Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Decode the incoming data for ensemble data.
        /// First search for header.  When a header is found,
        /// verify it is a good header.  When the header is
        /// verified, get the payload size.  Determine the
        /// buffer contains the entire ensemble.  If the
        /// entire ensemble is present in the buffer, retreive
        /// the ensemble and place in a seperate byte array
        /// and remove it from the buffer.  Then decode the
        /// ensemble for all the ranges present.
        /// </summary>
        private void DecodeIncomingData()
            // Find the beginning of an ensemble
            // It will contain 0x7D and either 0x00 or 0x01

            // Verify the incoming data can at least fit an ensemble
            // Subtract the header size because it is already removed
            if (_incomingDataBuffer.Count >= MIN_ENS_SIZE - HEADER_SIZE)
                // Create an array to hold the ensemble
                byte[] ensemble = new byte[MIN_ENS_SIZE];

                // Add the header back to the ensemble data
                ensemble[0] = ID;

                // Copy the remainder of the ensemble
                for (int x = HEADER_SIZE; x < MIN_ENS_SIZE; x++)
                    ensemble[x] = _incomingDataBuffer.Take();

                // Get the checksum values
                long calculatedChecksum = PD0.CalculateChecksum(ensemble, MIN_ENS_SIZE - 2);
                long ensembleChecksum   = RetrieveEnsembleChecksum(ensemble);

                // Verify the checksum match
                if (calculatedChecksum == ensembleChecksum)
                    // Decode the binary data
                //    Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Checksums do not match Cal: {0}  Actual:{1}", calculatedChecksum, ensembleChecksum));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Decode the incoming data for ensemble data.
        /// First search for header.  When a header is found,
        /// verify it is a good header.  When the header is
        /// verified, get the payload size.  Determine the
        /// buffer contains the entire ensemble.  If the
        /// entire ensemble is present in the buffer, retreive
        /// the ensemble and place in a seperate byte array
        /// and remove it from the buffer.  Then decode the
        /// ensemble for all the ranges present.
        /// </summary>
        private void DecodeIncomingData()
            // Find the beginning of an ensemble
            // It will contain 2 0x7F at the start

            // Verify the incoming data can at least fit the header
            if (_incomingDataBuffer.Count > Pd0Header.HEADER_MIN_BYTE)
                // If found 2 bytes of 0x7F
                // Continue forward
                // Find ensemble number and ensemble size
                if (VerifyHeaderStart())
                    // Get Ensemble size
                    int currentEnsembleSize = GetEnsembleSize();

                    // Ensure the entire ensemble is present
                    // before proceeding
                    if (_incomingDataBuffer.Count >= currentEnsembleSize && currentEnsembleSize > 0)
                        // Create an array to hold the ensemble
                        byte[] ensemble = new byte[currentEnsembleSize];

                        // Lock the buffer, to ensure the same data is copied
                        lock (_bufferLock)
                            // Check one more time just in case the buffer was modified
                            if (_incomingDataBuffer.Count >= currentEnsembleSize)
                                // Copy the ensemble to a byte array
                                _incomingDataBuffer.CopyTo(0, ensemble, 0, currentEnsembleSize);

                                // Remove ensemble from buffer
                                _incomingDataBuffer.RemoveRange(0, currentEnsembleSize);

                        // Get the checksum values
                        ushort calculatedChecksum = PD0.CalculateChecksum(ensemble, currentEnsembleSize - PD0.CHECKSUM_NUM_BYTE);
                        ushort ensembleChecksum   = RetrieveEnsembleChecksum(ensemble);

                        // Verify the checksum match
                        if (calculatedChecksum == ensembleChecksum)
                            // Decode the binary data
                    // Lock the buffer while removing
                    lock (_bufferLock)
                        if (_incomingDataBuffer.Count > 0)
                            // Remove the first element to continue searching
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the entire ensemble in the file.  This will look for the start location.
        /// Decode the payload size and checksum.  If they are good, then generate an
        /// ensemble from the data.  Add the data to the list and return it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ensStart">List of all the ensembles.</param>
        /// <param name="file">File to look for the ensembles.</param>
        /// <returns>List of all the ensembles in the file.</returns>
        protected List <DataSet.EnsemblePackage> FindCompleteEnsembles(List <int> ensStart, string file)
            var list = new List <DataSet.EnsemblePackage>();

            using (var fileStream = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                foreach (var start in ensStart)
                        var buffer = new byte[DataSet.Ensemble.ENSEMBLE_HEADER_LEN];                                //Buffer is byte array of size 32. In Binary codec, buffer is byte array of size 32, containing 32 bytes from file

                        // Move the start location and read in the header
                        fileStream.Seek(start, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        if (fileStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) >= DataSet.Ensemble.ENSEMBLE_HEADER_LEN)      // Always true, buffer always size of variable, this loads in bytes to Buffer, however
                            // Get the payload size
                            int payloadSize = MathHelper.LsbMsbInt(buffer[2], buffer[3]) + PD0.CHECKSUM_NUM_BYTE;   //When referencing positions in buffer, uses "start" Which implies it is looking for the position in the actual file. (Error?)

                            // Get the ensemble size
                            int ensSize = MathHelper.LsbMsbInt(buffer[2], buffer[3]) + PD0.CHECKSUM_NUM_BYTE;       // Same equation as payload size, but the LsbMsbInt Might change buffer itself?

                            // Sanity check
                            if (ensSize > DataSet.Ensemble.ENSEMBLE_HEADER_LEN)
                                // Get the entire ensemble
                                var rawEns = new byte[ensSize];
                                fileStream.Seek(start, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                                fileStream.Read(rawEns, 0, rawEns.Length);

                                // Check the checksum
                                ushort calculatedChecksum = PD0.CalculateChecksum(rawEns, ensSize - PD0.CHECKSUM_NUM_BYTE);
                                ushort ensembleChecksum   = MathHelper.LsbMsbUShort(rawEns[rawEns.Length - 2], rawEns[rawEns.Length - 1]);

                                if (calculatedChecksum == ensembleChecksum)
                                    // Pass event that a good ensemble was found
                                    if (GoodEnsembleEvent != null)

                                    //Pd0Codec _pd0Codec = new Pd0Codec();
                                    //PD0 pd0 = _pd0Codec.DecodePd0Data(rawEns);
                                    PD0 pd0Ensemble      = new PD0(rawEns);
                                    DataSet.Ensemble ens = new DataSet.Ensemble(pd0Ensemble);
                                    ens.FileName = file;

                                    // Generate a subsystem so that multiple configurations can be seprated
                                    // PD0 does not contain the CEPO index or CEPO Configuraiton Index
                                    if (ens.IsEnsembleAvail)
                                        ens.EnsembleData.SubsystemConfig = _pd0SubsystemGen.GenSubsystem(ens);

                                    // Package the data
                                    var ensPak = new DataSet.EnsemblePackage();
                                    ensPak.Ensemble       = ens;
                                    ensPak.RawEnsemble    = rawEns;
                                    ensPak.OrigDataFormat = AdcpCodec.CodecEnum.PD0;
                                    // Pass event that a good ensemble was found
                                    if (BadEnsembleEvent != null)
                    catch (Exception e)
                        log.Error("Error looking for an ensemble. Loc: " + start, e);
