//! implements the conversion between swap dates and swap (time) length
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: double swapLength(const Date& start, Date& end)
        public double swapLength(Date start, Date end)
            if (!(end > start))
                throw new ApplicationException("swap end date (" + end + ") must be greater than start (" + start + ")");

            double   result            = (end - start) / 365.25 * 24.0; // half a month unit
            Rounding roundingPrecision = new Rounding(0);

            result  = roundingPrecision.Round(result);
            result /= 24.0;             // year unit
Пример #2
        protected override SmileSection smileSectionImpl(double optionTime, double swapLength)
            Date     optionDate = optionDateFromTime(optionTime);
            Rounding rounder    = new Rounding(0);
            Period   swapTenor  = new Period((int)(rounder.Round(swapLength * 12.0)), TimeUnit.Months);

            // ensure that option date is valid fixing date
            optionDate =
                swapTenor > shortSwapIndexBase_.tenor()
                ? swapIndexBase_.fixingCalendar().adjust(optionDate, BusinessDayConvention.Following)
                : shortSwapIndexBase_.fixingCalendar().adjust(optionDate, BusinessDayConvention.Following);
            return(smileSectionImpl(optionDate, swapTenor));
      public void testConversions()
         InterestRateData[] cases = {
         // data from "Option Pricing Formulas", Haug, pag.181-182
         // Rate,Compounding,        Frequency,   Time, Compounding2,      Frequency2,  Rate2, precision
         new InterestRateData(0.0800, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Quarterly, 1.00, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.Annual,     0.0792, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.1200, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.Annual,    1.00, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Annual,     0.1275, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0800, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Quarterly, 1.00, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Annual,     0.0824, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0700, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Quarterly, 1.00, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.0706, 4),
         // undocumented, but reasonable :)
         new InterestRateData(0.0100, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Annual,            1.00,   Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,           0.0100, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0200, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,            1.00,   Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Annual,           0.0200, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0300, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Semiannual,        0.50,   Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,           0.0300, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0400, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,            0.50,   Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Semiannual,       0.0400, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0500, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.EveryFourthMonth,  1.0/3,  Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,           0.0500, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0600, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,            1.0/3,  Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.EveryFourthMonth, 0.0600, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0500, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Quarterly,         0.25,   Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,           0.0500, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0600, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,            0.25,   Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Quarterly,        0.0600, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0700, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Bimonthly,         1.0/6,  Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,           0.0700, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0800, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,            1.0/6,  Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Bimonthly,        0.0800, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0900, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Monthly,           1.0/12, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,           0.0900, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.1000, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,            1.0/12, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Monthly,          0.1000, 4),

         new InterestRateData(0.0300, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.25, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,     0.0300, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0300, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.25, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Semiannual, 0.0300, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0300, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.25, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Quarterly,  0.0300, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0300, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.50, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Annual,     0.0300, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0300, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.50, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Semiannual, 0.0300, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0300, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.75, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.0300, 4),

         new InterestRateData(0.0400, Compounding.Simple, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.25, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Quarterly,  0.0400, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0400, Compounding.Simple, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.25, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.0400, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0400, Compounding.Simple, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.25, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Annual,     0.0400, 4),

         new InterestRateData(0.0400, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Quarterly,  0.50, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Quarterly,  0.0400, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0400, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Semiannual, 0.50, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.0400, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0400, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Semiannual, 0.50, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Annual,     0.0400, 4),

         new InterestRateData(0.0400, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Quarterly,  0.75, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Quarterly,  0.0400, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0400, Compounding.Compounded, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.75, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Semiannual, 0.0400, 4),
         new InterestRateData(0.0400, Compounding.Simple,     Frequency.Semiannual, 0.75, Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded, Frequency.Annual,     0.0400, 4)

         Rounding roundingPrecision;
         double r3;
         double r2;
         Date d1 = Date.Today;
         Date d2;
         InterestRate ir;
         InterestRate ir2;
         InterestRate ir3;
         InterestRate expectedIR;
         double compoundf;
         double error;
         double disc;

         for (int i = 0; i < cases.Length-1 ; i++)
            ir = new InterestRate(cases[i].r, new Actual360(), cases[i].comp, cases[i].freq);
            d2 = d1 + new Period((int)(360 * cases[i].t + 0.5) ,TimeUnit.Days);
            roundingPrecision = new Rounding(cases[i].precision);

