public MyStack() { // Create a new security group for port 80. var securityGroup = new Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroup("securityGroup", new Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroupArgs { Ingress = { new Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs { Protocol = "tcp", FromPort = 0, ToPort = 0, CidrBlocks = { "", }, }, }, }); var ami = Output.Create(Aws.GetAmi.InvokeAsync(new Aws.GetAmiArgs { Filters = { new Aws.Inputs.GetAmiFilterArgs { Name = "name", Values = { "amzn-ami-hvm-*-x86_64-ebs", }, }, }, Owners = { "137112412989", }, MostRecent = true, })); // Create a simple web server using the startup script for the instance. var server = new Aws.Ec2.Instance("server", new Aws.Ec2.InstanceArgs { Tags = { { "Name", "web-server-www" }, }, InstanceType = "t2.micro", SecurityGroups = { securityGroup.Name, }, Ami = ami.Apply(ami => ami.Id), UserData = @"#!/bin/bash echo ""Hello, World!"" > index.html nohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 & ", }); this.PublicIp = server.PublicIp; this.PublicHostName = server.PublicDns; }
public MyStack() { var subnetId = Output.Create(Aws.CloudFormation.GetExport.InvokeAsync(new Aws.CloudFormation.GetExportArgs { Name = "mySubnetIdExportName", })); var web = new Aws.Ec2.Instance("web", new Aws.Ec2.InstanceArgs { Ami = "ami-abb07bcb", InstanceType = "t1.micro", SubnetId = subnetId.Apply(subnetId => subnetId.Value), }); }
public MyStack() { var ami = Output.Create(Pulumi.Aws.Invokes.GetAmi(new Pulumi.Aws.GetAmiArgs { MostRecent = true, Owners = { "137112412989" }, Filters = { new Pulumi.Aws.Inputs.GetAmiFiltersArgs { Name = "name", Values = { "amzn-ami-hvm-*" } } } })); var group = new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroup("web-secgrp", new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroupArgs { Description = "Enable HTTP access", Ingress = { new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs { Protocol = "tcp", FromPort = 80, ToPort = 80, CidrBlocks ={ "" } }, new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs { Protocol = "icmp", FromPort = 8, ToPort = 80, CidrBlocks ={ "" } } } }); var userData = @" #!/bin/bash echo ""Hello, World!"" > index.html nohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 & "; var server = new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Instance("web-server-www", new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.InstanceArgs { InstanceType = "t2.micro", VpcSecurityGroupIds = { group.Id }, UserData = userData, Ami = ami.Apply(a => a.Id) }); this.PublicIp = server.PublicIp; this.PublicDns = server.PublicDns; }
public MyStack() { var testTargetGroup = new Aws.LB.TargetGroup("testTargetGroup", new Aws.LB.TargetGroupArgs { }); var testInstance = new Aws.Ec2.Instance("testInstance", new Aws.Ec2.InstanceArgs { }); var testTargetGroupAttachment = new Aws.LB.TargetGroupAttachment("testTargetGroupAttachment", new Aws.LB.TargetGroupAttachmentArgs { Port = 80, TargetGroupArn = testTargetGroup.Arn, TargetId = testInstance.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var network = Output.Create(Aws.CloudFormation.GetStack.InvokeAsync(new Aws.CloudFormation.GetStackArgs { Name = "my-network-stack", })); var web = new Aws.Ec2.Instance("web", new Aws.Ec2.InstanceArgs { Ami = "ami-abb07bcb", InstanceType = "t1.micro", SubnetId = network.Apply(network => network.Outputs.SubnetId), Tags = { { "Name", "HelloWorld" }, }, }); }
public MyStack() { var ami = Output.Create(Aws.GetAmi.InvokeAsync(new Aws.GetAmiArgs { Filters = { new Aws.Inputs.GetAmiFilterArgs { Name = "name", Values = { "amzn-ami-hvm-*", }, }, }, MostRecent = true, Owners = { "amazon", }, })); var instance = new Aws.Ec2.Instance("instance", new Aws.Ec2.InstanceArgs { Ami = ami.Apply(ami => ami.Id), InstanceType = "t2.micro", Tags = { { "type", "test-instance" }, }, }); var sg = new Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroup("sg", new Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroupArgs { Tags = { { "type", "test-security-group" }, }, }); var sgAttachment = new Aws.Ec2.NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupAttachment("sgAttachment", new Aws.Ec2.NetworkInterfaceSecurityGroupAttachmentArgs { NetworkInterfaceId = instance.PrimaryNetworkInterfaceId, SecurityGroupId = sg.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var web = new Aws.Ec2.Instance("web", new Aws.Ec2.InstanceArgs { Ami = "ami-21f78e11", AvailabilityZone = "us-west-2a", InstanceType = "t1.micro", Tags = { { "Name", "HelloWorld" }, }, }); var example = new Aws.Ec2.Eip("example", new Aws.Ec2.EipArgs { Vpc = true, }); var eipAssoc = new Aws.Ec2.EipAssociation("eipAssoc", new Aws.Ec2.EipAssociationArgs { AllocationId = example.Id, InstanceId = web.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var ubuntu = Output.Create(Aws.GetAmi.InvokeAsync(new Aws.GetAmiArgs { Filters = { new Aws.Inputs.GetAmiFilterArgs { Name = "name", Values = { "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-trusty-14.04-amd64-server-*", }, }, new Aws.Inputs.GetAmiFilterArgs { Name = "virtualization-type", Values = { "hvm", }, }, }, MostRecent = true, Owners = { "099720109477", }, })); var web = new Aws.Ec2.Instance("web", new Aws.Ec2.InstanceArgs { Ami = ubuntu.Apply(ubuntu => ubuntu.Id), InstanceType = "t2.micro", Tags = { { "Name", "HelloWorld" }, }, }); }
