Пример #1
        public void TestCorrelationBeam3Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[35] = 0x4C;
            Assert.AreEqual(76, bt.BtCorrelationMagnitudeBeam3, "Correlation Beam 3 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #2
        public void TestRSSIBeam3Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[75] = 0x4C;
            Assert.AreEqual(76 * 0.45f, bt.BtRssiBeam3, "RSSI Beam 3 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #3
        public void TestVelocityBeam3Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[30] = 0xF3;
            data[31] = 0x02;
            Assert.AreEqual(755, bt.BtVelocityBeam3, "Velocity Beam 3 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #4
        public void TestPercentGoodBeam2Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[42] = 0x4C;
            Assert.AreEqual(76, bt.BtPercentGoodBeam2, "Percent Good Beam 2 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #5
        public void TestReserved82_85Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[81] = 0x9B;
            data[82] = 0x0D;
            data[83] = 0x02;
            data[84] = 0x00;
            Assert.AreEqual(134555, bt.Reserved82_85, "Reserved 82-85 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #6
        public void TestErrVelMaxDecode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[10] = 0xF3;
            data[11] = 0x02;
            Assert.AreEqual(755, bt.BtErrVelMax, "Error Velocity Max Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #7
        public void TestGainDecode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[76] = 0xF3;
            Assert.AreEqual(243, bt.BtGain, "Gain Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #8
        public void TestRefLayerEchoIntensityBeam2Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[64] = 0x4C;
            Assert.AreEqual(76, bt.BtRefLayerEchoIntensityBeam2, "Reference Layer Echo Intensity Beam 2 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #9
        public void TestAmplitudeBeam2Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[38] = 0x4C;
            Assert.AreEqual(76, bt.BtAmplitudeBeam2, "Amplitude Beam 2 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #10
        public void TestRangeMsbBeam3Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[80] = 0x4C;
            Assert.AreEqual(76, bt.BtRangeMsbBeam3, "Range MSB Beam 3 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #11
        public void TestRefLayerCorrelationBeam1Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[59] = 0x4C;
            Assert.AreEqual(76, bt.BtRefLayerCorrBeam1, "Reference Layer Correlation Beam 1 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #12
        public void TestRangeLsbBeam3Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[22] = 0xF3;
            data[23] = 0x02;
            Assert.AreEqual(755, bt.BtRangeLsbBeam3, "Range LSB Beam 3 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #13
        public void TestPingsPerEnsembleDecode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[2] = 0xF3;
            data[3] = 0x02;
            Assert.AreEqual(755, bt.BtPingsPerEnsemble, "Pings Per Ensemble Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #14
        public void TestPercentGoodMinDecode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[8] = 0xF3;
            Assert.AreEqual(243, bt.BtPercentGoodMin, "Percent Good Minimum Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #15
        public void TestCorrMagMinDecode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[6] = 0xF3;
            Assert.AreEqual(243, bt.BtCorrMagMin, "Correlation Magnitude Minimum Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #16
        public void TestRefLayerPercentGoodBeam3Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[69] = 0x4C;
            Assert.AreEqual(76, bt.BtRefLayerPercentGoodBeam3, "Reference Layer Percent Good Beam 3 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #17
        public void TestDelayBeforeReacquireDecode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[4] = 0xF3;
            data[5] = 0x02;
            Assert.AreEqual(755, bt.BtDelayBeforeReacquire, "Delay Before Reacquire Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #18
        public void TestRefLayerVelocityBeam2Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[54] = 0xF3;
            data[55] = 0x02;
            Assert.AreEqual(755, bt.BtRefLayerVelocityBeam2, "Reference Layer Velocity Beam 2 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #19
        public void TestEvalAmpMinDecode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[7] = 0xF3;
            Assert.AreEqual(243, bt.BtEvalAmpMin, "Evaluation Amplitude Minimum Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #20
        public void TestReserved13_16Decode()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[12] = 0x9B;
            data[13] = 0x0D;
            data[14] = 0x02;
            data[15] = 0x00;
            Assert.AreEqual(134555, bt.Reserved13_16, "Reserved 13-16 Decode is incorrect.");
Пример #21
        public void TestGetRangeBeam0()
            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            byte[] data = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];

            // Decode the data
            data[16] = 0x39;                // LSB LSB
            data[17] = 0x30;                // LSB MSB (12345)
            data[77] = 0x4C;                // MSB (76)

            // (76 * 65535 ) + 12345 = 4980736 + 12345 = 4993081

            Assert.AreEqual(4993005, bt.GetRangeBeam0(), "GetRangeBeam0() is incorrect.");
Пример #22
        public void TestDecodeVelocityPgCorrEiBt()
            PD0 pd0 = new PD0();
            pd0.FixedLeader.NumberOfCells = 5;

