public bool CreateServers() { //Need to attempt server try { Server = new SimpleTcpServer().Start(_Port); Hangar.Debug("Initilized Server on port: " + _Port); _Market.IsHostServer = true; Server.DataReceived += Server_DataReceived; //Server.DelimiterDataReceived += (sender, msg) => { //Console.WriteLine("From client: "+msg.MessageString); //CrossServerMessage RecievedData = new CrossServerMessage(); //RecievedData.GridDefinition = Main.GridDefinition; //RecievedData.List = Main.GridList; //RecievedData.BalanceUpdate = Main.PlayerAccountUpdate; //msg.Reply(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(RecievedData)); //}; } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) { //Server already created, create client Client = new SimpleTcpClient().Connect("", _Port); Hangar.Debug("Initilized Client on port: " + _Port); _Market.IsHostServer = false; Client.DelimiterDataReceived += Client_DelimiterDataReceived; } catch (Exception a) { Hangar.Debug("Hangar CrossServer Network Error!", a, Hangar.ErrorType.Fatal); //Some weird shit return(false); } return(true); }
public static bool TryUpdatePlayerBalance(PlayerAccount Account) { try { long IdentityID = MySession.Static.Players.TryGetIdentityId(Account.SteamID); if (IdentityID == 0) { return(false); } if (Account.AccountAdjustment) { MyBankingSystem.ChangeBalance(IdentityID, Account.AccountBalance); return(true); } long OriginalBalance = MyBankingSystem.GetBalance(IdentityID); long BalanceAdjuster = Account.AccountBalance - OriginalBalance; if (BalanceAdjuster == 0) { return(true); } MyBankingSystem.ChangeBalance(IdentityID, BalanceAdjuster); Hangar.Debug("Player " + IdentityID + " account has been updated! "); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
public static void FormatGridName(PlayerInfo Data, Result result) { Hangar.Debug("F"); try { string GridName = FileSaver.CheckInvalidCharacters(result.biggestGrid.DisplayName); result.GridName = GridName; if (Data.Grids.Any(x => x.GridName.Equals(GridName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { //There is already a grid with that name! bool NameCheckDone = false; int a = 0; while (!NameCheckDone) { a++; if (!Data.Grids.Any(x => x.GridName.Equals(GridName + " [" + a + "]", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))) { NameCheckDone = true; break; } } //Main.Debug("Saving grid name: " + GridName); GridName = GridName + "[" + a + "]"; result.grids[0].DisplayName = GridName; result.biggestGrid.DisplayName = GridName; result.GridName = GridName; } } catch (Exception e) { Hangar.Debug("eeerror", e); } Hangar.Debug("G"); }
private bool BeginAlignToGravity(MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid[] AllGrids, Vector3D position, Vector3D direction, Vector3D vector3D) { //Create WorldMatrix MatrixD worldMatrix = MatrixD.CreateWorld(position, direction, vector3D); int num = 0; MatrixD matrix = MatrixD.Identity; //Find biggest grid and get their postion matrix Parallel.For(0, AllGrids.Length, i => { //Option to clone the BP //array[i] = (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid)TotalGrids[i].Clone(); if (AllGrids[i].CubeBlocks.Count > num) { num = AllGrids[i].CubeBlocks.Count; matrix = (AllGrids[i].PositionAndOrientation.HasValue ? AllGrids[i].PositionAndOrientation.Value.GetMatrix() : MatrixD.Identity); } }); MatrixD matrix2; //Align to Main/Biggest grid Vector3D value = Vector3D.Zero; if (AllGrids[0].PositionAndOrientation.HasValue) { value = AllGrids[0].PositionAndOrientation.Value.Position; } matrix2 = MatrixD.CreateWorld(-value, direction, vector3D); //Huh? (Keen does this so i guess i will too) My guess so it can create large entities MyEntities.IgnoreMemoryLimits = true; //Update each grid in the array Parallel.For(0, AllGrids.Length, j => { MatrixD newWorldMatrix; if (AllGrids[j].PositionAndOrientation.HasValue) { MatrixD matrix3 = AllGrids[j].PositionAndOrientation.Value.GetMatrix() * MatrixD.Invert(matrix); newWorldMatrix = matrix3 * worldMatrix; AllGrids[j].PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(newWorldMatrix); } else { newWorldMatrix = worldMatrix; AllGrids[j].PositionAndOrientation = new MyPositionAndOrientation(worldMatrix); } }); /* Where do we want to paste