Пример #1
            public GFunctionExactYield(CmsCoupon coupon)
                SwapIndex   swapIndex = coupon.swapIndex();
                VanillaSwap swap      = swapIndex.underlyingSwap(coupon.fixingDate());

                Schedule schedule = swap.fixedSchedule();
                Handle <YieldTermStructure> rateCurve = swapIndex.forwardingTermStructure();

                DayCounter dc = swapIndex.dayCounter();

                double swapStartTime        = dc.yearFraction(rateCurve.link.referenceDate(), schedule.startDate());
                double swapFirstPaymentTime = dc.yearFraction(rateCurve.link.referenceDate(), schedule.date(1));

                double paymentTime = dc.yearFraction(rateCurve.link.referenceDate(), coupon.date());

                delta_ = (paymentTime - swapStartTime) / (swapFirstPaymentTime - swapStartTime);

                List <CashFlow> fixedLeg = new List <CashFlow>(swap.fixedLeg());
                int             n        = fixedLeg.Count;

                accruals_ = new List <double>();
                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                    Coupon coupon1 = fixedLeg[i] as Coupon;
Пример #2
        public double swaption(Swaption.Arguments arguments,
                               double fixedRate,
                               double range,
                               int intervals)
            Date       settlement = termStructure().link.referenceDate();
            DayCounter dayCounter = termStructure().link.dayCounter();
            double     start      = dayCounter.yearFraction(settlement,
            double w = (arguments.type == VanillaSwap.Type.Payer ? 1 : -1);

            List <double> fixedPayTimes = new  InitializedList <double>(arguments.fixedPayDates.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < fixedPayTimes.Count; ++i)
                fixedPayTimes[i] =

            SwaptionPricingFunction function = new SwaptionPricingFunction(a(),
                                                                           sigma(), b(), eta(), rho(),
                                                                           w, start,
                                                                           fixedRate, this);

            double          upper      = function.mux() + range * function.sigmax();
            double          lower      = function.mux() - range * function.sigmax();
            SegmentIntegral integrator = new SegmentIntegral(intervals);

            return(arguments.nominal * w * termStructure().link.discount(start) *
                   integrator.value(function.value, lower, upper));
      public DiscretizedCallableFixedRateBond(CallableBond.Arguments args,
                                               Date referenceDate,
                                               DayCounter dayCounter)
         arguments_ = args;
         redemptionTime_ = dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate, args.redemptionDate);

         for (int i = 0; i < args.couponDates.Count ; ++i)
            couponTimes_.Add(dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate, args.couponDates[i]));

         for (int i = 0; i < args.callabilityDates.Count ; ++i)
            callabilityTimes_.Add( dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate, args.callabilityDates[i]));

         // similar to the tree swaption engine, we collapse similar coupon
         // and exercise dates to avoid mispricing. Delete if unnecessary.

         for (int i = 0; i < callabilityTimes_.Count; i++)
            double exerciseTime = callabilityTimes_[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < couponTimes_.Count ; j++)
               if (withinNextWeek(exerciseTime, couponTimes_[j]))
                  couponTimes_[j] = exerciseTime;
Пример #4
        public DiscretizedSwap(VanillaSwap.Arguments args,
                                Date referenceDate,
                                DayCounter dayCounter)
            arguments_ = args;
            fixedResetTimes_ = new InitializedList<double>(args.fixedResetDates.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < fixedResetTimes_.Count; ++i)
                fixedResetTimes_[i] =

            fixedPayTimes_ = new InitializedList<double>(args.fixedPayDates.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < fixedPayTimes_.Count; ++i)
                fixedPayTimes_[i] =

            floatingResetTimes_ = new InitializedList<double>(args.floatingResetDates.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < floatingResetTimes_.Count; ++i)
                floatingResetTimes_[i] =

            floatingPayTimes_ = new InitializedList<double>(args.floatingPayDates.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < floatingPayTimes_.Count; ++i)
                floatingPayTimes_[i] =
Пример #5
        public DiscretizedCallableFixedRateBond(CallableBond.Arguments args,
                                                Date referenceDate,
                                                DayCounter dayCounter)
            arguments_      = args;
            redemptionTime_ = dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate, args.redemptionDate);

            for (int i = 0; i < args.couponDates.Count; ++i)
                couponTimes_.Add(dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate, args.couponDates[i]));

            for (int i = 0; i < args.callabilityDates.Count; ++i)
                callabilityTimes_.Add(dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate, args.callabilityDates[i]));

            // similar to the tree swaption engine, we collapse similar coupon
            // and exercise dates to avoid mispricing. Delete if unnecessary.

            for (int i = 0; i < callabilityTimes_.Count; i++)
                double exerciseTime = callabilityTimes_[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < couponTimes_.Count; j++)
                    if (withinNextWeek(exerciseTime, couponTimes_[j]))
                        couponTimes_[j] = exerciseTime;
        // converts the yield volatility into a forward price volatility
        private double forwardPriceVolatility()
            Date            bondMaturity = arguments_.redemptionDate;
            Date            exerciseDate = arguments_.callabilityDates[0];
            List <CashFlow> fixedLeg     = arguments_.cashflows;

