Пример #1
 private static void CheckNullExpression(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder)
     if (expressionHolder == null || expressionHolder.Expr == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException($"Query expression info, cannot store null expressions.");
Пример #2
 public Count(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder) : base(expressionHolder)
     if (expressionHolder == null)
         this.IsAstCount = true;
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Expects "Expression as label"
        /// Parses expression nodes and tries to get a label for the expression.
        /// At the end, it creates a expression holder.
        /// </summary>
        public void Visit(ExpressionNode node)
            string         label = null;
            ExpressionBase expr  = null;

            // Parse expression.
            if (node.exp == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, expected expression.");
                var tmpVisitor = new ExpressionVisitor(this.labels, this.variableMap, this.exprInfo);
                expr = tmpVisitor.GetResult();

            // Try get a label for entire expression.
            if (node.asLabel != null)
                label = ((IdentifierNode)(node.asLabel)).value;

            this.expressionHolder = this.exprInfo.Exprs[this.exprInfo.AddOrderByComp(new ExpressionHolder(expr, label))];
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Visits an aggregation node.
        /// Creates a new aggregation function based on the provided name.
        /// And initilises parsing of the aggregation argument.
        /// </summary>
        public void Visit(AggregateFuncNode node)
            Aggregate aggregate = null;
            Type      aggType   = null;

            if (node.next == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, exprected aggregation arguments.");
                // count(*)
                if (node.next.GetType() == typeof(IdentifierNode))
                    if (node.funcName.ToLower() == "count" && ((IdentifierNode)node.next).value == "*")
                        aggregate = Aggregate.Factory("count", typeof(int), null);
                        aggType   = typeof(int);
                        throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, expected count(*).");
                    // Every other aggregation.
                    // The only possibility is that the next node is VariableNode.
                    // So the argument will be created in this.Expr, from this expr the holder must be created.
                    // After the holder is created the aggregation is created with the expression.
                    // After this process, the expression that will be returned is created -> aggregation reference.
                    var tmpHolder = new ExpressionHolder(this.expr);
                    aggregate = Aggregate.Factory(node.funcName.ToLower(), tmpHolder.ExpressionType, tmpHolder);
                    aggType   = tmpHolder.ExpressionType;

            // Rewrite the expression used for aggregation argument to aggregation reference.
            int aggPos = this.exprInfo.AddAggregate(aggregate);

            if (node.funcName.ToLower() == "avg")
                this.expr = AggregateReferenceFactory.Create(typeof(double), aggPos, this.exprInfo.GroupByhashExprs.Count, this.exprInfo.Aggregates[aggPos]);
            else if (node.funcName.ToLower() == "count")
                this.expr = AggregateReferenceFactory.Create(typeof(int), aggPos, this.exprInfo.GroupByhashExprs.Count, this.exprInfo.Aggregates[aggPos]);
            else if (node.funcName.ToLower() == "sum")
                this.expr = AggregateReferenceFactory.Create(typeof(long), aggPos, this.exprInfo.GroupByhashExprs.Count, this.exprInfo.Aggregates[aggPos]);
                this.expr = AggregateReferenceFactory.Create(aggType, aggPos, this.exprInfo.GroupByhashExprs.Count, this.exprInfo.Aggregates[aggPos]);
Пример #5
        public ExpressionToStringWrapper(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder)
            if (expressionHolder == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"{this.GetType()}, trying to assign null to a constructor.");

            this.expressionHolder = expressionHolder;
Пример #6
        protected ExpressionHasher(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder)
            if (expressionHolder == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException($"{this.GetType()}, trying to assign null to a constructor.");

            this.expressionHolder = expressionHolder;
Пример #7
 public Aggregate(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder)
     this.expressionHolder = expressionHolder;
     // The provided expressions are not stored in the expression info manager since
     // it stores the aggregates directly.
     if (this.expressionHolder != null)
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Select * case. That means that there are as many expressions as variables in the query.
        /// For each variable, expression that consists only of reference id will be created.
        /// It returns from here because there is no other node to visit.
        /// </summary>
        public void Visit(VariableNode node)
            if (node.name == null || ((IdentifierNode)node.name).value != "*")
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, expected asterix.");

            foreach (var item in variableMap)
                var tmpExprHolder = new ExpressionHolder(new VariableIDReference(new VariableReferenceNameHolder(item.Key), item.Value.Item1), null);
                tmpExprHolder = this.exprInfo.Exprs[exprInfo.AddExpression(tmpExprHolder)];
                this.result.Add(ExpressionToStringWrapper.Factory(tmpExprHolder, tmpExprHolder.ExpressionType));
 public static BucketKeyFactory Factory(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder)
     if (expressionHolder.ExpressionType == typeof(int))
         return(new BucketKeyFactory <int>(expressionHolder));
     else if (expressionHolder.ExpressionType == typeof(string))
         return(new BucketKeyFactory <string>(expressionHolder));
         throw new ArgumentException($"Bucket key factory, unknown type of bucket factory. Type = {expressionHolder.ExpressionType}.");
Пример #10
        public ABTreeStreamedSorter(ExpressionComparer[] comparers, IOrderByExecutionHelper executionHelper, int columnCount, int[] usedVars, bool allowDup) : base(comparers, executionHelper, columnCount, usedVars)
            this.firstKeyHasher           = (TypeRangeHasher <T>)TypeRangeHasher.Factory(this.executionHelper.ThreadCount, typeof(T));
            this.firstKeyExpressionHolder = this.comparers[0].GetExpressionHolder();
            this.firstKeyExpression       = (ExpressionReturnValue <T>) this.firstKeyExpressionHolder.Expr;

