Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiate the object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The object this is a child of. Pass null if it has no parent</param>
        /// <param name="image">The image this object should be displayed as</param>
        public GameObject(GameObject parent, rl.Image image)
            //Add this to list in game manager
            //Set local and global to 0
            local.point     = new MthLib.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            local.rotation  = 0f;
            global.point    = new MthLib.Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            global.rotation = 0f;

            //Set image and relevant drawing values
            this.image = rl.Raylib.LoadTextureFromImage(image);
            imgSize    = new rl.Vector2(this.image.width, this.image.height);
            sourceRec  = new rl.Rectangle(0f, 0f, imgSize.x, imgSize.y);

            //Set the origin to the center by default
            origin = imgSize / 2;

            //If the object has a parent, add this object to its children
            if (parent != null)
                hasParent = true;
                hasParent = false;
                //Add this to list of obj with no parent in game manager
Пример #2
        public override void Draw()

            rl.Rectangle BossHealthBack  = new rl.Rectangle(8, Program.GameHeight * 0.9f, Program.GameWidth - 16, Program.GameHeight * 0.05f);
            rl.Rectangle BossHealthFront = BossHealthBack;
            BossHealthFront.width *= ((float)HP / (float)MaxHp);

            //Make bar transparent when near bar
            int Alpha = 255;

            if (gameScene.player.Position.y > Program.GameHeight * 0.8)
                Alpha = 64;

            DrawRectangleRec(BossHealthBack, new Color(Color.DARKGRAY.r, Color.DARKGRAY.g, Color.DARKGRAY.b, Alpha));
            DrawRectangleRec(BossHealthFront, new Color(Color.RED.r, Color.RED.g, Color.RED.b, Alpha));
            DrawRectangleLinesEx(BossHealthBack, 1, new Color(Color.BLACK.r, Color.BLACK.g, Color.BLACK.b, Alpha));

            //Cursed, uncomment this and see what happens

            //rl.Vector2 LineTop = new rl.Vector2(BossHealthFront.x + BossHealthFront.width, BossHealthFront.y);
            //rl.Vector2 LineBottom = new rl.Vector2(BossHealthFront.x + BossHealthFront.width, BossHealthFront.y + BossHealthFront.height);
            //DrawLineV(LineTop, LineBottom, Color.WHITE);
        //Draw the bounding box to the screen
        public override void Draw()
            Raylib.Rectangle rec = new Raylib.Rectangle(
                Left, Top, Width, Height);
            Raylib.Raylib.DrawRectangleLinesEx(rec, 2, _color);

Пример #4
        private void Collision()
            //Check if its out of bounds
            if (!CollisionFuncs.PointAABBcolliding(global.point, GameManager.screenBox))
                //Destroy the bullet

            //Go through all core objects and check for collision with tanks
            foreach (GameObject obj in GameManager.coreObjects)
                if (obj.tag != "Tank")
                    //We only want to collide with tanks

                //Cast to tank and get AABB
                TankClass tank     = obj as TankClass;
                AABB      tankAABB = CollisionFuncs.OBBtoAABB(tank.collider);

                //Check AABB first, then OBB
                if (CollisionFuncs.PointAABBcolliding(global.point, tankAABB))
                    //If they are colliding, check OBB collision
                    if (CollisionFuncs.PointOBBcolliding(global.point, tank.collider))

                        //Enter 'smoke mode' to display an explosion for a short time before destroying itself
                        hasHit = true;
                        image  = rl.Raylib.LoadTexture(GameManager.imageDir + @"Smoke\smokeOrange0.png");
                        //Update image based values
                        imgSize   = new rl.Vector2(image.width, image.height);
                        sourceRec = new rl.Rectangle(0f, 0f, imgSize.x, imgSize.y);
                        origin    = imgSize / 2;
