Пример #1
        //initialize the task launcher component
        public void Init(GameManager gameMgr, FactionEntity factionEntity)
            ///assign the components
            this.gameMgr  = gameMgr;
            FactionEntity = factionEntity;

            foreach (FactionEntityTask task in tasksList) //init the tasks
                task.Init(gameMgr, FactionEntity);

            FactionEntity.FactionMgr.TaskLaunchers.Add(this); //add this component to the faction's task launcher list
            CustomEvents.OnTaskLauncherAdded(this);           //trigger the custom event

            Initiated = true;
        //initialize the task launcher component
        public void Init(GameManager gameMgr, FactionEntity factionEntity)
            ///assign the components
            this.gameMgr  = gameMgr;
            FactionEntity = factionEntity;

            for (int i = 0; i < tasksList.Count; i++)             //init the tasks
                if (tasksList[i].Init(gameMgr, FactionEntity, i)) //if the task successfully initializes then it can be used by the task launcher:
                    tasksDic.Add(tasksList[i].GetCode(), tasksList[i]);

            CustomEvents.OnTaskLauncherAdded(this); //trigger the custom event

            Initiated = true;