public void ListArticles(Ranorex.Adapter postsContainer)
            var element = postsContainer.GetPath().ToString();

            //IList<Ranorex.ArticleTag> IArticles = postsContainer.As<Ranorex.DivTag>().FindDescendants<Ranorex.ArticleTag>();
            IList <Ranorex.ArticleTag> IArticles = Host.Local.Find <Ranorex.ArticleTag>(element + "//article", 5000);

            Ranorex.Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, "There are " + IArticles.Count + " on this page");

            // Collect article headers

            foreach (Ranorex.ArticleTag articles in IArticles)
                string articleheader = articles.FindDescendant <Ranorex.ATag>().InnerText;
                Ranorex.Report.Info("article", articleheader);
        public void CaptureArticles(Ranorex.Adapter postsContainer)
            //Get the RXPath of the passed OR element
            var element = postsContainer.GetPath().ToString();

            int x        = 1; //Incremented at the end of the following do loop. If x>1 clcik Next
            int rowcount = 1; //Keeps tract of rows to be written to Excel. Start at 1.

            //Loop to capture articles
                //For first do loop iteration x=1, so we will not click "Next"
                if (x > 1)


                //IList<Ranorex.ArticleTag> IArticles = postsContainer.As<Ranorex.DivTag>().FindDescendants<Ranorex.ArticleTag>();
                //Generate list of articles inside passed OR item. The above approach failed (presumably the element becomes
                //stale after navigating to the next set of results
                IList <Ranorex.ArticleTag> IArticles = Host.Local.Find <Ranorex.ArticleTag>(element + "//article", 5000);

                Ranorex.Report.Log(ReportLevel.Info, "There are " + IArticles.Count + " on this page");

                // Collect article headers
                foreach (Ranorex.ArticleTag articles in IArticles)
                    string articleheader = articles.FindDescendant <Ranorex.ATag>().InnerText;
                    Ranorex.Report.Info("article", articleheader);
                    writedata(articleheader, rowcount);            //Call helper method to write to Excel

                x++;                                                               //Increment X so on next loop the "Next" button is clicked
            }while(repo.EdgewordsTrainingAutomatedSoftware.NextInfo.Exists(3000)); // Only loop if there is a "Next" button