void Start() { //Set the basic stats. Also attach the appropriate scripts. These can be changed in the inspector for individual enemies patrol = true; canAttack = true; joltAmount = 5f; PatrolScript = GetComponent <Enemy4DirectionPatrol>(); ChaseScript = GetComponent <EnemyChase>(); Attack = GetComponent <AttackScript>(); currentDamage = damage; currentHealth = maxHealth; currentMoveSpeed = defaultMoveSpeed; CharRigidBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); enemyCollider = GetComponent <Collider2D>(); canBeJolted = true; //Player stuff Player = GameObject.Find("Player"); PM = Player.GetComponent <Player_Manager>(); PlayerAudio = PM.PlayerExternalAudio; }
void Start() { //Set the basic stats. Also attach the appropriate scripts. These can be changed in the inspector for individual enemies BossAudios = GetComponents <AudioSource>(); StepNoise = BossAudios[0]; StepNoise.clip = StepSound; ChargeNoise = BossAudios[1]; ChargeNoise.clip = ChargingSound; AttackNoise = BossAudios[2]; AttackNoise.clip = AttackSound; HitNoise = BossAudios[3]; HitNoise.clip = TakeDamageSound; canAttack = true; Anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); ChaseScript = GetComponent <EnemyChase>(); AttackScript = GetComponent <MinotaurAttackScript>(); currentDamage = damage; currentHealth = maxHealth; currentMoveSpeed = defaultMoveSpeed; CharRigidBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); //Player stuff Player = GameObject.Find("Player"); PlayerAudio = Player.GetComponent <Player_Manager>().PlayerInternalAudio; }