/// <summary>Initializes a new chat window, and adds it to the hashtable of chat windows</summary> /// <param name="jid">JID of recipient</param> /// <param name="nickName">nickname of recipient</param> /// <returns>FrmChat object of new chat window</returns> private FrmChat InitializeChatWindow(jabber.JID jid, string nickName) { // Attempt to use existing chat window FrmChat chatWindow = ActiveChatWindow(jid); if (chatWindow == null) { // Create new chat window chatWindow = new FrmChat(); chatWindow.JabberObject = jabberClient; chatWindow.JID = jid; chatWindow.Nickname = (nickName != null) ? nickName : jid.User; chatWindow.Text = chatWindow.Nickname; chatForms[jid.Bare] = chatWindow; } return(chatWindow); }
/// <summary>Initializes a new chat window, and adds it to the hashtable of chat windows</summary> /// <param name="jid">JID of recipient</param> /// <param name="nickName">nickname of recipient</param> /// <returns>FrmChat object of new chat window</returns> private FrmChat InitializeChatWindow(jabber.JID jid, string nickName) { // Attempt to use existing chat window FrmChat chatWindow = ActiveChatWindow(jid); if (chatWindow == null) { // Create new chat window chatWindow = new FrmChat(); chatWindow.JabberObject = jabberClient; chatWindow.JID = jid; chatWindow.Nickname = (nickName != null) ? nickName : jid.User; chatWindow.Text = chatWindow.Nickname; chatForms[jid.Bare] = chatWindow; } return chatWindow; }