Пример #1
        public static PNode new_PNodeList(ProseObject[] objs, out PNode lastNode)
            //	Create a first object.
            if (objs.Length == 0) {
                lastNode = null;
                return null;

            PNode firstNode = new PNode();
            firstNode.value = objs[0];
            firstNode.prev = null;
            if (objs.Length == 1)
                firstNode.next = null;
                lastNode = firstNode;
                return firstNode;

            PNode prevNode = firstNode;
            PNode currNode = null;
            for (int i=2; i < objs.Length; i++)
                currNode = new PNode();
                prevNode.next = currNode;
                currNode.prev = prevNode;
                currNode.value = objs[i];

                prevNode = currNode;

            currNode.next = null;

            lastNode = currNode;
            return firstNode;
Пример #2
        //    Accepts pattersn:
        //    , @method @prose ,
        //    , @method ,
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            PatternMatcher match = successfulMatch;

            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List<PNode> M = match.Matching;			//	The pattern -> prose index from the match

            MethodNameWord methodWord = (MethodNameWord) M[1].value;
            List<ProseObject> args;
            ProseObject terminalPunctuation;
            //	Depending on whether or not our method has arguments.
            if (successfulMatch.NumObjectsMatched > 3) {
                args = successfulMatch.getArgumentAsProseAtIndex(2);
                terminalPunctuation = M[3].value;
            else {
                args = new List<ProseObject>();
                terminalPunctuation = M[2].value;

            ProseAction action = new MethodDelegateAction(methodWord, args);

            value = new ProseObject[3];
            value[0] = M[0].value;
            value[1] = action;
            value[2] = terminalPunctuation;

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);
            value = null;
            return ret;
Пример #3
        //    Expects the pattern:
        //    , word[parent] : word[child] ,
        //    Replaces a "parent : child" expression with an action that effects the
        //    word creation/inheritance assertion.
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List<PNode> M = successfulMatch.Matching;		//	The pattern -> prose index from the match
            ProseObject parentObject = M[1].value;
            ProseObject childObject = M[3].value;

            //	The childObject must be either a word or raw-word.  Either way we just use the raw word
            //	data because it will result in looking up the correct word in the end anyway.
            RawWord[] childObjectRawWords;
            if (childObject is RawWordObject) {
                childObjectRawWords = ((RawWordObject) childObject).RawWords;
            else if (childObject is Word) {
                childObjectRawWords = ((Word) childObject).RawWords;
            else {
                throw new RuntimeFailure("WordBindingPhrase passed something other than a word or raw word to bind.");

            //	Create an action that has the desired effect
            WordBindingAction action = new WordBindingAction(childObjectRawWords, (Word) parentObject);

            //	Wrap the action in whatever punctuation was present and write the list of objects
            //	we want to substitute into our "value" field.
            value = new ProseObject[3];
            value[0] = M[0].value;		//	Initial punctuation
            value[1] = action;			//	Word binding action
            value[2] = M[4].value;		//	Terminal punctuation

            //	Call the super-class to do the substitution.
            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);
            value = null;
            return ret;
Пример #4
        public PNode(ProseObject[] objs)
            debugData = null;
            this.prev = null;
            if (objs.Length == 0)
                this.value = null;
                this.next = null;

            if (objs.Length == 1)
                this.value = objs[0];
                this.next = null;

            PNode prevNode = this;
            PNode currNode = null;
            for (int i=2; i < objs.Length; i++)
                currNode = new PNode();
                prevNode.next = currNode;
                currNode.prev = prevNode;
                currNode.value = objs[i];

                prevNode = currNode;

            currNode.next = null;
Пример #5
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            PatternMatcher match = successfulMatch;

            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List <PNode>     M        = match.Matching;                 //	The pattern -> prose index from the match
            AssemblyNameWord asmbly   = ((AssemblyNameWord)M[1].value);
            string           typeName = ((StringLiteralObject)M[4].value).literal;

            RawWord[] newTypeWord;
            if (M[6].value is RawWordObject)
                newTypeWord = ((RawWordObject)M[6].value).RawWords;
                newTypeWord = ((Word)M[6].value).RawWords;
            BindTypeAction action = new BindTypeAction(asmbly, typeName, newTypeWord);

            value    = new ProseObject[3];
            value[0] = M[0].value;
            value[1] = action;
            value[2] = M[7].value;

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);

            value = null;
Пример #6
 public void makeTerminal()
     if (next != null)
         next.prev = null;
     next = null;
Пример #7
 public void makePrevEqualTo(PNode newPrev)
     prev = newPrev;
     if (newPrev != null)
         newPrev.next = this;
Пример #8
 public void makeNextEqualTo(PNode newNext)
     next = newNext;
     if (newNext != null)
         newNext.prev = this;
Пример #9
        //	Take a single pattern matcher and actually add the next object and node to it
        //	If the pattern object involves @prose, @text, or @pattern then switch to those states.
        //	This is only called while MATCHING_OBJECT.  The @prose, @text, @pattern matching algorithms
        //	do their extensions internally.
//		private void while_MATCHING_OBJECT_extendWith(ProseObject matchedObject, Trie<ProseObject, List<Phrase>>.Node patternNode)
        private void while_MATCHING_OBJECT_extendWith(PNode node, Trie <ProseObject, List <Phrase> > .Node patternNode)
            //	Depending on the contents of patternNode we may need to change state.
            //	If
            //	If we do change state, then re-match
            ProseObject key = patternNode.getKey();

            if (key == runtime.@prose)
                //	Either this node matches directly with a word in the pattern, or it's the first node in
                //	a match of @prose, @text, @pattern.  Either way, it goes in the patternComponentNodes.
//				this.currNode = patternNode;
                while_MATCHING_PROSE_extendWith(node, patternNode);
                if (currNode.Value != null && currNode.Value.Count != 0)
            else if (key == runtime.@text)
            else if (key == runtime.@pattern)
                while_MATCHING_PATTERN_extendWith(node, patternNode);
            //  A text expression masquerading as a string.
            else if (key == runtime.@string &&
                     node.value == runtime.Quadquote)
                while_MATCHING_TEXT_extendWith(node, patternNode);
                //	Either this node matches directly with a word in the pattern, or it's the first node in
                //	a match of @prose, @text, @pattern.  Either way, it goes in the patternComponentNodes.
                this.currNode = patternNode;

                //	If there's something to match at this node, and we're not entering a
                //	fancy matcher state.  Then, having a value at this patternNode is the same
                //	thing as saying, there's a phrase out there that matches US.  So we're a match.
                if (state == MatcherState.MATCHING_OBJECT &&
                    patternNode.Value != null &&
                    patternNode.Value.Count != 0)
                    //isMatched = true;
Пример #10
        public void read(PNode source)
            //	Read the source one sentence at a time.
            PNode sourcePtr = source.next.next;                 //	Skip the little header PNode and the inserted .