            // check that the compound factor is the inverse of the discount factor
            compoundf = ir.compoundFactor(d1, d2);
            disc = ir.discountFactor(d1, d2);
            error = Math.Abs(disc - 1.0 / compoundf);
            if (error > 1e-15)
               Assert.Fail(ir + "  1.0/compound_factor: " + 1.0 / compoundf);

            // check that the equivalent InterestRate with *same* daycounter,
            // compounding, and frequency is the *same* InterestRate
            ir2 = ir.equivalentRate(d1, d2, ir.dayCounter(), ir.compounding(), ir.frequency());
            error = Math.Abs(ir.rate() - ir2.rate());
            if (error > 1e-15)
               Assert.Fail("original interest rate: " + ir + " equivalent interest rate: " + ir2 + " rate error: " + error);
            if (ir.dayCounter() != ir2.dayCounter())
               Assert.Fail("day counter error original interest rate: " + ir + " equivalent interest rate: " + ir2);
            if (ir.compounding() != ir2.compounding())
               Assert.Fail("compounding error original interest rate: " + ir + " equivalent interest rate: " + ir2);
            if (ir.frequency() != ir2.frequency())
               Assert.Fail("frequency error original interest rate: " + ir + " equivalent interest rate: " + ir2);

            // check that the equivalent rate with *same* daycounter,
            // compounding, and frequency is the *same* rate
            r2 = ir.equivalentRate(d1, d2, ir.dayCounter(), ir.compounding(), ir.frequency()).rate();
            error = Math.Abs(ir.rate() - r2);
            if (error > 1e-15)
               Assert.Fail("original rate: " + ir + " equivalent rate: " + r2 + " error: " + error);

            // check that the equivalent InterestRate with *different*
            // compounding, and frequency is the *expected* InterestRate
            ir3 = ir.equivalentRate(d1, d2, ir.dayCounter(), cases[i].comp2, cases[i].freq2);
            expectedIR = new InterestRate(cases[i].expected, ir.dayCounter(), cases[i].comp2, cases[i].freq2);
            r3 = roundingPrecision.Round(ir3.rate());
            error = Math.Abs(r3 - expectedIR.rate());
            if (error > 1.0e-17)
               Assert.Fail("original interest rate: " + ir + " calculated equivalent interest rate: " + ir3 + " truncated equivalent rate: " + r3 + " expected equivalent interest rate: " + expectedIR + " rate error: " + error);
            if (ir3.dayCounter() != expectedIR.dayCounter())
               Assert.Fail("day counter error original interest rate: " + ir3 + " equivalent interest rate: " + expectedIR);
            if (ir3.compounding() != expectedIR.compounding())
               Assert.Fail("compounding error original interest rate: " + ir3 + " equivalent interest rate: " + expectedIR);
            if (ir3.frequency() != expectedIR.frequency())
               Assert.Fail("frequency error original interest rate: " + ir3 + " equivalent interest rate: " + expectedIR);

            // check that the equivalent rate with *different*
            // compounding, and frequency is the *expected* rate
            r3 = ir.equivalentRate(d1, d2, ir.dayCounter(), cases[i].comp2, cases[i].freq2).rate();
            r3 = roundingPrecision.Round(r3);
            error = Math.Abs(r3 - cases[i].expected);
            if (error > 1.0e-17)
               Assert.Fail("calculated equivalent rate: " + r3 + " expected equivalent rate: " + cases[i].expected + " error: " + error);


		//! implements the conversion between swap dates and swap (time) length
//C++ TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: 'const' methods are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: double swapLength(const Date& start, Date& end)
		public double swapLength(Date start, Date end)
			if (!(end>start))
                throw new ApplicationException("swap end date (" + end + ") must be greater than start (" + start + ")");

			double result = (end-start)/365.25 *24.0; // half a month unit
            Rounding roundingPrecision = new Rounding(0);
            result = roundingPrecision.Round(result);
			result /= 24.0; // year unit
			return result;