            #region Velocity

            Pd0Velocity vel = new Pd0Velocity();
            // 2 Byte Header
            // 8 Bytes per depth cell
            // 4 Beams per depth cell
            // 2 Bytes per beam
            byte[] velData = new byte[42];

            velData[0] = Pd0Velocity.ID_LSB;
            velData[1] = Pd0Velocity.ID_MSB;
            velData[2] = 0xE8;                                   // DS0 Beam 0 LSB
            velData[3] = 0x00;                                   // DS0 Beam 0 MSB
            velData[4] = 0xBD;                                   // DS0 Beam 1 LSB
            velData[5] = 0xFE;                                   // DS0 Beam 1 MSB
            velData[6] = 0xC8;                                   // DS0 Beam 2 LSB
            velData[7] = 0x01;                                   // DS0 Beam 2 MSB
            velData[8] = 0x72;                                   // DS0 Beam 3 LSB
            velData[9] = 0xFD;                                   // DS0 Beam 3 MSB

            velData[(4 * 8) + 2 + 0] = 0xD0;                     // DS4 Beam 0 LSB
            velData[(4 * 8) + 2 + 1] = 0x04;                     // DS4 Beam 0 MSB
            velData[(4 * 8) + 2 + 2] = 0xD5;                     // DS4 Beam 1 LSB
            velData[(4 * 8) + 2 + 3] = 0xFA;                     // DS4 Beam 1 MSB
            velData[(4 * 8) + 2 + 4] = 0xB0;                     // DS4 Beam 2 LSB
            velData[(4 * 8) + 2 + 5] = 0x05;                     // DS4 Beam 2 MSB
            velData[(4 * 8) + 2 + 6] = 0x8A;                     // DS4 Beam 3 LSB
            velData[(4 * 8) + 2 + 7] = 0xF9;                     // DS4 Beam 3 MSB


            pd0.AddDataType(vel);                       // Add Velocity

            #region Percent Good

            Pd0PercentGood pg = new Pd0PercentGood();

            // 2 Byte Header
            // 4 Bytes per depth cell
            // 4 Beams per depth cell
            // 2 Bytes per beam
            byte[] pgData = new byte[22];

            pgData[0] = Pd0PercentGood.ID_LSB;
            pgData[1] = Pd0PercentGood.ID_MSB;
            pgData[2] = 0xE8;                                   // DS0 Beam 0
            pgData[3] = 0x7B;                                   // DS0 Beam 1
            pgData[4] = 0x7A;                                   // DS0 Beam 2
            pgData[5] = 0xDF;                                   // DS0 Beam 3

            pgData[(4 * 4) + 2 + 0] = 0x6F;                     // DS4 Beam 0
            pgData[(4 * 4) + 2 + 1] = 0xDE;                     // DS4 Beam 1
            pgData[(4 * 4) + 2 + 2] = 0x15;                     // DS4 Beam 2
            pgData[(4 * 4) + 2 + 3] = 0x22;                     // DS4 Beam 3


            pd0.AddDataType(pg);                        // Add Percent Good

            #region Correlation

            Pd0Correlation corr = new Pd0Correlation();

            // 2 Byte Header
            // 4 Bytes per depth cell
            // 4 Beams per depth cell
            // 2 Bytes per beam
            byte[] corrData = new byte[22];

            corrData[0] = Pd0Velocity.ID_LSB;
            corrData[1] = Pd0Velocity.ID_MSB;
            corrData[2] = 0xE8;                                   // DS0 Beam 0
            corrData[3] = 0x7B;                                   // DS0 Beam 1
            corrData[4] = 0x7A;                                   // DS0 Beam 2
            corrData[5] = 0xDF;                                   // DS0 Beam 3

            corrData[(4 * 4) + 2 + 0] = 0x6F;                     // DS4 Beam 0
            corrData[(4 * 4) + 2 + 1] = 0xDE;                     // DS4 Beam 1
            corrData[(4 * 4) + 2 + 2] = 0x15;                     // DS4 Beam 2
            corrData[(4 * 4) + 2 + 3] = 0x22;                     // DS4 Beam 3


            pd0.AddDataType(corr);                      // Add Correlation

            #region Echo Intensity

            Pd0EchoIntensity ei = new Pd0EchoIntensity();

