Пример #1
        public static ImplicitMatrix <T> operator *(ImplicitMatrix <T> m1, ImplicitMatrix <T> m2)
            if (m1.Columns != m2.Rows)
                throw new Exception("Matrix multiplication error, row of m1 isn't equal to the column count of m2");

            ImplicitMatrix <T> output = new ImplicitMatrix <T>(m1.Rows, m2.Columns);

            for (int i = 0; i < output.Rows; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < output.Columns; j++)
                    CalculatingUnit <T> item = bop.Zero();
                    foreach (MatrixItem mItem1 in m1.mRf[i])
                        if (m2.mCf[j].Exists(x => x.row == mItem1.column))
                            MatrixItem mItem2 = m2.mCf[j].Find(x => x.row == mItem1.column);
                            item = bop.Add(item, bop.Multiply(mItem1.value, mItem2.value));
                    output[i, j] = item;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an Identy matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="n"></param>
        /// <returns>an nxn matrix</returns>
        public static ImplicitMatrix <T> Identity(int n = 4)
            ImplicitMatrix <T> m = new ImplicitMatrix <T>(n, n);

            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                m[i, i] = bop.One();
Пример #3
        public static ImplicitMatrix <T> operator *(ImplicitMatrix <T> m, T scaler)
            ImplicitMatrix <T> result = new ImplicitMatrix <T>(m.Rows, m.Columns);

            foreach (List <MatrixItem> matrixItems in m.mRf)
                foreach (MatrixItem matrixItem in matrixItems)
                    result[matrixItem.row, matrixItem.column] = matrixItem.value * scaler;
Пример #4
        public ImplicitMatrix <T> Transpose()
            ImplicitMatrix <T> result = new ImplicitMatrix <T>(Columns, Rows);

            foreach (List <MatrixItem> matrixItems in mRf)
                foreach (MatrixItem matrixItem in matrixItems)
                    result[matrixItem.column, matrixItem.row] = matrixItem.value;
Пример #5
        public ImplicitMatrix <U> ConvertTo <U>() where U : IComparable <U>
            ImplicitMatrix <U> result = new ImplicitMatrix <U>(this.Rows, this.Columns);

            foreach (List <MatrixItem> matrixItems in mRf)
                foreach (MatrixItem matrixItem in matrixItems)
                    result[matrixItem.row, matrixItem.column] = bop.ConvertTo <U>(matrixItem.value);
Пример #6
        public static ImplicitMatrix <T> operator -(ImplicitMatrix <T> m1)
            ImplicitMatrix <T> output = new ImplicitMatrix <T>(m1.Rows, m1.Columns);

            foreach (List <MatrixItem> matrixItems in m1.mCf)
                foreach (MatrixItem matrixItem in matrixItems)
                    output[matrixItem.row, matrixItem.column] = bop.Negate(matrixItem.value);
Пример #7
        private void DoConstraints(List <IConstraint> constraints, List <Particle> particles, float dt, float ks, float kd)
            ImplicitMatrix <float> W = ImplicitMatrix <float> .Identity(particles.Count * 2);

            HyperPoint <float> Q    = new HyperPoint <float>(particles.Count * 2);
            HyperPoint <float> q    = new HyperPoint <float>(particles.Count * 2);
            HyperPoint <float> qDot = new HyperPoint <float>(particles.Count * 2);
            HyperPoint <float> QDak = new HyperPoint <float>(particles.Count * 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < particles.Count; i++)
                q[i * 2 + 0]            = particles[i].Position[0];
                q[i * 2 + 1]            = particles[i].Position[1];
                qDot[i * 2 + 0]         = particles[i].Velocity[0];
                qDot[i * 2 + 1]         = particles[i].Velocity[1];
                W[i * 2 + 0, i * 2 + 0] = 1 / particles[i].Massa;
                W[i * 2 + 1, i * 2 + 1] = 1 / particles[i].Massa;
                Q[i * 2 + 0]            = particles[i].ForceAccumulator[0];
                Q[i * 2 + 1]            = particles[i].ForceAccumulator[1];