            while (sourcePtr != null)
                sourcePtr = readSentence(sourcePtr);
Пример #11
//		public PNode parseTokensIntoPNodes2(ProseRuntime runtime, ProseClient who, List<LexerToken> tokens)
//		{
//			//	Save the parameters
//			this.who = who;
//			this.runtime = runtime;
//			sourceTokenList = tokens;
//			setupForParsing();
//			//	This tracks a word if we're trying to build up a word longer than one rawword
//			Trie<RawWord, Word>.Node currWordLookupNode, wordLookupRoot, lastGoodNode;
//			wordLookupRoot = runtime.getWordLookupRoot();
//			currWordLookupNode = wordLookupRoot;
//			lastGoodNode = null;
//			for (LexerToken token = getNextToken();
//			     token != null;
//			     token = getNextToken())
//			{
//				if (token.rawWord == ProseLanguage.Raw.Quadquote) {
//					//	Output a quadquote
//					writePNode(new PNode(runtime.Quadquote));
//					//	Toggle our quad-quote-state.
//					insideQuadquoteExpression = !insideQuadquoteExpression;
//					continue;
//				}
//				if (insideQuadquoteExpression)
//				{
//					//	Test to see if the raw word is already a word.
//					//	If it is, include that word.
//					//	If it isn't, wrap it as a RawWordObject.
//				}
//				else {
//					switch (token.tokenType)
//					{
//					case LexerToken.TYPE.UNCLASSIFIED:
//						//	If we've made no progress looking up any word so far...
//						if (currWordLookupNode == wordLookupRoot) {
//							//	Is it ia word?
//							Trie<RawWord, Word>.Node nodeForThisRawWord = currWordLookupNode.getChildNode(token.rawWord);
//							//	If we didn't find anything at all, then this is a bogus word
//							if (nodeForThisRawWord == null)
//								throw new RuntimeLexerSourceException("Unrecognized word or symbol.", token);
//							//	Start searching here
//							currWordLookupNode = nodeForThisRawWord;
//							//	Is this actually a word?  Maybe we're done.
//							if (currWordLookupNode.Value != null)
//							{
//								//	If no children, then this HAS to be the word
//								if (!currWordLookupNode.HasChildren) {
//									writePNode(new PNode(currWordLookupNode.Value));
//									//	Reset our search
//									currWordLookupNode = wordLookupRoot;	//	Start looking at the bottom
//									lastGoodNode = null;					//	We haven't found anything yet.
//									continue;
//								}
//								else {
//									//	This is an acceptable word so cache the node
//									lastGoodNode = currWordLookupNode;
//									continue;
//								}
//							}
//							continue;
//						}
//						//	If we have made some progress looking up the word
//						else {
//							Trie<RawWord, Word>.Node nodeForThisRawWord = currWordLookupNode.getChildNode(token.rawWord);
//							//	If there is no appropriate child, this means that we MUST have found the end of our word already.
//							if (nodeForThisRawWord == null)
//							{
//								//	Make sure there's really a word here!
//								if (currWordLookupNode.Value == null) {
//									//	This is an error
//								}
//							}
//						}
//						//	Is it an action?
//						break;
//					case LexerToken.TYPE.STRING:
//						break;
//					}
//				}
//			}
//			finalCheckAfterParsing();
//			return outputRoot;
//		}

        private void setupForParsing()
            sourceTokens = sourceTokenList.ToArray();

            //	Setup the output
            outputRoot = new PNode();
            output     = outputRoot;

            insideQuadquoteExpression = false;
            tokenIdx = 0;
Пример #12
        public PNode forwardSeek(int idx)
            int   i        = 0;
            PNode currNode = this;

            for (; i < idx && currNode != null; i++)
                currNode = currNode.next;
Пример #13
 //	Reads a sentence from the source and returns the new
 //	begining of the source.
 //	didReduce:		Whether or not it actually succeeded in reducing anything.
 private PNode reduceSentence(PNode source, out bool didReduce)
     //	We back up the read head to read from the previous terminal symbol.
     try {
         return(reduceSentenceFragment(source.prev, out didReduce));
     catch (RuntimeProseLanguageFragmentException e) {
         //	Forward this message and fill in the beginning of the sentence.
         throw new RuntimeProseLanguageException(e.Message, source);
Пример #14
        //	Do the work of reading the sentence (not threadsafe)
        private PNode doReadSentence(PNode sourcePtr)
//			//	If the sentence is just a period, skip it.
//			if (sourcePtr.value == Period)
//				return sourcePtr.next;

            if (OnParseSentence != null)
                OnParseSentence(this, sourcePtr.prev);

            //	Reduce the sentence.
            bool  didReduce;
            PNode reducedSource = reduceSentence(sourcePtr, out didReduce);

            //	If there are actions on the left, do them. and then try to reduce again.
            while (true)
                bool  didSomeActions, sentenceHasBeenExecuted;
                PNode afterActions = doActionsOnLeftOfSentence(reducedSource, out didSomeActions, out sentenceHasBeenExecuted);

                if (sentenceHasBeenExecuted)

                if (didSomeActions)
                    //	If we're at a terminal symbol, then finish, otherwise reduce more.
                    if (afterActions.value == Period)
                        reducedSource = afterActions;
                else if (afterActions == reducedSource)
                    //	If we didn't even do any actions and didn't move over any punctuation then...
                    //	If we reduced the sentence and didn't end up with any actions on the left, then
                    //	reducing again won't do anything and we have nothing to do.  We have to crash.
                    throw new RuntimeProseLanguageException("Sentence reduced to non-actionable code.", reducedSource);

                //	Try again to reduce the source
                reducedSource = reduceSentence(afterActions, out didReduce);

            //	Move the source pointer past the terminal symbol.
Пример #15
        //	Read a text expression and reduce it to a string
        //	textStart = opening "", textEnd = object after closing ""
        public string parseTextExpressionIntoString(PNode textStart, PNode textEnd)
            StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();

            int prevObjSpaceRequest = 0;
            int thisObjSpaceRequest = 0;

            for (PNode node = textStart.next;
                 node != null && node.next != textEnd;
                 node = node.next)
                ProseObject obj = node.value;

                //	Left square bracket opens an inline prose expression that must be evaluated
                if (obj == LeftSquareBracket)
                    bool didReduce;
                    node = reduceParentheticalExpression(node, out didReduce, LeftSquareBracket, RightSquareBracket);
                    obj  = node.value;

                //	String literals substitute their contents directly
                if (obj is StringLiteralObject)
                    thisObjSpaceRequest = -1;
                    if (prevObjSpaceRequest != -1)
                        str.Append(" ");

                    thisObjSpaceRequest = 1;

//				if (prevObjSpaceRequest != -1 && thisObjSpaceRequest != -1)
//					str.Append(" ");

                //	Update
                prevObjSpaceRequest = thisObjSpaceRequest;

            if (str[str.Length - 1] == ' ')
                str.Remove(str.Length - 1, 1);

