Пример #1
 public void OnMaxPopulationUpdated(FactionSlot factionSlot, int value)
     //if this update belongs to the faction managed by this component:
     if (factionSlot.FactionMgr.FactionID == factionMgr.FactionID)
         maxPopulation = factionSlot.GetMaxPopulation();
        /// <summary>
        /// Called whenever a faction has its maximum or current populations slots updated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="factionSlot">The FactionSlot instance that manages the faction whose max or current population is updated.</param>
        /// <param name="value">The value by which the max or current population is updated.</param>
        private void OnPopulationUpdated(FactionSlot factionSlot, int value)
            if (factionSlot.ID != factionMgr.FactionID) //not this NPC faction?

            if (factionSlot.GetFreePopulation() + pendingPopulationSlots < minFreePopulationSlots) //if the amount of free population slots is too low
                Activate();                                                                        //activate this component so it can push to place population buildings.