Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the location of a specific item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The item location. NULL if the item cannot be found.</returns>
        /// <param name="grid">Grid.</param>
        /// <param name="item">Item.</param>
        public static GridLocation GetItemLocation(this GameFieldGrid grid, GameFieldItem item)
            if(item == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("item", "Item is required!");

            int index = 0;
            foreach(var searchItem in grid)
                    int row = index / grid.Columns;
                    int col = index % grid.Columns;
                    return new GridLocation (row, col);

            return null;
Пример #2
		private static void PopulateGameState(GameState gameState, Tuple<string, string> data)
			case "localplayerscore":
				gameState.LocalPlayerScore = XmlConvert.ToInt32 (data.Item2);
			case "opponentplayerscore":
				gameState.OpponentPlayerScore = XmlConvert.ToInt32 (data.Item2);
			case "currentplayer":
				gameState.CurrentPlayer = (PlayerType)Enum.Parse (typeof(PlayerType), data.Item2, true);
			case "cards":
				var cardData = data.Item2.Split (new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
				foreach(string cardName in cardData)
					var card = (TreasureType)Enum.Parse (typeof(TreasureType), cardName, true);
					gameState.Cards.Push (card);
			case "field":
				var colData = data.Item2.Split (new char[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
				// First number is the row index.
				int rowIndex = XmlConvert.ToInt32 (colData [0]);
				int colIndex = 0;
				for (int i = 1; i < colData.Length; i++)
					var itemInfo = colData[i].Split (new char[] { ',' },  StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
					var item = new GameFieldItem ();
					item.Id = XmlConvert.ToInt32 (itemInfo[0]);
					item.Pyramid = (PyramidType)Enum.Parse (typeof(PyramidType), itemInfo [1], true);
					item.Treasure = (TreasureType)Enum.Parse (typeof(TreasureType), itemInfo [2], true);
					gameState.GameField.SetItem (rowIndex, colIndex, item);
Пример #3
		public void SetUp()
			Util.RegisterServices ();

			this.gameState = new GameState ()
				GameField = new GameFieldGrid(),
				CurrentPlayer = PlayerType.Local,
				Cards = new Stack<TreasureType>(),
				LocalPlayerScore = 10,
				OpponentPlayerScore = 20

			// Push two cards for testing.
			this.gameState.Cards.Push (TreasureType.Candle);
			this.gameState.Cards.Push (TreasureType.Computer);

			int id = 0;
			var pyramid = PyramidType.None;
			var treasure = TreasureType.None;

			for(int row = 0; row < GameFieldGrid.ROWS; row++)
				for(int col = 0; col < GameFieldGrid.COLUMNS; col++)
					// Hide four treasures.
					if(row == 2 && col == 2)
						treasure = TreasureType.Candle;
					else if(row == 3 && col == 3)
						treasure = TreasureType.Computer;
					if(row == 4 && col == 4)
						treasure = TreasureType.Dog;
					if(row == 5 && col == 5)
						treasure = TreasureType.Glasses;

					var item = new GameFieldItem()
						Id =  id++,
						Pyramid = pyramid,
						Treasure = treasure

					this.gameState.GameField.SetItem (row, col, item);

					// Alternate pyramids.
					if(pyramid == PyramidType.None)
						pyramid = PyramidType.PyramidA;
					else if(pyramid == PyramidType.PyramidA)
						pyramid = PyramidType.PyramidB;
					else if(pyramid == PyramidType.PyramidB)
						pyramid = PyramidType.PyramidA;
        public void InitGameState(GameState gameState)
            var platformServices = ServiceContainer.Resolve<IPlatformServices> ();

            int id = 1;
            var pyramidType = PyramidType.PyramidA;

            // Distribute the treasures randomly on the board.
            var randomizedTreasures = DefaultGameInteractionService.GetRandomizedTreasures ();
            // Map from index of the treasure to the treasure.
            var treasureIndexes = new Dictionary<int, TreasureType>();

            int row = 0;
            int col = 0;
            foreach(var treasure in randomizedTreasures)
                // Get a random location within the 2x2 square.
                int randomRowAdd = platformServices.GetRandomNumber (0, 2);
                int randomColAdd = platformServices.GetRandomNumber (0, 2);

                // Get the index of the location.
                int treasureIndex = (row + randomRowAdd) * gameState.GameField.Columns + col + randomColAdd;

                // Remember the index and the treasure.
                treasureIndexes.Add (treasureIndex, treasure);

                // Treasures are hidden in 2x2 squares. Exactly one treasure per square. Move to next 2x2 square.
                col += 2;
                if(col >= gameState.GameField.Columns)
                    row += 2;
                    col = 0;

            // Find a random spot for the initial empty item location. This may not be on top of a treasure.
            int emptyItemLocationIndex;
                emptyItemLocationIndex = platformServices.GetRandomNumber (0, gameState.GameField.Rows * gameState.GameField.Columns);
            while(treasureIndexes.ContainsKey (emptyItemLocationIndex));

            // Populate the game field.
            int index = 0;
            for(row = 0; row < gameState.GameField.Rows; row++)
                for(col = 0; col < gameState.GameField.Columns; col++)
                    var item = new GameFieldItem ()
                        Id = id++,
                        Pyramid = pyramidType,
                        Treasure = TreasureType.None

                    // If we come across the initial empty location, remove the pyramid.
                    if(index == emptyItemLocationIndex)
                        item.Pyramid = PyramidType.None;

                    // If there's a treasure, hide it.
                        item.Treasure = treasureIndexes[index];

                    gameState.GameField.SetItem (row, col, item);

                    // Alternate pyramids to make the field look nicer.
                    pyramidType = pyramidType == PyramidType.PyramidA ? PyramidType.PyramidB : PyramidType.PyramidA;


            // Shuffle the stack of cards to draw from. Each treasure is there three times.
            // First 12 score 1 each, second 12 score 2 each, third 12 score 3 each.
            var randomizedCards = DefaultGameInteractionService.GetRandomizedTreasures (3);
            gameState.Cards = new Stack<TreasureType> (randomizedCards);