Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs training iteration.
 /// </summary>
 public bool Iteration()
     if (AttemptEpoch == MaxAttemptEpoch)
         //Max epoch reached, try new attempt
         if (!NextAttempt())
             //Next attempt is not available
     //Next epoch
     //Store previous iteration error
     _prevMSE = MSE;
     //Store previously accumulated weight gradients
     _weigthsGradsAcc.CopyTo(_weigthsPrevGradsAcc, 0);
     //Reset accumulated weight gradients
     //Get copy of the network weights
     double[] networkFlatWeights = _net.GetWeightsCopy();
     //Network output layer shortcut
     FeedForwardNetwork.Layer outputLayer = _net.LayerCollection[_net.LayerCollection.Count - 1];
     //Process gradient workers threads
     Parallel.ForEach(_gradientWorkerDataCollection, worker =>
         //Gradient worker local variables
         List <double[]> layerInputCollection = new List <double[]>(_net.LayerCollection.Count);
         double[] gradients   = new double[_net.NumOfNeurons];
         double[] derivatives = new double[_net.NumOfNeurons];
         //Reset gradient worker data
         //Loop over the planned range of samples
         for (int row = worker._fromRow; row <= worker._toRow; row++)
             //Reset of row dependents
             //Network computation (collect layers inputs and activation derivatives)
             double[] computedOutputs = _net.Compute(_inputVectorCollection[row], layerInputCollection, derivatives);
             //Compute output layer gradients and update error
             int outputLayerNeuronsFlatIdx = outputLayer.NeuronsStartFlatIdx;
             for (int neuronIdx = 0; neuronIdx < outputLayer.NumOfLayerNeurons; neuronIdx++)
                 double error = _outputVectorCollection[row][neuronIdx] - computedOutputs[neuronIdx];
                 gradients[outputLayerNeuronsFlatIdx] = derivatives[outputLayerNeuronsFlatIdx] * error;
                 //Accumulate error
                 worker._sumSquaredErr += error * error;
             //Hidden layers gradients
             for (int layerIdx = _net.LayerCollection.Count - 2; layerIdx >= 0; layerIdx--)
                 FeedForwardNetwork.Layer currLayer = _net.LayerCollection[layerIdx];
                 FeedForwardNetwork.Layer nextLayer = _net.LayerCollection[layerIdx + 1];
                 int currLayerNeuronFlatIdx         = currLayer.NeuronsStartFlatIdx;
                 for (int currLayerNeuronIdx = 0; currLayerNeuronIdx < currLayer.NumOfLayerNeurons; currLayerNeuronIdx++)
                     double sum = 0;
                     for (int nextLayerNeuronIdx = 0; nextLayerNeuronIdx < nextLayer.NumOfLayerNeurons; nextLayerNeuronIdx++)
                         int weightFlatIdx = nextLayer.WeightsStartFlatIdx + nextLayerNeuronIdx * nextLayer.NumOfInputNodes + currLayerNeuronIdx;
                         sum += gradients[nextLayer.NeuronsStartFlatIdx + nextLayerNeuronIdx] * networkFlatWeights[weightFlatIdx];
                     gradients[currLayerNeuronFlatIdx] = derivatives[currLayerNeuronFlatIdx] * sum;
                 } //currLayerNeuronIdx
             }     //layerIdx
             //Compute increments for gradients accumulator
             for (int layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < _net.LayerCollection.Count; layerIdx++)
                 FeedForwardNetwork.Layer layer = _net.LayerCollection[layerIdx];
                 double[] layerInputs           = layerInputCollection[layerIdx];
                 int neuronFlatIdx = layer.NeuronsStartFlatIdx;
                 int weightFlatIdx = layer.WeightsStartFlatIdx;
                 int biasFlatIdx   = layer.BiasesStartFlatIdx;
                 for (int neuronIdx = 0; neuronIdx < layer.NumOfLayerNeurons; neuronIdx++)
                     //Weights gradients accumulation
                     //Layer's inputs
                     for (int inputIdx = 0; inputIdx < layer.NumOfInputNodes; inputIdx++)
                         worker._weigthsGradsAcc[weightFlatIdx] += layerInputs[inputIdx] * gradients[neuronFlatIdx];
                     //Layer's input bias
                     worker._weigthsGradsAcc[biasFlatIdx] += FeedForwardNetwork.BiasValue * gradients[neuronFlatIdx];
                 } //neuronIdx
             }     //layerIdx
         }         //Worker main loop
     });//Worker finish
     //Update of gradient accumulator and MSE by workers
     //Update all weights and biases
     Parallel.For(0, networkFlatWeights.Length, weightFlatIdx =>
         AdjustWeight(networkFlatWeights, weightFlatIdx);
     //Set adjusted weights back into the network under training
Пример #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Performs training iteration.
