private void PrintMissingItemsError(Subcommand subcommand) { var strBuilder = new StringBuilder($"ERROR! Missing these required arguments or options for {subcommand.Name}:"); if (subcommand.Argument != null && subcommand.Argument.IsRequired && subcommand.Argument.Value == null) { strBuilder.Append($"\n{subcommand.Argument.FriendlyName}"); } if (subcommand.Options == null) { _logger.Log(LogLevel.ERROR, strBuilder.ToString()); return; } foreach (var opt in subcommand.Options) { if (opt.IsRequired && opt.Value == null) { strBuilder.Append($"\n{opt.LongName}"); } } _logger.Log(LogLevel.ERROR, strBuilder.ToString()); }
private void PrintSubcommandHelp(Subcommand scmd, string argsStr, string optionsStr, bool isInput) { var usage = "Usage: RealTimeKql "; if (isInput) { usage += $"{scmd.Name} {argsStr}{optionsStr}[[<output>] [<args>]] [--query=<path>]"; } else { usage += $"<input> [<arg>] [--options] {scmd.Name} {argsStr}{optionsStr}[--query=<path>]"; } Console.WriteLine($"\n{usage}"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(argsStr)) { Console.WriteLine($"\n{scmd.Name} arg(s)"); Console.WriteLine($"\t{scmd.Argument.FriendlyName}\t{scmd.Argument.HelpText}"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(optionsStr)) { Console.WriteLine($"\n{scmd.Name} option(s)"); foreach (var opt in scmd.Options) { string valTag = ""; if (!opt.IsFlag) { valTag = " <value> "; } Console.WriteLine($"\t-{opt.ShortName}|--{opt.LongName}{valTag}\t{opt.HelpText}"); } } }
private void GetArgAndOptStrings(Subcommand scmd, out string argString, out string optString) { argString = ""; optString = ""; if (scmd.Argument != null) { char argPadLeft = scmd.Argument.IsRequired ? '<' : '['; char argPadRight = scmd.Argument.IsRequired ? '>' : ']'; argString = scmd.Argument.FriendlyName.PadNonWhiteSpaceChar(argPadLeft, argPadRight); } if (scmd.Options != null) { char optPadLeft = scmd.Options.Where(opt => opt.IsRequired).Count() > 0 ? ' ' : '['; char optPadRight = scmd.Options.Where(opt => opt.IsRequired).Count() > 0 ? ' ' : ']'; optString = "options".PadNonWhiteSpaceChar(optPadLeft, optPadRight); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(argString)) { argString += " "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(optString)) { optString += " "; } }
static IOutput GetJsonOutput(BaseLogger logger, Subcommand subcommand) { if (subcommand.Argument.Value != null) { return(new JsonFileOutput(logger, subcommand.Argument.Value)); } return(new ConsoleJsonOutput(logger)); }
private bool ParseOptions(Subcommand subcommand, ref int requiredItemsRemaining) { while (_currentIndex < _args.Length) { if (_args[_currentIndex].StartsWith("-")) { // User specified an option var isSubOption = false; foreach (var opt in subcommand.Options) { var optName = _args[_currentIndex].Trim('-').Split('=')[0]; if (optName == opt.LongName || optName == opt.ShortName) { // Found the option user specified isSubOption = true; if (!opt.IsFlag && ParseValueOption(out var val)) { opt.Value = val; } else if (opt.IsFlag) { opt.WasSet = true; _currentIndex++; } else { _logger.Log(LogLevel.ERROR, $"ERROR! Problem parsing option {opt.LongName}"); return(false); } if (opt.IsRequired) { requiredItemsRemaining--; } break; } } if (!isSubOption) { // option specified is not part of this subcommand if (requiredItemsRemaining > 0) { _logger.Log(LogLevel.ERROR, $"ERROR! Missing required options for {subcommand.Name}"); return(false); } else { return(true); } } } } return(true); }
private bool ParseSubcommand(Subcommand subcommand) { _currentIndex++; var requiredItemsRemaining = subcommand.MinimumRequiredItems(); // Checking for arguments / options var outOfBounds = CheckIndexOutOfBounds(); if (outOfBounds && requiredItemsRemaining > 0) { PrintMissingItemsError(subcommand); return(false); } else if (outOfBounds && requiredItemsRemaining == 0) { return(true); } // Parsing for any arguments if (subcommand.Argument != null) { if (!ParseArgument(subcommand, ref requiredItemsRemaining)) { return(false); } } // If there are no options, parsing for this subcommand is done if (subcommand.Options == null) { return(true); } // Parsing for any options if (!ParseOptions(subcommand, ref requiredItemsRemaining)) { return(false); } // Check if parsing finished properly if (requiredItemsRemaining == 0) { return(true); } else { PrintMissingItemsError(subcommand); return(false); } }
private bool ParseArgument(Subcommand subcommand, ref int requiredItemsRemaining) { if (subcommand.Argument.IsRequired) { if (_allSubcommandNames.Contains(_args[_currentIndex]) || _args[_currentIndex].StartsWith("-")) { // Looks like user entered different subcommand or an option instead of the required argument _logger.Log(LogLevel.ERROR, $"ERROR! {subcommand.Argument.FriendlyName} for {subcommand.Name} is missing."); return(false); } subcommand.Argument.Value = _args[_currentIndex]; _currentIndex++; requiredItemsRemaining--; } else if (!_allSubcommandNames.Contains(_args[_currentIndex]) && !_args[_currentIndex].StartsWith("-")) { // Item in args doesn't appear to be another subcommand or option subcommand.Argument.Value = _args[_currentIndex]; _currentIndex++; } return(true); }