            // value of bond cash flows at option maturity
            double fwdNpv = CashFlows.npv(fixedLeg,

            DayCounter dayCounter = arguments_.paymentDayCounter;
            Frequency  frequency  = arguments_.frequency;

            // adjust if zero coupon bond (see also bond.cpp)
            if (frequency == Frequency.NoFrequency || frequency == Frequency.Once)
                frequency = Frequency.Annual;

            double fwdYtm = CashFlows.yield(fixedLeg,

            InterestRate fwdRate = new InterestRate(fwdYtm, dayCounter, Compounding.Compounded, frequency);

            double fwdDur = CashFlows.duration(fixedLeg,

            double cashStrike = arguments_.callabilityPrices[0];

            dayCounter = volatility_.link.dayCounter();
            Date   referenceDate = volatility_.link.referenceDate();
            double exerciseTime  = dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate,
            double maturityTime = dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate,
            double yieldVol = volatility_.link.volatility(exerciseTime,
                                                          maturityTime - exerciseTime,
            double fwdPriceVol = yieldVol * fwdDur * fwdYtm;

Пример #7
        public DiscretizedSwaption(Swaption.Arguments args,
                                    Date referenceDate,
                                    DayCounter dayCounter)
            : base(new DiscretizedSwap(args, referenceDate, dayCounter), args.exercise.type(), new List<double>())
            exerciseTimes_ = new InitializedList<double>(arguments_.exercise.dates().Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < exerciseTimes_.Count; ++i)
                exerciseTimes_[i] =

            // Date adjustments can get time vectors out of synch.
            // Here, we try and collapse similar dates which could cause
            // a mispricing.
            for (int i=0; i<arguments_.exercise.dates().Count; i++) {
                Date exerciseDate = arguments_.exercise.date(i);
            for (int j = 0; j < arguments_.fixedPayDates.Count; j++) {
                if (withinNextWeek(exerciseDate,
                    // coupons in the future are dealt with below
                    && arguments_.fixedResetDates[j] < referenceDate)
                    arguments_.fixedPayDates[j] = exerciseDate;
            for (int j = 0; j < arguments_.fixedResetDates.Count; j++) {
                if (withinPreviousWeek(exerciseDate,
                    arguments_.fixedResetDates[j] = exerciseDate;
            for (int j = 0; j < arguments_.floatingResetDates.Count; j++) {
                if (withinPreviousWeek(exerciseDate,
                    arguments_.floatingResetDates[j] = exerciseDate;

        double lastFixedPayment =
                                    arguments_.fixedPayDates.Last() );
        double lastFloatingPayment =
        lastPayment_ = Math.Max(lastFixedPayment,lastFloatingPayment);

        underlying_ =   new DiscretizedSwap(arguments_,

Пример #8
      public  DiscretizedCapFloor(CapFloor.Arguments args,
                                    Date referenceDate,
                                    DayCounter dayCounter)  
          arguments_ = args;

          startTimes_= new InitializedList<double>(args.startDates.Count);
          for (int i = 0; i < startTimes_.Count; ++i)
              startTimes_[i] = dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate,
          endTimes_ = new InitializedList<double>(args.endDates.Count);
          for (int i = 0; i < endTimes_.Count; ++i)
              endTimes_[i] = dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate,
Пример #9
        public void BuildDates(QLNet.Calendar calendar, QLNet.DayCounter dc)
            Date today = Settings.evaluationDate();

            for (int i = 0; i < _tenors.Count; i++)
                if (_tenors[i].units() == TimeUnit.Days)
                    _dates[i] = calendar.adjust(today + _tenors[i]);
                    _dates[i] = calendar.advance(today, _tenors[i], BusinessDayConvention.Following, true);
            QLNet.Utils.QL_REQUIRE(_dates.Count == _tenors.Count, () => "Date/Tenor mismatch");

            // Build times
            for (int i = 0; i < _dates.Count; i++)
                _times[i] = dc.yearFraction(today, _dates[i]);

            _timeGrid = new TimeGrid(_times, _times.Count);

            // Log the date grid
Пример #10
        protected virtual void getOriginalResults()
            DayCounter rfdc      = process_.riskFreeRate().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter divdc     = process_.dividendYield().link.dayCounter();
            double     resetTime = rfdc.yearFraction(process_.riskFreeRate().link.referenceDate(), this.arguments_.resetDate);
            double     discQ     = process_.dividendYield().link.discount(this.arguments_.resetDate);

            this.results_.value = discQ * originalResults_.value;
            // I need the strike derivative here ...
            if (originalResults_.delta != null && originalResults_.strikeSensitivity != null)
                this.results_.delta = discQ * (originalResults_.delta +
                                               this.arguments_.moneyness * originalResults_.strikeSensitivity);
            this.results_.gamma = 0.0;
            this.results_.theta = process_.dividendYield().link.
                                  zeroRate(this.arguments_.resetDate, divdc, Compounding.Continuous, Frequency.NoFrequency).value()
                                  * this.results_.value;
            if (originalResults_.vega != null)
                this.results_.vega = discQ * originalResults_.vega;
            if (originalResults_.rho != null)
                this.results_.rho = discQ * originalResults_.rho;
            if (originalResults_.dividendRho != null)
                this.results_.dividendRho = -resetTime * this.results_.value
                                            + discQ * originalResults_.dividendRho;
Пример #11
        protected virtual double seasonalityCorrection(double rate, Date atDate, DayCounter dc,
                                                       Date curveBaseDate, bool isZeroRate)
            // need _two_ corrections in order to get: seasonality = factor[atDate-seasonalityBase] / factor[reference-seasonalityBase]
            // i.e. for ZERO inflation rates you have the true fixing at the curve base so this factor must be normalized to one
            //      for YoY inflation rates your reference point is the year before

            double factorAt = this.seasonalityFactor(atDate);

            //Getting seasonality correction for either ZC or YoY
            double f;

            if (isZeroRate)
                double factorBase        = this.seasonalityFactor(curveBaseDate);
                double seasonalityAt     = factorAt / factorBase;
                double timeFromCurveBase = dc.yearFraction(curveBaseDate, atDate);
                f = Math.Pow(seasonalityAt, 1 / timeFromCurveBase);
                double factor1Ybefore = this.seasonalityFactor(atDate - new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years));
                f = factorAt / factor1Ybefore;

            return((rate + 1) * f - 1);
        public static double simpleDuration(List <CashFlow> cashflows, InterestRate y, Date settlementDate)
            if (cashflows.Count == 0)

            double     P = 0, dPdy = 0;
            DayCounter dc = y.dayCounter();

            foreach (CashFlow cf in cashflows.Where(cf => !cf.hasOccurred(settlementDate)))
                double t = dc.yearFraction(settlementDate, cf.date());
                double c = cf.amount();
                double B = y.discountFactor(t);
                P    += c * B;
                dPdy += t * c * B;

            // no cashflows
            if (P == 0.0)
            return(dPdy / P);
Пример #13
        public FdmDividendHandler(DividendSchedule schedule,
                                  FdmMesher mesher,
                                  Date referenceDate,
                                  DayCounter dayCounter,
                                  int equityDirection)
            x_               = new Vector(mesher.layout().dim()[equityDirection]);
            mesher_          = mesher;
            equityDirection_ = equityDirection;

            dividends_     = new List <double>();
            dividendDates_ = new List <Date>();
            dividendTimes_ = new List <double>();

            foreach (Dividend iter in schedule)
                    dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate, iter.date()));

            Vector tmp     = mesher_.locations(equityDirection);
            int    spacing = mesher_.layout().spacing()[equityDirection];

            for (int i = 0; i < x_.size(); ++i)
                x_[i] = Math.Exp(tmp[i * spacing]);
        public OvernightIndexedCoupon(
            Date paymentDate,
            double nominal,
            Date startDate,
            Date endDate,
            OvernightIndex overnightIndex,
            double gearing        = 1.0,
            double spread         = 0.0,
            Date refPeriodStart   = null,
            Date refPeriodEnd     = null,
            DayCounter dayCounter = null)
            : base(nominal, paymentDate, startDate, endDate,
                   overnightIndex.fixingDays(), overnightIndex,
                   gearing, spread,
                   refPeriodStart, refPeriodEnd,
                   dayCounter, false)
            // value dates
            Schedule sch = new MakeSchedule()
                           .withTenor(new Period(1, TimeUnit.Days))

            valueDates_ = sch.dates();
            if (valueDates_.Count < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("degenerate schedule");

            // fixing dates
            n_ = valueDates_.Count() - 1;
            if (overnightIndex.fixingDays() == 0)
                fixingDates_ = new List <Date>(valueDates_);
                fixingDates_ = new List <Date>(n_);
                for (int i = 0; i < n_; ++i)
                    fixingDates_[i] = overnightIndex.fixingDate(valueDates_[i]);

            // accrual (compounding) periods
            dt_ = new List <double>(n_);
            DayCounter dc = overnightIndex.dayCounter();

            for (int i = 0; i < n_; ++i)
                dt_.Add(dc.yearFraction(valueDates_[i], valueDates_[i + 1]));

            setPricer(new OvernightIndexedCouponPricer());
Пример #15
        /*! Simple yield calculation based on underlying spot and
         * forward values, taking into account underlying income.
         * When \f$ t>0 \f$, call with:
         * underlyingSpotValue=spotValue(t),
         * forwardValue=strikePrice, to get current yield. For a
         * repo, if \f$ t=0 \f$, impliedYield should reproduce the
         * spot repo rate. For FRA's, this should reproduce the
         * relevant zero rate at the FRA's maturityDate_;
        public InterestRate impliedYield(double underlyingSpotValue, double forwardValue, Date settlementDate,
                                         Compounding compoundingConvention, DayCounter dayCounter)
            double tenor             = dayCounter.yearFraction(settlementDate, maturityDate_);
            double compoundingFactor = forwardValue / (underlyingSpotValue - spotIncome(incomeDiscountCurve_));

            return(InterestRate.impliedRate(compoundingFactor, dayCounter, compoundingConvention, Frequency.Annual, tenor));
Пример #16
        //! implied rate for a given compound factor between two dates.