 /// </summary>
 public void Iteration()
     //Next epoch
     //Store previous iteration error
     _prevMSE = _lastMSE;
     //Reset iteration error
     _lastMSE = 0;
     //Accumulated weights gradients over all training data
     //Get copy of the network weights
     double[] networkFlatWeights = _net.GetWeights();
     //Process gradient workers threads
     Parallel.ForEach(_workerRangeCollection, range =>
         //Gradient worker variables
         double sumOfErrSquares        = 0;
         double[] weigthsGradsAccInput = new double[_net.NumOfWeights];
         double[] neuronsGradients    = new double[_net.NumOfNeurons];
         double[] derivatives         = new double[_net.NumOfNeurons];
         List <double[]> layersInputs = new List <double[]>(_net.LayerCollection.Count);
         //Go parallely over all samples
         for (int row = range.FromRow; row <= range.ToRow; row++)
             //Network computation (collect layers inputs and activation derivatives)
             double[] computedOutputs = _net.Compute(_inputVectorCollection[row], layersInputs, derivatives);
             //Compute network neurons gradients
             //Compute output layer gradients and update last error
             FeedForwardNetwork.Layer outputLayer = _net.LayerCollection[_net.LayerCollection.Count - 1];
             for (int neuronIdx = 0, outputLayerNeuronsFlatIdx = outputLayer.NeuronsStartFlatIdx; neuronIdx < outputLayer.NumOfLayerNeurons; neuronIdx++, outputLayerNeuronsFlatIdx++)
                 double error = _outputVectorCollection[row][neuronIdx] - computedOutputs[neuronIdx];
                 neuronsGradients[outputLayerNeuronsFlatIdx] = derivatives[outputLayerNeuronsFlatIdx] * error;
                 //Accumulate error
                 sumOfErrSquares += error * error;
             //Hidden layers gradients
             for (int layerIdx = _net.LayerCollection.Count - 2; layerIdx >= 0; layerIdx--)
                 FeedForwardNetwork.Layer currLayer = _net.LayerCollection[layerIdx];
                 FeedForwardNetwork.Layer nextLayer = _net.LayerCollection[layerIdx + 1];
                 int currLayerNeuronFlatIdx         = currLayer.NeuronsStartFlatIdx;
                 for (int currLayerNeuronIdx = 0; currLayerNeuronIdx < currLayer.NumOfLayerNeurons; currLayerNeuronIdx++, currLayerNeuronFlatIdx++)
                     double sum = 0;
                     for (int nextLayerNeuronIdx = 0; nextLayerNeuronIdx < nextLayer.NumOfLayerNeurons; nextLayerNeuronIdx++)
                         int nextLayerWeightFlatIdx = nextLayer.WeightsStartFlatIdx + nextLayerNeuronIdx * nextLayer.NumOfInputNodes + currLayerNeuronIdx;
                         sum += neuronsGradients[nextLayer.NeuronsStartFlatIdx + nextLayerNeuronIdx] * networkFlatWeights[nextLayerWeightFlatIdx];
                     neuronsGradients[currLayerNeuronFlatIdx] = derivatives[currLayerNeuronFlatIdx] * sum;
             //Compute increments for gradients accumulator
             for (int layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < _net.LayerCollection.Count; layerIdx++)
                 FeedForwardNetwork.Layer layer = _net.LayerCollection[layerIdx];
                 double[] layerInputs           = layersInputs[layerIdx];
                 int neuronFlatIdx = layer.NeuronsStartFlatIdx;
                 int biasFlatIdx   = layer.BiasesStartFlatIdx;
                 int weightFlatIdx = layer.WeightsStartFlatIdx;
                 for (int neuronIdx = 0; neuronIdx < layer.NumOfLayerNeurons; neuronIdx++, neuronFlatIdx++, biasFlatIdx++)
                     //Weights gradients accumulation
                     for (int inputIdx = 0; inputIdx < layer.NumOfInputNodes; inputIdx++, weightFlatIdx++)
                         weigthsGradsAccInput[weightFlatIdx] += layerInputs[inputIdx] * neuronsGradients[neuronFlatIdx];
                     //Bias gradients accumulation
                     weigthsGradsAccInput[biasFlatIdx] += neuronsGradients[neuronFlatIdx] * FeedForwardNetwork.BiasValue;
         }//Worker loop
         //Worker finish
         ProcessGradientWorkerOutputs(weigthsGradsAccInput, sumOfErrSquares);
     //Update all network weights and biases
     Parallel.For(0, networkFlatWeights.Length, weightFlatIdx =>
         PerformIRPropPlusWeightChange(networkFlatWeights, weightFlatIdx);
     //Store accumulated gradients for next iteration
     _weigthsGradsAcc.CopyTo(_weigthsPrevGradsAcc, 0);
     //Finish the MSE computation
     _lastMSE /= (double)(_inputVectorCollection.Count * _net.NumOfOutputValues);