RecipeFraction minuend, int subtrahend)
            RecipeFraction fracCopy = minuend.Copy();

        /// <summary>
        /// The GetCupsAsTeaspoons method returns the equivelant of
        /// a RecipeFraction of cups as a RecipeFraction of teaspoons
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fraction">RecipeFraction representing number of cups</param>
        /// <returns>RecipeFraction representing number of teaspoons</returns>
        private static RecipeFraction GetCupsAsTeaspoons(RecipeFraction fraction)
            /*don't have to copy RecipeFraction because *= returns new RecipeFraction
             * and will therefore not be able to change fraction (it was not passed by value using ref/out)*/
            fraction *= (RecipeConstants.TBSP_PER_CUP);

 public USCookingVolumeMeasurement(RecipeFraction fraction, Unit unit) : base(fraction, unit)
     //must be a US volume unit
     if (!(unit == Unit.CUP || unit == Unit.TABLESPOON || unit == Unit.TEASPOON))
         throw new UnsupportedUnitException("Non-volume unit provided for USCookingVolumeMeasurement");
        /// <summary>
        /// The GetMeasurementsFromThirdCup method creates a Collection of the greatest possible Measurements
        /// the sum of which will equal the given number of teaspoons
        /// Starts with number of third cups and then quarter cups
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="teaspoons">Fraction representing number of teaspoons</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of Measurements equal to number of teaspoons</returns>
        private static ICollection <Measurement> GetMeasurementsFromThirdCup(RecipeFraction teaspoons)
            ICollection <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>();

            AddThirdCupsToCollection(ref teaspoons, measurements);
            //once have maximum third cups, use GetMeasurementsFromQuarterCups to get next greatest Measurements
            measurements = measurements.Concat(GetMeasurementsFromQuarterCup(teaspoons)).ToList();
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// The GetMixedFractionAsFraction method gets a mixed fraction (ie 1 1/2) as a Fraction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="match">Match containing mixed fraction</param>
        /// <returns>Improper fraction as RecipeFraction</returns>
        private static RecipeFraction GetMixedFractionAsFraction(Match match)
            /* get the fraction portion of the mixed fraction as a fraction
             * Passes 1 as numeratorIndex because integer portion of mixed fraction will be the number at Captures' index 0 */
            RecipeFraction fraction = GetFractionAsFraction(match, 1);

            //add the integer portion of the fraction (this happens second because integer addition is less costly)
            fraction += (System.Convert.ToInt32(match.Groups["integer"].Captures[0].Value));
        /// <summary>
        /// The AddThirdCupsToCollection method adds as many third cup USVolumeMeasurements as can be formed from given number of teaspoons to a Collection
        /// The third cups are added as a single Measurement with a Fraction reflecting the number of third cups
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="teaspoons">Fraction representing number of teaspoons</param>
        /// <param name="measurements">Measurements Collection to which to add third cups Measurement</param>
        private static void AddThirdCupsToCollection(ref RecipeFraction teaspoons, ICollection <Measurement> measurements)
            int thirdCups = GetThirdCups(teaspoons);

            if (thirdCups > 0)
                RecipeFraction cups = new RecipeFraction(thirdCups, 3);
                measurements.Add(new USCookingVolumeMeasurement(cups, Unit.CUP));
                teaspoons -= (thirdCups * RecipeConstants.TSP_PER_THIRD_CUP);
        /// <summary>
        /// The AddQuarterCupsToCollection method adds as many quarter cup USVolumeMeasurements as can be formed from given number of teaspoons to a Collection
        /// The quarter cups are added as a single measurement with a fraction reflecting the number of quarter cups
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="teaspoons">Fraction representing number of teaspoons</param>
        /// <param name="measurements">Measurements Collection to which to add quarter cups Measurement</param>
        private static void AddQuarterCupsToCollection(ref RecipeFraction teaspoons, ICollection <Measurement> measurements)
            int quarterCups = GetQuarterCups(teaspoons);

