Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains the fields in a table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection"></param>
        /// <param name="_source"></param>
        /// <param name="database"></param>
        /// <param name="owner"></param>
        /// <param name="table"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public QvDataContractResponse getFields(QvGamsConnection connection, string _source, string database, string owner, string table)
            string file = database + "\\" + owner;

            if (database != string.Empty && owner != string.Empty)
                using (GAMSHelper gh = new GAMSHelper(_source, file))

                    var currentTable = connection.FindTable(table, connection.MTables);

                    return(new QvDataContractFieldListResponse
                        qFields = (currentTable != null) ? currentTable.Fields : new QvxField[0]
                return(new QvDataContractFieldListResponse
                    qFields = new QvxField[0]
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the query and fills the following properties: fields, liveTable, file, where
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="qvxTables"></param>
        /// <returns>the table in use</returns>
        public override QvxDataTable ExtractQuery(string query, List <QvxTable> qvxTables)
            #if DEBUG
            QvxLog.Log(QvxLogFacility.Application, QvxLogSeverity.Notice, "ExtractQuery()");

            QueryExtractor.ExtractQueryDetails(query, out selectedFields, out string liveTable, out file, out where);

            using (GAMSHelper gh = new GAMSHelper(_source, file))
                qTable = FindTable(liveTable, MTables);
                if (qTable == null)
                    throw new QvxPleaseSendReplyException(QvxResult.QVX_TABLE_NOT_FOUND, String.Format("The symbol \"{0}\" is not valid", liveTable));

                // create a list with all fields that appear in SELECT and WHERE
                HashSet <string> referencedFields = new HashSet <string>(selectedFields);
                referencedFields.UnionWith(where.ConvertAll(item => item.Field));

                // before returning the table to Qlik, we check if the fields were selected by position or name, in order to use the name selected by the user
                Regex rx = new Regex("^@([0-9]+)$");
                foreach (string referencedField in referencedFields)
                    Match match = rx.Match(referencedField);
                    if (match.Success)
                        // the column is selected by position
                        Group group          = match.Groups[1];
                        int   columnPosition = int.Parse(group.Value);
                        if (columnPosition >= qTable.Fields.Length)
                            throw new QvxPleaseSendReplyException(QvxResult.QVX_FIELD_NOT_FOUND, String.Format("The field position \"{0}\" is not valid", referencedField));
                        else if (referencedFields.Contains(qTable.Fields[columnPosition].FieldName))
                            throw new QvxPleaseSendReplyException(QvxResult.QVX_FIELD_NOT_FOUND, String.Format("The same field cannot be selected by position and name: \"{0}\", \"{1}\"",
                                                                                                               referencedField, qTable.Fields[columnPosition].FieldName));
                            // we update the QvxTable, so internally the field is always called by the name selected by the user
                            qTable.Fields[columnPosition].FieldName = referencedField;
                        // the column is selected by name, so we only check if the name is right
                        if (!Array.Exists(qTable.Fields, tableField => tableField.FieldName.Equals(referencedField)))
                            throw new QvxPleaseSendReplyException(QvxResult.QVX_FIELD_NOT_FOUND, String.Format("The field \"{0}\" is not valid", referencedField));
                return(new QvxDataTable(qTable));
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains the data for the preview using the high level Gams API
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection"></param>
        /// <param name="_source"></param>
        /// <param name="database"></param>
        /// <param name="owner"></param>
        /// <param name="tableName"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private PreviewResponse getPreview(QvGamsConnection connection, string _source, string database, string owner, string tableName)
            string file = database + "\\" + owner;

            var result = new PreviewResponse();

            if (database != string.Empty && owner != string.Empty && tableName != string.Empty)
                using (GAMSHelper gh = new GAMSHelper(_source, file))
                    string symbolName   = tableName.Trim();
                    var    currentTable = connection.FindTable(tableName, connection.MTables);

                    // Store the table Header
                    var row = new PreviewRow();
                    foreach (var field in currentTable.Fields)

                    // Getting the preview data
                    string[,] PreviewTableData = gh.GetPreviewData(currentTable, 9);

                    int FinalNumberOfRows = PreviewTableData.GetLength(0);
                    int NumberOfColumns   = PreviewTableData.GetLength(1);

                    for (int i = 0; i < FinalNumberOfRows; i++)
                        row = new PreviewRow();
                        for (int j = 0; j < NumberOfColumns; j++)
                            row.qValues.Add(PreviewTableData[i, j]);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtains the tables (gams symbols)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connection"></param>
        /// <param name="_source"></param>
        /// <param name="database"></param>
        /// <param name="owner"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public QvDataContractResponse getTables(QvGamsConnection connection, string _source, string database, string owner)
            string file = database + "\\" + owner;

            if (database != string.Empty && owner != string.Empty)
                using (GAMSHelper gh = new GAMSHelper(_source, file))

                    return(new QvDataContractTableListResponse
                        qTables = connection.MTables
                return(new QvDataContractTableListResponse
                    qTables = new List <QvxTable>()