Пример #1
        public XMgr(string XEventText)
            OriginalXeventText = XEventText;
            TextReader        reader  = new StringReader(XEventText);
            XPathDocument     doc     = new XPathDocument(reader);
            XPathNavigator    rootnav = doc.CreateNavigator();
            XPathNodeIterator iterCat = rootnav.Select("DiagMgr/events/category");

            while (iterCat.MoveNext())
                string            name      = iterCat.Current.GetAttribute("name", "").ToString();
                DiagCategory      cat       = new DiagCategory("category", name);
                XPathNavigator    eventNav  = iterCat.Current.CreateNavigator();
                XPathNodeIterator iterEvent = eventNav.Select("event");
                while (iterEvent.MoveNext())
                    /*Xevent evt = new Xevent();
                     * evt.Name = iterEvent.Current.GetAttribute("name", "");
                     * evt.Package = iterEvent.Current.GetAttribute("package", "");
                     * evt.General = Convert.ToBoolean(iterEvent.Current.GetAttribute("general", ""));
                     * evt.Detailed = Convert.ToBoolean(iterEvent.Current.GetAttribute("detail", ""));
                     * evt.Replay = Convert.ToBoolean(iterEvent.Current.GetAttribute("replay", ""));
                    cat.XEventList_DONOTUSE.Add(new Xevent(iterEvent.Current.OuterXml));

                    //Xevent xevt2 = ObjectCopier.Clone<Xevent>(new Xevent(iterEvent.Current.OuterXml));
            // PrintInfo();
Пример #2
 public TraceEvent(DiagCategory cat, string xmltag, string name, string id)
     this.XmlTagName = xmltag;
     Name            = name;
     this.Id         = id;
     this.Category   = cat;
Пример #3
        static List <DiagCategory> GetCustomDiagnostics()
            List <DiagCategory> customList = new List <DiagCategory>();

            //string CustomDiag = Directory.GetParent(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName) + @"\CustomDiagnostics";
            string        CustomDiag = Globals.ExePath + @"\CustomDiagnostics";
            DirectoryInfo dInfo      = new DirectoryInfo(CustomDiag);

            DirectoryInfo[] subdirs = dInfo.GetDirectories();
            foreach (DirectoryInfo dirinfo in subdirs)
                //  Logger.LogInfo(dirinfo.Name);

                //DiagCategory cat = new DiagCategory("CustomGroup", dirinfo.Name);

                DiagCategory cat = GetCustomGroup(dirinfo.Name, dirinfo.FullName + @"\CustomDiag.xml");
                //donit' want ot deal with empty folder

                if (null != cat && cat.DiagEventList.Count > 0)
Пример #4
 public CustomTask(DiagCategory cat, string xmltag, string taskename, string type, string point, string wait, string cmd, Int32 pollinginterval)
     : base(cat, xmltag, taskename)
     this.Type            = type;
     this.Point           = point;
     this.Cmd             = cmd;
     this.Wait            = wait;
     this.PollingInterval = pollinginterval;
Пример #5
        void SetCustomDiag(XmlNode node)
            // if SQL Xevent needs to be captured
            if (m_Setting[Res.CollectXEvent] == "true")
                DiagCategory XEventGroup = DiagFactory.GetCustomGroup(null, @"Templates\CustomDiagnostics_Xevent.xml");
                //need to manuall handle taskname "Add File Target" for file size and file count
                DiagItem   taskItem = XEventGroup.DiagEventList.Find(x => x.Name == "Add File Target"); // for CustomTask Name is the same as TaskName
                CustomTask task     = taskItem as CustomTask;
                task.Cmd = task.Cmd.Replace("1024x", m_Setting[Res.XEventMaxFileSize]).Replace("5x", m_Setting[Res.XEventFileCount]);
                //manually check events for special handling

            //speical handling Analysis Service (A_S)
            string customDiagxml = m_Setting.CustomDiagCategoryList.GetCategoryXml();

            if (m_Setting[Res.Feature] == "AS")
                string ServerInstance  = string.Empty;
                string instance        = string.Empty;
                string InstanceName    = m_Setting[Res.InstanceName];
                string MachineName     = m_Setting[Res.MachineName];
                string ASTraceFileName = string.Empty;

                if (!(InstanceName.ToUpper() == "MSSQLSERVER"))
                    ServerInstance  = MachineName + @"\" + InstanceName;
                    ASTraceFileName = MachineName + "_" + InstanceName;
                    ServerInstance  = MachineName;
                    ASTraceFileName = MachineName;

                customDiagxml = customDiagxml.Replace("ASSERVERINSTANCE", ServerInstance);
                customDiagxml = customDiagxml.Replace("ASTraceFileName", ASTraceFileName);

            node.InnerXml = customDiagxml;