            // 2 Byte Header
            // 4 Bytes per depth cell
            // 4 Beams per depth cell
            // 2 Bytes per beam
            byte[] eiData = new byte[22];

            eiData[0] = Pd0Velocity.ID_LSB;
            eiData[1] = Pd0Velocity.ID_MSB;
            eiData[2] = 0xE8;                                   // DS0 Beam 0
            eiData[3] = 0x7B;                                   // DS0 Beam 1
            eiData[4] = 0x7A;                                   // DS0 Beam 2
            eiData[5] = 0xDF;                                   // DS0 Beam 3

            eiData[(4 * 4) + 2 + 0] = 0x6F;                     // DS4 Beam 0
            eiData[(4 * 4) + 2 + 1] = 0xDE;                     // DS4 Beam 1
            eiData[(4 * 4) + 2 + 2] = 0x15;                     // DS4 Beam 2
            eiData[(4 * 4) + 2 + 3] = 0x22;                     // DS4 Beam 3


            pd0.AddDataType(ei);                        // Add Echo Intensity

            #region Bottom Track

            Pd0BottomTrack bt = new Pd0BottomTrack();

            // 2 Byte Header
            // 4 Bytes per depth cell
            // 4 Beams per depth cell
            // 2 Bytes per beam
            byte[] btData = new byte[Pd0BottomTrack.DATATYPE_SIZE];


            pd0.AddDataType(bt);                        // Add Bottom Track

            byte[] data = pd0.Encode();

            // Size
            int size = pd0.FixedLeader.GetDataTypeSize();
            size += pd0.VariableLeader.GetDataTypeSize();
            size += 2;      // Spare
            size += pd0.Header.GetDataTypeSize();
            size += pd0.Velocity.GetDataTypeSize();
            size += pd0.PercentGood.GetDataTypeSize();
            size += pd0.Correlation.GetDataTypeSize();
            size += pd0.EchoIntensity.GetDataTypeSize();
            size += pd0.BottomTrack.GetDataTypeSize();

            Assert.AreEqual(7, pd0.Header.NumberOfDataTypes(), "Number of Data Types is incorrect.");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, pd0.Header.NumberOfDepthCells, "Number of depth cells is incorrect.");
            Assert.AreEqual(size, MathHelper.LsbMsbShort(data[2], data[3]), "Number of Bytes is incorrect.");
            Assert.AreEqual(7, data[5], "Number of Data Types is incorrect.");
            Assert.AreEqual(size + 2, data.Length, "Array Size is incorrect.");     // Add 2 for the checksum

            int flOffset = pd0.Header.GetDataTypeSize();
            Assert.AreEqual(flOffset, MathHelper.LsbMsbShort(data[6], data[7]), "Fixed Leader offset is incorrect.");

            int vlOffset = pd0.Header.GetDataTypeSize() + Pd0FixedLeader.DATATYPE_SIZE;
            Assert.AreEqual(vlOffset, MathHelper.LsbMsbShort(data[8], data[9]), "Variable Leader offset is incorrect.");

            int velOffset = pd0.Header.GetDataTypeSize() + Pd0FixedLeader.DATATYPE_SIZE + Pd0VariableLeader.DATATYPE_SIZE;
            Assert.AreEqual(velOffset, MathHelper.LsbMsbShort(data[10], data[11]), "Velocity offset is incorrect.");

            int pgOffset = pd0.Header.GetDataTypeSize() + Pd0FixedLeader.DATATYPE_SIZE + Pd0VariableLeader.DATATYPE_SIZE + pd0.Velocity.GetDataTypeSize();
            Assert.AreEqual(pgOffset, MathHelper.LsbMsbShort(data[12], data[13]), "Percent Good offset is incorrect.");

            int corrOffset = pd0.Header.GetDataTypeSize() + Pd0FixedLeader.DATATYPE_SIZE + Pd0VariableLeader.DATATYPE_SIZE + pd0.Velocity.GetDataTypeSize() + pd0.PercentGood.GetDataTypeSize();
            Assert.AreEqual(corrOffset, MathHelper.LsbMsbShort(data[14], data[15]), "Correlation offset is incorrect.");

            int eiOffset = pd0.Header.GetDataTypeSize() + Pd0FixedLeader.DATATYPE_SIZE + Pd0VariableLeader.DATATYPE_SIZE + pd0.Velocity.GetDataTypeSize() + pd0.PercentGood.GetDataTypeSize() + pd0.Correlation.GetDataTypeSize();
            Assert.AreEqual(eiOffset, MathHelper.LsbMsbShort(data[16], data[17]), "Echo Intensity offset is incorrect.");

            int btOffset = pd0.Header.GetDataTypeSize() + Pd0FixedLeader.DATATYPE_SIZE + Pd0VariableLeader.DATATYPE_SIZE + pd0.Velocity.GetDataTypeSize() + pd0.PercentGood.GetDataTypeSize() + pd0.Correlation.GetDataTypeSize() + pd0.EchoIntensity.GetDataTypeSize();
            Assert.AreEqual(btOffset, MathHelper.LsbMsbShort(data[18], data[19]), "Bottom Track offset is incorrect.");