public void facebook() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); g = new GetTheMail(); string mail = g.getMail(); if (dataBaseOperations.facebookUserExist(mail, "Secretary")) { //In perception i thing that its importent to pass //user object for the next managing form //plese do it in all other form ulong i = dataBaseOperations.getIdByMail(mail); //here i create new secretary obj secretary sec = new secretary(dataBaseOperations.getIdByMail(mail)); //and then i pass it to the next form //i'll catch it in the next form constractor secretaryMenu instrfMen = new secretaryMenu(sec); this.Hide(); instrfMen.ShowDialog(); } else { MessageBox.Show("the user not exist"); } g.logout(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //instance of data base managment; dataBaseOperations check_user_instance = new dataBaseOperations(); //instance of cheking class; publicChecksAndOperations check_id_if_numeric = new publicChecksAndOperations(); if (check_id_if_numeric.isNumericUlong(textBox1.Text)) { //turn the string into int; ulong id = Convert.ToUInt32(textBox1.Text, 10); try { //check if user exist in the system; if (check_user_instance.userExist(textBox2.Text, id, "Secretary")) { //hide this panel to show the other; label3.Hide(); this.Hide(); secretary sec = new secretary(id); secretaryMenu secMenu = new secretaryMenu(sec); secMenu.ShowDialog(); } else { //if lable 3 pop in previous case; label3.Hide(); MessageBox.Show("the username or password is incorrect"); } } catch (Exception exc) { //if lable 3 pop in previous case; label3.Hide(); MessageBox.Show("there was a problam with the conection\n" + exc); } } else if (textBox1.Text == "") { //show allert and paint it; label3.Show(); label3.Text = "please enter values"; label3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } else { //show allert and paint it; label3.Show(); label3.Text = "*there are illegal values"; label3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red; } }