Пример #16
        //	Just before
        public void autoCastArguments()
            ProseObject[] pattern = AssociatedPattern;
            for (int i = 0; i < pattern.Length; i++)
                PNode componentStart, componentEnd;
                componentStart = getArgumentBounds(i, out componentEnd);

                //	Check for auto-formatting of text expression into string

                //	Auto-cast a text expression into a string by evaluating it.
                if (pattern[i] == runtime.@string &&
                    Matching[i].value == runtime.Quadquote)
                    PNode textStart = componentStart;
                    PNode textEnd   = componentEnd;
                    //	Create a StringLiteralObject to substitute
                    string textAsString = runtime.parseTextExpressionIntoString(textStart, textEnd);
                    PNode  literal      = new PNode(new StringLiteralObject(textAsString));

                    //	Splice in this literal
                    literal.prev = textStart.prev;
                    if (textStart.prev != null)
                        textStart.prev.next = literal;
                    literal.next = textEnd;
                    if (textEnd != null)
                        textEnd.prev = literal;

                    //	Correct the match list.
                    Matching[i] = literal;

                //	Auto-cast a prose expression by unwrapping {}
                if (pattern[i] == runtime.@prose &&
                    componentStart.value == runtime.LeftCurlyBracket &&
                    componentEnd.prev.value == runtime.RightCurlyBracket)
                    PNode leftCurly  = componentStart;
                    PNode rightCurly = componentEnd.prev;
                    //	Correct the match list
                    Matching[i] = leftCurly.next;
                    //	Eliminate the curly brackets
Пример #17
 //	Synchronize calls to "doReadSentence(...)"
 private PNode readSentence(PNode sourcePtr)
     lock (sentenceReaderLock) {
         PNode val;
         try {
             val = doReadSentence(sourcePtr);
         } finally {
Пример #18
        //    Meant to match:
        //    @break
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            PatternMatcher match = successfulMatch;

            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List<PNode> M = match.Matching;			//	The pattern -> prose index from the match

            value = new ProseObject[1];
            //value[0] = new BreakPointObject("");
            value[0] = new BreakPointObject("# Breakpoint script - \n");

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);
            value = null;
            return ret;
Пример #19
        public void read(string source, ProseClient who)
            //	Insert a leading period because the parser expects the previous terminal symbol.
            source = "." + source + ".";

            //	Apply lexical analysis that requires no knowledge of the runtime words/phrases
            List <LexerToken> statLexSrc = staticLexer.parseStringIntoTokens(source);
            //	Parse LexerTokens into runtime code.
            PNode parsedSource = parseTokensIntoPNodes(global_client, statLexSrc);

            //	Debug
            //Console.WriteLine("After runtime lexer: " + parsedSource.getReadableString() );

Пример #20
        List <PatternMatcher> while_MATCHING_TEXT_matchNextObject(PNode node)
            ProseObject obj = node.value;

            List <PatternMatcher> babyMatchers = new List <PatternMatcher>();

            //	Extend ourselves!
            //	NOTE: We don't change the node we're using!
            PatternMatcher babyMatcher = makeCopyWithStateFromAtWord(runtime.@text);                    //	Clone ourselves

            babyMatcher.while_MATCHING_TEXT_extendWith(node, currNode);

Пример #21
        //	Meant to match:
        //	@break

        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            PatternMatcher match = successfulMatch;

            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List <PNode> M = match.Matching;                            //	The pattern -> prose index from the match

            value = new ProseObject[1];
            //value[0] = new BreakPointObject("");
            value[0] = new BreakPointObject("# Breakpoint script - \n");

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);

            value = null;
Пример #22
        private PNode debugFilterIncomingPNode(PNode node)
            node = filterIncomingPNode(node);

            bool filterAgain = false;                           //	Determines if we repeatedly apply this.

                if (node == null)

                //	Check for breakpoints
                if (node.value is BreakPointObject)
                    BreakPointObject             bp     = (BreakPointObject)node.value;
                    BreakPointObject.RuntimeData rtdata = new BreakPointObject.RuntimeData();

                    //	Do any action associated with the breakpoint and make the default callback if asked
                    if (bp.doBreakPoint(this, node, rtdata))
                        if (OnBreakPoint != null)
                            OnBreakPoint(this, node, rtdata, bp.BreakScript);

                    //	Remove the breakpoint
                    if (node.prev != null)
                        node.prev.next = node.next;
                    if (node.next != null)
                        node.next.prev = node.prev;

                    filterAgain = true;

                    //	Skip over the breakpoint
                    node = node.next;
            } while (filterAgain);

Пример #23
        //    Expects pattern:	contents of text file @string[file_name]
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List<PNode> M = successfulMatch.Matching;		//	The pattern -> prose index from the match
            string fileName = ((StringLiteralObject) M[4].value).literal;

            string source = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fileName);

            //	Wrap the action in whatever punctuation was present and write the list of objects
            //	we want to substitute into our "value" field.
            value = new ProseObject[1];
            value[0] = new StringLiteralObject(source);
            //	Call the super-class to do the substitution.

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);
            value = null;
            return ret;
Пример #24
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            PatternMatcher match = successfulMatch;

            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List<PNode> M = match.Matching;			//	The pattern -> prose index from the match
            string sourceString = ((StringLiteralObject) M[2].value).literal;
            ProseAction action = new ReadAction(sourceString);

            value = new ProseObject[3];
            value[0] = M[0].value;
            value[1] = action;
            value[2] = M[3].value;

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);
            value = null;
            return ret;
Пример #25
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            PatternMatcher match = successfulMatch;

            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List <PNode> M            = match.Matching;                 //	The pattern -> prose index from the match
            string       sourceString = ((StringLiteralObject)M[2].value).literal;
            ProseAction  action       = new ReadAction(sourceString);

            value    = new ProseObject[3];
            value[0] = M[0].value;
            value[1] = action;
            value[2] = M[3].value;

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);

            value = null;
Пример #26
        //	Expects pattern:	contents of text file @string[file_name]
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List <PNode> M        = successfulMatch.Matching;                   //	The pattern -> prose index from the match
            string       fileName = ((StringLiteralObject)M[4].value).literal;

            string source = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fileName);

            //	Wrap the action in whatever punctuation was present and write the list of objects
            //	we want to substitute into our "value" field.
            value    = new ProseObject[1];
            value[0] = new StringLiteralObject(source);
            //	Call the super-class to do the substitution.

