private ExchangeOrderResult ParseOrder(string orderId, JToken order)
            ExchangeOrderResult orderResult = new ExchangeOrderResult {
                OrderId = orderId

            switch (order["status"].ToStringInvariant())
            case "pending": orderResult.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.Pending; break;

            case "open": orderResult.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.FilledPartially; break;

            case "closed": orderResult.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.Filled; break;

            case "canceled":
            case "expired": orderResult.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.Canceled; break;

            default: orderResult.Result = ExchangeAPIOrderResult.Error; break;
            orderResult.Message      = (orderResult.Message ?? order["reason"].ToStringInvariant());
            orderResult.OrderDate    = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(order["opentm"].ConvertInvariant <double>());
            orderResult.Symbol       = order["descr"]["pair"].ToStringInvariant();
            orderResult.IsBuy        = (order["descr"]["type"].ToStringInvariant() == "buy");
            orderResult.Amount       = order["vol"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>();
            orderResult.AmountFilled = order["vol_exec"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>();
            orderResult.Price        = order["descr"]["price"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>();
            orderResult.AveragePrice = order["price"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>();

        /// <summary>
        /// Get market candles
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="exchange">Exchange name</param>
        /// <param name="marketName">Market name</param>
        /// <param name="before">Optional date to restrict data to before this date</param>
        /// <param name="after">Optional date to restrict data to after this date</param>
        /// <param name="periods">Periods</param>
        /// <returns>Market candles</returns>
        public async Task <IEnumerable <MarketCandle> > GetMarketCandlesAsync(string exchange, string marketName, DateTime?before, DateTime?after, params int[] periods)
            await new SynchronizationContextRemover();

            List <MarketCandle> candles = new List <MarketCandle>();
            string periodString         = string.Join(",", periods);
            string beforeDateString     = (before == null ? string.Empty : "&before=" + (long)before.Value.UnixTimestampFromDateTimeSeconds());
            string afterDateString      = (after == null ? string.Empty : "&after=" + (long)after.Value.UnixTimestampFromDateTimeSeconds());
            string url   = "/markets/" + exchange + "/" + marketName + "/ohlc?periods=" + periodString + beforeDateString + afterDateString;
            JToken token = await MakeCryptowatchRequestAsync(url);

            foreach (JProperty prop in token)
                foreach (JArray array in prop.Value)
                    candles.Add(new MarketCandle
                        ExchangeName    = exchange,
                        Name            = marketName,
                        ClosePrice      = array[4].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        Timestamp       = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(array[0].ConvertInvariant <long>()),
                        HighPrice       = array[2].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        LowPrice        = array[3].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        OpenPrice       = array[1].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        PeriodSeconds   = prop.Name.ConvertInvariant <int>(),
                        BaseVolume      = array[5].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        ConvertedVolume = array[5].ConvertInvariant <decimal>() * array[4].ConvertInvariant <decimal>()

Пример #3
        protected override async Task <IEnumerable <MarketCandle> > OnGetCandlesAsync(string symbol, int periodSeconds, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null, int?limit = null)
            //if (limit != null) throw new APIException("Limit parameter not supported");  Really? You want to throw an exception instead of ignoring the parm?
            List <MarketCandle> candles = new List <MarketCandle>();

            endDate   = endDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow;
            startDate = startDate ?? endDate.Value.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0));

            //[time, low, high, open, close, volume], ["1505984400","14209.92500000","14209.92500000","14209.92500000","14209.92500000","0.001"]
            JToken obj = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>("/products/" + symbol + "/candles?granularity=" + periodSeconds + "&start=" + ((DateTime)startDate).ToString("o") + "&end=" + ((DateTime)endDate).ToString("o"));

            if (obj.HasValues)
                foreach (JArray array in obj)
                    candles.Add(new MarketCandle()
                        ExchangeName    = this.Name,
                        Name            = symbol,
                        Timestamp       = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(array[0].ConvertInvariant <long>()),
                        PeriodSeconds   = periodSeconds,
                        LowPrice        = array[1].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        HighPrice       = array[2].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        OpenPrice       = array[3].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        ClosePrice      = array[4].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        ConvertedVolume = array[5].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        BaseVolume      = array[4].ConvertInvariant <decimal>()
Пример #4
        protected override async Task <IEnumerable <MarketCandle> > OnGetCandlesAsync(string symbol, int periodSeconds, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null, int?limit = null)
             * {
             * "status": "ok",
             * "ch": "market.btcusdt.kline.1day",
             * "ts": 1499223904680,
             * “data”: [
             * {
             *  "id": 1499184000,
             *  "amount": 37593.0266,
             *  "count": 0,
             *  "open": 1935.2000,
             *  "close": 1879.0000,
             *  "low": 1856.0000,
             *  "high": 1940.0000,
             *  "vol": 71031537.97866500
             * },