the grids? Lets find out. based from the character/position */ var pos = FindPastePosition(AllGrids, position); if (pos == null) { Hangar.Debug("No free Space found!"); chat.Respond("No free space available!"); return(false); } var newPosition = pos.Value; /* Update GridsPosition via xyz. (We already have the orientation correct) if that doesnt work get out of here. */ if (!UpdateGridsPosition(AllGrids, newPosition)) { chat.Respond("The File to be imported does not seem to be compatible with the server!"); return(false); } //Remap to prevent bad stuff MyEntities.RemapObjectBuilderCollection(AllGrids); //Use Rexxars spciy spaghetti code for parallel spawning of ALL grids ParallelSpawner spawner = new ParallelSpawner(AllGrids); spawner.Start(); //Return completeted return(true); }
private bool CalculateGridPosition() { List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid> TotalGrids = new List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid>(); List <MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit> cockpits = new List <MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit>(); Vector3D direction = _PlayerPosition; //Get all cockpit blkocks on the grid foreach (var shipBlueprint in _ShipBlueprints) { TotalGrids.AddRange(shipBlueprint.CubeGrids.ToList()); foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid grid in shipBlueprint.CubeGrids) { cockpits.AddRange(grid.CubeBlocks.OfType <MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit>().ToList()); } } MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid[] array = TotalGrids.ToArray(); if (array.Length == 0) { //Simple grid/objectbuilder null check. If there are no gridys then why continue? return(false); } Hangar.Debug("Total Grids to be pasted: " + array.Count()); if (cockpits.Count > 0) { //Main.Debug("Cockpits found!"); foreach (MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit Block in cockpits) { if (Block.IsMainCockpit) { Hangar.Debug("Main cockpit found! Attempting to Align!"); direction = new Vector3D(Block.Orientation.x, Block.Orientation.y, Block.Orientation.z); break; } } } else { Hangar.Debug("No Cockpits. Continuing based off of grid pivot point!"); } //Attempt to get gravity/Artificial gravity to align the grids to Vector3D position = _PlayerPosition; //Here you can adjust the offset from the surface and rotation. //Unfortunatley we move the grid again after this to find a free space around the character. Perhaps later i can incorporate that into //LordTylus's existing grid checkplament method float gravityOffset = 0f; float gravityRotation = 0f; Vector3 vector = MyGravityProviderSystem.CalculateNaturalGravityInPoint(position); if (vector == Vector3.Zero) { vector = MyGravityProviderSystem.CalculateArtificialGravityInPoint(position); } Vector3D vector3D; if (vector != Vector3.Zero) { Hangar.Debug("Attempting to correct grid orientation!"); vector.Normalize(); vector3D = -vector; position += vector * gravityOffset; if (direction == Vector3D.Zero) { direction = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(vector); if (gravityRotation != 0f) { MatrixD matrixa = MatrixD.CreateFromAxisAngle(vector3D, gravityRotation); direction = Vector3D.Transform(direction, matrixa); } } } else if (direction == Vector3D.Zero) { direction = Vector3D.Right; vector3D = Vector3D.Up; } else { vector3D = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(-direction); } return(BeginAlignToGravity(array, position, direction, vector3D)); }
public bool SaveGrids(List <MyCubeGrid> grids, string GridName, Hangar Plugin) { List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid> objectBuilders = new List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid>(); foreach (MyCubeGrid grid in grids) { /* Remove characters from cockpits */ Action P = delegate { foreach (var blck in grid.GetFatBlocks().OfType <MyCockpit>()) { if (blck.Pilot != null) { blck.RemovePilot(); } } }; Task KickPlayers = GameEvents.InvokeActionAsync(P); KickPlayers.Wait(5000); /* What else should it be? LOL? */ if (!