ConfigureApplication() публичный Метод

Creates any necessary configuration files/transforms for the provider to operate
public ConfigureApplication ( string providerKey, System.Xml.Linq.XDocument configXml, BendyObject installParams ) : void
providerKey string The provider key for the provider that is being configured
configXml System.Xml.Linq.XDocument The configuration xml file that needs to be written to
installParams BendyObject TODO: This is only a temporary way of passing arbitrary parameters to a provider to create its configuration, /// we need to allow hive providers to return a model for which we display a form/installer for and then pass in that /// model to the installParams
Результат void
        public void NHibernateBootstrapper_Configure_Application()

            //create a new web.config file in /plugins for the providers to write to
            var http = new FakeHttpContextFactory("~/test");
            var configFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "nhibernate.config"));
            var configMgr = new DeepConfigManager(http.HttpContext);
            var configXml = DeepConfigManager.CreateNewConfigFile(configFile, true);
            var installModel = new DatabaseInstallModel()
                    DatabaseType = DatabaseServerType.MSSQL,
                    DatabaseName = "test",
                    Server = "testserver",
                    Username = "******",
                    Password = "******"
            var boot = new ProviderBootstrapper(null, null, new FakeFrameworkContext());


            boot.ConfigureApplication("rw-test", "test", configXml, new BendyObject(installModel));


    <sectionGroup name=""rebel"">
      <sectionGroup name=""persistenceProviderSettings"">
        <section name=""test"" type=""Rebel.Framework.Persistence.NHibernate.Config.ProviderConfigurationSection, Rebel.Framework.Persistence.NHibernate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"" />
    <add name=""test.ConnString"" connectionString=""Data Source=testserver; Initial Catalog=test;User Id=testuser;Password=testpass"" providerName=""System.Data.SqlClient"" />
  <appSettings />
      <test connectionStringKey=""test.ConnString"" sessionContext=""web"" driver=""MsSql2008"" />
</configuration>", configXml.ToString());