            HyperPoint <float> c    = new HyperPoint <float>(constraints.Count);
            HyperPoint <float> cDot = new HyperPoint <float>(constraints.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Count; i++)
                c[i]    = constraints[i].Calculate(particles);
                cDot[i] = constraints[i].CalculateTD(particles);

            ImplicitMatrix <float> J    = JacobianMatrix.Create(particles, constraints);
            ImplicitMatrix <float> JDot = JacobianMatrix.CreateDerivative(particles, constraints);
            ImplicitMatrix <float> JT   = J.Transpose();

            ImplicitMatrix <float> A  = J * W * JT;
            HyperPoint <float>     b1 = -JDot * qDot;
            HyperPoint <float>     b2 = J * W * Q;
            HyperPoint <float>     b3 = ks * c;
            HyperPoint <float>     b4 = kd * cDot;
            HyperPoint <float>     b  = b1 - b2 - b3 - b4;
            HyperPoint <float>     x;

            LinearSolver.ConjGrad(b.Dim, A, out x, b, ConstraintsEpsilon, Steps);

            QDak = JT * x;

            for (int i = 0; i < particles.Count; i++)
                particles[i].ForceConstraint = new HyperPoint <float>(QDak[i * 2 + 0], QDak[i * 2 + 1]);
        public static ImplicitMatrix <float> CreateDerivative(List <Particle> particles, List <IConstraint> c)
            ImplicitMatrix <float> output = new ImplicitMatrix <float>(c.Count, particles.Count * 2);

            for (int i = 0; i < c.Count; i++)
                var constraints = c[i].CalculateQDTD(particles);
                foreach (ResultingConstraint resultingConstraint in constraints)
                    if (float.IsNaN(resultingConstraint.Constraint[0]) || float.IsNaN(resultingConstraint.Constraint[1]))
                        throw new NaNException();
                    output[i, resultingConstraint.ParticleIndex *2 + 0] = resultingConstraint.Constraint[0];
                    output[i, resultingConstraint.ParticleIndex *2 + 1] = resultingConstraint.Constraint[1];
Пример #9
        public static float ConjGrad(int n, ImplicitMatrix <float> A, out HyperPoint <float> x, HyperPoint <float> b, float epsilon, int steps)
            int   i, iMax;
            float alpha, beta, rSqrLen, rSqrLenOld, u;

            HyperPoint <float> r    = new HyperPoint <float>(n);
            HyperPoint <float> d    = new HyperPoint <float>(n);
            HyperPoint <float> t    = new HyperPoint <float>(n);
            HyperPoint <float> temp = new HyperPoint <float>(n);

            x = b;

            r    = b;
            temp = A * x;
            r    = r - temp;

            rSqrLen = r.GetLengthSquared();

            d = r;

            iMax = steps != 0 ? steps : MaxSteps;
            i    = 0;

            if (rSqrLen > epsilon)
                while (i < iMax)
                    t = A * d;
                    u = HyperPoint <float> .DotProduct(d, t);

                    if (u == 0)
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("(SolveConjGrad) d'Ad = 0\n");
                    // How far should we go?
                    alpha = rSqrLen / u;

                    // Take a step along direction d
                    temp = d;
                    temp = temp * alpha;
                    x    = x + temp;

                    if ((i & 0x3F) != 0)
                        temp = t;
                        temp = temp * alpha;
                        r    = r - temp;
                        // For stability, correct r every 64th iteration
                        r    = b;
                        temp = A * x;
                        r    = r - temp;

                    rSqrLenOld = rSqrLen;
                    rSqrLen    = r.GetLengthSquared();

                    // Converged! Let's get out of here
                    if (rSqrLen <= epsilon)

                    // Change direction: d = r + beta * d
                    beta = rSqrLen / rSqrLenOld;
                    d    = d * beta;
                    d    = d + r;
            steps = i;