            //CustomDiagnosticsNode.InnerXml = DiagTreeMgr.GetXmlText(tv_CustomDiag);
Пример #6
        private void MakeManualBatchFiles()
            if (m_Instance == "*")

            StreamWriter ManualStart = File.CreateText(m_tempDirectory + @"\ManualStart.txt");
            StreamWriter ManualStop  = File.CreateText(m_tempDirectory + @"\ManualStop.txt");

            ManualStart.WriteLine("REM PURPOSE: This file is for cases where execution of PSSDIAG does not work for some reason. It allows you to manually collect some base information.");
            ManualStart.WriteLine("REM This includes Perfmon, Perfstat scripts and some other configuration information for the instance (sp_configure, sys.databses, etc)");
            ManualStart.WriteLine("REM INSTRUCTIONS:");
            ManualStart.WriteLine("REM 1. Rename the file to ManualStart.cmd (change the extension)");
            ManualStart.WriteLine("REM 2. Rename the ManualStop.txt to ManualStop.cmd (change the extension)");
            ManualStart.WriteLine("REM 3. Execute from a Command Prompt by running ManualStart.cmd");
            ManualStart.WriteLine("REM 4. When ready to stop, execute ManualStop.cmd from another Command Prompt window");
            ManualStart.WriteLine("REM 5. Find the collected data in the \\Output folder");

            ManualStop.WriteLine("REM PURPOSE: This file is for cases where execution of PSSDIAG does not work for some reason. This file stops manual collection of base information.");
            ManualStop.WriteLine("REM INSTRUCTIONS:");
            ManualStop.WriteLine("REM 1. Rename the file to ManualStop.cmd (change the extension)");
            ManualStop.WriteLine("REM 2. When ready to stop collection, execute ManualStop.cmd from a new Command Prompt window");
            ManualStop.WriteLine("REM 3. Find the collected data in the \\Output folder");

            ManualStart.WriteLine("setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS");
            ManualStart.WriteLine("set LaunchDir=%~dp0");
            ManualStart.WriteLine("set servername=%computername%");

            ManualStop.WriteLine("setlocal ENABLEEXTENSIONS");
            ManualStop.WriteLine("set LaunchDir=%~dp0");
            ManualStop.WriteLine("set servername=%computername%");

            ManualStart.WriteLine("md \"%LaunchDir%\\output\\internal\"");

            //need to test on a cluster and see if . does anything for VNN

            ManualStart.WriteLine(string.Format(SqlCmdTemplate, m_Server_Instance, m_output_instance_prefix + "_msdiagprocs.out", "-i\"" + m_input_prefix + "msdiagprocs.sql" + "\""));

            //make manual profile collector
            if (m_userchoice[Res.CollectProfiler] == "true")
                string strTraceEvents = "";
                foreach (DiagItem diagItem in m_userchoice.ProfilerCategoryList.GetCheckedDiagItemList())
                    TraceEvent evt = diagItem as TraceEvent;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTraceEvents))
                        strTraceEvents += ",";
                    strTraceEvents += evt.Id.ToString();
                string MaxFileSize = m_userchoice[Res.ProfilerMaxFileSize];
                string FileCount   = m_userchoice[Res.ProfilerFileCount];

                string strTraceStartQuery = string.Format(StartTraceTemplate, strTraceEvents, m_AppName, m_output_instance_prefix + "_sp_trace", MaxFileSize, FileCount);
                string strTraceStopQuery  = string.Format(StopTraceTemplate, m_AppName);
                ManualStart.WriteLine("rem starting profiler trace");
                string cmd = string.Format(SqlCmdTemplate, m_Server_Instance, m_internal_output_instance_prefix + "_sp_trace_start.out", "-Q\"" + strTraceStartQuery + "\"");
                ManualStop.WriteLine("rem stoping profile trace");
                cmd = string.Format(SqlCmdTemplate, m_Server_Instance, m_internal_output_instance_prefix + "_sp_trace_stop.out", "-Q\"" + strTraceStopQuery + "\"");

            //make a copy
            List <DiagCategory> checkedCategories = new List <DiagCategory>();

            foreach (DiagCategory cat in m_userchoice.CustomDiagCategoryList.GetCheckedCategoryList())