            if (quarterCups > 0)
                RecipeFraction cups = new RecipeFraction(quarterCups, 4);
                measurements.Add(new USCookingVolumeMeasurement(cups, Unit.CUP));
                teaspoons -= (quarterCups * RecipeConstants.TSP_PER_QUARTER_CUP);
        /// <summary>
        /// The AddHalfTablespoonsToCollection method adds as many half tablespoon USVolumeMeasurements
        /// as can be formed from given number of teaspoons to a Collection
        /// The half tablespoons are added as a single measurement with a fraction reflecting the number of quarter cups
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="teaspoons">Fraction representing number of teaspoons</param>
        /// <param name="measurements">Measurements Collection to which to add half tablespoons USCookingVolumeMeasurement</param>
        private static void AddHalfTablespoonsToCollection(ref RecipeFraction teaspoons, ICollection <Measurement> measurements)
            int halfTbsp = GetHalfTablespoons(teaspoons);

            if (halfTbsp > 0)
                RecipeFraction tbsp = new RecipeFraction(halfTbsp, 2);
                measurements.Add(new USCookingVolumeMeasurement(tbsp, Unit.TABLESPOON));
                teaspoons -= (new Fraction((halfTbsp * RecipeConstants.TSP_PER_TBSP), 2));
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// The GetFractionAsFraction method returns a RecipeFraction representing the fraction contained in a String
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="match">Match containing fraction</param>
        /// <param name="numeratorIndex">Index at which Captures contains numerator of fraction if fraction is not represented as Unicode fraction</param>
        /// <returns>RecipeFraction</returns>
        private static RecipeFraction GetFractionAsFraction(Match match, int numeratorIndex = 0)
            GroupCollection   groups = match.Groups;
            RecipeFraction    fraction;
            CaptureCollection integers = groups["integer"].Captures;

            if (groups["unicode_fraction"].Success)
                fraction = GetFractionFromUnicode(groups["unicode_fraction"].Value);
                int numerator   = System.Convert.ToInt32(integers[numeratorIndex].Value);
                int denominator = System.Convert.ToInt32(integers[numeratorIndex + 1].Value);
                fraction = new RecipeFraction(numerator, denominator);
        /// <summary>
        /// The GetMeasurementsFromQuarterCup method gets creates a Collection of the greatest possible Measurements
        /// the sum of which will equal the given number of teaspoons
        /// Uses quarter cup as greatest possible measurement
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="teaspoons">Fraction representing number of teaspoons from which to get Measurements</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of Measurements equal to the teaspoon Fraction</returns>
        private static ICollection <Measurement> GetMeasurementsFromQuarterCup(RecipeFraction teaspoons)
            ICollection <Measurement> measurements = new List <Measurement>();

            if (teaspoons.EqualsValue(0))
            AddQuarterCupsToCollection(ref teaspoons, measurements);
            if (teaspoons.EqualsValue(0))
            AddHalfTablespoonsToCollection(ref teaspoons, measurements);
            if (teaspoons.EqualsValue(0))
            AddTeaspoonsToCollection(ref teaspoons, measurements);
Пример #18
        private static RecipeFraction GetDecimalAsFraction(Match match)
            RecipeFraction fraction         = null;
            String         decPartPattern   = @"(?<=\.)\d+";
            String         wholePartPattern = @"\d*(?=\.)(?=\d*)";
            String         dec = match.Groups["decimal"].Value;
            int            wholePart;
            Match          wholeMatch = Regex.Match(dec, wholePartPattern);

            if (wholeMatch.Success)
                Int32.TryParse(Regex.Match(dec, wholePartPattern).Value, out wholePart);
                wholePart = 0;

            Match decMatch = Regex.Match(dec, decPartPattern);

            if (decMatch.Success)
                String decPartStr = decMatch.Value;
                int    digits     = decPartStr.Length;
                int    decPart;
                Int32.TryParse(decPartStr, out decPart);
                double denominator = Math.Pow(10, digits);
                double numerator   = wholePart * denominator;
                numerator += decPart;
                fraction   = new RecipeFraction((int)numerator, (int)denominator);
            //if there was no decimal number in the match, throw an Exception
                throw new ArgumentException("Argument does not contain decimal in supported format.");
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Overloaded GetMeasurementReplacement method replaces the measurement
        /// in the given text, given a Unit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="amount">String containing measurement amount</param>
        /// <param name="unit">Unit of measurement</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private string GetMeasurementReplacement(String amount, Unit unit)
            Measurement measurement;
            //gets the measurement as a fraction
            RecipeFraction fraction = GetFraction(amount);