            List <MarketCandle> candles = new List <MarketCandle>();

            symbol = NormalizeSymbol(symbol);
            string url = "/market/history/kline?symbol=" + symbol;

            if (limit != null)
                // default is 150, max: 2000
                url += "&size=" + (limit.Value.ToStringInvariant());
            string periodString = CryptoUtility.SecondsToPeriodStringLong(periodSeconds);

            url += "&period=" + periodString;
            JToken allCandles = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>(url, BaseUrl, null);

            var ts = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeMilliseconds(allCandles.Parent.Parent["ts"].ConvertInvariant <long>());

            foreach (var array in allCandles)
                candles.Add(new MarketCandle
                    ClosePrice      = array["close"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    ExchangeName    = Name,
                    HighPrice       = array["high"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    LowPrice        = array["low"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    Name            = symbol,
                    OpenPrice       = array["open"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    PeriodSeconds   = periodSeconds,
                    Timestamp       = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(array["id"].ConvertInvariant <long>()),
                    BaseVolume      = array["vol"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>() / array["close"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    ConvertedVolume = array["vol"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    WeightedAverage = 0m


        protected override async Task OnGetHistoricalTradesAsync(Func <IEnumerable <ExchangeTrade>, bool> callback, string symbol, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null)
            symbol = NormalizeSymbol(symbol);
            string               baseUrl = "/0/public/Trades?pair=" + symbol;
            string               url;
            DateTime             timestamp;
            List <ExchangeTrade> trades = new List <ExchangeTrade>();

            while (true)
                url = baseUrl;
                if (startDate != null)
                    url += "&since=" + (long)(CryptoUtility.UnixTimestampFromDateTimeMilliseconds(startDate.Value) * 1000000.0);
                JToken result = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>(url);

                if (result == null)
                JArray outerArray = result[symbol] as JArray;
                if (outerArray == null || outerArray.Count == 0)
                if (startDate != null)
                    startDate = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeMilliseconds(result["last"].ConvertInvariant <double>() / 1000000.0d);
                foreach (JArray array in outerArray.Children <JArray>())
                    timestamp = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(array[2].ConvertInvariant <double>());
                    trades.Add(new ExchangeTrade
                        Amount    = array[1].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        Price     = array[0].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        Timestamp = timestamp,
                        Id        = timestamp.Ticks,
                        IsBuy     = array[3].ConvertInvariant <char>() == 'b'
                trades.Sort((t1, t2) => t1.Timestamp.CompareTo(t2.Timestamp));
                if (!callback(trades))
                if (startDate == null)
 private ExchangeTrade ParseTrade(JToken token)
     // [ {"time": 1409935047,"id": 99451,"price": 350,"quantity": 2.85714285, "type": "BUY" }, ... ]
     return(new ExchangeTrade()
         Timestamp = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(token["time"].ConvertInvariant <long>()),
         Id = token["id"].ConvertInvariant <long>(),
         Price = token["price"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
         Amount = token["quantity"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
         IsBuy = token["type"].ToStringInvariant().Equals("BUY")
        protected override async Task <IEnumerable <MarketCandle> > OnGetCandlesAsync(string symbol, int periodSeconds, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null, int?limit = null)
            if (limit != null)
                throw new APIException("Limit parameter not supported");

            // /products/<product-id>/candles
            List <MarketCandle> candles = new List <MarketCandle>();

            symbol = NormalizeSymbol(symbol);
            string url = "/products/" + symbol + "/candles?granularity=" + periodSeconds;

            if (startDate == null)
                startDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0));
            url += "&start=" + startDate.Value.ToString("s", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if (endDate == null)
                endDate = DateTime.UtcNow;
            url += "&end=" + endDate.Value.ToString("s", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // time, low, high, open, close, volume
            JToken token = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>(url);

            foreach (JArray candle in token)
                decimal volume = candle[5].ConvertInvariant <decimal>();
                decimal close  = candle[4].ConvertInvariant <decimal>();
                candles.Add(new MarketCandle
                    ClosePrice      = close,
                    ExchangeName    = Name,
                    HighPrice       = candle[2].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    LowPrice        = candle[1].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    Name            = symbol,
                    OpenPrice       = candle[3].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    PeriodSeconds   = periodSeconds,
                    Timestamp       = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(candle[0].ConvertInvariant <long>()),
                    BaseVolume      = volume,
                    ConvertedVolume = ((decimal)volume * close)
            // re-sort in ascending order
            candles.Sort((c1, c2) => c1.Timestamp.CompareTo(c2.Timestamp));
        protected override async Task <IEnumerable <MarketCandle> > OnGetCandlesAsync(string symbol, int periodSeconds, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null, int?limit = null)
            if (limit != null)
                throw new APIException("Limit parameter not supported");

            // pair = asset pair to get OHLC data for, interval = time frame interval in minutes(optional):, 1(default), 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 1440, 10080, 21600, since = return committed OHLC data since given id(optional.exclusive)
            // array of array entries(<time>, <open>, <high>, <low>, <close>, <vwap>, <volume>, <count>)
            symbol    = NormalizeSymbol(symbol);
            startDate = startDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0));
            endDate   = endDate ?? DateTime.UtcNow;
            JToken json = await MakeJsonRequestAsync <JToken>("/0/public/OHLC?pair=" + symbol + "&interval=" + periodSeconds / 60 + "&since=" + startDate);

            List <MarketCandle> candles = new List <MarketCandle>();

            if (json.Children().Count() != 0)
                JProperty prop = json.Children().First() as JProperty;
                foreach (JArray jsonCandle in prop.Value)
                    MarketCandle candle = new MarketCandle
                        ClosePrice      = jsonCandle[4].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        ExchangeName    = Name,
                        HighPrice       = jsonCandle[2].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        LowPrice        = jsonCandle[3].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        Name            = symbol,
                        OpenPrice       = jsonCandle[1].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        PeriodSeconds   = periodSeconds,
                        Timestamp       = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(jsonCandle[0].ConvertInvariant <long>()),
                        BaseVolume      = jsonCandle[6].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        ConvertedVolume = jsonCandle[6].ConvertInvariant <decimal>() * jsonCandle[4].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                        WeightedAverage = jsonCandle[5].ConvertInvariant <decimal>()
                    if (candle.Timestamp >= startDate.Value && candle.Timestamp <= endDate.Value)

Пример #9
        protected override async Task OnGetHistoricalTradesAsync(Func <IEnumerable <ExchangeTrade>, bool> callback, string symbol, DateTime?startDate = null, DateTime?endDate = null)
            // [{"date": "1513387997", "tid": "33734815", "price": "0.01724547", "type": "1", "amount": "5.56481714"}]
            symbol = NormalizeSymbol(symbol);
            JToken token = await MakeBitstampRequestAsync("/transactions/" + symbol);

            List <ExchangeTrade> trades = new List <ExchangeTrade>();

            foreach (JToken trade in token)
                trades.Add(new ExchangeTrade
                    Amount    = trade["amount"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    Id        = trade["tid"].ConvertInvariant <long>(),
                    IsBuy     = trade["type"].ToStringInvariant() == "0",
                    Price     = trade["price"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    Timestamp = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(trade["date"].ConvertInvariant <long>())
Пример #10
        protected override async Task <ExchangeTicker> OnGetTickerAsync(string symbol)
            // {"high": "0.10948945", "last": "0.10121817", "timestamp": "1513387486", "bid": "0.10112165", "vwap": "0.09958913", "volume": "9954.37332614", "low": "0.09100000", "ask": "0.10198408", "open": "0.10250028"}
            symbol = NormalizeSymbol(symbol);
            JToken token = await MakeBitstampRequestAsync("/ticker/" + symbol);

            return(new ExchangeTicker
                Ask = token["ask"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                Bid = token["bid"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                Last = token["last"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                Volume = new ExchangeVolume
                    BaseVolume = token["volume"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    BaseSymbol = symbol,
                    ConvertedVolume = token["volume"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>() * token["last"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                    ConvertedSymbol = symbol,
                    Timestamp = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(token["timestamp"].ConvertInvariant <long>())
        private ExchangeTicker ParseTicker(string symbol, JToken data)

            JToken  ticker = data["ticker"];
            decimal last   = ticker["last"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>();
            decimal vol    = ticker["vol"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>();

            return(new ExchangeTicker
                Ask = ticker["sell"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                Bid = ticker["buy"].ConvertInvariant <decimal>(),
                Last = last,
                Volume = new ExchangeVolume
                    BaseVolume = vol,
                    BaseSymbol = symbol,
                    ConvertedVolume = vol * last,
                    ConvertedSymbol = symbol,
                    Timestamp = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(data["date"].ConvertInvariant <long>())
 public static void CreateBinFileFromCSVFiles(string outputFile, params string[] inputFiles)
         Trade  trade = new Trade();
         byte[] bytes = new byte[16];
         fixed(byte *ptr = bytes)
             foreach (string file in inputFiles)
                 using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(file, CryptoUtility.UTF8EncodingNoPrefix))
                     using (Stream writer = File.Create(outputFile))
                         string   line;
                         string[] lines;
                         DateTime dt;
                         while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                             lines = line.Split(',');
                             if (lines.Length == 3)
                                 dt           = CryptoUtility.UnixTimeStampToDateTimeSeconds(double.Parse(lines[0]));
                                 trade.Ticks  = (long)CryptoUtility.UnixTimestampFromDateTimeMilliseconds(dt);
                                 trade.Price  = float.Parse(lines[1]);
                                 trade.Amount = float.Parse(lines[2]);
                                 if (trade.Amount > 0.01f && trade.Price > 0.5f)
                                     *(Trade *)ptr = trade;
                                     writer.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);