Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper to walk a polygon, starting from a pair of intersection points.
        /// increment determines the direction we are walking.
        /// NOTE: when walking from i1 -> i2 along c, we should be moving through the interior of the polygon.
        /// </summary>
        private static Polygon WalkPolygon(Polygon parent, Polygon walking, Circle c, int pair, List <IntersectionPoint> iPoints, bool increment)
            Polygon newPoly = new Polygon();

            IntersectionPoint iPoint1, iPoint2;

            GetPairPoints(iPoints, pair, increment, out iPoint1, out iPoint2);
            Vector3D startLocation = iPoint1.Location;

            int     iSeg    = 0;
            Segment current = SplicedArc(parent, c, iPoints, ref pair, increment, ref iSeg);


            while (true)
                // NOTE: Since we don't allow tangent intersections, there will never
                //		 be multiple spliced arcs added in succession.

                // Add in the next one.
                current = walking.Segments[iSeg];
                iSeg = GetNextSegmentIndex(walking, iSeg);
                if (current.P2.Compare(startLocation))

                // Do we need to splice in at this point?
                Vector3D segEnd = current.P2;
                if (iPoints.Select(p => p.Location).Contains(segEnd))                           // ZZZ - Performance
                    current = SplicedArc(parent, c, iPoints, ref pair, increment, ref iSeg);
                    if (current.P2.Compare(startLocation))

Пример #2
        private static void MeshEdges(Mesh mesh, Tile tile, HashSet <Vector3D> completed, Polygon boundary)
            for (int i = 0; i < tile.Boundary.Segments.Count; i++)
                Segment boundarySeg = tile.Boundary.Segments[i];
                Segment d1          = tile.Drawn.Segments[i];
                if (completed.Contains(boundarySeg.Midpoint))

                // Find the incident segment.
                Segment seg2 = null, d2 = null;
                foreach (Tile incident in tile.EdgeIncidences)
                    for (int j = 0; j < incident.Boundary.Segments.Count; j++)
                        if (boundarySeg.Midpoint == incident.Boundary.Segments[j].Midpoint)
                            seg2 = incident.Boundary.Segments[j];
                            d2   = incident.Drawn.Segments[j];

                    if (seg2 != null)

                // Found our incident edge?
                bool foundIncident = seg2 != null;
                if (!foundIncident)
                    seg2 = d2 = boundarySeg;

                // Do the endpoints mismatch?
                if (boundarySeg.P1 != seg2.P1)
                    Segment clone = d2.Clone();
                    d2 = clone;

                // Add the two vertices (careful of orientation).
                if (foundIncident)
                    CheckAndAdd(mesh, new Mesh.Triangle(boundarySeg.P1, d1.P1, d2.P1), boundary);
                    CheckAndAdd(mesh, new Mesh.Triangle(boundarySeg.P2, d2.P2, d1.P2), boundary);

                int        num   = 1 + (int)(d1.Length * m_divisions);
                Vector3D[] list1 = d1.Subdivide(num);
                Vector3D[] list2 = d2.Subdivide(num);
                for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
                    CheckAndAdd(mesh, new Mesh.Triangle(list1[j], list1[j + 1], list2[j + 1]), boundary);
                    CheckAndAdd(mesh, new Mesh.Triangle(list2[j], list1[j], list2[j + 1]), boundary);