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);

            value = null;
Пример #27
        public string getReadableString()
            StringBuilder outStr = new StringBuilder();
            PNode         p      = this;

                if (p.value == null)
                    p = p.next;
                outStr.Append(" ");
                p = p.next;
            } while (p != null);
            outStr.Remove(outStr.Length - 1, 1);
Пример #28
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            PatternMatcher match = successfulMatch;

            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List<PNode> M = match.Matching;			//	The pattern -> prose index from the match
            string dllFileName = ((StringLiteralObject) M[4].value).literal;
            ProseObject newAssemblyWord = M[6].value;
            LoadAssemblyAction action = new LoadAssemblyAction(dllFileName, newAssemblyWord);

            value = new ProseObject[3];
            value[0] = M[0].value;
            value[1] = action;
            value[2] = M[7].value;

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);
            value = null;
            return ret;
Пример #29
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            PatternMatcher match = successfulMatch;

            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List <PNode>       M               = match.Matching;        //	The pattern -> prose index from the match
            string             dllFileName     = ((StringLiteralObject)M[4].value).literal;
            ProseObject        newAssemblyWord = M[6].value;
            LoadAssemblyAction action          = new LoadAssemblyAction(dllFileName, newAssemblyWord);

            value    = new ProseObject[3];
            value[0] = M[0].value;
            value[1] = action;
            value[2] = M[7].value;

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);

            value = null;
Пример #30
        public PNode getArgumentBounds(int idx, out PNode terminator)
            //	Start at the given index
            PNode start = patternComponentNodes[idx];

            //	Slightly differen if asked for the last one.
            PNode end;

            if (idx == patternComponentNodes.Count - 1)
                end = terminatorNode;
                end = patternComponentNodes[idx + 1];
            terminator = end;

Пример #31
        //    Expects pattern:    , -> @prose -> ,
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List<PNode> M = successfulMatch.Matching;		//	The pattern -> prose index from the match
            //	Create an action that has the desired effect
            DebugOutputAction action = new DebugOutputAction("dbg", message);

            //	Wrap the action in whatever punctuation was present and write the list of objects
            //	we want to substitute into our "value" field.
            value = new ProseObject[5];
            value[0] = M[0].value;		//	Initial punctuation
            value[1] = action;			//	Word binding action
            value[2] = M[4].value;		//	Terminal punctuation
            value[3] = action;			//	Word binding action
            value[4] = M[4].value;		//	Terminal punctuation
            //	Call the super-class to do the substitution.

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);
            value = null;
            return ret;
Пример #32
 //	Possibly translate some incoming nodes
 public PNode filterIncomingPNode(PNode node)
     //	Raw nodes get free upgrades to words if the word is defined.
     if (node.value is RawWordObject)
         RawWordObject raw  = (RawWordObject)node.value;
         Word          word = global_scope.searchWordFromRawWords(raw.RawWords);
         //	If it's a real word, then upgrade it
         if (word != null)
             PNode newNode = new PNode(word);
             //	Hook up the new word node in place if this raw word node
             node.prev.next = newNode;
             newNode.prev   = node.prev;
             node.next.prev = newNode;
             newNode.next   = node.next;
Пример #33
        //	Expects pattern:    , -> @prose -> ,
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List <PNode> M = successfulMatch.Matching;                          //	The pattern -> prose index from the match
            //	Create an action that has the desired effect
            DebugOutputAction action = new DebugOutputAction("dbg", message);

            //	Wrap the action in whatever punctuation was present and write the list of objects
            //	we want to substitute into our "value" field.
            value    = new ProseObject[5];
            value[0] = M[0].value;                      //	Initial punctuation
            value[1] = action;                          //	Word binding action
            value[2] = M[4].value;                      //	Terminal punctuation
            value[3] = action;                          //	Word binding action
            value[4] = M[4].value;                      //	Terminal punctuation
            //	Call the super-class to do the substitution.

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);

            value = null;
Пример #34
        //	Expects the pattern:
        //	, word[parent] : word[child] ,
        //	Replaces a "parent : child" expression with an action that effects the
        //	word creation/inheritance assertion.
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List <PNode> M            = successfulMatch.Matching;               //	The pattern -> prose index from the match
            ProseObject  parentObject = M[1].value;
            ProseObject  childObject  = M[3].value;

            //	The childObject must be either a word or raw-word.  Either way we just use the raw word
            //	data because it will result in looking up the correct word in the end anyway.
            RawWord[] childObjectRawWords;
            if (childObject is RawWordObject)
                childObjectRawWords = ((RawWordObject)childObject).RawWords;
            else if (childObject is Word)
                childObjectRawWords = ((Word)childObject).RawWords;
                throw new RuntimeFailure("WordBindingPhrase passed something other than a word or raw word to bind.");

            //	Create an action that has the desired effect
            WordBindingAction action = new WordBindingAction(childObjectRawWords, (Word)parentObject);

            //	Wrap the action in whatever punctuation was present and write the list of objects
            //	we want to substitute into our "value" field.
            value    = new ProseObject[3];
            value[0] = M[0].value;                      //	Initial punctuation
            value[1] = action;                          //	Word binding action
            value[2] = M[4].value;                      //	Terminal punctuation

            //	Call the super-class to do the substitution.
            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);

            value = null;
Пример #35
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            PatternMatcher match = successfulMatch;

            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List<PNode> M = match.Matching;			//	The pattern -> prose index from the match
            TypeNameWord typeNameWord = ((TypeNameWord) M[1].value);
            string methodName = ((StringLiteralObject) M[4].value).literal;
            RawWord[] newMethodWord;
            if (M[6].value is RawWordObject)	newMethodWord = ((RawWordObject) M[6].value).RawWords;
            else newMethodWord = ((Word) M[6].value).RawWords;
            BindMethodAction action = new BindMethodAction(typeNameWord, methodName, newMethodWord);

            value = new ProseObject[3];
            value[0] = M[0].value;
            value[1] = action;
            value[2] = M[7].value;

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);
            value = null;
            return ret;
Пример #36
        public List <ProseObject> getArgumentAsProseAtIndex(int idx)
            //	Start at the given index
            PNode start = patternComponentNodes[idx];

            //	Slightly different if asked for the last one.
            PNode end;

            if (idx == patternComponentNodes.Count - 1)
                end = terminatorNode;
                end = patternComponentNodes[idx + 1];

            //	NO LONGER NECESSARY
            //	We do this in the autoCast method.
//			//	Auto-unwrapping of {}
//			if (	start.value == runtime.LeftCurlyBracket
//			    &&	end.prev.value == runtime.RightCurlyBracket)
//			{
//				//	If the prose block starts with { and ends with } then throw them out.
//				start = start.next;
//				end = end.prev;
//			}

            List <ProseObject> proseOut = new List <ProseObject>(12);
            PNode p = start;

            while (p != end)
                p = p.next;

Пример #37
        //	Take the current pattern matcher, attempt to extend the match by one object.
        //	Return the list of child matchers spawned.
        //public List<PatternMatcher> matchNextObject(ProseObject nextObject)
        public List <PatternMatcher> matchNextPNode(PNode nextNode)
            ProseObject obj = nextNode.value;