public MyStack() { var web = new Aws.Ec2.Instance("web", new Aws.Ec2.InstanceArgs { Ami = "ami-21f78e11", AvailabilityZone = "us-west-2a", InstanceType = "t1.micro", Tags = { { "Name", "HelloWorld" }, }, }); var example = new Aws.Ebs.Volume("example", new Aws.Ebs.VolumeArgs { AvailabilityZone = "us-west-2a", Size = 1, }); var ebsAtt = new Aws.Ec2.VolumeAttachment("ebsAtt", new Aws.Ec2.VolumeAttachmentArgs { DeviceName = "/dev/sdh", InstanceId = web.Id, VolumeId = example.Id, }); }
public MyStack() { var vpc = Output.Create(Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.GetVpc.InvokeAsync(new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.GetVpcArgs { Default = true })); var vpcId = vpc.Apply(vpc => vpc.Id); var subnet = vpcId.Apply(id => Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.GetSubnetIds.InvokeAsync(new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.GetSubnetIdsArgs { VpcId = id })); var subnetIds = subnet.Apply(s => s.Ids); var ami = Output.Create(Pulumi.Aws.GetAmi.InvokeAsync(new Pulumi.Aws.GetAmiArgs { MostRecent = true, Owners = { "137112412989" }, Filters = { new Pulumi.Aws.Inputs.GetAmiFiltersArgs { Name = "name", Values = { "amzn-ami-hvm-*" } } } })); var group = new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroup("web-secgrp", new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroupArgs { Description = "Enable HTTP access", Egress = { new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupEgressArgs { Protocol = "-1", FromPort = 0, ToPort = 0, CidrBlocks ={ "" } }, }, Ingress = { new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs { Protocol = "tcp", FromPort = 80, ToPort = 80, CidrBlocks ={ "" } }, new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs { Protocol = "icmp", FromPort = 8, ToPort = 80, CidrBlocks ={ "" } } } }); var loadbalancer = new Pulumi.Aws.LB.LoadBalancer("external-loadbalancer", new Pulumi.Aws.LB.LoadBalancerArgs { Internal = false, SecurityGroups = { group.Id }, Subnets = subnetIds, LoadBalancerType = "application", }); this.Url = loadbalancer.DnsName; var targetGroup = new Pulumi.Aws.LB.TargetGroup("target-group", new Pulumi.Aws.LB.TargetGroupArgs { Port = 80, Protocol = "HTTP", TargetType = "ip", VpcId = vpcId, }); var listener = new Pulumi.Aws.LB.Listener("listener", new Pulumi.Aws.LB.ListenerArgs { LoadBalancerArn = loadbalancer.Arn, Port = 80, DefaultActions = { new Pulumi.Aws.LB.Inputs.ListenerDefaultActionsArgs { Type = "forward", TargetGroupArn = targetGroup.Arn, } } }); var userData = @" #!/bin/bash echo ""Hello, World!"" > index.html nohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 & "; var azs = Pulumi.Aws.GetAvailabilityZones.InvokeAsync(new Pulumi.Aws.GetAvailabilityZonesArgs()).Result; foreach (var az in azs.Names) { var server = new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Instance($"web-server-{az}", new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.InstanceArgs { InstanceType = "t2.micro", VpcSecurityGroupIds = { group.Id }, UserData = userData, Ami = ami.Apply(a => a.Id), AvailabilityZone = az, }); var attachment = new Pulumi.Aws.LB.TargetGroupAttachment($"web-server-{az}", new Pulumi.Aws.LB.TargetGroupAttachmentArgs { Port = 80, TargetGroupArn = targetGroup.Arn, TargetId = server.PrivateIp, }); } }
public MyStack() { var ami = Output.Create(Pulumi.Aws.GetAmi.InvokeAsync(new Pulumi.Aws.GetAmiArgs { MostRecent = true, Owners = { "137112412989" }, Filters = { new Pulumi.Aws.Inputs.GetAmiFiltersArgs { Name = "name", Values = { "amzn-ami-hvm-*" } } } })); var group = new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroup("web-secgrp", new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.SecurityGroupArgs { Description = "Enable HTTP access", Ingress = { new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs { Protocol = "tcp", FromPort = 80, ToPort = 80, CidrBlocks ={ "" } }, new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Inputs.SecurityGroupIngressArgs { Protocol = "icmp", FromPort = 8, ToPort = 80, CidrBlocks ={ "" } } } }); var userData = @" #!/bin/bash echo ""Hello, World!"" > index.html nohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 & "; var azs = Pulumi.Aws.GetAvailabilityZones.InvokeAsync(new Pulumi.Aws.GetAvailabilityZonesArgs()).Result; var hostnames = new List <Input <string> >(); var ips = new List <Input <string> >(); foreach (var az in azs.Names) { var server = new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.Instance($"web-server-{az}", new Pulumi.Aws.Ec2.InstanceArgs { InstanceType = "t2.micro", VpcSecurityGroupIds = { group.Id }, UserData = userData, Ami = ami.Apply(a => a.Id), AvailabilityZone = az, }); hostnames.Add(server.PublicDns); ips.Add(server.PublicIp); } this.PublicIps = Output.All(ips.ToImmutableArray()); this.PublicDns = Output.All(hostnames.ToImmutableArray()); }