Пример #1
        public static void LogScriptTelemetryRecord(ref ScriptRuntime runtime)
            var envDict = new EnvDictionary();

            var record = MakeTelemetryRecord(ref runtime);

            if (envDict.TelemetryState)
                if (envDict.TelemetryState &&
                    envDict.TelemetryServerUrl != null &&
                    new Task(() =>
                             Telemetry.PostTelemetryRecord(envDict.TelemetryServerUrl, record)).Start();

                if (envDict.TelemetryState &&
                    envDict.TelemetryFilePath != null &&
                    new Task(() =>
                             Telemetry.WriteTelemetryRecord(envDict.TelemetryFilePath, record)).Start();
Пример #2
        public static int Execute(EventHook eventHook, object eventSender, object eventArgs)
            var env = new EnvDictionary();

                       scriptData: new ScriptData {
                ScriptPath = eventHook.Script,
                ConfigScriptPath = eventHook.Script,
                CommandUniqueId = eventHook.UniqueId,
                CommandName = string.Format("hooks.{0}", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(eventHook.Script)),
                CommandBundle = string.Format("{0}.hooks", eventHook.ExtensionName),
                CommandExtension = eventHook.ExtensionName,
                HelpSource = "",
                       scriptRuntimeCfg: new ScriptRuntimeConfigs {
                CommandData = null,
                SelectedElements = new ElementSet(),
                SearchPaths = new List <string>(eventHook.SearchPaths),
                Arguments = new List <string>(),
                EventSender = eventSender,
                EventArgs = eventArgs,
                EngineConfigs = " { \"full_frame\" : true } ",
                RefreshEngine = false,
                ConfigMode = false,
                DebugMode = false,
                ExecutedFromUI = false
                       scriptExecConfigs: new ScriptExecutorConfigs {
                SendTelemetry = env.TelemetryState && env.TelemetryIncludeHooks
Пример #3
        public ScriptRuntime(ScriptData scriptData, ScriptRuntimeConfigs scriptRuntimeCfg)
            // setup a new id and timestamp
            ExecId        = CommonUtils.NewShortUUID();
            ExecTimestamp = Telemetry.GetTelemetryTimeStamp();

            // set data
            ScriptData           = scriptData;
            ScriptRuntimeConfigs = scriptRuntimeCfg;

            // get the state of variables before command execution; the command could potentially change the values
            EnvDict = new EnvDictionary();

            // apply application override hooks if given
            if (ScriptRuntimeConfigs.ControlledApp != null)
                ControlledApp = ScriptRuntimeConfigs.ControlledApp;
            if (ScriptRuntimeConfigs.App != null)
                App = ScriptRuntimeConfigs.App;
            if (ScriptRuntimeConfigs.UIControlledApp != null)
                UIControlledApp = ScriptRuntimeConfigs.UIControlledApp;
            if (ScriptRuntimeConfigs.UIApp != null)
                UIApp = ScriptRuntimeConfigs.UIApp;

            // determine event sender type
            if (ScriptRuntimeConfigs.EventSender != null)
                // detemine sender type
                if (ScriptRuntimeConfigs.EventSender.GetType() == typeof(UIControlledApplication))
                    UIControlledApp = (UIControlledApplication)ScriptRuntimeConfigs.EventSender;
                else if (ScriptRuntimeConfigs.EventSender.GetType() == typeof(UIApplication))
                    UIApp = (UIApplication)ScriptRuntimeConfigs.EventSender;
                else if (ScriptRuntimeConfigs.EventSender.GetType() == typeof(ControlledApplication))
                    ControlledApp = (ControlledApplication)ScriptRuntimeConfigs.EventSender;
                else if (ScriptRuntimeConfigs.EventSender.GetType() == typeof(Application))
                    App = (Application)ScriptRuntimeConfigs.EventSender;

