public void LoadQuiz(int quiz_id, int user_id) { desc.Children.Clear(); Results results = new Results(); QuestionResult[] res; Question[] questions; DB.LoadResult(quiz_id, user_id, out results); DB.LoadQuestionResults(results.ID, out res); DB.LoadQuestions(quiz_id, out questions); Answer[] answers = new Answer[res.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < questions.Length; i++) { Answer[] a; AddLine(questions[i].Description); DB.LoadAnswers(questions[i].ID, out a); int total = 100; int totalCount = 0; int[] percentages = new int[a.Length]; bool[] boldText = new bool[a.Length]; for (int j = 0; j < a.Length; j++) { DB.LoadQuestionResultsByAnswer(a[j].ID, out res); totalCount += res.Length; percentages[j] = res.Length; boldText[j] = false; for (int k = 0; k < res.Length; k++) { if (results.ID == res[k].Results_ID) { boldText[j] = true; break; } } } for (int j = 0; j < a.Length; j++) { int perc = (int)Math.Round(100.0f * ((float)percentages[j] / (float)totalCount)); total -= perc; if (j == a.Length - 1 && total != 0 && total != 100) perc += total; AddLine(a[j].Description, boldText[j], perc, a[j].Correctness > 0 ? Colors.Green : Colors.Red); } } }
public static string InsertResults(ref Results item) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("Insert Into Results (Quiz_ID, User_ID) values(" + item.Quiz_ID + ", " + item.User_ID + ");", con); string s = ExecuteCommand(command); SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("Select * from Results where Results.Quiz_ID='" + item.Quiz_ID + "' AND Results.User_ID='" + item.User_ID + "';", con); SqlDataReader sdr1 = command2.ExecuteReader(); while (sdr1.Read()) { item.ID = (int)sdr1["Results_ID"]; } sdr1.Close(); return s; }
public static string LoadResult(int quiz_id, int user_id, out Results user) { user = null; if (con == null) return "Connection is not initialized"; try { SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand("Select * from Results where Results.Quiz_ID='" + quiz_id + "' AND Results.User_ID='" + user_id + "';", con); SqlDataReader sdr1 = command2.ExecuteReader(); while (sdr1.Read()) { user = new Results(); user.ID = (int)sdr1["Results_ID"]; user.Quiz_ID = quiz_id; user.User_ID = user_id; } sdr1.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { return e.ToString(); } if (user == null) { return "0 record loaded"; } return "1 record loaded"; }
void sb_Completed(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (curMode == UIMode.Questionary) { title.Text = currentQuiz.Description; button.Content = "Submit"; ScrollViewer scrollViewer = new ScrollViewer(); scrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = ScrollBarVisibility.Auto; Border border = new Border(); border.Padding = new Thickness(1); /*border.BorderThickness = new Thickness(1); border.BorderBrush = List.BorderBrush; border.Background = Brushes.White;*/ quizViewer = new StackPanel(); quizViewer.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; for (int i = 0; i < currentQuizQuestions.Length; i++) { StackPanel answers = new StackPanel(); answers.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical; answers.Margin = new Thickness(0, 0, 0, 5); Answer[] a; DB.LoadAnswers(currentQuizQuestions[i].ID, out a); if (a != null) { answers.Children.Add(new TextBlock() { Text = currentQuizQuestions[i].Description, FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), FontSize = 16, Tag = currentQuizQuestions[i] }); for (int j = 0; j < a.Length; j++) { answers.Children.Add(new RadioButton() { Content = a[j].Description, FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), Tag = a[j] }); } quizViewer.Children.Add(answers); } } scrollViewer.Content = quizViewer; border.Child = scrollViewer; contentPanel.Children.Clear(); contentPanel.Children.Add(border); } else if (curMode == UIMode.ResultsView) { Results results = new Results(currentQuiz.ID, curUser.ID); DB.InsertResults(ref results); foreach (object o in quizViewer.Children) { if (o is StackPanel) { StackPanel answers = o as StackPanel; Question question = null; for (int i = 0; i < answers.Children.Count; i++) { object obj = answers.Children[i]; if (obj is TextBlock) { TextBlock tb = obj as TextBlock; question = (Question)tb.Tag; } else if (obj is RadioButton) { RadioButton rb = obj as RadioButton; if (rb.IsChecked.Value) { Answer answer = (Answer)rb.Tag; QuestionResult result = new QuestionResult(answer.ID, results.ID); DB.InsertQuestionResults(result); } } } } } contentPanel.Children.Clear(); Chart ch = new Chart(); ch.LoadQuiz(currentQuiz.ID, curUser.ID); contentPanel.Children.Add(ch); title.Text = "Results:"; button.Content = "Ok"; } else if (curMode == UIMode.QuizSelection) { contentPanel.Children.Clear(); contentPanel.Children.Add(List); title.Text = "Choose quiz:"; button.Content = "Start"; } else if (curMode == UIMode.Login) { contentPanel.Children.Clear(); LoginPage page = new LoginPage(); page.Submit += Button_Click_1; contentPanel.Children.Add(page); title.Text = "Login"; button.Content = "Ok"; } fadein.Begin(); }