            // if SQL Xevent needs to be captured
            if (m_userchoice[Res.CollectXEvent] == "true")
                DiagCategory XEventGroup = DiagFactory.GetCustomGroup(null, @"Templates\CustomDiagnostics_Xevent.xml");
                //need to manuall handle taskname "Add File Target" for file size and file count
                DiagItem   taskItem = XEventGroup.DiagEventList.Find(x => x.Name == "Add File Target"); // for CustomTask Name is the same as TaskName
                CustomTask task     = taskItem as CustomTask;
                task.Cmd = task.Cmd.Replace("1024x", m_userchoice[Res.XEventMaxFileSize]).Replace("5x", m_userchoice[Res.XEventFileCount]);

                XEventGroup.Name = "XEvent";
                //manually check events for special handling

            foreach (DiagCategory cat in checkedCategories)
                ManualStart.WriteLine("rem group: " + cat.Name);
                foreach (DiagItem item in cat.GetCheckedEventList())
                    CustomTask task = item as CustomTask;
                    //currently do not handle anything other than TSQL script
                    if (null == task)
                    if (task.Type.ToUpper() == "TSQL_SCRIPT")
                        string cmd = "Start ";
                        if (task.GroupName == "XEvent")
                            cmd = ""; //make sure xevent is last group

                        cmd = cmd + string.Format(SqlCmdTemplate, m_Server_Instance, m_output_instance_prefix + "_" + task.Cmd + ".out", "-i\"" + m_input_prefix + task.Cmd + "\"");
                        if (task.Point.ToUpper() == "STARTUP")

                     * //various issues exists for batch files.
                     * else if (task.Type.ToUpper() =="UTILITY")
                     * {
                     *    // working example
                     *    //start  collecterrorlog.cmd jackli2014\sql16a 1 ^> "c:\temp\pssd\out5.txt" 2>&1 ^&^&exit
                     *    //
                     *    string cmd = "start " +  ReplaceToken(task.Name, task.Cmd);
                     *    cmd = cmd.Replace(">", "^>").Replace("2^>&1", "2>&1");
                     *    cmd = cmd + " &exit";
                     *    if (task.Point.ToUpper() == "STARTUP")
                     *    {
                     *        ManualStart.WriteLine(cmd);
                     *    }
                     *    else
                     *    {
                     *        ManualStop.WriteLine(cmd);
                     *    }
                     * }*/
                    else if (task.Type.ToUpper() == "TSQL_COMMAND")
                        string cmd = "Start ";

                        if (task.GroupName == "XEvent")
                            cmd = ""; // can do this because it's the last event

                        cmd = cmd + string.Format(SqlCmdTemplate, m_Server_Instance, m_output_instance_prefix + "_" + task.TaskName + ".out", "-Q\"" + task.Cmd + "\"");
                        cmd = cmd.Replace(@"%output_path%%server%_%instance%", m_output_instance_prefix);

                        if (task.Point.ToUpper() == "STARTUP")
                        Logger.LogInfo("Manual run hasnot been implemented for task type " + task.Type);


            ManualStart.WriteLine("rem starting Perfmon");

            ManualStart.WriteLine(string.Format("logman stop {0}", LogManName));
            ManualStart.WriteLine(string.Format("logman delete {0}", LogManName));

            ManualStart.WriteLine(string.Format("logman CREATE COUNTER -n {0} -s {1} -cf {2} -f bin -si 00:00:15 -o {3} -ow ", LogManName, m_userchoice[Res.MachineName], "LogmanConfig.txt", @"output\pssdiag.blg"));

            ManualStart.WriteLine(string.Format("logman start {0} ", LogManName));

            ManualStop.WriteLine(string.Format("logman stop {0}", LogManName));

            ManualStop.WriteLine(string.Format(SqlCmdTemplate, m_Server_Instance, m_output_instance_prefix + "_kill.out", "-Q tempdb.dbo.sp_killpssdiagSessions"));

            //logman CREATE COUNTER -n SQLServer -s AlwaysOnN1  -cf C:\dsefiles\dse_counters.txt -f bin -si 00:00:15 -o C:\dsefiles\SQL.blg

Пример #7
        public static void PopulateTree <T>  (TreeView tree, List <T> treelist, UserSetting setting)
            TreeNodeCollection tc = tree.Nodes;

            tree.AfterCheck -= OnCheck;
            tree.AfterCheck += OnCheck;
            if (tc.Count > 0)