            this.rangeBuckets      = new RangeBucket[this.firstKeyHasher.BucketCount];
            this.firstKeyComparers = new ExpressionComparer <T> [this.rangeBuckets.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < this.rangeBuckets.Length; i++)
                var results        = new TableResults(this.ColumnCount, this.executionHelper.FixedArraySize, this.usedVars);
                var tmpRowComparer = RowComparer.Factory(this.comparers, true);
                this.firstKeyComparers[i] = (ExpressionComparer <T>)tmpRowComparer.comparers[0];
                this.rangeBuckets[i]      = CreateBucket(new IndexToRowProxyComparer(tmpRowComparer, results, allowDup), results);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs an expression comparer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expressionHolder"> An expression to be evaluated during comparing. </param>
        /// <param name="ascending"> Whether to use asc or desc order. </param>
        /// <param name="cacheResults"> Whether to cache results of the computed expressions. </param>
        protected ExpressionComparer(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder, bool ascending, bool cacheResults)
            if (expressionHolder == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, trying to assign null to a constructor.");

            this.expressionHolder = expressionHolder;
            this.isAscending      = ascending;
            this.cacheResults     = cacheResults;

            var tmp = new List <int>();

            expressionHolder.CollectUsedVars(ref tmp);
            this.usedVars = tmp.ToArray();
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Tried to insert an expression to the general expr. list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expressionHolder"> An expression to add to the general expr. list. </param>
        /// <returns> If the main expression list contains the expression, return its position. Otherwise add the expression and return its new position. </returns>
        private int InsertExpr(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder)

            int position = -1;

            if ((position = this.Exprs.IndexOf(expressionHolder)) != -1)
                expressionHolder.SetExprPosition(this.Exprs.Count - 1);
                return(this.Exprs.Count - 1);
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a hash expression for group by.
        /// Cannot contain aggregations.
        /// Each hash can be added only once.
        /// Note that this method is called only when the group by keys are created.
        /// Thus, hashes and expr have the same count.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expressionHolder"> An expression to hash with. </param>
        /// <returns> Returns a position of the passed expression in the main expression list. </returns>
        public int AddGroupByHash(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder)

            if (expressionHolder.ContainsAggregate())
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, group by clause cannot contain aggregates.");
            else if (this.GroupByhashExprs.Contains(expressionHolder))
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, group by clause cannot contain the same key multiple times.");
                var pos = InsertExpr(expressionHolder);
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a expression for order by.
        /// Cannot contain multiple occurrences of the same expression.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expressionHolder"> An expression to sort with. </param>
        /// <returns> Returns a position of the passed expression in the main expression list. </returns>
        public int AddOrderByComp(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder)

            if (this.OrderByComparerExprs.Contains(expressionHolder))
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, order by clause cannot contain the same comparer expression multiple times.");
            else if (expressionHolder.ContainsAggregate())
                throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, order by clause cannot contain aggregates.");
                var pos = InsertExpr(expressionHolder);
Пример #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an aggregate that is bound with the array type results.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="funcName"> A name of the aggregate function.  </param>
 /// <param name="compType"> A return type of the aggregate function. </param>
 /// <param name="holder"> An expression to compute values with for the aggregate.</param>
 public static Aggregate Factory(string funcName, Type compType, ExpressionHolder holder = null)
     if (funcName == "count" && compType == typeof(int))
         return(new Count <int>(holder));
     else if (funcName == "count" && compType == typeof(string))
         return(new Count <string>(holder));
     else if (funcName == "max" && compType == typeof(int))
         return(new IntMax(holder));
     else if (funcName == "max" && compType == typeof(string))
         return(new StrMax(holder));
     else if (funcName == "min" && compType == typeof(int))
         return(new IntMin(holder));
     else if (funcName == "min" && compType == typeof(string))
         return(new StrMin(holder));
     else if (funcName == "avg" && compType == typeof(int))
         return(new IntAvg(holder));
     else if (funcName == "sum" && compType == typeof(int))
         return(new IntSum(holder));
         throw new ArgumentException($"Aggregate factory, trying to create a non existent array bound aggregate. {funcName}, {compType}");
Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether an expression (no aggregation) is valid, in terms of grouping expressions.
        /// That is to say, if the group by is set, the clause provides expressions to group the results with.
        /// This function should check, whether the expressions in other clauses are the same as in the grouping exp.
        /// Because, only the same expressions can be referenced throughout the query + aggregates.
        /// If no group by is set and aggregation is referenced, then only aggregations can be referenced in the entire query -> single group group by.
        /// This function is very simplified becuase expressions contain only one block.
        /// Thus, it must be reimplemented in the future.
        /// So far called only from Select clause parser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expressionHolder"> An expression. </param>
        /// <returns> Returns a position of the passed expression in the main expression list.  </returns>
        public int AddExpression(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder)

            // Only expressions from group by clause and aggregates can be used.
            if (this.IsSetGroupBy)
                // Aggregates in expressions can be referenced freely
                if (!expressionHolder.ContainsAggregate())
                    // There can be referenced only expressions from group by.
                    if (this.GroupByhashExprs.IndexOf(expressionHolder) == -1)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, expression in the query can contain only references from group by clause.");
                    // The check is not done, because the aggregate reference is create at the same time as the corresponding aggregate.
                // No group by is set.
                if ((expressionHolder.ContainsAggregate() && ContainsSimpleExpr()) || (!expressionHolder.ContainsAggregate() && this.Aggregates.Count > 0))
                    throw new ArgumentException($"{this.GetType()}, there was references an aggregate and a simple expression while group by is not set.");
Пример #17
 public IntAvg(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder) : base(expressionHolder)
Пример #18
 public IntSum(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder) : base(expressionHolder)
Пример #19
 public MinMaxBase(ExpressionHolder expressionHolder) : base(expressionHolder)