            // prepare results
            ExecutionResult = ScriptExecutorResultCodes.Succeeded;
            TraceMessage    = string.Empty;
Пример #4
        public void UnRegisterHook(string uniqueId)
            var env = new EnvDictionary();

            if (env.EventHooks.ContainsKey(uniqueId))
Пример #5
        public static string GetTelemetryTimeStamp()
            var env = new EnvDictionary();

            if (env.TelemetryUTCTimeStamps)
                return(GetISOTimeStamp(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime())); // 2019-09-27T23:22:41.1355Z
                return(GetISOTimeStamp(DateTime.Now));                   // 2019-09-27T16:15:56.9528-07:00
Пример #6
        public static Assembly CompileCLRScript(ref ScriptRuntime runtime, out List <string> errors)
            // https://stackoverflow.com/a/3188953

            // read the referenced dlls from env vars
            // pyrevit sets this when loading
            List <string> refFiles;
            var           envDic = new EnvDictionary();

            if (envDic.ReferencedAssemblies.Length == 0)
                var refs = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
                refFiles = refs.Select(a => a.Location).ToList();
                refFiles = envDic.ReferencedAssemblies.ToList();

            // add location of this assembly

            // create output assembly
            string outputAssembly = Path.Combine(
                string.Format("{0}_{1}.dll", runtime.ScriptData.CommandName, runtime.ScriptSourceFileSignature)

            List <string> defines = new List <string> {
#if (REVIT2013 || REVIT2014 || REVIT2015 || REVIT2016 || REVIT2017)
                $"REVIT{runtime.App.SubVersionNumber.Replace(".", "_")}"

            // determine which compiler to use
            switch (runtime.EngineType)
            case ScriptEngineType.CSharp:
                return(CompileCSharp(runtime.ScriptSourceFile, outputAssembly, refFiles, defines, runtime.ScriptRuntimeConfigs.DebugMode, out errors));

            case ScriptEngineType.VisualBasic:
                return(CompileVB(runtime.ScriptSourceFile, outputAssembly, refFiles, defines, runtime.ScriptRuntimeConfigs.DebugMode, out errors));

                throw new PyRevitException("Specified language does not have a compiler.");
Пример #7
 public void RegisterHook(string uniqueId, string eventName, string eventTarget, string scriptPath, string[] searchPaths, string extensionName)
     if (EventHook.IsValid(eventName))
         var env = new EnvDictionary();
         env.EventHooks[uniqueId] = new Dictionary <string, string> {
             { EventHook.id_key, uniqueId },
             { EventHook.name_key, eventName },
             { EventHook.target_key, eventTarget },
             { EventHook.script_key, scriptPath },
             { EventHook.syspaths_key, string.Join(Path.PathSeparator.ToString(), searchPaths) },
             { EventHook.extension_name_key, extensionName },
         throw new PyRevitException("Invalid hook type");
Пример #8
        public static List <EventHook> GetAllEventHooks()
            var env        = new EnvDictionary();
            var eventHooks = new List <EventHook>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Dictionary <string, string> > eventHookInfo in env.EventHooks)
                var eventName = eventHookInfo.Value[EventHook.name_key];
                if (EventHook.IsValid(eventName))
                    eventHooks.Add(new EventHook(
                                       uniqueId: eventHookInfo.Value[EventHook.id_key],
                                       eventName: eventName,
                                       eventTarget: eventHookInfo.Value[EventHook.target_key],
                                       scriptPath: eventHookInfo.Value[EventHook.script_key],
                                       syspaths: eventHookInfo.Value[EventHook.syspaths_key],
                                       extension_name: eventHookInfo.Value[EventHook.extension_name_key]
Пример #9
        private string GetStyleSheetFile()
            var env = new EnvDictionary();

Пример #10
        public void UnRegisterAllHooks(UIApplication uiApp)
            var env = new EnvDictionary();

Пример #11
        public static Assembly CompileCLRScript(ref ScriptRuntime runtime)
            // https://stackoverflow.com/a/3188953
            // read the script
            var scriptContents = File.ReadAllText(runtime.ScriptSourceFile);

            // read the referenced dlls from env vars
            // pyrevit sets this when loading
            string[] refFiles;
            var      envDic = new EnvDictionary();

            if (envDic.ReferencedAssemblies.Length == 0)
                var refs = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies();
                refFiles = refs.Select(a => a.Location).ToArray();
                refFiles = envDic.ReferencedAssemblies;