            //sort the list for tree display

            foreach (T obj in treelist)
                DiagCategory cat     = obj as DiagCategory;
                TreeNode     catNode = new TreeNode();
                catNode.Name = cat.TreeNodeName;
                catNode.Text = cat.TreeNodeText;
                catNode.Tag  = cat;

                if (cat.DiagEventList.Count <= 0)


                bool anyChildChecked = false;
                foreach (DiagItem evt in cat.DiagEventList)
                    TreeNode evtNode = new TreeNode();
                    evtNode.Name = evt.TreeNodeText;
                    evtNode.Text = evt.TreeNodeText;
                    bool IsVersionEnabled     = false;
                    bool IsFeatureEanbled     = false;
                    bool IsAnyTemplateEnabled = false;

                    if (null != evt.EnabledVersions.Find(x => x.Name == setting["Version"] && x.Enabled == true))
                        IsVersionEnabled = true;

                    if (null != evt.EnabledFeatures.Find(x => x.Name == setting["Feature"] && x.Enabled == true))
                        IsFeatureEanbled = true;
                    //foreach (string temp in setting.GetDefaultChoiceByFeatureVersion (setting.Feature, setting.Version).ScenarioList)
                    foreach (string temp in setting.UserChosenScenarioList)
                        if (null != evt.EnabledTemplate.Find(x => x.Name == temp))
                            IsAnyTemplateEnabled = true;

                    if (IsVersionEnabled == true && IsFeatureEanbled == true && IsAnyTemplateEnabled == true)
                        anyChildChecked = true;
                        evtNode.Checked = true;

                    evtNode.Tag = evt;

                    if (IsVersionEnabled && IsFeatureEanbled)
                        (evtNode.Tag as DiagItem).IsChecked = evtNode.Checked;

                //don't add if the feature or version doesn't event support any of the events in this event category
                if (anyChildChecked == true)
                    catNode.Checked = anyChildChecked;

                //only add the node if it's for this feature and version
                //regardless of template

                if (catNode.Nodes.Count > 0)
                    (catNode.Tag as DiagItem).IsChecked = catNode.Checked;
Пример #8
 public DiagItem(DiagCategory cat, string xmltag, string name)
     this.Category   = cat;
     this.XmlTagName = xmltag;
     this.Name       = name;
Пример #9
        public static DiagCategory GetCustomGroup(string CustomGroupName, string filename)
            //AS currently doesn't support public release
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CustomGroupName) && (DiagRuntime.IsPublicVersion == true && CustomGroupName.ToUpper().Contains("ANALYSIS")))
            DiagCategory cat;

            if (CustomGroupName != null)

                cat = new DiagCategory("CustomGroup", CustomGroupName);
                cat = new DiagCategory("CustomGroup", "PlaceHolder"); //will change later

            //we need to fake a custom xml file for TSQL Scripts to make it easier to develop

            XPathDocument doc;

            string CustomGroupDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename);

            string[] sqlfiles = Directory.GetFiles(CustomGroupDir, "*.sql");

            if (File.Exists(filename))
                doc = new XPathDocument(filename);
            else if (sqlfiles.Length > 0)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" standalone=\"yes\"?>\n\r");

                foreach (string file in sqlfiles)
                    string fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileName(file);
                    string format       = "<CustomTask enabled = \"true\" groupname = \"{0}\" taskname = \"{1}\" type = \"TSQL_Script\" point = \"Startup\" wait = \"No\" cmd = \"{2}\" pollinginterval = \"0\" />";
                    sb.AppendFormat(format, cat.Name, fileNameOnly, fileNameOnly);

                StringReader stream = new StringReader(sb.ToString());

                doc = new XPathDocument(stream);
                throw new Exception("Invalid Custom Diagnostics group: '" + ((CustomGroupName == null) ? "NULL" : CustomGroupName) + "'");

            XPathNavigator rootnav = doc.CreateNavigator();

            XPathNodeIterator iter = rootnav.Select("CustomTasks/CustomTask ");

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                string groupname = iter.Current.GetAttribute("groupname", "");

                //reading it from the file
                if (CustomGroupName == null)
                    cat.Name = groupname;

                string taskname           = iter.Current.GetAttribute("taskname", "");
                string type               = iter.Current.GetAttribute("type", "");
                string point              = iter.Current.GetAttribute("point", "");
                string wait               = iter.Current.GetAttribute("wait", "");
                string cmd                = iter.Current.GetAttribute("cmd", "");
                string strpollinginterval = iter.Current.GetAttribute("pollinginterval", "");

                Int32 pollinginterval = 0;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strpollinginterval))
                    pollinginterval = Convert.ToInt32(iter.Current.GetAttribute("pollinginterval", ""));

                 * if (groupname != cat.Name)
                 * {
                 *  throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The custom diagnotics group name supplied from file directory doesn't match the xml definition.  file directory is {0} and the xml group name is {1}", cat.Name, groupname));
                 * }*/

