Пример #1
 public static void PredictionBox(HookHandler.PredictClass predict, Color color)
     var x = predict.PredictedLocation.X;
     var y = predict.PredictedLocation.Y;
     Color textC = Color.Green;
     string displayText = "Prediction";
     if (predict.closest)
         textC = Color.Red;
         displayText = "Prediction [e]";
     for (int i = 1; i != 3; i++)
         Drawing.DrawLine(new Vector2(x - 50 + i, y - 50 + i), new Vector2(x + 50 + i, y - 50 + i), color); //Top Left to Top Right
         Drawing.DrawLine(new Vector2(x + 50 + i, y - 50 + i), new Vector2(x + 50 + i, y + 50 + i), color); //Top Right to Bottom Right
         Drawing.DrawLine(new Vector2(x + 50 + i, y + 50 + i), new Vector2(x - 50 + i, y + 50 + i), color); //Bottom Right to Bottom Left
         Drawing.DrawLine(new Vector2(x - 50 + i, y + 50 + i), new Vector2(x - 50 + i, y - 50 + i), color); //Bottom Left to Top Left
     Drawing.DrawText(displayText, new Vector2(x + 5, y + 55), textC, FontFlags.Outline | FontFlags.AntiAlias);
Пример #2
                public static void pudge(Hero enemy)
                    if (Variables.Settings.Hook_Lines_value.val == 0)
                        var   opponent = enemy.Position;
                        var   distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((opponent.X - Variables.me.Position.X), 2) + Math.Pow((opponent.Y - Variables.me.Position.Y), 2)) - (enemy.HullRadius * 2);
                        Color color;
                        if (distance <= Variables.me.Spellbook.Spell1.CastRange)
                            color = Color.Green;
                        else if (distance <= Variables.me.Spellbook.Spell1.CastRange + 80)
                            color = Color.Orange;
                            color = Color.Red;
                        Drawing.DrawLine(Drawing.WorldToScreen(Variables.me.Position), Drawing.WorldToScreen(enemy.Position), color); //draw line between player and enemy
                                                                                                                                      // PrintInfo(me.Distance2D(enemy.Position).ToString());
                                                                                                                                      //PrintInfo("Drawing Line");
                    int maxDmg = -99;

                    if (Variables.Settings.Combo_Status_Value.val == 0)
                        maxDmg = HookHandler.CalculateMaximumDamageOutput(Variables.me, enemy);
                        var    manaReq      = HookHandler.CalculateManaRequired(Variables.me);
                        string comboMessage = "null";
                        if (enemy.Health - maxDmg <= 0)
                            comboMessage = "Instant Death";
                        else if (Variables.me.Mana - manaReq < 0)
                            comboMessage = "Need " + (int)(manaReq - Variables.me.Mana) + " more mana";
                        else if (maxDmg == 0)
                            comboMessage = "No combo available";
                            comboMessage = "Wounded with " + (enemy.Health - maxDmg) + " hp left";
                        ESP.Draw.Enemy.Info(enemy, comboMessage, 2, Color.Lime); //combo predict
                    if (Variables.Settings.Maximum_Damage_Output_Value.val == 0)
                        if (maxDmg == -99)
                            maxDmg = HookHandler.CalculateMaximumDamageOutput(Variables.me, enemy);
                        ESP.Draw.Enemy.Info(enemy, maxDmg.ToString(), 3, Color.Orange); //dmg calc
                    if (Variables.Settings.Mana_Required_Value.val == 0)
                        ESP.Draw.Enemy.Info(enemy, HookHandler.CalculateManaRequired(Variables.me).ToString(), 4, Color.Cyan);  //mana calc