            // create compiler parameters
            var compileParams = new CompilerParameters(refFiles);

            compileParams.OutputAssembly = Path.Combine(
                string.Format("{0}_{1}.dll", runtime.ScriptData.CommandName, runtime.ScriptSourceFileSignature)
            compileParams.CompilerOptions    = string.Format("/optimize /define:REVIT{0}", runtime.App.VersionNumber);
            compileParams.GenerateInMemory   = true;
            compileParams.GenerateExecutable = false;

            // determine which code provider to use
            CodeDomProvider compiler;
            var             compConfig = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "CompilerVersion", "v4.0" }

            switch (runtime.EngineType)
            case ScriptEngineType.CSharp:
                compiler = new CSharpCodeProvider(compConfig);

            case ScriptEngineType.VisualBasic:
                compiler = new VBCodeProvider(compConfig);

                throw new PyRevitException("Specified language does not have a compiler.");

            // compile code first
            var res = compiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(
                options: compileParams,
                sources: new string[] { scriptContents }

Пример #12
        public Result Execute(ExternalCommandData commandData, ref string message, ElementSet elements)
            // 1: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            #region Processing modifier keys
            // Processing modifier keys

            bool refreshEngine    = false;
            bool configScriptMode = false;
            bool forcedDebugMode  = false;

            bool ALT   = Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftAlt) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightAlt);
            bool SHIFT = Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftShift) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightShift);
            bool CTRL  = Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LeftCtrl) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RightCtrl);
            bool WIN   = Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.LWin) || Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.RWin);

            // If Ctrl+Alt+Shift clicking on the tool run in clean engine
            if (CTRL && ALT && SHIFT)
                refreshEngine = true;

            // If Alt+Shift clicking on button, open the context menu with options.
            else if (SHIFT && WIN)
                // start creating context menu
                ContextMenu pyRevitCmdContextMenu = new ContextMenu();

                // menu item to open help url if exists
                if (ScriptData.HelpSource != null && ScriptData.HelpSource != "")
                    MenuItem openHelpSource = new MenuItem();
                    openHelpSource.Header  = "Open Help";
                    openHelpSource.ToolTip = ScriptData.HelpSource;
                    openHelpSource.Click  += delegate { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ScriptData.HelpSource); };

                // menu item to copy script path to clipboard
                MenuItem copyScriptPath = new MenuItem();
                copyScriptPath.Header  = "Copy Script Path";
                copyScriptPath.ToolTip = ScriptData.ScriptPath;
                copyScriptPath.Click  += delegate { System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(ScriptData.ScriptPath); };

                // menu item to copy config script path to clipboard, if exists
                if (ScriptData.ConfigScriptPath != null && ScriptData.ConfigScriptPath != "")
                    MenuItem copyAltScriptPath = new MenuItem();
                    copyAltScriptPath.Header  = "Copy Config Script Path";
                    copyAltScriptPath.ToolTip = ScriptData.ConfigScriptPath;
                    copyAltScriptPath.Click  += delegate { System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(ScriptData.ConfigScriptPath); };

                // menu item to copy bundle path to clipboard
                var      bundlePath     = Path.GetDirectoryName(ScriptData.ScriptPath);
                MenuItem copyBundlePath = new MenuItem();
                copyBundlePath.Header  = "Copy Bundle Path";
                copyBundlePath.ToolTip = bundlePath;
                copyBundlePath.Click  += delegate { System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(bundlePath); };

                // menu item to copy command unique name (assigned by pyRevit) to clipboard
                MenuItem copyUniqueName = new MenuItem();
                copyUniqueName.Header  = "Copy Unique Id";
                copyUniqueName.ToolTip = ScriptData.CommandUniqueId;
                copyUniqueName.Click  += delegate { System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(ScriptData.CommandUniqueId); };

                // menu item to copy command unique name (assigned by pyRevit) to clipboard
                MenuItem copyControlIdName = new MenuItem();
                copyControlIdName.Header  = "Copy Control Id";
                copyControlIdName.ToolTip = ScriptData.CommandControlId;
                copyControlIdName.Click  += delegate { System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(ScriptData.CommandControlId); };

                // menu item to copy ;-separated sys paths to clipboard
                // Example: "path1;path2;path3"
                MenuItem copySysPaths = new MenuItem();
                string   sysPathsText = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, ScriptRuntimeConfigs.SearchPaths);
                copySysPaths.Header  = "Copy Sys Paths";
                copySysPaths.ToolTip = sysPathsText;
                copySysPaths.Click  += delegate { System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(sysPathsText); };

                // menu item to copy ;-separated arguments to clipboard
                // Example: "path1;path2;path3"
                MenuItem copyArguments = new MenuItem();
                string   argumentsText = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, ScriptRuntimeConfigs.Arguments);
                copyArguments.Header  = "Copy Arguments";
                copyArguments.ToolTip = argumentsText;
                copyArguments.Click  += delegate { System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(argumentsText); };
                if (argumentsText == null || argumentsText == string.Empty)
                    copyArguments.IsEnabled = false;

                // menu item to copy engine configs
                MenuItem copyEngineConfigs = new MenuItem();
                string   engineCfgs        = ScriptRuntimeConfigs.EngineConfigs;
                copyEngineConfigs.Header  = "Copy Engine Configs";
                copyEngineConfigs.ToolTip = engineCfgs;
                copyEngineConfigs.Click  += delegate { System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(engineCfgs); };
                if (engineCfgs == null || engineCfgs == string.Empty)
                    copyEngineConfigs.IsEnabled = false;

                // menu item to copy help url
                MenuItem copyHelpSource = new MenuItem();
                copyHelpSource.Header  = "Copy Help Url";
                copyHelpSource.ToolTip = ScriptData.HelpSource;
                copyHelpSource.Click  += delegate { System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(ScriptData.HelpSource); };
                if (ScriptData.HelpSource == null || ScriptData.HelpSource == string.Empty)
                    copyHelpSource.IsEnabled = false;

                // open the menu
                pyRevitCmdContextMenu.IsOpen = true;


            // If Ctrl+Shift clicking on button, run the script in debug mode and run config script instead.
            else if (CTRL && (SHIFT || ExecConfigs.UseConfigScript))
                configScriptMode = true;
                forcedDebugMode  = true;

            // If Alt clicking on button, open the script in explorer and return.
            else if (SHIFT && ALT)
                // combine the arguments together
                // it doesn't matter if there is a space after ','
                if (ScriptExecutor.EnsureTargetScript(ScriptData.ConfigScriptPath))
                    string argument = "/select, \"" + ScriptData.ConfigScriptPath + "\"";

                    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", argument);

            else if (ALT)
                // combine the arguments together
                // it doesn't matter if there is a space after ','
                if (ScriptExecutor.EnsureTargetScript(ScriptData.ScriptPath))
                    string argument = "/select, \"" + ScriptData.ScriptPath + "\"";

                    System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("explorer.exe", argument);

            // If Shift clicking on button, run config script instead
            else if (SHIFT || ExecConfigs.UseConfigScript)
                configScriptMode = true;

            // If Ctrl clicking on button, set forced debug mode.
            else if (CTRL)
                forcedDebugMode = true;

            // 2: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            #region Setup pyRevit Command Runtime Configs
            // fill in the rest of runtime info
            ScriptRuntimeConfigs.CommandData      = commandData;
            ScriptRuntimeConfigs.SelectedElements = elements;
            ScriptRuntimeConfigs.RefreshEngine    = refreshEngine;
            ScriptRuntimeConfigs.ConfigMode       = configScriptMode;
            ScriptRuntimeConfigs.DebugMode        = forcedDebugMode;
            ScriptRuntimeConfigs.ExecutedFromUI   = ExecConfigs.MimicExecFromUI;


            // 3: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            #region Execute and log results
            // Executing the script and logging the results
            // Get script executor and Execute the script
            var env    = new EnvDictionary();
            int result = ScriptExecutor.ExecuteScript(
                new ScriptExecutorConfigs {
                SendTelemetry = env.TelemetryState

            // Return results to Revit. Don't report errors since we don't want Revit popup with error results
            if (result == 0)