Пример #1
 public static void Initialize()
     lock (UICore.InputLock)
         Instance = new Input();
Пример #2
        void UpdateThreadProc()
            for (; ;)
                if (KillUpdateThread)

                var keyEvents = KeyInput.Update();

                //this block is going to massively modify data structures that the binding method uses, so we have to lock it all
                lock (this)

                    //analyze keys
                    foreach (var ke in keyEvents)
                        HandleButton(ke.Key.ToString(), ke.Pressed);

                    lock (FloatValues)

                        //analyze xinput
                        foreach (var pad in GamePad360.EnumerateDevices())
                            string xname = "X" + pad.PlayerNumber + " ";
                            for (int b = 0; b < pad.NumButtons; b++)
                                HandleButton(xname + pad.ButtonName(b), pad.Pressed(b));
                            foreach (var sv in pad.GetFloats())
                                string n = xname + sv.Item1;
                                float  f = sv.Item2;
                                if (trackdeltas)
                                    FloatDeltas[n] += Math.Abs(f - FloatValues[n]);
                                FloatValues[n] = f;

                        //analyze joysticks
                        foreach (var pad in GamePad.EnumerateDevices())
                            string jname = "J" + pad.PlayerNumber + " ";
                            for (int b = 0; b < pad.NumButtons; b++)
                                HandleButton(jname + pad.ButtonName(b), pad.Pressed(b));
                            foreach (var sv in pad.GetFloats())
                                string n = jname + sv.Item1;
                                float  f = sv.Item2;
                                //if (n == "J5 RotationZ")
                                //	System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break();
                                if (trackdeltas)
                                    FloatDeltas[n] += Math.Abs(f - FloatValues[n]);
                                FloatValues[n] = f;

                        // analyse moose
                        // other sorts of mouse api (raw input) could easily be added as a separate listing under a different class
                        if (WantingMouseFocus.Contains(System.Windows.Forms.Form.ActiveForm))
                            var P = System.Windows.Forms.Control.MousePosition;
                            if (trackdeltas)
                                // these are relative to screen coordinates, but that's not terribly important
                                FloatDeltas["WMouse X"] += Math.Abs(P.X - FloatValues["WMouse X"]) * 50;
                                FloatDeltas["WMouse Y"] += Math.Abs(P.Y - FloatValues["WMouse Y"]) * 50;
                            // coordinate translation happens later
                            FloatValues["WMouse X"] = P.X;
                            FloatValues["WMouse Y"] = P.Y;

                            var B = System.Windows.Forms.Control.MouseButtons;
                            HandleButton("WMouse L", (B & System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left) != 0);
                            HandleButton("WMouse C", (B & System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Middle) != 0);
                            HandleButton("WMouse R", (B & System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right) != 0);
                            HandleButton("WMouse 1", (B & System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.XButton1) != 0);
                            HandleButton("WMouse 2", (B & System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.XButton2) != 0);
                            //dont do this: for now, it will interfere with the virtualpad. dont do something similar for the mouse position either
                            //unpress all buttons
                            //HandleButton("WMouse L", false);
                            //HandleButton("WMouse C", false);
                            //HandleButton("WMouse R", false);
                            //HandleButton("WMouse 1", false);
                            //HandleButton("WMouse 2", false);

                    bool allowInput = ((bool?)RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.UISpec?[NetcoreCommands.RTC_INFOCUS] ?? true) || ((bool?)RTCV.NetCore.AllSpec.VanguardSpec?[NetcoreCommands.EMU_INFOCUS] ?? true);

                    bool swallow = !allowInput;

                    foreach (var ie in _NewEvents)
                        //events are swallowed in some cases:
                        if (ie.LogicalButton.Alt && !allowInput)
                        else if (ie.EventType == InputEventType.Press && swallow)
                } //lock(this)

                //arbitrary selection of polling frequency: