private void Print_ActivityReport() { try { string retmsg = string.Empty; DataManager manager = new DataManager(); ObservableCollection <SalesHeader> head = new ObservableCollection <SalesHeader>(); DeviceInfo info = new DeviceInfo(); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => UserDialogs.Instance.ShowLoading("Loading", MaskType.Black)); Task.Run(async() => { info = await manager.GetDeviceInfo(); if (info != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.DeviceName)) { manager = new DataManager(); head = await manager.GetSQLite_SalesHeaderByDocDate(App.gOnDate); if (head != null) { if (head.Count > 0) { retmsg = "Success"; } else { retmsg = "No Data"; } } else { retmsg = "No Data"; } } else { retmsg = "Required to setup bluetooth printer!"; } //UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError("Required to setup bluetooth printer!", 3000); } else { retmsg = "Required to setup bluetooth printer!"; } //UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError("Required to setup bluetooth printer!", 3000); }).ContinueWith(result => Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); if (retmsg == "Success") { var a = Utils.Print_Activity(info.DeviceName, head, App.gCompanyName, App.gSalesPersonCode, App.gSalesPersonName); UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(a); } else { // UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError(retmsg, 3000); UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(retmsg, "Alert", "OK"); } })); } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { Acr.UserDialogs.UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); //IsLoading = false; //UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError(ex.Message.ToString(), 3000); UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(ex.Message.ToString(), "Alert", "OK"); } catch (Exception ex) { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); //IsLoading = false; //UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError(ex.Message.ToString(), 3000); UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(ex.Message.ToString(), "Alert", "OK"); } }
private async void PrintButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_isEnablePrintBtn) { _isEnablePrintBtn = false; var item = (Button)sender; //item.CommandParameter.ToString() string retval = string.Empty; string retmsg = string.Empty; DataManager manager = new DataManager(); RequestHeader head = new RequestHeader(); ObservableCollection <RequestLine> recs = new ObservableCollection <RequestLine>(); DeviceInfo info = new DeviceInfo(); bool canPrint = false; try { var answer = await DisplayAlert("Print", "Are you sure to print Check In Report?", "Yes", "No"); UserDialogs.Instance.ShowLoading("Loading", MaskType.Black); if (answer) { canPrint = true; //var devices = await _bluetoothClient.GetPairedDevices(); //if (devices != null) //{ // if (devices.Count > 0) // { // canPrint = true; // } // else // { // UserDialogs.Instance.AlertAsync("Not found bluetooth device!", "Alert"); // return; // } //} //else //{ // UserDialogs.Instance.AlertAsync("Not found bluetooth device!", "Alert"); // return; //} } else { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); _isEnablePrintBtn = true; return; } if (canPrint) { info = await manager.GetDeviceInfo(); if (info != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.DeviceName)) { try { manager = new DataManager(); head = await manager.GetRequestHeaderbyID(int.Parse(item.CommandParameter.ToString())); //GetRequestLinesbyRequestNo if (head != null) { recs = await manager.GetRequestLinesbyRequestNo(head.RequestNo); if (recs != null) { if (recs.Count > 0) { retmsg = "Success"; } else { retmsg = "No request lines"; } } else { retmsg = "No request lines"; } } else { retmsg = "No request document"; } } catch (Exception ex) { retmsg = ex.Message.ToString(); } } else { retmsg = "Required to setup bluetooth printer!"; } } else { retmsg = "Required to setup bluetooth printer!"; } } UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); if (retmsg == "Success") { bool isBeforeConfirm = true; if (App.gCurStatus == "loaded") { isBeforeConfirm = false; } var a = Utils.Print_CheckIn(info.DeviceName, head, recs, App.gCompanyName, App.gSalesPersonCode + "/" + App.gSalesPersonName, isBeforeConfirm); //head, recs, customer, sellTo, App.gSalesPersonCode + "/" + App.gSalesPersonName); UserDialogs.Instance.Alert(a); // Navigation.PopAsync(); } else { UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError(retmsg, 3000); _isEnablePrintBtn = true; } } catch (OperationCanceledException ex) { Acr.UserDialogs.UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); //IsLoading = false; UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError(ex.Message.ToString(), 3000); _isEnablePrintBtn = true; } catch (Exception ex) { UserDialogs.Instance.HideLoading(); //IsLoading = false; UserDialogs.Instance.ShowError(ex.Message.ToString(), 3000); _isEnablePrintBtn = true; } } }