            //	Create a list of ProseObjects that, if they appeared in a pattern, would match with obj.
            //	For each such object, query the pattern tree to see if our pattern can be extended any further.
            //	If it can be extended further
            //		for each such extension (except the first)
            //			Clone this patternMatcher and then advance that matcher to represent the extension.
            //			Add the new matcher to the output children list
            //		for the first such extension:
            //			Modify this matcher toe represent the extension.
            //	If it can't be extended further
            //		isComplete = true;

            //	You're NEVER allowed to match parenthesis
            if (obj == runtime.LeftParenthesis || obj == runtime.RightParenthesis)
                throw new RuntimeFailure("getListOfMatchingPatternObjects received parenthesis.");

            switch (state)
            case MatcherState.MATCHING_OBJECT:

            case MatcherState.MATCHING_PROSE:

            case MatcherState.MATCHING_TEXT:

            case MatcherState.MATCHING_PATTERN:

Пример #38
        public static PNode new_PNodeList(ProseObject[] objs, out PNode lastNode)
            //	Create a first object.
            if (objs.Length == 0)
                lastNode = null;

            PNode firstNode = new PNode();

            firstNode.value = objs[0];
            firstNode.prev  = null;
            if (objs.Length == 1)
                firstNode.next = null;
                lastNode       = firstNode;

            PNode prevNode = firstNode;
            PNode currNode = null;

            for (int i = 2; i < objs.Length; i++)
                currNode       = new PNode();
                prevNode.next  = currNode;
                currNode.prev  = prevNode;
                currNode.value = objs[i];

                prevNode = currNode;

            currNode.next = null;

            lastNode = currNode;
Пример #39
 static void onAmbiguity(ProseRuntime runtime, PNode source, List<PatternMatcher> matches)
     Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
     Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
     Console.WriteLine("ambiguity> ");
     foreach (PatternMatcher match in matches)
         foreach (Phrase phrase in match.MatchedPhrases) {
Пример #40
        //    Do the work of reading the sentence (not threadsafe)
        private PNode doReadSentence(PNode sourcePtr)
            //			//	If the sentence is just a period, skip it.
            //			if (sourcePtr.value == Period)
            //				return sourcePtr.next;

            if (OnParseSentence != null)
                OnParseSentence(this, sourcePtr.prev);

            //	Reduce the sentence.
            bool didReduce;
            PNode reducedSource = reduceSentence(sourcePtr, out didReduce);

            //	If there are actions on the left, do them. and then try to reduce again.
            while (true)
                bool didSomeActions, sentenceHasBeenExecuted;
                PNode afterActions = doActionsOnLeftOfSentence(reducedSource, out didSomeActions, out sentenceHasBeenExecuted);

                if (sentenceHasBeenExecuted) {
                    return afterActions;

                if (didSomeActions) {
                    //	If we're at a terminal symbol, then finish, otherwise reduce more.
                    if (afterActions.value == Period) {
                        reducedSource = afterActions;
                else if (afterActions == reducedSource) {
                    //	If we didn't even do any actions and didn't move over any punctuation then...
                    //	If we reduced the sentence and didn't end up with any actions on the left, then
                    //	reducing again won't do anything and we have nothing to do.  We have to crash.
                    throw new RuntimeProseLanguageException("Sentence reduced to non-actionable code.", reducedSource);

                //	Try again to reduce the source
                reducedSource = reduceSentence(afterActions, out didReduce);

            //	Move the source pointer past the terminal symbol.
            return reducedSource.next;
Пример #41
        private List<PatternMatcher> getSuccessfulMatchesStartingAtPNode(PNode source)
            PatternMatcher seedMatcher = new PatternMatcher(this);
            List<PatternMatcher> activeMatchers = new List<PatternMatcher>(64);
            List<PatternMatcher> successfullMatches = new List<PatternMatcher>();

            //	Start out looking at the first node in the source.
            PNode sourceNode = source;

            //	As long as there are still active matchers...
            while(activeMatchers.Count != 0 && sourceNode != null)
                sourceNode = debugFilterIncomingPNode(sourceNode);
                if (sourceNode == null)

                //	If we run into left parenthesis, reduce and eliminate before continuing.
                while (sourceNode.value == LeftParenthesis)
                    PNode leftParen = sourceNode;
                    //	Reduce the parenthetical
                    bool didReduce;
                    sourceNode = reduceParentheticalExpression(sourceNode, out didReduce, LeftParenthesis, RightParenthesis);
                    //	Some matchers may have retained a reference to the leftParen, so swap it for whatever is there now.
                    foreach (PatternMatcher matcher in activeMatchers) {
                        if (matcher.terminatorNode == leftParen)
                            matcher.terminatorNode = sourceNode;

                    //	Refilter the source node
                    sourceNode = debugFilterIncomingPNode(sourceNode);
                    if (sourceNode == null)

                //	Try to extend all of the active matchers.
                List<PatternMatcher> babyMatchers = new List<PatternMatcher>(256);
                foreach(PatternMatcher matcher in activeMatchers)
                    //	Try to extend the given matcher and get all the resulting babies.
                    List<PatternMatcher> thisMatchersBabies = matcher.matchNextPNode(sourceNode);

                    int failCount = 0;	//	Count the baby matchers that arrive dead.
                    foreach (PatternMatcher babyMatcher in thisMatchersBabies) {
                        //	if the matcher has found a match, remember it.
                        if (babyMatcher.IsMatched)
                            //	Callback for successful match
                            if (OnMatch != null)
                                OnMatch(this, babyMatcher);

                            //							//	Rest the matcher so it can be can be continued
            //							babyMatcher.IsMatched = false;
                        else if (babyMatcher.IsntFailed)
                        //	Regardless, throw it back in the pot to see if it can be extended
                        //if (babyMatcher.IsntFailed)
                        else {
                            //	This baby matcher was stillborn

                    //	If the matcher produced no good children then that branch is "dead"
                    //	Only count it as a "fail" if it isn't a success itself.
                    if (	thisMatchersBabies.Count - failCount == 0
                        &&	!matcher.IsMatched)
                        if (OnMatcherFailure != null)
                            OnMatcherFailure(this, matcher);


                //	After one generation, the baby matchers become the new active matchers.
                activeMatchers = babyMatchers;
                //	And now we're looking at the next object in the sequence
                sourceNode = sourceNode.next;

            return successfullMatches;
Пример #42
 public RuntimeProseLanguageException(string msg, PNode reducedSentence)
     : base(msg)
     beginningOfReducedSentence = reducedSentence;
Пример #43
 //    Synchronize calls to "doReadSentence(...)"
 private PNode readSentence(PNode sourcePtr)
     lock(sentenceReaderLock) {
         PNode val;
         try {
             val = doReadSentence(sourcePtr);
         } finally {
         return val;
Пример #44
 //    Overriding instructions:
 //    Return true if you want the runtime to make the standard breakpoint callback.
 //    Return false if you prefer to handle the event yourself in the body of onBreak()
 public bool onBreak(ProseRuntime runtime, PNode source, BreakPointObject.RuntimeData rtdata)
     //	Handle the breakpoint in a non-standard way if you want
     //	by putting something in the body of this function.
     return true;
Пример #45
 public bool doBreakPoint(ProseRuntime runtime, PNode source, BreakPointObject.RuntimeData rtdata)
     return onBreak (runtime, source, rtdata);
Пример #46
        private PNode reduceParentheticalExpression(PNode source, out bool didReduce, ProseObject leftParentheticalObject, ProseObject rightParentheticalObject)
            //	Find the ending parenthesis
            PNode rightParen = source;

            for (int parenDepthCount = 0; true; rightParen = rightParen.next) {
                if (rightParen.value == leftParentheticalObject) {
                if (rightParen.value == rightParentheticalObject) {
                    if (parenDepthCount == 0)		//	We've found the closing right parenthesis

            while (rightParen.value != rightParentheticalObject) {
                rightParen= rightParen.next;