            //perform the actual recipe conversion
            fraction *= multiplier;
            if (unit == Unit.OTHER)
                measurement = new OtherMeasurement(fraction);
                measurement = new USCookingVolumeMeasurement(fraction, unit);

            //get user-friendly version of converted measurement
            ICollection <Measurement> measurements = measurement.UserFriendlyMeasurements();
            String replacement = String.Join(" + ", measurements.Select(i => i.ToHTMLFormattedString()));

            //if there was a plus after the measurement amount, indicate that in the replacement text
            if (Regex.Match(amount, PLUS_PATTERN).Success)
                //if more than one measurement, need to indicate that the 'plus' at the end refers to the combined group of measurements
                if (measurements.Count > 1)
                    replacement = "[" + replacement + "]<b>+</b>";
                    replacement += "+"; //does not need to be bold if only one measurement

        /// <summary>
        /// The TeaspoonsToUserFriendlyMeasurements gets a collection of user friendly measurements
        /// from RecipeFraction of teaspoons
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="teaspoons">RecipeFraction containing number of teaspoons in the recipe</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of user friendly measurements</returns>
        private static ICollection <Measurement> TeaspoonsToUserFriendlyMeasurements(RecipeFraction teaspoons)
            //Get simplified measurements, using as many quarter cups as possible
            ICollection <Measurement> convertedMeasurements = GetMeasurementsFromQuarterCup(teaspoons.Copy());
            int wholeTeaspoons = teaspoons.WholePart();

             * If could get a third of a cup from converted recipe, get measurements
             * using third cups and then quarter cups (if applicable).
             * Then compare two Collections of Measurments to see if Collection with third cups is more user-friendly
            if (wholeTeaspoons >= RecipeConstants.TSP_PER_THIRD_CUP)
                ICollection <Measurement> tCupMeasurements = GetMeasurementsFromThirdCup(teaspoons);
                //If same number of Measurements are returned, use Collection that starts with greater Measurement
                if (convertedMeasurements.Count == tCupMeasurements.Count)
                    /*can cast as USCookingVolumeMeasurement because was created in this class.
                     * List is of type Measurement to be usable across multiple types of measurements.
                     * Casting required to access Amount with its current access modifier and making public is undesirable*/
                    Fraction qCups = ((USCookingVolumeMeasurement)convertedMeasurements.ElementAt(0)).Amount;
                    Fraction tCups = ((USCookingVolumeMeasurement)tCupMeasurements.ElementAt(0)).Amount;
                    if (tCups.CompareTo(qCups) > 0)
                        convertedMeasurements = tCupMeasurements;
                //If the Collection with third cups is shorter than collection with quarter cups, use collection with third cups
                else if (tCupMeasurements.Count < convertedMeasurements.Count)
                    convertedMeasurements = tCupMeasurements;
 /// <summary>
 /// The GetTablespoonsAsTeaspoons method the equivelant of
 /// a RecipeFraction of tablespoons as a RecipeFraction of teaspoons
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fraction">RecipeFraction representing number of tablespoons</param>
 /// <returns>RecipeFraction representing number of teaspoons</returns>
 private static RecipeFraction GetTablespoonsAsTeaspoons(RecipeFraction fraction)
     return(fraction * (RecipeConstants.TSP_PER_TBSP));
        /// <summary>
        /// The UserFriendlyMeasurements method returns a collection of measurements
        /// that is the user-friendly equivelant of the current USCookingVolumeMeasurement
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override ICollection <Measurement> UserFriendlyMeasurements()
            RecipeFraction teaspoons = GetAsTeaspoons();

Пример #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="numerator">Numerator for fraction</param>
 /// <param name="denominator">Denominator for fraction</param>
 /// <param name="unit">Unit of measure</param>
 public Measurement(RecipeFraction fraction, Unit unit)
     _amount        = fraction;
     this._unitSize = unit;
 /// <summary>
 /// 1-arg constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fraction">Fraction part of measurement</param>
 public OtherMeasurement(RecipeFraction fraction) : base(fraction, Unit.OTHER)