// can start if none of its dependencies are running or about to run
 private bool CanStart(RFWorkQueueItem i)
     if (i.Item is RFGraphProcessInstruction)
         var gpi = i.Item as RFGraphProcessInstruction;
         if (_processDependencies.ContainsKey(gpi.ProcessName))
             var depends = _processDependencies[gpi.ProcessName];
             return(!_inProgress.Select(p => p.Item as RFProcessInstruction).Any(p => p != null && depends.Contains(p.ProcessName)) &&
                    !_readyQueue.Select(p => p.Item as RFProcessInstruction).Any(p => p != null && depends.Contains(p.ProcessName)));
     else if (i.Item is RFProcessInstruction)
         // queue up identical instructions
         var pi = i.Item as RFProcessInstruction;
         var existingForSameProcess = _inProgress.Select(p => p.Item as RFProcessInstruction).Where(p => p != null && p.ProcessName == pi.ProcessName)
                                      .Union(_readyQueue.Select(p => p.Item as RFProcessInstruction).Where(p => p != null && p.ProcessName == pi.ProcessName));
         if (existingForSameProcess.Any())
             if (_exclusiveProcesses.Contains(pi.ProcessName))
                 // cannot run concurrently - queue
             return(!existingForSameProcess.Any(e => RFEngineProcessorParam.Equals(e.ExtractParam(), pi.ExtractParam()))); // catalog update on same key events will be queued
 public static bool Equals(RFEngineProcessorParam l, RFEngineProcessorParam r)
     if (l == null && r == null)
     else if (l != null && r != null)
        public void QueueItem(RFWorkQueueItem i)
            if (i.Item == null)
                throw new RFSystemException(this, "Invalid empty work item received.");

            // ignore if already running or queued (timers)
            if (i.Item is RFProcessInstruction && (_inProgress.Any() || _readyQueue.Any()))
                if (i.Item is RFGraphProcessInstruction)
                    // if one processor subscribes to multiple outputs of another processor duplicate
                    // instruction can happen
                    var gpi     = i.Item as RFGraphProcessInstruction;
                    var running = _inProgress.Where(p => p.Item is RFGraphProcessInstruction).Select(p => p.Item as RFGraphProcessInstruction).ToList();
                    if (running.Any(r => r.Instance.Equals(gpi.Instance) && r.ProcessName == gpi.ProcessName))
                        RFStatic.Log.Debug(this, "Ignoring instruction {0} for as we have one running already", gpi);
                        return; // ignore already in progress

                    var ready = _readyQueue.Where(p => p.Item is RFGraphProcessInstruction).Select(p => p.Item as RFGraphProcessInstruction).ToList();
                    if (ready.Any(r => r.Instance.Equals(gpi.Instance) && r.ProcessName == gpi.ProcessName))
                        RFStatic.Log.Debug(this, "Ignoring instruction {0} for as we have one ready already", gpi);
                        return; // ignore already ready
                // not sure this was used - probably not since this throws away an instruction rather than delays it

                 * else
                 * {
                 *  var pi = i.Item as RFProcessInstruction;
                 *  if (pi.Event is RFIntervalEvent) // allow concurrent processing of multiple files or external triggers but not timers
                 *  {
                 *      if (_inProgress.Any())
                 *      {
                 *          var inProgress = _inProgress.Where(q => q.Item is RFProcessInstruction).Select(q => q.Item as RFProcessInstruction);
                 *          if (inProgress.Any(q => q.ProcessName == pi.ProcessName))
                 *          {
                 *              return; // ignore already in progress - for example FTP taking longer than timed trigger
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *      if (_readyQueue.Any())
                 *      {
                 *          var queued = _readyQueue.Where(q => q.Item is RFProcessInstruction).Select(q => q.Item as RFProcessInstruction);
                 *          if (queued.Any(q => q.ProcessName == pi.ProcessName))
                 *          {
                 *              return; // ignore already same process queued
                 *          }
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 * }*/

            if (i.Item is RFGraphProcessInstruction)
                var gpi = i.Item as RFGraphProcessInstruction;

                if (gpi.Instance != null && gpi.Instance.ValueDate.HasValue)
                    long datePart = (gpi.Instance.ValueDate.Value.ToYMD() - (long)20000000) * 1000000;

                    if (_processWeights.ContainsKey(gpi.ProcessName))
                        var weight   = _processWeights[gpi.ProcessName];
                        var queueKey = datePart + weight;
                        if (_pendingInstructions.ContainsKey(queueKey))
                            var potentialDupes = _pendingInstructions[queueKey].Select(d => d.Item as RFGraphProcessInstruction);

                            // ignore duplicate
                            if (potentialDupes.Any(qi => qi.ProcessName.Equals(gpi.ProcessName) && qi.Instance.Equals(gpi.Instance)))
                                RFStatic.Log.Debug(this, "Ignoring instruction {0} for as we have one in the queue already", gpi);
                            _pendingInstructions.Add(queueKey, new List <RFWorkQueueItem>());

                        _dispatchStore.Queued(i, queueKey);
                        RFStatic.Log.Info(this, "Assuming zero weighted for unweighted graph instruction {0}/{1}", gpi.ProcessName,

                        if (!_pendingInstructions.ContainsKey(datePart))
                            _pendingInstructions.Add(datePart, new List <RFWorkQueueItem>());
                        _dispatchStore.Queued(i, datePart);
                    RFStatic.Log.Warning(this, "Received graph instruction for process {0} without instance date.", gpi.ProcessName);
                    if (!_pendingInstructions.ContainsKey(0))
                        _pendingInstructions.Add(0, new List <RFWorkQueueItem>());
                    _pendingInstructions[0].Add(i); // no instance date
                    _dispatchStore.Queued(i, 0);
            else if (i.Item is RFProcessInstruction)
                var pi = i.Item as RFProcessInstruction;
                if (!_pendingInstructions.ContainsKey(0))
                    _pendingInstructions.Add(0, new List <RFWorkQueueItem>());
                // if we already have an identical pending instruction, we ignore (meaning we'll
                // still queue if there's an identical one already *in progress*) the logic here is
                // that if there's been multiple instances of the same event, we only process once
                var potentialDupes = _pendingInstructions[0].Select(p => p.Item as RFProcessInstruction).Where(p => p != null && p.ProcessName == pi.ProcessName);
                if (!potentialDupes.Any(d => RFEngineProcessorParam.Equals(d?.ExtractParam(), pi?.ExtractParam())))
                    _pendingInstructions[0].Add(i); // no instance date
                    _dispatchStore.Queued(i, 0);

                 * {
                 *  RFStatic.Log.Debug(this, "Ignoring already pending RFProcessInstruction {0}", pi);
                 * }*/
                _readyQueue.Add(i); // straight to readyqueue
                _dispatchStore.Queued(i, 0);