            //	Unhook the ending parenthesis from the expression we want to reduce.
            rightParen.prev.next = null;

            //	Reduce the expression (starting AFTER the left paren)
            bool didReduceParenthetical;
            PNode reducedExpression;

            try {
                reducedExpression= reduceSentenceFragment(source.next, out didReduceParenthetical);
            finally {

            //We splice it in in two ways depending on whether it reduces to anything or not
            if (reducedExpression == null)
                //	If we get nothing back, cut out the parenthesis and continue
                source.prev.next = rightParen.next;
                if (rightParen.next != null)
                    rightParen.next.prev = source.prev;
                reducedExpression = rightParen.next;		//	The first thing after the paren is what we look at next.
            else {
                //	If we get something back, splice it in
                //	Cut out the left paren
                if (source.prev != null)
                    source.prev.next = reducedExpression;
                reducedExpression.prev = source.prev;

                //	Hook the end of the expression back into the original source (skipping right paren)
                //	First find the new end
                PNode reducedExprEnd = reducedExpression;
                while (reducedExprEnd.next != null)	reducedExprEnd = reducedExprEnd.next;
                reducedExprEnd.next = rightParen.next;
                if (rightParen.next != null)
                    rightParen.next.prev = reducedExprEnd;

            didReduce = didReduceParenthetical;

            return reducedExpression;
Пример #47
        //    Pass null to progress mark to eliminate
        static void writePrettyProseWithProgressMark(ProseRuntime runtime, PNode start, PNode progressMark, int maxNodesToProcess)

            //Stack<ProseObject> parenStack = new Stack<ProseObject>();
            int parenCount = 0;
            int bracketCount = 0;
            int quadQuoteCount = 0;
            int periodCount = 0;
            int nodesProcessed = 0;

            PNode p = start;
            do {

                while (p != null && p.value == null) {
                    p = p.next;

                if (p.value == null) {
                    p = p.next;
                p = runtime.filterIncomingPNode(p);
                if (p == null)

                //	PROGRESS MARK
                if (p == progressMark) {
                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                    Console.Write (" ");
                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue;
                    Console.Write (" ");
                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                    Console.Write (" ");

                //	Write a leading space
                Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                Console.Write(" ");

                //	OBJECTS
                if (p.value is ProseAction) {
                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
                else if (p.value == runtime.Comma		||
                         p.value == runtime.Semicolon	||
                         p.value == runtime.Period)
                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta;
                else if (p.value is RawWordObject) {
                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
                //				else if (	p.value == runtime.LefetParenthesis
                //				         ||	p.value == runtime.LeftSquareBracket
                //				         ||	p.value == runtime.LeftCurlyBracket
                //				         || p.value == runtime.RightParenthesis
                //				         || p.value == r
                else if (	p.value == runtime.Colon
                         ||	p.value == runtime.LeftArrow
                         || p.value == runtime.PlusColon
                         || p.value == runtime.MinusColon
                         || p.value == runtime.RightArrow
                         || p.value == runtime.ColonPlus
                         || p.value == runtime.ColonMinus
                         || p.value == runtime.Quadquote)
                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;

                else if (	p.value is AssemblyNameWord
                         ||	p.value is TypeNameWord
                         ||	p.value is MethodNameWord)
                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow;
                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;

                //	Inside a text block everything is forced to white unless its in brackets
                //	Deal with different highighting inside of text expressions
                if (quadQuoteCount % 2 == 1) {
                    if (p.value == runtime.LeftSquareBracket) {

                    //	Neutralize colors of words that behave as text
                    if (bracketCount == 0) {
                        Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
                        Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Cyan;

                    if (p.value == runtime.RightSquareBracket) {

                if (	p.value == runtime.@break
                    ||	p.value is BreakPointObject)
                    Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White;
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;

                //	Prewrite logic

                //	Write the output

                //	Just so nothing too ugly can go wrong
                Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;

                //	Postwrite logic

                if (		p.value == runtime.RightArrow
                    || p.value == runtime.ColonPlus
                    || p.value == runtime.ColonMinus)
                    if (	Console.CursorLeft > 60
                        ||	Console.CursorLeft + 40 > Console.BufferWidth)
                        Console.Write ("               ");
                        Console.Write ("\t\t");

                //	Other exits
                if (nodesProcessed == maxNodesToProcess)

                //	Keep track of parentheticals to know if we can quit
                if (	p.value == runtime.LeftParenthesis
                    ||	p.value == runtime.LeftCurlyBracket
                    ||	p.value == runtime.LeftSquareBracket)
                else if (	p.value == runtime.RightParenthesis
                         || p.value == runtime.RightCurlyBracket
                         ||	p.value == runtime.RightSquareBracket)
                else if (p.value == runtime.Quadquote) {
                else if (	p.value == runtime.Period
                         && parenCount == 0
                         &&	quadQuoteCount % 2 == 0)
                    //	If parens and quadquotes are done and we have period then bail
                    if (periodCount == 2)

                //	Update
                p = p.next;
            } while (p != null);
            //outStr.Remove(outStr.Length - 1, 1);
            //return outStr.ToString();

Пример #48
 static void onProgressReport(ProseRuntime runtime, PNode beginningOfFragment, PNode progressMark)
     //debugOutput("- " + beginningOfFragment.getReadableStringWithProgressMark(progressMark));
     Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
     Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue;
     Console.Write("progress>      ");
     writePrettyProseWithProgressMark(runtime, beginningOfFragment, progressMark, 0);
Пример #49
 //    Reads a sentence from the source and returns the new
 //    begining of the source.
 //    didReduce:		Whether or not it actually succeeded in reducing anything.
 private PNode reduceSentence(PNode source, out bool didReduce)
     //	We back up the read head to read from the previous terminal symbol.
     try {
         return reduceSentenceFragment(source.prev, out didReduce);
     catch (RuntimeProseLanguageFragmentException e) {
         //	Forward this message and fill in the beginning of the sentence.
         throw new RuntimeProseLanguageException(e.Message, source);
Пример #50
        //    throws RuntimeProseLanguageFragmentException
        private PNode reduceSentenceFragment(PNode source, out bool didReduce)
            //	Preserve this so we can figure out where the reduced source begins.
            PNode prevNode = source.prev;

