public void GetOpenCloseHighLow(string symbl, DateTime start, DateTime end, out TimeSeries open, out TimeSeries close, out TimeSeries high, out TimeSeries low) { var a = new Quote(symbl); XDocument doc = null; if (Properties.Settings.Default.PollWebAPI) { doc = a.Fetch(start.Date, end); if (doc == null) { throw new Exception(); } } open = new TimeSeries(symbl); close = new TimeSeries(symbl); high = new TimeSeries(symbl); low = new TimeSeries(symbl); if (!Properties.Settings.Default.PollWebAPI) { open = Open(symbl, start, end, 1); high = Open(symbl, start, end, 2); low = Open(symbl, start, end, 3); close = Open(symbl, start, end, 4); return; } foreach (var quote in doc.Descendants("quote")) { open.Add(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(DateTime.Parse(quote.Element("Date").Value)), double.Parse(quote.Element("Open").Value)); close.Add(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(DateTime.Parse(quote.Element("Date").Value)), double.Parse(quote.Element("Close").Value)); high.Add(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(DateTime.Parse(quote.Element("Date").Value)), double.Parse(quote.Element("High").Value)); low.Add(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(DateTime.Parse(quote.Element("Date").Value)), double.Parse(quote.Element("Low").Value)); } }
public Histogram(TimeSeries data, double binSize) { this.binSize = binSize; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count(); i++) { IncrementAt((int)Math.Floor(data[i] / binSize)); } }
/// <summary>Uses Scott's choice algorithm to assign bin width: ///</summary> public Histogram(TimeSeries data) { var bS = (3.5 * data.StandardDeviation) / Math.Pow(data.Count(), .33333333333333); if (bS <= 0) bS = .01; this.binSize = bS; for (int i = 0; i < data.Count(); i++) { IncrementAt((int)Math.Floor(data[i] / binSize)); } }
public TimeSeries DailyReturns(int i, DateTime start, DateTime end) { var r = getReader(i); TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(getTitle(i)); double lastVal = double.NaN; foreach (var p in r.readData(0, 6, start, end)) { double y = p.Y / lastVal - 1; if (lastVal == double.NaN) y = 0; ts.Add(p.X, y); lastVal = p.Y; } return ts; }
public TimeSeries Open2(string symbl, DataType type, DateTime start, DateTime end) { var a = new Quote(symbl); XDocument doc = null; if (Properties.Settings.Default.PollWebAPI) { doc = a.Fetch(start.Date, end); if (doc == null) { throw new Exception(); } } TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(symbl); if (type == DataType.AdjClose) { if (!Properties.Settings.Default.PollWebAPI) { return Open(symbl, start, end, 6); } foreach (var quote in doc.Descendants("quote")) { ts.Add(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(DateTime.Parse(quote.Element("Date").Value)), double.Parse(quote.Element("Adj_Close").Value)); } } if (type == DataType.Volume) { if (!Properties.Settings.Default.PollWebAPI) { return Open(symbl, start, end, 5); } foreach (var quote in doc.Descendants("quote")) { ts.Add(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(DateTime.Parse(quote.Element("Date").Value)), double.Parse(quote.Element("Volume").Value)); } } if (type == DataType.Close) { if (!Properties.Settings.Default.PollWebAPI) { return Open(symbl, start, end, 4); } foreach (var quote in doc.Descendants("quote")) { ts.Add(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(DateTime.Parse(quote.Element("Date").Value)), double.Parse(quote.Element("Close").Value)); } } if (type == DataType.Open) { if (!Properties.Settings.Default.PollWebAPI) { return Open(symbl, start, end, 1); } foreach (var quote in doc.Descendants("quote")) { ts.Add(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(DateTime.Parse(quote.Element("Date").Value)), double.Parse(quote.Element("Open").Value)); } } if (type == DataType.High) { if (!Properties.Settings.Default.PollWebAPI) { return Open(symbl, start, end, 2); } foreach (var quote in doc.Descendants("quote")) { ts.Add(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(DateTime.Parse(quote.Element("Date").Value)), double.Parse(quote.Element("High").Value)); } } if (type == DataType.Low) { foreach (var quote in doc.Descendants("quote")) { ts.Add(DateTimeAxis.ToDouble(DateTime.Parse(quote.Element("Date").Value)), double.Parse(quote.Element("Low").Value)); } } return ts; }
public TimeSeries Open(int i, DateTime start, DateTime end, int fieldIdx = 6) { TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(getTitle(i)); var r = getReader(i); try { foreach (var p in r.readData(0, fieldIdx, start, end)) { ts.Add(p.X, p.Y); } } catch{ } return ts; }
public TimeSeries Open(string symbol, DateTime start, DateTime end, int fieldIdx = 6) { TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(symbol); var r = getReader(symbol); try { foreach (var p in r.readData(0, fieldIdx, start, end)) { ts.Add(p.X, p.Y); } } catch { } return ts; }
public TimeSeries Open(string symbl, DataType type, DateTime start, DateTime end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; symbl = symbl.ToUpper(); var a = new Quote(symbl); //var doc = a.Fetch(DateTime.Parse("2010-03-5").Date, DateTime.Parse("2011-03-5")); TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(symbl); if (type == DataType.AdjClose) { return Open(symbolIndex[symbl], start, end, 6); } if (type == DataType.Volume) { return Open(symbolIndex[symbl], start, end, 5); } if (type == DataType.Close) { return Open(symbolIndex[symbl], start, end, 4); } //if (type == DataType.DailyReturns) { // return DailyReturns(symbolIndex[symbl], start, end); //} throw new Exception(); }
public TimeSeries GetDiffs() { double lastVal = double.NaN; TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(this.Name); ///Notice that this for loop iterates forward in time for (int i = domain.Count() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { double y = range[i] / lastVal - 1; if (double.IsNaN(lastVal)) y = 0; ts.Add(domain[i], y); lastVal = range[i]; } return ts; }
public ScatterSeries CorrelateDailyReturns(TimeSeries ts2) { ScatterSeries ss = new ScatterSeries() { MarkerSize = .8, MarkerStroke = OxyColors.Blue, MarkerFill = OxyColors.Blue }; int i = this.DailyReturns.Count() - 1; int j = ts2.DailyReturns.Count() - 1; while (i >= 0 && j >= 0) { double domaini = this.DailyReturns.domain[i]; double domainj = ts2.DailyReturns.domain[j]; if (domaini != domainj) { if (domaini > domainj) { i--; } else { j--; } continue; } else { ss.Points.Add(new ScatterPoint(this.DailyReturns.range[i], ts2.DailyReturns.range[j])); i--; j--; } } return ss; }
public ScatterSeries Correlate2(TimeSeries ts2) { ScatterSeries ss = new ScatterSeries() { MarkerSize = .8, MarkerStroke = OxyColors.Blue, MarkerFill = OxyColors.Blue }; bool axis1Direction = this.domain[1] - this.domain[0] > 0; bool axis2Direction = ts2.domain[1] - ts2.domain[0] > 0; int i, j; if (axis1Direction) { i = this.Count() - 1; } else { i = 0; } if (axis2Direction) { j = ts2.Count() - 1; } else { j = 0; } while (i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < this.Count() && j < ts2.Count()) { double domaini = this.domain[i]; double domainj = ts2.domain[j]; if (domaini != domainj) { if (domaini > domainj) { //Move i if (axis1Direction) { i--; } else { i++; } } else { //Move j if (axis2Direction) { j--; } else { j++; } } continue; } else { ss.Points.Add(new ScatterPoint(this.range[i], ts2.range[j])); //Move both if (axis1Direction) { i--; } else { i++; } if (axis2Direction) { j--; } else { j++; } } } return ss; }
private LineSeries getSeries(TimeSeries ts) { if (LogarithmicX) { ts.LogarithmicX(); } if (LogarithmicY) { ts.LogarithmicY(); } if (this.Normalize0) { return ts.Normalize0(); } else if (this.Normalize1) { return ts.Normalize1(); } else { return ts.GetLineSeries(); } }