(grid.GetObjectBuilder() is MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid objectBuilder)) { throw new ArgumentException(grid + " has a ObjectBuilder thats not for a CubeGrid"); } objectBuilders.Add(objectBuilder); } try { //Need To check grid name string GridSavePath = Path.Combine(FolderPath, GridName + ".sbc"); //Log.Info("SavedDir: " + pathForPlayer); bool saved = SaveGridToFile(GridSavePath, GridName, objectBuilders); try { MyIdentity IDentity = MySession.Static.Players.TryGetPlayerIdentity(new MyPlayer.PlayerId(SteamID)); if (Plugin.GridBackup != null) { Plugin.GridBackup.GetType().GetMethod("BackupGridsManuallyWithBuilders", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[2] { typeof(List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid>), typeof(long) }, null).Invoke(Plugin.GridBackup, new object[] { objectBuilders, IDentity.IdentityId }); Log.Warn("Successfully BackedUp grid!"); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Fatal(e); } if (saved) { DisposeGrids(grids); } return(saved); } catch (Exception e) { Hangar.Debug("Saving Grid Failed!", e, Hangar.ErrorType.Fatal); return(false); } }
private bool LoadShipBlueprint(MyObjectBuilder_ShipBlueprintDefinition shipBlueprint, Vector3D GridSaveLocation, Vector3D PlayerLocation, bool keepOriginalLocation, Chat chat, Hangar Plugin, bool force = false) { var grids = shipBlueprint.CubeGrids; if (grids == null || grids.Length == 0) { chat.Respond("No grids in blueprint!"); return(false); } try { MyIdentity IDentity = MySession.Static.Players.TryGetPlayerIdentity(new MyPlayer.PlayerId(SteamID)); if (Plugin.GridBackup != null) { Plugin.GridBackup.GetType().GetMethod("BackupGridsManuallyWithBuilders", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[2] { typeof(List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid>), typeof(long) }, null).Invoke(Plugin.GridBackup, new object[] { grids.ToList(), IDentity.IdentityId }); Log.Warn("Successfully BackedUp grid!"); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Fatal(e); } Vector3D TargetLocation; bool AlignToGravity = false; if (keepOriginalLocation) { TargetLocation = GridSaveLocation; } else { AlignToGravity = true; TargetLocation = PlayerLocation; } ParallelSpawner Spawner = new ParallelSpawner(grids, chat, AlignToGravity); Log.Info("Attempting Grid Spawning @" + TargetLocation.ToString()); return(Spawner.Start(keepOriginalLocation, TargetLocation)); }
public bool LoadGrid(string GridName, MyCharacter Player, long TargetPlayerID, bool keepOriginalLocation, Chat chat, Hangar Plugin, Vector3D GridSaveLocation, bool force = false, bool Admin = false) { string path = Path.Combine(FolderPath, GridName + ".sbc"); if (!File.Exists(path)) { chat.Respond("Grid doesnt exist! Admin should check logs for more information."); Log.Fatal("Grid doesnt exsist @" + path); return(false); } try { if (MyObjectBuilderSerializer.DeserializeXML(path, out MyObjectBuilder_Definitions myObjectBuilder_Definitions)) { var shipBlueprints = myObjectBuilder_Definitions.ShipBlueprints; if (shipBlueprints == null) { Hangar.Debug("No ShipBlueprints in File '" + path + "'"); chat.Respond("There arent any Grids in your file to import!"); return(false); } if (!HangarChecker.BlockLimitChecker(shipBlueprints)) { Hangar.Debug("Block Limiter Checker Failed"); return(false); } if (Config.OnLoadTransfer) { Log.Warn("Target player: " + TargetPlayerID); //Will transfer pcu to new player foreach (MyObjectBuilder_ShipBlueprintDefinition definition in shipBlueprints) { foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid CubeGridDef in definition.CubeGrids) { foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock block in CubeGridDef.CubeBlocks) { block.Owner = TargetPlayerID; block.BuiltBy = TargetPlayerID; } } } } //If the configs have keep originial position on, we dont want to align this to gravity. foreach (var shipBlueprint in shipBlueprints) { Vector3D TargetSpawnPos = Vector3D.Zero; if (Player != null) { TargetSpawnPos = Player.PositionComp.GetPosition(); } if (!LoadShipBlueprint(shipBlueprint, GridSaveLocation, TargetSpawnPos, keepOriginalLocation, chat, Plugin)) { Hangar.Debug("Error Loading ShipBlueprints from File '" + path + "'"); return(false); } } File.Delete(path); return(true); } } catch (Exception ex) { chat.Respond("This ship failed to load. Contact staff & Check logs!"); Log.Error(ex, "Failed to deserialize grid: " + path + " from file! Is this a shipblueprint?"); } return(false); }
