private void WriteAnchor(string href, CssAttributes attrs) { if (!href.Contains("://")) { // relative links are to markdown files, so no .htm suffix if (href.EndsWith(".htm")) { href = href.Substring(0, href.Length - 4); } href = this.baseUri + href; } attrs.Push("attribute", "true"); WriteText(href, attrs); attrs.Pop("attribute"); }
public static CssAttributes Parse(string style, CssAttributes inherited) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(style)) { return(inherited); } CssAttributes result = new CssAttributes(inherited); foreach (var part in style.Split(';')) { string[] nvalue = part.Split(':'); if (nvalue.Length == 2) {[nvalue[0]] = nvalue[1]; } else { Console.WriteLine("Ignoring CSS attribute: " + part); } } return(result); }
public CssAttributes(CssAttributes inherited) { this.inherited = inherited; }
void WalkElements(XElement e, CssAttributes inherited) { double beforeSize = (inherited != null) ? inherited.GetFontSize() : 0; CssAttributes attrs = CssAttributes.Parse((string)e.Attribute("style"), inherited); double size = attrs.GetFontSize(); if (ignoreFirstParagraph && e.Name.LocalName == "p") { // ignore first paragraph. ignoreFirstParagraph = false; return; } bool heading = false; if (beforeSize != size) { if (size == 12) { writer.Write("### "); heading = true; } else if (size >= 13 && size < 17 && beforeSize != 13) { writer.Write("## "); heading = true; } else if (size >= 17) { writer.Write("# "); heading = true; } else { Console.WriteLine("Font size changed to {0} on element {1}", size, e.Name.LocalName); } } if (heading) { attrs.Push("heading", "true"); } foreach (XNode child in e.Nodes()) { if (child is XElement) { XElement ce = (XElement)child; switch (ce.Name.LocalName) { case "a": writer.Write("["); WalkElements(ce, attrs); writer.Write("]("); WriteAnchor((string)ce.Attribute("href"), attrs); writer.Write(")"); break; case "h3": CheckNewLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ce.Value)) { attrs.Push("font-size", "12pt"); attrs.Push("heading", "true"); writer.Write("### "); WalkElements(ce, attrs); attrs.Pop("font-size"); attrs.Pop("heading"); WriteLine(); } break; case "h2": CheckNewLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ce.Value)) { attrs.Push("font-size", "13pt"); attrs.Push("heading", "true"); writer.Write("## "); WalkElements(ce, attrs); attrs.Pop("font-size"); attrs.Pop("heading"); WriteLine(); } break; case "h1": CheckNewLine(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ce.Value)) { attrs.Push("font-size", "17pt"); attrs.Push("heading", "true"); writer.Write("# "); WalkElements(ce, attrs); attrs.Pop("font-size"); attrs.Pop("heading"); WriteLine(); } break; case "div": case "p": CheckNewLine(); WalkElements(ce, attrs); WriteLine(); break; case "li": string listType = attrs.Find("list"); if (listType == "ordered") { writer.Write("1. "); } else { writer.Write("* "); } WalkElements(ce, attrs); WriteLine(); break; case "span": if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ce.Value)) { bool bold = attrs.Find("fond-weight") == "bold"; if (bold) { writer.Write("** "); } WalkElements(ce, attrs); if (bold) { writer.Write("** "); } } break; case "img": CheckNewLine(); writer.Write("!["); writer.Write("]("); WriteAnchor((string)ce.Attribute("src"), attrs); writer.Write(")"); break; case "ol": CheckNewLine(); attrs.Push("list", "ordered"); WalkElements(ce, attrs); attrs.Pop("list"); WriteLine(); break; case "ul": CheckNewLine(); attrs.Push("list", "unordered"); WalkElements(ce, attrs); attrs.Pop("list"); WriteLine(); break; case "br": WriteLine(); break; case "table": throw new Exception("HTML Table doesn't translate to markdown"); default: Console.WriteLine("Ignoring element: " + ce.Name.LocalName); break; } } else if (child is XText) { XText text = (XText)child; WriteText(text.Value, attrs); } } if (heading) { attrs.Pop("heading"); } }
void WriteText(string value, CssAttributes attrs) { if (value == "Created with Microsoft OneNote 2016.") { return; } // onenote output puts newlines in lots of weird places which breaks // markdown headings and other things. value = value.Replace("\n", " "); bool isAttribute = attrs.Find("attribute") == "true"; if (!isAttribute) { if (attrs.GetMarginLeft() > 0.3) { value = value.Replace("\n", " "); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value)) { writer.Write(" "); linePos += 4; } } if (attrs.Find("font-weight", false) == "bold") { writer.Write("**"); value = value.Trim(whitespace); } } if (value.Replace("\n", " ").Contains("Did not get the expected response")) { Console.WriteLine("found it"); } bool carriageReturn = false; for (int i = 0, length = value.Length; i < length; i++) { char ch = value[i]; if (ch == '&') { i++; int j = value.IndexOf(';', i); if (j > i) { string name = value.Substring(i, j - i); switch (name) { case "amp": writer.Write('&'); this.linePos++; break; case "lt": writer.Write('<'); this.linePos++; break; case "gt": writer.Write('>'); this.linePos++; break; case "apos": writer.Write('\''); this.linePos++; break; case "quot": writer.Write('"'); this.linePos++; break; default: throw new Exception("Unsupported entity: " + name); } } else { writer.Write('&'); this.linePos++; } } else if (ch == '\r') { carriageReturn = true; } else if (ch == '\n') { carriageReturn = false; WriteLine(); } else if ((ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == 0xA0) && linePos == 0) { continue; } else { if (carriageReturn) { carriageReturn = false; WriteLine(); } writer.Write(ch); this.linePos++; } } if (!isAttribute) { if (attrs.Find("font-weight", false) == "bold") { writer.Write("** "); } } }