            //	When we can't undestand the beginning of a sentence, we move on.  progressMark
            //	stores the location of this new "virtual beginning" we try to analyze.
            PNode reducedFragment = source;
            PNode progressMark = source;
            didReduce = false;				//	start assuming we didn't do anything.
            bool atBeginning = true;
                if (progressMark == null)
                    throw new RuntimeProseLanguageFragmentException("Source ended before sentence.", source);

                //	Make a progress report callback.
                PNode beginningOfFragment = source.prev.next;	//	If source has been changed, this is the new head
                if (OnProgressReport != null)
                    OnProgressReport(this, beginningOfFragment, progressMark);

                //	Try to reduce starting at the progressMark
                bool didReduceAtMark;
                PNode reducedAtMark;
                reducedAtMark = reduceSentenceFragmentStartingAtBeginning(progressMark, out didReduceAtMark);

                didReduce = didReduce || didReduceAtMark;		//	Record if we managed to reduce anything.
                //	Possibly this changed the beginning of the fragment we're looking at.
                //	If so, record the change.
                //if (progressMark == reducedFragment)	//	Check for the beginning, if we're at the beginning then...
                if (atBeginning)	//	Check for the beginning, if we're at the beginning then...
                    reducedFragment = reducedAtMark;	//	...need to keep track of the moving beginning.
                if (didReduceAtMark)
                    //	If we reduced something, then start over to see if we can match from the beginning.
                    progressMark = reducedFragment;
                    atBeginning = true;
            //					//	First check to see if we're moving it past an action.
            //					if (progressMark.value is ProseAction) {
            //						//	If so, return to allow the action to be performed.
            //						return progressMark;
            //					}
                else {
                    //	We didn't reduce anything, so move the progress mark forward.

                        progressMark = progressMark.next;
                        atBeginning = false;

                    //	If we run into a sentence ending symbol like this, then we're finished.
                    if (progressMark == null || symbolEndsSentence(progressMark))
                        //  Return the ending punctation (beginning punctuation depending on how you think about it)
                        //return progressMark;

                        //	Returning this should give us the beginning of the source fragment whether we
                        //  replaced anything or not.
                        return prevNode.next;

Пример #51
        private List <PatternMatcher> getSuccessfulMatchesStartingAtPNode(PNode source)
            PatternMatcher        seedMatcher    = new PatternMatcher(this);
            List <PatternMatcher> activeMatchers = new List <PatternMatcher>(64);

            List <PatternMatcher> successfullMatches = new List <PatternMatcher>();

            //	Start out looking at the first node in the source.
            PNode sourceNode = source;

            //	As long as there are still active matchers...
            while (activeMatchers.Count != 0 && sourceNode != null)
                sourceNode = debugFilterIncomingPNode(sourceNode);
                if (sourceNode == null)

                //	If we run into left parenthesis, reduce and eliminate before continuing.
                while (sourceNode.value == LeftParenthesis)
                    PNode leftParen = sourceNode;
                    //	Reduce the parenthetical
                    bool didReduce;
                    sourceNode = reduceParentheticalExpression(sourceNode, out didReduce, LeftParenthesis, RightParenthesis);
                    //	Some matchers may have retained a reference to the leftParen, so swap it for whatever is there now.
                    foreach (PatternMatcher matcher in activeMatchers)
                        if (matcher.terminatorNode == leftParen)
                            matcher.terminatorNode = sourceNode;

                    //	Refilter the source node
                    sourceNode = debugFilterIncomingPNode(sourceNode);
                    if (sourceNode == null)

                //	Try to extend all of the active matchers.
                List <PatternMatcher> babyMatchers = new List <PatternMatcher>(256);
                foreach (PatternMatcher matcher in activeMatchers)
                    //	Try to extend the given matcher and get all the resulting babies.
                    List <PatternMatcher> thisMatchersBabies = matcher.matchNextPNode(sourceNode);

                    int failCount = 0;                          //	Count the baby matchers that arrive dead.
                    foreach (PatternMatcher babyMatcher in thisMatchersBabies)
                        //	if the matcher has found a match, remember it.
                        if (babyMatcher.IsMatched)
                            //	Callback for successful match
                            if (OnMatch != null)
                                OnMatch(this, babyMatcher);

                            //							//	Rest the matcher so it can be can be continued
//							babyMatcher.IsMatched = false;
                        else if (babyMatcher.IsntFailed)
                            //	Regardless, throw it back in the pot to see if it can be extended
                            //if (babyMatcher.IsntFailed)
                            //	This baby matcher was stillborn

                    //	If the matcher produced no good children then that branch is "dead"
                    //	Only count it as a "fail" if it isn't a success itself.
                    if (thisMatchersBabies.Count - failCount == 0 &&
                        if (OnMatcherFailure != null)
                            OnMatcherFailure(this, matcher);

                //	After one generation, the baby matchers become the new active matchers.
                activeMatchers = babyMatchers;
                //	And now we're looking at the next object in the sequence
                sourceNode = sourceNode.next;

Пример #52
        public static void onBreakPoint(ProseRuntime runtime, PNode source, BreakPointObject.RuntimeData rtdata, string script)

            runtime.read(script, runtime.GlobalClient);
            runtime.read("read file \"Libraries/REPL/onbreak.prose\"", runtime.GlobalClient);

Пример #53
 static void beforePerformingAction(ProseRuntime runtime, PNode source)
     Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
     Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green;
     Console.Write("preaction>     ");
     writePrettyProseWithProgressMark(runtime, source, null, 1);
Пример #54
 static void onParseSentence(ProseRuntime runtime, PNode source)
     Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
     Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
     Console.Write("postparse>     ");
     writePrettyProseWithProgressMark(runtime, source, null, 0);
Пример #55
 public void read(PNode source)
     //	Read the source one sentence at a time.
     PNode sourcePtr = source.next.next;	//	Skip the little header PNode and the inserted .
     while (sourcePtr != null)
         sourcePtr = readSentence(sourcePtr);
Пример #56
 static void beforeReduction(ProseRuntime runtime, PNode source)
     Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black;
     Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
     Console.Write("prereduction>  ");
     writePrettyProseWithProgressMark(runtime, source, null, 0);
Пример #57
        private PNode reduceParentheticalExpression(PNode source, out bool didReduce, ProseObject leftParentheticalObject, ProseObject rightParentheticalObject)
            //	Find the ending parenthesis
            PNode rightParen = source;

            for (int parenDepthCount = 0; true; rightParen = rightParen.next)
                if (rightParen.value == leftParentheticalObject)
                if (rightParen.value == rightParentheticalObject)
                    if (parenDepthCount == 0)                                   //	We've found the closing right parenthesis

            while (rightParen.value != rightParentheticalObject)
                rightParen = rightParen.next;