private bool CalculateGridPosition() { List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid> TotalGrids = new List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid>(); List <MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit> cockpits = new List <MyObjectBuilder_Cockpit>(); Vector3D forwardVector = Vector3D.Zero; //Get all cockpit blkocks on the grid foreach (var shipBlueprint in _ShipBlueprints) { TotalGrids.AddRange(shipBlueprint.CubeGrids.ToList()); } MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid[] array = TotalGrids.ToArray(); if (array.Length == 0) { //Simple grid/objectbuilder null check. If there are no gridys then why continue? return(false); } Hangar.Debug("Total Grids to be pasted: " + array.Count()); //Attempt to get gravity/Artificial gravity to align the grids to Vector3D position = _PlayerPosition; //Here you can adjust the offset from the surface and rotation. //Unfortunatley we move the grid again after this to find a free space around the character. Perhaps later i can incorporate that into //LordTylus's existing grid checkplament method float gravityOffset = 0f; float gravityRotation = 0f; Vector3 gravityDirectionalVector = MyGravityProviderSystem.CalculateNaturalGravityInPoint(position); if (gravityDirectionalVector == Vector3.Zero) { gravityDirectionalVector = MyGravityProviderSystem.CalculateArtificialGravityInPoint(position); } Vector3D upDirectionalVector; if (gravityDirectionalVector != Vector3.Zero) { Hangar.Debug("Attempting to correct grid orientation!"); gravityDirectionalVector.Normalize(); upDirectionalVector = -gravityDirectionalVector; position += gravityDirectionalVector * gravityOffset; if (forwardVector == Vector3D.Zero) { forwardVector = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(gravityDirectionalVector); if (gravityRotation != 0f) { MatrixD matrixa = MatrixD.CreateFromAxisAngle(upDirectionalVector, gravityRotation); forwardVector = Vector3D.Transform(forwardVector, matrixa); } } } else if (forwardVector == Vector3D.Zero) { forwardVector = Vector3D.Right; upDirectionalVector = Vector3D.Up; } else { upDirectionalVector = Vector3D.CalculatePerpendicularVector(-forwardVector); } return(BeginAlignToGravity(array, forwardVector, upDirectionalVector)); }
private bool CalculateSafePositionAndSpawn(bool keepOriginalLocation, Vector3D Target) { //This has to be ran on the main game thread! if (keepOriginalLocation) { var BoundingBox = FindBoundingBox(_grids); //sphere.Center = Target; List <MyEntity> entities = new List <MyEntity>(); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllEntitiesInOBB(ref BoundingBox, entities); Hangar.Debug(BoundingBox.ToString()); Hangar.Debug(entities.Count.ToString()); bool PotentialGrids = false; foreach (var entity in entities) { if (entity is MyCubeGrid) { PotentialGrids = true; BoundingBox Box = entity.PositionComp.LocalAABB; ContainmentType Type = BoundingBox.Contains(ref Box); Hangar.Debug(entity.DisplayName + " is intersecting spawn area! Containment Type: " + Type.ToString()); _Response.Respond("There are potentially other grids in the way. Attempting to spawn around the location to avoid collisions."); break; } } if (PotentialGrids) { var pos = FindPastePosition(Target); if (!pos.HasValue) { _Response.Respond("No free spawning zone found! Stopping load!"); return(false); } UpdateGridsPosition(pos.Value); return(true); } else { return(true); } } //Everything else is loading for near point if (!keepOriginalLocation) { /* Where do we want to paste the grids? Lets find out. */ var pos = FindPastePosition(Target); if (pos == null) { _Response.Respond("No free spawning zone found! Stopping load!"); return(false); } var newPosition = pos.Value; /* Update GridsPosition if that doesnt work get out of here. */ if (!UpdateGridsPosition(newPosition)) { _Response.Respond("The File to be imported does not seem to be compatible with the server!"); return(false); } } return(true); }