                CustomTask task = new CustomTask(cat, "CustomTask", taskname, type, point, wait, cmd, pollinginterval);

                //merge file system and config xml files
                XPathDocument     doc2     = new XPathDocument(@"Templates\CustomDiagnostics_Template.xml");
                XPathNavigator    rootnav2 = doc2.CreateNavigator();
                XPathNodeIterator iter2    = rootnav2.Select(string.Format("CustomDiagnostics/CustomGroup[@name=\"{0}\"]/Scenarios/Scenario", cat.Name));

                task.EnabledTemplate = GetLocalScenarioList(iter2);

                XPathNodeIterator iterVersion = rootnav2.Select(string.Format("CustomDiagnostics/CustomGroup[@name=\"{0}\"]/Versions/Version", cat.Name));

                task.EnabledVersions = GetLocalVersionList(iterVersion);  // GlobalVersionList;

                XPathNodeIterator iterFeature = rootnav2.Select(string.Format("CustomDiagnostics/CustomGroup[@name=\"{0}\"]/Features/Feature", cat.Name));
                task.EnabledFeatures = GetLocalFeatureList(iterFeature); // GlobalFeatureList;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="XmlFile"> XML template file</param>
        /// <param name="CatClause">select clause for Category of the Event such as PerfmonObject, EventType for trace, Category for XEvent</param>
        /// <param name="EventClause">select clause for the event.  eg. PerfmonCounter, Event etc</param>
        /// <param name="evtType">Enum</param>
        /// <returns>List of Categories</returns>
        static List <DiagCategory> GetEventCategoryList(string XmlFile, string CatClause, string EventClause, EventType evtType)
            List <DiagCategory> catList = new List <DiagCategory>();

            XPathDocument  traceDoc = new XPathDocument(XmlFile); //new XPathDocument("TraceEvents.xml");
            XPathNavigator rootnav  = traceDoc.CreateNavigator();

            XPathNodeIterator iter = rootnav.Select(CatClause); //rootnav.Select("TraceEvents/EventType");

            while (iter.MoveNext())
                string       catname = iter.Current.GetAttribute("name", "");
                DiagCategory cat     = new DiagCategory(iter.Current.Name, catname);
                PopulateTemplateFeatureVersion(iter, cat);

                XPathNodeIterator iterEvents = iter.Current.Select(EventClause);  // iter.Current.Select("Event");
                while (iterEvents.MoveNext())
                    string evtname = iterEvents.Current.GetAttribute("name", "");

                    DiagItem evt = null; //set to NULL because it will create child event for each type

                    if (evtType == EventType.TraceEvent)
                        string     trcid  = iterEvents.Current.GetAttribute("id", "");
                        TraceEvent trcevt = new TraceEvent(cat, iterEvents.Current.Name, evtname, trcid);
                        evt = trcevt;
                    else if (evtType == EventType.Perfmon)
                        evt = new DiagItem(cat, iterEvents.Current.Name, evtname);
                    else if (evtType == EventType.XEvent)
                        string evtpackage = iterEvents.Current.GetAttribute("package", "");
                        evt = new Xevent(cat, iterEvents.Current.Name, evtname, evtpackage);
                        //read field elements from eventfields section
                        XPathNodeIterator iterEventFields = iterEvents.Current.Select("eventfields/field");
                        while (iterEventFields.MoveNext())
                            string     name        = iterEventFields.Current.GetAttribute("name", "");
                            bool       autoinclude = Convert.ToBoolean(iterEventFields.Current.GetAttribute("AutoInclude", ""));
                            bool       isnum       = Convert.ToBoolean(iterEventFields.Current.GetAttribute("IsNum", ""));
                            EventField evtField    = new EventField(name, autoinclude, isnum);
                            (evt as Xevent).EventFieldList.Add(evtField);
                        //read action elements from eventactions section
                        XPathNodeIterator iterEventActions = iterEvents.Current.Select("eventactions/action");
                        while (iterEventActions.MoveNext())
                            string      package   = iterEventActions.Current.GetAttribute("package", "");
                            string      name      = iterEventActions.Current.GetAttribute("name", "");
                            EventAction evtAction = new EventAction(package, name);
                            (evt as Xevent).EventActionList.Add(evtAction);
                        throw new ArgumentException("GetEventCategoryList doesn't know how to handle this type of event yet");

                    PopulateTemplateFeatureVersion(iterEvents, evt);

Пример #11
 public Xevent(DiagCategory cat, string xmltag, string name, string package) : base(cat, xmltag, name)
     this.Package = package;