            //	Unhook the ending parenthesis from the expression we want to reduce.
            rightParen.prev.next = null;

            //	Reduce the expression (starting AFTER the left paren)
            bool  didReduceParenthetical;
            PNode reducedExpression;

            try {
                reducedExpression = reduceSentenceFragment(source.next, out didReduceParenthetical);
            finally {

            //We splice it in in two ways depending on whether it reduces to anything or not
            if (reducedExpression == null)
                //	If we get nothing back, cut out the parenthesis and continue
                source.prev.next = rightParen.next;
                if (rightParen.next != null)
                    rightParen.next.prev = source.prev;
                reducedExpression = rightParen.next;                            //	The first thing after the paren is what we look at next.
                //	If we get something back, splice it in
                //	Cut out the left paren
                if (source.prev != null)
                    source.prev.next = reducedExpression;
                reducedExpression.prev = source.prev;

                //	Hook the end of the expression back into the original source (skipping right paren)
                //	First find the new end
                PNode reducedExprEnd = reducedExpression;
                while (reducedExprEnd.next != null)
                    reducedExprEnd = reducedExprEnd.next;
                reducedExprEnd.next = rightParen.next;
                if (rightParen.next != null)
                    rightParen.next.prev = reducedExprEnd;

            didReduce = didReduceParenthetical;

Пример #58
        private PNode debugFilterIncomingPNode(PNode node)
            node = filterIncomingPNode(node);

            bool filterAgain = false;		//	Determines if we repeatedly apply this.

            do {
                if (node == null)

                //	Check for breakpoints
                if (node.value is BreakPointObject)
                    BreakPointObject bp = (BreakPointObject) node.value;
                    BreakPointObject.RuntimeData rtdata = new BreakPointObject.RuntimeData();

                    //	Do any action associated with the breakpoint and make the default callback if asked
                    if (bp.doBreakPoint(this, node, rtdata)) {
                        if (OnBreakPoint != null)
                            OnBreakPoint(this, node, rtdata, bp.BreakScript);

                    //	Remove the breakpoint
                    if (node.prev != null)
                        node.prev.next = node.next;
                    if (node.next != null)
                        node.next.prev = node.prev;

                    filterAgain = true;

                    //	Skip over the breakpoint
                    node = node.next;
            } while (filterAgain);

            return node;
Пример #59
        public override PNode evaluate(PNode evaluateMe, PatternMatcher successfulMatch)
            PatternMatcher match = successfulMatch;
            //	Create the phrase represented by the user's code
            //	Extract the pattern from the match
            ProseObject[] pattern = match.CurrPatternObject.Pattern;
            ProseObject[] argNames = match.CurrPatternObject.elementNames.ToArray();
            //	Create a value[] array for the new phrase
            ProseObject[] pvalue = match.getArgumentAsProseAtIndex(5).ToArray();
            //	Go through and make substitutions for the arguments
            PatternObject po = match.CurrPatternObject;
            for(int i=0; i < po.Length; i++) {
                ProseObject argName = po.elementNames[i];
                if (argName == null)

                //	If we actually have an argument name, then scan through
                //	the value array and replace instances of that variable name
                //	with ArgRefObjects.
                for(int j=0; j < pvalue.Length; j++) {
                    if (pvalue[j] == argName) {
                        //	Replace this object with a reference to the pattern.
                        pvalue[j] = new ArgRefObject(i);

            //	Follow rules regarding , ; .
            //	1.	When matching these on the beginning or end of a pattern, they automatically
            //		generate ArgRefObjects on the beginning/end of the corresponding value. This
            //		means punctuation never gets downgraded.
            //	2.	Shouldn't allow stronger punctuation on the inside than on the outside, but
            //		this is a little tougher to check.
            ProseRuntime runtime = successfulMatch.Runtime;
            if (pattern[0] == runtime.Comma || pattern[0] == runtime.Semicolon) {
                //	Add a ref to the beginning
                ProseObject[] newValue = new ProseObject[pvalue.Length + 1];
                Array.Copy(pvalue, 0, newValue, 1, pvalue.Length);
                newValue[0] = new ArgRefObject(0);
                pvalue = newValue;
            int patternEnd = pattern.Length - 1;
            if (pattern[patternEnd] == runtime.Comma || pattern[patternEnd] == runtime.Semicolon) {
                //	Add a ref to the beginning
                ProseObject[] newValue = new ProseObject[pvalue.Length + 1];
                Array.Copy(pvalue, 0, newValue, 0, pvalue.Length);
                newValue[pvalue.Length] = new ArgRefObject(patternEnd);
                pvalue = newValue;

            //	Create a simple phrase from these ingredients
            SimplePhrase newPhrase = new SimplePhrase(match.Matching[1].value, pattern, argNames, pvalue);

            //	Extract the "arguments" from the PatternMatcher.
            List<PNode> M = successfulMatch.Matching;		//	The pattern -> prose index from the match

            value = new ProseObject[3];
            value[0] = M[0].value;
            value[1] = new ExclusivePhraseBindingAction(newPhrase);
            value[2] = M[6].value;

            PNode ret = replaceWithValueAt(evaluateMe, successfulMatch);
            value = null;
            return ret;
Пример #60
        //    Start on the left side of the sentence and perform actions.  Eliminate ; along the way if
        //    it's sandwhiched between actions.
        private PNode doActionsOnLeftOfSentence(PNode sourcePtr, out bool didSomeActions, out bool sentenceHasBeenExecuted)
            didSomeActions = false;
            sentenceHasBeenExecuted = false;
            PNode reduced = sourcePtr.next;	//	Skip initial punctuation
            while (reduced != null)
                if (reduced.value is ProseAction) {

                    //	Callback Before
                    if (BeforePerformingAction != null)
                        BeforePerformingAction(this, reduced);

                    //	DO THE ACTION!
            //					try {
                        ((ProseAction) reduced.value).performAction(this);
            //					}
            //					catch (Exception e)
            //					{
            //						this.read ("language function exception: \"" + e.Message + "\"", GlobalClient);
            //					}

                    //	Callback After
                    if (AfterPerformingAction != null)
                        AfterPerformingAction(this, reduced);

                    didSomeActions = true;

                    reduced = reduced.next;
                else if (reduced.value == Semicolon || reduced.value == Comma) {
                    //	Check to see if we should leave this semicolon in (as punctuation for the remaining
                    //	prose to match) or remove it because it's surrounded in actions.
                    if (reduced.next != null)
                        //	Skip over the semicolon and move on to the next action we found
                        reduced = reduced.next;
                    else {
                        //	We've run into a the end, so leave the symbol there.
                else if(reduced.value == Period) {
                    //	We've run into the end of the whole sentence, so skip the period.
                    sentenceHasBeenExecuted = true;
                    return reduced.next;
                else {

            if (didSomeActions)
                return reduced;
                return sourcePtr;