private void GetAllSubcommands() { // Input subcommands // etw var sessionName = new Argument("session", "Name of the ETW Session to attach to", true); var etw = new Subcommand("etw", "Listen to real-time ETW session. See Event Trace Sessions in Perfmon", sessionName); _allInputSubcommands.Add(etw); _allSubcommandNames.Add("etw"); // etl var etlFile = new Argument("file.etl", "Path to the .etl file to read", true); var etl = new Subcommand("etl", "Process the past event in Event Trace File (.etl) recorded via ETW", etlFile); _allInputSubcommands.Add(etl); _allSubcommandNames.Add("etl"); // log var logName = new Argument("logname", "Name of the Windows log to attach to", true); var winlog = new Subcommand("winlog", "Listen for new events in a Windows OS log. See Windows Logs in Eventvwr", logName); _allInputSubcommands.Add(winlog); _allSubcommandNames.Add("winlog"); // evtx var evtxFile = new Argument("file.evtx", "Path to the .evtx file to read", true); var evtx = new Subcommand("evtx", "Process the past events recorded in Windows log file on disk", evtxFile); _allInputSubcommands.Add(evtx); _allSubcommandNames.Add("evtx"); // csv var csvFile = new Argument("file.csv", "Path to the .csv file to read", true); var csv = new Subcommand("csv", "Process past events recorded in Comma Separated File", csvFile); _allInputSubcommands.Add(csv); _allSubcommandNames.Add("csv"); // syslog var syslogFile = new Argument("filepath", "Path to the log file to read", true); var syslog = new Subcommand("syslog", "Process real-time syslog messages written to local log file", syslogFile); _allInputSubcommands.Add(syslog); _allSubcommandNames.Add("syslog"); // syslog server var syslogServerOptions = new List <Option>() { new Option("networkadapter", "na", "Network Adapter Name. Optional, when not specified, listner listens on all adapters. Used along with UDP Port."), new Option("udpport", "p", "Optional. Listen to a UDP port for syslog messages. Default is port 514. eg, --udpport=514.") { Value = "514" } }; var syslogServer = new Subcommand("syslogserver", "Listen to syslog messages on a UDP port", null, syslogServerOptions); _allInputSubcommands.Add(syslogServer); _allSubcommandNames.Add("syslogserver"); // Output subcommands // json var jsonFile = new Argument("file.json", "The path to the .json file to write to"); var json = new Subcommand("json", "Optional and default. Events printed to console in JSON format. If filename is specified immediately after, events will be written to the file in JSON format.", jsonFile); _allOutputSubcommands.Add(json); _allSubcommandNames.Add("json"); OutputSubcommand = json; // table var table = new Subcommand("table", "Optional, events printed to console in table format"); _allOutputSubcommands.Add(table); _allSubcommandNames.Add("table"); // adx var adxOptions = new List <Option>() { new Option("adxauthority", "ad", "Azure Data Explorer (ADX) authority. Optional when not specified is used. eg,") { Value = "" }, new Option("adxclientid", "aclid", "Azure Data Explorer (ADX) ClientId. Optional ClientId that has permissions to access Azure Data Explorer."), new Option("adxkey", "akey", "Azure Data Explorer (ADX) Access Key. Used along with ClientId"), new Option("adxcluster", "acl", "Azure Data Explorer (ADX) cluster address. eg,", true), new Option("adxdatabase", "adb", "Azure Data Explorer (ADX) database name. eg, --adxdatabase=TestDb", true), new Option("adxtable", "atb", "Azure Data Explorer (ADX) table name. eg, --adxtable=OutputTable", true), new Option("adxcreatereset", "acr", "If table doesn't exist, it is created. If table exists, data in table is dropped before new data is logged. eg, --adxcreatereset", false, true), new Option("adxdirectingest", "adi", "Default upload to ADX is using queued ingest. Use this option to do a direct ingest to ADX. eg, --adxdirectingest", false, true) }; var adx = new Subcommand("adx", "Ingest output to Azure Data Explorer", null, adxOptions); _allOutputSubcommands.Add(adx); _allSubcommandNames.Add("adx"); // blob var blobOptions = new List <Option>() { new Option("blobconnectionstring", "bcs", "Azure Blob Storage Connection string.", true, false), new Option("blobcontainername", "bcn", "Azure Blob Storage container name.", true, false) }; var blob = new Subcommand("blob", "Ingest output to Azure Blob Storage", null, blobOptions); _allOutputSubcommands.Add(blob); _allSubcommandNames.Add("blob"); // event log var eventlogOptions = new List <Option>() { new Option("logdefaultlog", "ldl", "Default log to use when writing to Windows Event Logs. When not specified, RealTimeKql is used."), new Option("logdefaultsource", "lds", "Default source to use when writing to Windows Event Logs. When not specified, RealTimeKql is used."), }; var eventlog = new Subcommand("eventlog", "Write output to a local Windows event log", null, eventlogOptions); _allOutputSubcommands.Add(eventlog); _allSubcommandNames.Add("eventlog"); }