        /*! The resulting rate is calculated taking the required
         *  day-counting rule into account.
        public static InterestRate impliedRate(double compound, DayCounter resultDC, Compounding comp, Frequency freq, Date d1, Date d2,
                                               Date refStart = null, Date refEnd = null)
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(d2 >= d1, "d1 (" + d1 + ") later than d2 (" + d2 + ")");
            double t = resultDC.yearFraction(d1, d2, refStart, refEnd);

            return(impliedRate(compound, resultDC, comp, freq, t));
Пример #17
 public virtual double yearFraction(Date d1, Date d2, Date refPeriodStart, Date refPeriodEnd)
     if (empty())
         throw Error.MissingImplementation();
     return(dayCounter_.yearFraction(d1, d2, refPeriodStart, refPeriodEnd));
        public static double modifiedDuration(List <CashFlow> cashflows, InterestRate y, Date settlementDate)
            if (cashflows.Count == 0)

            double     P    = 0.0;
            double     dPdy = 0.0;
            double     r    = y.rate();
            int        N    = (int)y.frequency();
            DayCounter dc   = y.dayCounter();

            foreach (CashFlow cf in cashflows.Where(cf => !cf.hasOccurred(settlementDate)))
                double t = dc.yearFraction(settlementDate, cf.date());
                double c = cf.amount();
                double B = y.discountFactor(t);

                P += c * B;

                switch (y.compounding())
                case Compounding.Simple:
                    dPdy -= c * B * B * t;

                case Compounding.Compounded:
                    dPdy -= c * t * B / (1 + r / N);

                case Compounding.Continuous:
                    dPdy -= c * B * t;

                case Compounding.SimpleThenCompounded:
                    if (t <= 1.0 / N)
                        dPdy -= c * B * B * t;
                        dPdy -= c * t * B / (1 + r / N);

                    throw new ArgumentException("unknown compounding convention (" + y.compounding() + ")");

            if (P == 0.0) // no cashflows

            return(-dPdy / P); // reverse derivative sign
Пример #19
        public LiborForwardModelProcess(int size, IborIndex index, IDiscretization disc)
            : base(disc)
            size_              = size;
            index_             = index;
            initialValues_     = new InitializedList <double>(size_);
            fixingTimes_       = new InitializedList <double>(size);
            fixingDates_       = new InitializedList <Date>(size_);
            accrualStartTimes_ = new InitializedList <double>(size);
            accrualEndTimes_   = new InitializedList <double>(size);
            accrualPeriod_     = new InitializedList <double>(size_);
            m1 = new Vector(size_);
            m2 = new Vector(size_);
            DayCounter       dayCounter = index.dayCounter();
            IList <CashFlow> flows      = cashFlows(1);

            if (!(size_ == flows.Count))
                throw new ArgumentException("wrong number of cashflows");

            Date       settlement = index_.forwardingTermStructure().link.referenceDate();
            Date       startDate;
            IborCoupon iborcoupon = (IborCoupon)flows[0];

            startDate = iborcoupon.fixingDate();

            for (int i = 0; i < size_; ++i)
                IborCoupon coupon = (IborCoupon)flows[i];

                if (!(coupon.date() == coupon.accrualEndDate()))
                    throw new ArgumentException("irregular coupon types are not suppported");

                initialValues_[i] = coupon.rate();
                accrualPeriod_[i] = coupon.accrualPeriod();

                fixingDates_[i]       = coupon.fixingDate();
                fixingTimes_[i]       = dayCounter.yearFraction(startDate, coupon.fixingDate());
                accrualStartTimes_[i] = dayCounter.yearFraction(settlement, coupon.accrualStartDate());
                accrualEndTimes_[i]   = dayCounter.yearFraction(settlement, coupon.accrualEndDate());
Пример #20
        //! equivalent rate for a compounding period between two dates

        /*! The resulting rate is calculated taking the required
         *  day-counting rule into account.
        public InterestRate equivalentRate(DayCounter resultDC, Compounding comp, Frequency freq, Date d1, Date d2,
                                           Date refStart = null, Date refEnd = null)
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(d2 >= d1, "d1 (" + d1 + ") later than d2 (" + d2 + ")");
            double t1 = dc_.yearFraction(d1, d2, refStart, refEnd);
            double t2 = resultDC.yearFraction(d1, d2, refStart, refEnd);

            return(impliedRate(compoundFactor(t1), resultDC, comp, freq, t2));
Пример #21
 public void initializeExerciseTime()
     if (!(exerciseDate_ >= referenceDate_))
         throw new ApplicationException("expiry date (" + exerciseDate_ + ") must be greater than reference date (" +
                                        referenceDate_ + ")");
     exerciseTime_ = dc_.yearFraction(referenceDate_, exerciseDate_);
Пример #22
        public override void calculate()
            if (arguments_.exercise.type() != Exercise.Type.European)
                throw new ApplicationException("not an European option");

            StrikedTypePayoff payoff = arguments_.payoff as StrikedTypePayoff;

            if (payoff == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("non-striked payoff given");

            double variance         = process_.blackVolatility().link.blackVariance(arguments_.exercise.lastDate(), payoff.strike());
            double dividendDiscount = process_.dividendYield().link.discount(arguments_.exercise.lastDate());
            double riskFreeDiscount = process_.riskFreeRate().link.discount(arguments_.exercise.lastDate());
            double spot             = process_.stateVariable().link.value();

            if (!(spot > 0.0))
                throw new ApplicationException("negative or null underlying given");
            double forwardPrice = spot * dividendDiscount / riskFreeDiscount;

            BlackCalculator black = new BlackCalculator(payoff, forwardPrice, Math.Sqrt(variance), riskFreeDiscount);

            results_.value        = black.value();
            results_.delta        = black.delta(spot);
            results_.deltaForward = black.deltaForward();
            results_.elasticity   = black.elasticity(spot);
            results_.gamma        = black.gamma(spot);

            DayCounter rfdc  = process_.riskFreeRate().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter divdc = process_.dividendYield().link.dayCounter();
            DayCounter voldc = process_.blackVolatility().link.dayCounter();
            double     t     = rfdc.yearFraction(process_.riskFreeRate().link.referenceDate(), arguments_.exercise.lastDate());

            results_.rho = black.rho(t);

            t = divdc.yearFraction(process_.dividendYield().link.referenceDate(), arguments_.exercise.lastDate());
            results_.dividendRho = black.dividendRho(t);

            t             = voldc.yearFraction(process_.blackVolatility().link.referenceDate(), arguments_.exercise.lastDate());
            results_.vega = black.vega(t);
            try {
                results_.theta       = black.theta(spot, t);
                results_.thetaPerDay = black.thetaPerDay(spot, t);
            } catch {
                results_.theta       = null;
                results_.thetaPerDay = null;

            results_.strikeSensitivity  = black.strikeSensitivity();
            results_.itmCashProbability = black.itmCashProbability();
Пример #23
            //                            GFunctionWithShifts                            //
            public GFunctionWithShifts(CmsCoupon coupon, Handle <Quote> meanReversion)
                meanReversion_   = meanReversion;
                calibratedShift_ = 0.03;
                tmpRs_           = 10000000.0;
                accuracy_        = 1.0e-14;

                SwapIndex   swapIndex = coupon.swapIndex();
                VanillaSwap swap      = swapIndex.underlyingSwap(coupon.fixingDate());

                swapRateValue_ = swap.fairRate();

                objectiveFunction_ = new ObjectiveFunction(this, swapRateValue_);

                Schedule schedule = swap.fixedSchedule();
                Handle <YieldTermStructure> rateCurve = swapIndex.forwardingTermStructure();
                DayCounter dc = swapIndex.dayCounter();

                swapStartTime_   = dc.yearFraction(rateCurve.link.referenceDate(), schedule.startDate());
                discountAtStart_ = rateCurve.link.discount(schedule.startDate());

                double paymentTime = dc.yearFraction(rateCurve.link.referenceDate(), coupon.date());

                shapedPaymentTime_ = shapeOfShift(paymentTime);

                List <CashFlow> fixedLeg = new List <CashFlow>(swap.fixedLeg());
                int             n        = fixedLeg.Count;

                shapedSwapPaymentTimes_ = new List <double>();
                swapPaymentDiscounts_   = new List <double>();
                accruals_ = new List <double>();

                for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                    Coupon coupon1 = fixedLeg[i] as Coupon;
                    Date   paymentDate     = new Date(coupon1.date().serialNumber());
                    double swapPaymentTime = dc.yearFraction(rateCurve.link.referenceDate(), paymentDate);
                discountRatio_ = swapPaymentDiscounts_.Last() / discountAtStart_;
Пример #24
        public DiscretizedCapFloor(CapFloor.Arguments args,
                                   Date referenceDate,
                                   DayCounter dayCounter)
            arguments_ = args;

            startTimes_ = new InitializedList <double>(args.startDates.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < startTimes_.Count; ++i)
                startTimes_[i] = dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate,

            endTimes_ = new InitializedList <double>(args.endDates.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < endTimes_.Count; ++i)
                endTimes_[i] = dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate,
Пример #25
        public static InterestRate impliedRate(double compound, Date d1, Date d2,
                                               DayCounter resultDC, Compounding comp, Frequency freq)
            if (!(d2 > d1))
                throw new ArgumentException("d1 (" + d1 + ") " + "later than or equal to d2 (" + d2 + ")");
            double t = resultDC.yearFraction(d1, d2);

            return(impliedRate(compound, t, resultDC, comp, freq));
Пример #26
        public override void calculate()
            if (!(arguments_.settlementType == Settlement.Type.Physical))
                throw new ApplicationException("cash-settled swaptions not priced with Lfm engine");

            double basisPoint = 1.0e-4;

            VanillaSwap    swap = arguments_.swap;
            IPricingEngine pe   = new DiscountingSwapEngine(discountCurve_);


            double correction = swap.spread *
                                Math.Abs(swap.floatingLegBPS() / swap.fixedLegBPS());
            double fixedRate = swap.fixedRate - correction;
            double fairRate  = swap.fairRate() - correction;

            SwaptionVolatilityMatrix volatility =

            Date       referenceDate = volatility.referenceDate();
            DayCounter dayCounter    = volatility.dayCounter();

            double exercise = dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate,
            double swapLength =
                - dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate,

            Option.Type w = arguments_.type == VanillaSwap.Type.Payer ?
                            Option.Type.Call : Option.Type.Put;
            double vol = volatility.volatility(exercise, swapLength,
                                               fairRate, true);

            results_.value = (swap.fixedLegBPS() / basisPoint) *
                             Utils.blackFormula(w, fixedRate, fairRate, vol * Math.Sqrt(exercise));
Пример #27
        public RangeAccrualFloatersCoupon(Date paymentDate,
                                          double nominal,
                                          IborIndex index,
                                          Date startDate,
                                          Date endDate,
                                          int fixingDays,
                                          DayCounter dayCounter,
                                          double gearing,
                                          double spread,
                                          Date refPeriodStart,
                                          Date refPeriodEnd,
                                          Schedule observationsSchedule,
                                          double lowerTrigger,
                                          double upperTrigger)
            : base(paymentDate, nominal, startDate, endDate, fixingDays, index, gearing, spread, refPeriodStart, refPeriodEnd,
            observationsSchedule_ = observationsSchedule;
            lowerTrigger_         = lowerTrigger;
            upperTrigger_         = upperTrigger;

            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(lowerTrigger_ < upperTrigger, () => "lowerTrigger_>=upperTrigger");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(observationsSchedule_.startDate() == startDate, () => "incompatible start date");
            Utils.QL_REQUIRE(observationsSchedule_.endDate() == endDate, () => "incompatible end date");

            observationDates_ = new List <Date>(observationsSchedule_.dates());
            observationDates_.RemoveAt(observationDates_.Count - 1); //remove end date
            observationDates_.RemoveAt(0);                           //remove start date
            observationsNo_ = observationDates_.Count;

            Handle <YieldTermStructure> rateCurve = index.forwardingTermStructure();
            Date referenceDate = rateCurve.link.referenceDate();

            startTime_        = dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate, startDate);
            endTime_          = dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate, endDate);
            observationTimes_ = new List <double>();
            for (int i = 0; i < observationsNo_; i++)
                observationTimes_.Add(dayCounter.yearFraction(referenceDate, observationDates_[i]));
Пример #28
        public InterestRate equivalentRate(Date d1, Date d2, DayCounter resultDC, Compounding comp, Frequency freq)
            if (!(d2 > d1))
                throw new ArgumentException("d1 (" + d1 + ") " +
                                            "later than or equal to d2 (" + d2 + ")");
            double t1 = dc_.yearFraction(d1, d2);
            double t2 = resultDC.yearFraction(d1, d2);

            return(impliedRate(compoundFactor(t1), t2, resultDC, comp, freq));
Пример #29
        public static Date time2Date(Date referenceDate, DayCounter dc, double t)
            t -= 1e4 * Const.QL_EPSILON; // add a small buffer for rounding errors
            Date d = new Date(referenceDate);

            while (dc.yearFraction(referenceDate, d += new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years)) < t)
            d -= new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years);
            while (dc.yearFraction(referenceDate, d += new Period(1, TimeUnit.Months)) < t)
            d -= new Period(1, TimeUnit.Months);
            while (dc.yearFraction(referenceDate, d++) < t)
Пример #30
                public override Vector values(Vector x)
                    Date       refDate = fittingMethod_.curve_.referenceDate();
                    DayCounter dc      = fittingMethod_.curve_.dayCounter();
                    int        n       = fittingMethod_.curve_.bondHelpers_.Count;
                    Vector     values  = new Vector(n);

                    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                        BondHelper helper = fittingMethod_.curve_.bondHelpers_[i];

                        Bond bond           = helper.bond();
                        Date bondSettlement = bond.settlementDate();

                        // CleanPrice_i = sum( cf_k * d(t_k) ) - accruedAmount
                        double          modelPrice = 0.0;
                        List <CashFlow> cf         = bond.cashflows();
                        for (int k = firstCashFlow_[i]; k < cf.Count; ++k)
                            double tenor = dc.yearFraction(refDate, cf[k].date());
                            modelPrice += cf[k].amount() * fittingMethod_.discountFunction(x, tenor);
                        if (helper.useCleanPrice())
                            modelPrice -= bond.accruedAmount(bondSettlement);

                        // adjust price (NPV) for forward settlement
                        if (bondSettlement != refDate)
                            double tenor = dc.yearFraction(refDate, bondSettlement);
                            modelPrice /= fittingMethod_.discountFunction(x, tenor);
                        double marketPrice   = helper.quote().link.value();
                        double error         = modelPrice - marketPrice;
                        double weightedError = fittingMethod_.weights_[i] * error;
                        values[i] = weightedError * weightedError;
Пример #31
        //public InterpolatedDiscountCurve(List<Date> dates, List<double> discounts, DayCounter dayCounter,
        //                                 Calendar cal = Calendar(), Interpolator interpolator = Interpolator())
        public InterpolatedDiscountCurve(List <Date> dates, List <double> discounts, DayCounter dayCounter,
                                         Calendar cal, List <Handle <Quote> > jumps = null, List <Date> jumpDates = null,
                                         Interpolator interpolator = default(Interpolator))
            : base(dates.First(), cal, dayCounter, jumps, jumpDates)
            times_        = new List <double>();
            data_         = discounts;
            interpolator_ = interpolator;
            dates_        = dates;

            if (dates_.empty())
                throw new ApplicationException("no input dates given");
            if (data_.empty())
                throw new ApplicationException("no input discount factors given");
            if (data_.Count != dates_.Count)
                throw new ApplicationException("dates/discount factors count mismatch");
            if (data_[0] != 1.0)
                throw new ApplicationException("the first discount must be == 1.0 " +
                                               "to flag the corrsponding date as settlement date");

            times_ = new InitializedList <double>(dates_.Count - 1);
            for (int i = 1; i < dates_.Count; i++)
                if (!(dates_[i] > dates_[i - 1]))
                    throw new ApplicationException("invalid date (" + dates_[i] + ", vs " + dates_[i - 1] + ")");
                if (!(data_[i] > 0.0))
                    throw new ApplicationException("negative discount");
                times_[i] = dayCounter.yearFraction(dates_[0], dates_[i]);
                if (Utils.close(times_[i], times_[i - 1]))
                    throw new ApplicationException("two dates correspond to the same time " +
                                                   "under this curve's day count convention");

Пример #32
        // helper function used to calculate Time-To-Discount for each stage when calculating discount factor stepwisely
        public static double getStepwiseDiscountTime(CashFlow cashFlow, DayCounter dc, Date npvDate, Date lastDate)
            Date   cashFlowDate = cashFlow.date();
            Date   refStartDate, refEndDate;
            Coupon coupon = cashFlow as Coupon;

            if (coupon != null)
                refStartDate = coupon.referencePeriodStart;
                refEndDate   = coupon.referencePeriodEnd;
                if (lastDate == npvDate)
                    // we don't have a previous coupon date,
                    // so we fake it
                    refStartDate = cashFlowDate - new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years);
                    refStartDate = lastDate;

                refEndDate = cashFlowDate;

            if (coupon != null && lastDate != coupon.accrualStartDate())
                double couponPeriod  = dc.yearFraction(coupon.accrualStartDate(), cashFlowDate, refStartDate, refEndDate);
                double accruedPeriod = dc.yearFraction(coupon.accrualStartDate(), lastDate, refStartDate, refEndDate);
                return(couponPeriod - accruedPeriod);
                return(dc.yearFraction(lastDate, cashFlowDate, refStartDate, refEndDate));
 public static double inflationYearFraction(Frequency f, bool indexIsInterpolated,
                              DayCounter dayCounter,
                              Date d1, Date d2) 
    double t=0;
    if (indexIsInterpolated) 
      // N.B. we do not use linear interpolation between flat
      // fixing forecasts for forecasts.  This avoids awkwardnesses
      // when bootstrapping the inflation curve.
      t = dayCounter.yearFraction(d1, d2);
      // I.e. fixing is constant for the whole inflation period.
      // Use the value for half way along the period.
      // But the inflation time is the time between period starts
      KeyValuePair<Date,Date> limD1 = inflationPeriod(d1, f);
      KeyValuePair<Date,Date> limD2 = inflationPeriod(d2, f);
      t = dayCounter.yearFraction(limD1.Key, limD2.Key);
    return t;
Пример #34
 public FdmAffineModelTermStructure(
     Vector r,
     Calendar cal,
     DayCounter dayCounter,
     Date referenceDate,
     Date modelReferenceDate,
     IAffineModel model)
     : base(referenceDate, cal, dayCounter)
     r_     = r;
     t_     = dayCounter.yearFraction(modelReferenceDate, referenceDate);
     model_ = model;
Пример #35
        public DiscretizedSwap(VanillaSwap.Arguments args,
                               Date referenceDate,
                               DayCounter dayCounter)
            arguments_       = args;
            fixedResetTimes_ = new InitializedList <double>(args.fixedResetDates.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < fixedResetTimes_.Count; ++i)
                fixedResetTimes_[i] =

            fixedPayTimes_ = new InitializedList <double>(args.fixedPayDates.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < fixedPayTimes_.Count; ++i)
                fixedPayTimes_[i] =

            floatingResetTimes_ = new InitializedList <double>(args.floatingResetDates.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < floatingResetTimes_.Count; ++i)
                floatingResetTimes_[i] =

            floatingPayTimes_ = new InitializedList <double>(args.floatingPayDates.Count);
            for (int i = 0; i < floatingPayTimes_.Count; ++i)
                floatingPayTimes_[i] =
 public static InterestRate impliedRate(double compound, Date d1, Date d2,
                                 DayCounter resultDC, Compounding comp, Frequency freq) {
     if (!(d2 > d1))
         throw new ArgumentException("d1 (" + d1 + ") " + "later than or equal to d2 (" + d2 + ")");
     double t = resultDC.yearFraction(d1, d2);
     return impliedRate(compound, t, resultDC, comp, freq);
 public InterestRate equivalentRate(Date d1, Date d2, DayCounter resultDC, Compounding comp, Frequency freq) {
     if (!(d2 > d1)) throw new ArgumentException("d1 (" + d1 + ") " +
                                                 "later than or equal to d2 (" + d2 + ")");
     double t1 = dc_.yearFraction(d1, d2);
     double t2 = resultDC.yearFraction(d1, d2);
     return impliedRate(compoundFactor(t1), t2, resultDC, comp, freq);
Пример #38
 //! implied rate for a given compound factor between two dates.
 /*! The resulting rate is calculated taking the required
   day-counting rule into account.
 public static InterestRate impliedRate(double compound, DayCounter resultDC, Compounding comp, Frequency freq, Date d1, Date d2,
     Date refStart = null, Date refEnd = null)
     Utils.QL_REQUIRE(d2>=d1,  "d1 (" + d1 + ") later than d2 (" + d2 + ")");
      double t = resultDC.yearFraction(d1, d2, refStart, refEnd);
      return impliedRate(compound, resultDC, comp, freq, t);
Пример #39
 //! equivalent rate for a compounding period between two dates
 /*! The resulting rate is calculated taking the required
   day-counting rule into account.
 public InterestRate equivalentRate(DayCounter resultDC, Compounding comp, Frequency freq, Date d1, Date d2,
     Date refStart = null,Date refEnd = null)
     Utils.QL_REQUIRE(d2>=d1, "d1 (" + d1 + ") later than d2 (" + d2 + ")");
       double t1 = dc_.yearFraction(d1, d2, refStart, refEnd);
       double t2 = resultDC.yearFraction(d1, d2, refStart, refEnd);
       return impliedRate(compoundFactor(t1), resultDC, comp, freq, t2);
      protected virtual double seasonalityCorrection(double rate, Date atDate, DayCounter dc,
                                                   Date curveBaseDate, bool isZeroRate)
         // need _two_ corrections in order to get: seasonality = factor[atDate-seasonalityBase] / factor[reference-seasonalityBase]
         // i.e. for ZERO inflation rates you have the true fixing at the curve base so this factor must be normalized to one
         //      for YoY inflation rates your reference point is the year before

         double factorAt = this.seasonalityFactor(atDate);

         //Getting seasonality correction for either ZC or YoY
         double f;
         if (isZeroRate)
            double factorBase = this.seasonalityFactor(curveBaseDate);
            double seasonalityAt = factorAt / factorBase;
            double timeFromCurveBase = dc.yearFraction(curveBaseDate, atDate);
            f = Math.Pow(seasonalityAt, 1 / timeFromCurveBase);
            double factor1Ybefore = this.seasonalityFactor(atDate - new Period(1, TimeUnit.Years));
            f = factorAt / factor1Ybefore;

         return (rate + 1) * f - 1;
		/*! Simple yield calculation based on underlying spot and
		forward values, taking into account underlying income.
		When \f$ t>0 \f$, call with:
		forwardValue=strikePrice, to get current yield. For a
		repo, if \f$ t=0 \f$, impliedYield should reproduce the
		spot repo rate. For FRA's, this should reproduce the
		relevant zero rate at the FRA's maturityDate_;
		public InterestRate impliedYield(double underlyingSpotValue, double forwardValue, Date settlementDate,
                                         Compounding compoundingConvention, DayCounter dayCounter) {

			double tenor = dayCounter.yearFraction(settlementDate,maturityDate_) ;
			double compoundingFactor = forwardValue/ (underlyingSpotValue-spotIncome(incomeDiscountCurve_)) ;
			return InterestRate.impliedRate(compoundingFactor,
Пример #42
        public FuturesRateHelper(Handle<Quote> price, Date immDate, int nMonths, Calendar calendar,
                                 BusinessDayConvention convention, bool endOfMonth, DayCounter dayCounter,
                                 Handle<Quote> convexityAdjustment)
            : base(price)
            convAdj_ = convexityAdjustment;

            if (!IMM.isIMMdate(immDate, false)) throw new ArgumentException(immDate + "is not a valid IMM date");
            earliestDate_ = immDate;

            latestDate_ = calendar.advance(immDate, new Period(nMonths, TimeUnit.Months), convention, endOfMonth);
            yearFraction_ = dayCounter.yearFraction(earliestDate_, latestDate_);

Пример #43
        // overloaded constructors
        public FuturesRateHelper(double price, Date immDate, int nMonths, Calendar calendar, BusinessDayConvention convention,
                                 bool endOfMonth, DayCounter dayCounter, double convAdj)
            : base(price)
            convAdj_ = new Handle<Quote>(new SimpleQuote(convAdj));

            if (!IMM.isIMMdate(immDate, false)) throw new ArgumentException(immDate + "is not a valid IMM date");
            earliestDate_ = immDate;

            latestDate_ = calendar.advance(immDate, new Period(nMonths, TimeUnit.Months), convention, endOfMonth);
            yearFraction_ = dayCounter.yearFraction(earliestDate_, latestDate_);