private bool LoadShipBlueprint(MyObjectBuilder_ShipBlueprintDefinition shipBlueprint, Vector3D playerPosition, bool keepOriginalLocation, Chat chat, bool force = false) { var grids = shipBlueprint.CubeGrids; if (grids == null || grids.Length == 0) { Hangar.Debug("No grids in blueprint!"); chat.Respond("No grids in blueprint!"); return(false); } bool LoadNearPosition = false; //For loading in the same location ParallelSpawner Spawner = new ParallelSpawner(grids); var position = grids[0].PositionAndOrientation.Value; if (keepOriginalLocation) { var sphere = FindBoundingSphere(grids); sphere.Center = position.Position; List <MyEntity> entities = new List <MyEntity>(); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllTopMostEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere, entities); foreach (var entity in entities) { if (entity is MyCubeGrid) { chat.Respond("There are potentially other grids in the way. Loading near the original point."); LoadNearPosition = true; } } if (!LoadNearPosition) { /* Remapping to prevent any key problems upon paste. */ MyEntities.RemapObjectBuilderCollection(grids); Spawner.Start(); return(true); } } /* * Everything else is loading for near player * * * */ /* Where do we want to paste the grids? Lets find out. */ var pos = FindPastePosition(grids, position.Position); if (pos == null) { Hangar.Debug("No free Space found!"); chat.Respond("No free space available!"); return(false); } var newPosition = pos.Value; /* Update GridsPosition if that doesnt work get out of here. */ if (!UpdateGridsPosition(grids, newPosition)) { chat.Respond("The File to be imported does not seem to be compatible with the server!"); return(false); } MyEntities.RemapObjectBuilderCollection(grids); Spawner.Start(); return(true); }
public bool LoadGrid(string GridName, MyCharacter Player, long TargetPlayerID, bool keepOriginalLocation, Chat chat, bool force = false) { string path = Path.Combine(FolderPath, GridName + ".sbc"); if (!File.Exists(path)) { chat.Respond("Grid doesnt exist! Admin should check logs for more information."); Log.Fatal("Grid doesnt exsist @" + path); return(false); } if (MyObjectBuilderSerializer.DeserializeXML(path, out MyObjectBuilder_Definitions myObjectBuilder_Definitions)) { var shipBlueprints = myObjectBuilder_Definitions.ShipBlueprints; if (shipBlueprints == null) { Hangar.Debug("No ShipBlueprints in File '" + path + "'"); chat.Respond("There arent any Grids in your file to import!"); return(false); } if (!HangarChecker.BlockLimitChecker(shipBlueprints)) { Hangar.Debug("Block Limiter Checker Failed"); return(false); } if (Config.OnLoadTransfer) { Log.Warn("Target player: " + TargetPlayerID); //Will transfer pcu to new player foreach (MyObjectBuilder_ShipBlueprintDefinition definition in shipBlueprints) { foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid CubeGridDef in definition.CubeGrids) { foreach (MyObjectBuilder_CubeBlock block in CubeGridDef.CubeBlocks) { block.Owner = TargetPlayerID; block.BuiltBy = TargetPlayerID; } } } } if (keepOriginalLocation) { foreach (var shipBlueprint in shipBlueprints) { if (!LoadShipBlueprint(shipBlueprint, Player.PositionComp.GetPosition(), true, chat)) { Hangar.Debug("Error Loading ShipBlueprints from File '" + path + "'"); return(false); } } File.Move(path, path + ".bak"); //File.Delete(path); return(true); } else { Hangar.Debug("Attempting to align grid to gravity!"); AlignToGravity GravityAligner = new AlignToGravity(shipBlueprints, Player.PositionComp.GetPosition(), chat); if (GravityAligner.Start()) { File.Move(path, Path.Combine(FolderPath, GridName + ".bak")); //File.Delete(path); return(true); } } } return(false); }
//Force update public bool Update(CrossServerMessage Message) { if (_Market.IsHostServer) { string MarketServerData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Message); //Write to file and broadcast to all clients! Hangar.Debug("Sending new market data to clients! " + Message.Type.ToString()); if (Message.Type == MessageType.AddItem) { //Main.Debug("Point1"); Server.BroadcastLine(MarketServerData); //Main.Debug("Point2"); //Update server. GridMarket.GridList.Add(Message.List[0]); //Main.GridDefinition.Add(Message.GridDefinition[0]); //Send update to clients on this game server! Comms.AddSingleItem(Message.List[0]); //Main.Debug("Point3"); //Save data to file (This is server!) MarketData Data = new MarketData(); Data.List = GridMarket.GridList; FileSaver.Save(Path.Combine(Hangar.Dir, "Market.json"), Data); } else if (Message.Type == MessageType.RemoveItem) { Server.BroadcastLine(MarketServerData); //Update server. GridMarket.GridList.Remove(Message.List[0]); //Main.GridDefinition.RemoveAll(Message.GridDefinition[0]); //Main.GridDefinition.RemoveAll(x => == Message.List[0].Name); //Send update to clients on this game server! Comms.RemoveSingleItem(Message.List[0]); //Save data to file (This is server!) MarketData Data = new MarketData(); Data.List = GridMarket.GridList; FileSaver.Save(Path.Combine(Hangar.Dir, "Market.json"), Data); } else if (Message.Type == MessageType.PlayerAccountUpdated) { //Do nothing. (Send data to server and wait for reply) Server.BroadcastLine(MarketServerData); foreach (PlayerAccount account in Message.BalanceUpdate) { Utils.TryUpdatePlayerBalance(account); if (!GridMarket.PlayerAccounts.ContainsKey(account.SteamID)) { if (!account.AccountAdjustment) { GridMarket.PlayerAccounts.Add(account.SteamID, account.AccountBalance); } } else { if (!account.AccountAdjustment) { GridMarket.PlayerAccounts[account.SteamID] = account.AccountBalance; } else { //Add this to the general list GridMarket.PlayerAccounts[account.SteamID] = account.AccountBalance + GridMarket.PlayerAccounts[account.SteamID]; } } } Accounts accounts = new Accounts(); accounts.PlayerAccounts = GridMarket.PlayerAccounts; FileSaver.Save(Path.Combine(Hangar.Dir, "PlayerAccounts.json"), accounts); } else if (Message.Type == MessageType.PlayerOnline) { //Server found the player online! (By Joining) //var first = Message.BalanceUpdate.First(); //ulong key = first.Key; // Main.PlayerAccountUpdate.Remove(key); //Broadcast to all clients! Server.BroadcastLine(MarketServerData); } else if (Message.Type == MessageType.PurchasedGrid) { var t = Task.Run(() => _Market.PurchaseGrid(Message.GridDefinition[0])); } //File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Main.Dir, "Market.json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Data)); } else { try { string MarketClientData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Message); //Send to server to get reply Client.Write(MarketClientData); if (Message.Type == MessageType.AddItem) { //Send update to clients on this game server! Comms.AddSingleItem(Message.List[0]); } else if (Message.Type == MessageType.RemoveItem) { //Send update to clients on this game server! Comms.RemoveSingleItem(Message.List[0]); } } catch (System.IO.IOException e) { //Server no longer responding? Perhaps it shutdown? Or restarted? //This means THIS server needs to be the new server //Or this is an old client needing to be re-connected to server. This means we need to redo/Reconnect everything! Hangar.Debug("Server closed! Trying to Update!", e, Hangar.ErrorType.Warn); //Remove client DataRecieved Event! Client.DelimiterDataReceived -= Client_DelimiterDataReceived; //Re run create servers and client class! CreateServers(); //Re run the update Update(Message); } catch (Exception g) { Hangar.Debug("CrossServer Market Network Failed Fatally!", g, Hangar.ErrorType.Fatal); } } return(true); }
//Client data recieved private void Client_DelimiterDataReceived(object sender, SimpleTCP.Message e) { //if we recieve data as client we need to update the market list from the one that the server sent try { //e.MessageString.TrimEnd(e.MessageString[e.MessageString.Length-1]); CrossServerMessage RecievedData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CrossServerMessage>(e.MessageString); Hangar.Debug("Server Data Recieved! " + RecievedData.Type.ToString()); if (RecievedData.Type == MessageType.AddItem) { if (!GridMarket.GridList.Contains(RecievedData.List[0])) { //If its not already in the list, add it. GridMarket.GridList.Add(RecievedData.List[0]); //Main.GridDefinition.Add(RecievedData.GridDefinition[0]); //Send update to clients on this game server! Comms.AddSingleItem(RecievedData.List[0]); } } else if (RecievedData.Type == MessageType.RemoveItem) { if (GridMarket.GridList.Any(x => x.Name == RecievedData.List[0].Name)) { Hangar.Debug("Removing: " + RecievedData.List[0].Name + " from market!"); GridMarket.GridList.RemoveAll(x => x.Name == RecievedData.List[0].Name); //Main.GridDefinition.RemoveAll(x => == RecievedData.List[0].Name); //Send update to clients on this game server! Comms.RemoveSingleItem(RecievedData.List[0]); } } else if (RecievedData.Type == MessageType.PlayerAccountUpdated) { foreach (PlayerAccount account in RecievedData.BalanceUpdate) { Utils.TryUpdatePlayerBalance(account); if (!GridMarket.PlayerAccounts.ContainsKey(account.SteamID)) { if (!account.AccountAdjustment) { GridMarket.PlayerAccounts.Add(account.SteamID, account.AccountBalance); } } else { if (!account.AccountAdjustment) { GridMarket.PlayerAccounts[account.SteamID] = account.AccountBalance; } else { //Add this to the general list GridMarket.PlayerAccounts[account.SteamID] = account.AccountBalance + GridMarket.PlayerAccounts[account.SteamID]; } } } } else if (RecievedData.Type == MessageType.PlayerOnline) { //Player was online somewhere! //var first = RecievedData.BalanceUpdate.First(); //ulong key = first.Key; //Main.PlayerAccountUpdate.Remove(key); } else if (RecievedData.Type == MessageType.RequestAll && !RecievedInitialRequest) { //Update everything! (New Server started!) //Main.GridDefinition = RecievedData.GridDefinition; GridMarket.GridList = RecievedData.List; //Main.PlayerAccountUpdate = RecievedData.BalanceUpdate; RecievedInitialRequest = true; } else if (RecievedData.Type == MessageType.PurchasedGrid) { var t = Task.Run(() => _Market.PurchaseGrid(RecievedData.GridDefinition[0])); } MarketData Data = new MarketData(); //Data.GridDefinition = Main.GridDefinition; Data.List = GridMarket.GridList; //Save //FileSaver.Save(Path.Combine(Main.Dir, "Market.json"), Data); //File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Main.Dir, "Market.json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Data)); } catch (Exception c) { Hangar.Debug("Client DeserializeObject Error! ", c, Hangar.ErrorType.Fatal); } //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private void Server_DataReceived(object sender, SimpleTCP.Message e) { //if we recieve data to server, this means we need to update clients, and save file to disk CrossServerMessage RecievedData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CrossServerMessage>(e.MessageString); Hangar.Debug("Client Data Recieved! " + RecievedData.Type.ToString()); if (RecievedData.Type == MessageType.AddItem) { Server.BroadcastLine(e.MessageString); //Now that we added our items... we need to save file //Main.GridDefinition.Add(RecievedData.GridDefinition[0]); GridMarket.GridList.Add(RecievedData.List[0]); //Send update to clients on this game server! Comms.AddSingleItem(RecievedData.List[0]); //Save data to file (This is server!) MarketData Data = new MarketData(); Data.List = GridMarket.GridList; FileSaver.Save(Path.Combine(Hangar.Dir, "Market.json"), Data); } else if (RecievedData.Type == MessageType.RemoveItem) { Server.BroadcastLine(e.MessageString); //Just goahead and check to see if the list contains etc. if (GridMarket.GridList.Any(x => x.Name == RecievedData.List[0].Name)) { Hangar.Debug("Removing: " + RecievedData.List[0].Name + " from market!"); GridMarket.GridList.RemoveAll(x => x.Name == RecievedData.List[0].Name); //Main.GridDefinition.RemoveAll(x => == RecievedData.List[0].Name); //Send update to clients on this game server! Comms.RemoveSingleItem(RecievedData.List[0]); } //Save data to file (This is server!) MarketData Data = new MarketData(); Data.List = GridMarket.GridList; FileSaver.Save(Path.Combine(Hangar.Dir, "Market.json"), Data); } else if (RecievedData.Type == MessageType.PlayerAccountUpdated) { Server.BroadcastLine(e.MessageString); //Store values foreach (PlayerAccount account in RecievedData.BalanceUpdate) { Utils.TryUpdatePlayerBalance(account); if (!GridMarket.PlayerAccounts.ContainsKey(account.SteamID)) { if (!account.AccountAdjustment) { GridMarket.PlayerAccounts.Add(account.SteamID, account.AccountBalance); } } else { if (!account.AccountAdjustment) { GridMarket.PlayerAccounts[account.SteamID] = account.AccountBalance; } else { //Add this to the general list GridMarket.PlayerAccounts[account.SteamID] = account.AccountBalance + GridMarket.PlayerAccounts[account.SteamID]; } } } Accounts accounts = new Accounts(); accounts.PlayerAccounts = GridMarket.PlayerAccounts; try { FileSaver.Save(Path.Combine(Hangar.Dir, "PlayerAccounts.json"), accounts); //File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Main.Dir, "PlayerAccounts.json"), JsonConvert.SerializeObject(accounts)); } catch (Exception a) { Hangar.Debug("IO Exception!", a, Hangar.ErrorType.Warn); } /* * //Need to check to see if the player is online! * //var first = RecievedData.BalanceUpdate.First(); * //ulong key = first.Key; * //long val = first.Value; * * * * List<IMyPlayer> Seller = new List<IMyPlayer>(); * //MyAPIGateway.Players.GetPlayers(Seller, x => x.SteamUserId == Item.Steamid); * MyAPIGateway.Players.GetPlayers(Seller, x => x.SteamUserId == key); * * if (Seller.Count == 1) * { * //Player is online! Attempt to change player balance! * Seller[0].RequestChangeBalance(val); * * //Send message to server that play is online! * CrossServerMessage PlayerOnlineMessage = new CrossServerMessage(); * PlayerOnlineMessage.Type = CrossServer.MessageType.PlayerOnline; * //PlayerOnlineMessage.BalanceUpdate.Add(key, val); * * Update(PlayerOnlineMessage); * } * else * { * //Player is offline. Check to see if this server already has the player! (Remove and add new!) * if (Main.PlayerAccountUpdate.ContainsKey(key)) * { * //Remove old Key * Main.PlayerAccountUpdate.Remove(key); * } * * Main.PlayerAccountUpdate.Add(key, val); * * Server.BroadcastLine(e.MessageString); * } */ } else if (RecievedData.Type == MessageType.RequestAll) { CrossServerMessage AllData = new CrossServerMessage(); //AllData.GridDefinition = Main.GridDefinition; AllData.List = GridMarket.GridList; //AllData.BalanceUpdate = Main.PlayerAccounts; AllData.Type = MessageType.RequestAll; string AllDataString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(AllData); Server.BroadcastLine(AllDataString); } //File.WriteAllText(Path.Combine(Main.Dir, "Market.json"), FileData); //throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private bool LoadShipBlueprint(MyObjectBuilder_ShipBlueprintDefinition shipBlueprint, Vector3D playerPosition, bool keepOriginalLocation, Chat chat, Hangar Plugin, bool force = false) { var grids = shipBlueprint.CubeGrids; if (grids == null || grids.Length == 0) { Hangar.Debug("No grids in blueprint!"); chat.Respond("No grids in blueprint!"); return(false); } try { MyIdentity IDentity = MySession.Static.Players.TryGetPlayerIdentity(new MyPlayer.PlayerId(SteamID)); if (Plugin.GridBackup != null) { Plugin.GridBackup.GetType().GetMethod("BackupGridsManuallyWithBuilders", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance, null, new Type[2] { typeof(List <MyObjectBuilder_CubeGrid>), typeof(long) }, null).Invoke(Plugin.GridBackup, new object[] { grids.ToList(), IDentity.IdentityId }); Log.Warn("Successfully BackedUp grid!"); } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Fatal(e); } bool LoadNearPosition = false; //For loading in the same location ParallelSpawner Spawner = new ParallelSpawner(grids); var position = grids[0].PositionAndOrientation.Value; if (keepOriginalLocation) { var sphere = FindBoundingSphere(grids); sphere.Center = position.Position; List <MyEntity> entities = new List <MyEntity>(); MyGamePruningStructure.GetAllTopMostEntitiesInSphere(ref sphere, entities); foreach (var entity in entities) { if (entity is MyCubeGrid) { chat.Respond("There are potentially other grids in the way. Loading near the original point."); LoadNearPosition = true; } } if (!LoadNearPosition) { /* Remapping to prevent any key problems upon paste. */ MyEntities.RemapObjectBuilderCollection(grids); Spawner.Start(); return(true); } } /* * Everything else is loading for near player * * * */ /* Where do we want to paste the grids? Lets find out. */ var pos = FindPastePosition(grids, position.Position); if (pos == null) { Hangar.Debug("No free Space found!"); chat.Respond("No free space available!"); return(false); } var newPosition = pos.Value; /* Update GridsPosition if that doesnt work get out of here. */ if (!UpdateGridsPosition(grids, newPosition)) { chat.Respond("The File to be imported does not seem to be compatible with the server!"); return(false); } MyEntities.RemapObjectBuilderCollection(grids); Spawner.Start(); return(true); }